

单词 驻外使团

See also:


diplomatic mission

External sources (not reviewed)

鉴于今天发生的事件,美国政府正与全世界各伙伴国家一起,努力保护我国在世界各地的工作人员、我 驻外使团 和 美 国公民。
In light of the events of today, the United States government is
working with partner countries around the world to protect
[...] our personnel, our missions, and American citizens [...]
这一赋税由厄立特里亚驻外使团 例行 收缴,因此可以争论说,这一做法违反了《维也纳领事关系公约》。
The tax is routinely
[...] collected by diplomats at Eritrean missions abroad, a practice [...]
that arguably violates the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.
例如,又 有两名妇女已被任命驻外使团的馆 长。在过去两年里,女律师人数显著增加, 妇女已被送往国外接受法官培训。
For example, two new women have been appointed
[...] as heads of diplomatic missions abroad, the number of [...]
female lawyers during the last two
years has increased significantly and women have been sent abroad to be trained as judges.
委员会建议,缔约 国采取措施,确保不加拖延地通过促进和保护人权国家行动计划,以使其能够尽 早推出。
委员会感兴趣地注意到,与各主要劳工接受国订立了谅解备忘录和双边 协议,注意到缔约国的强制登记办法,要求在国外就业离境之前进行登记,并要
[...] 求当着国外就业局官员的面签署服务合同,服务合同须经斯里兰 驻外使团核 准,以及缔约国采取的其他保障移徙工人权利的措施。
(39) The Committee notes with interest the Memoranda of Understanding and bilateral agreements entered into with major labour receiving countries, the State party’s compulsory registration scheme requiring registration prior to departure for foreign employment, as well as the requirement that service contracts be signed in the presence of SLBFE officers
and that service contracts be approved
[...] by Sri Lankan missions overseas, among other measures [...]
taken by the State party to safeguard
the rights of migrant workers.
利比亚民间团体组织、国际人权 组织驻利比亚的外交使团全程 跟踪了诉讼情况。
Civil society organizations in
Libya, international human rights
[...] organizations and foreign diplomatic missions in Libya followed [...]
the proceedings throughout.
它支持在达尔富尔及世界其他地区的维持和平行动,游 驻 安 全理 事会外交使团,结 束达尔富尔的种族灭绝。
It works in support of peacekeeping
operations in Darfur and around the
[...] world, and lobbies diplomatic missions to the Security Council to [...]
end genocide in Darfur.
通过这项清点工作驻外使馆通 过支持地方 团 促 进 两性平等的行动一目了 然。
This survey has
[...] heightened the visibility of the embassies’ efforts to promote equality [...]
through support to local associations.
对法驻外使馆管理 的 2009-2010 年地方团融资经费拨款进行清点后显示,法国共在 17 个属于优 先团结地区的国家提供项目经费 480 [...]
万欧元,用于妇女社团或促进男女平等的活 动,所涉专题多种多样而且互为补充,包括卫生保健、艾滋病毒防治、教育、职 业培训和治理等。
A survey
[...] of funds managed by French embassies abroad and used to finance local associations [...]
for the year 2009-2010 indicates
that France provides €4,800,000 in support of projects in 17 countries in the priority solidarity zone for women’s associations and efforts to promote gender equality on themes as diverse and complementary as access to health care, HIV prevention, education, professional training and governance.
外地特派团驻地审 计员的空缺率情况有所 改善,驻地审计员一直短缺往使内 部 审计工作受到 削弱。
Although the vacancy rate of resident auditors at field missions had improved somewhat, the continued shortage of resident [...]
auditors tended to weaken internal controls.
为此目的,该办 公室将争使外地 人员更多地意识到道德操守办公室提供的服务,通过进行现场 访问提高其可见度,并更好地利用通信技术来帮 驻外 地 工 作人员,以及更多强 调为外地特团工作 人员举办各种外联、教育、传播和培训活动。
For this purpose, the Office will seek to raise awareness among field personnel of the services offered by
the Ethics Office, increase its visibility
[...] in the field by conducting on-site visits and make better use of communication technology to reach field-based staff, and place increased emphasis on various outreach, education, communication and training activities for staff in field missions.
通过增加与 地区小组和选举组的联络,召开更多的部门信息发布会,专为各代表团开发一个 新网站,以及与新任命的常驻代表(2010 年 45 人)定期接触,加强了与各驻 教科文组织代表团的合作,过去一年中将近四分之一 外 交 使团 进 行 了更新。
Cooperation with Permanent Delegations to UNESCO were reinforced through increased contacts with regional and electoral groupings, more sectoral information meetings, the development of a new website reserved for delegations and regular
contacts with the newly appointed
[...] Permanent Delegates, (45 in 2010), almost one-fourth of the diplomatic corps having been renewed during the past year.
当前, 作驻布鲁塞尔使团团长, 负责全面管理使馆并推动其各项工作;清晰制订执行 国外交政 策的战略计划和业务计划;起草政策文件和国家声明;代表孟加拉国, 出席欧洲联盟委员会和欧洲议会的各种会议和研讨会;与智囊团和包括妇女组织 在内的民间社会组织建立联系。
Currently, as Head of Mission in Brussels responsible for overall management of the Embassy and spearheading its various activities; articulating strategic and operational plans for implementation of national foreign policy; drafting [...]
of policy papers and
country statements; representing Bangladesh in various meetings, conferences and seminars in the European Commission and the European Parliament; networking with the think tanks and civil society, including women’s organizations.
外还收 到研究人员、设在牙买加的若干 使 馆 和 常 驻 代 表 团 以 及 其他国家 的各类学术和研究机构提出的请求,并向他们提供了图书馆服务,其中包括:中 国厦门大学;尼日利亚海洋学和海洋研究所;新西兰奥克兰大学图书馆;联合王 国剑桥芬纳斯钱伯斯律师事务所;墨西哥国立自治大学海洋和湖泊科学研究所; [...]
交和对外贸易部;牙买加理工大学的学生;牙买加西印度群岛大学和诺曼·曼利 法学院;加勒比海洋研究所;阿伦·柯顿(Allan Kirton);中国常驻牙买加代表 团和巴西常驻牙买加代表团。
Requests were also received from,
[...] and library services utilized by, individual researchers, a number of embassies and permanent missions based in Jamaica and [...]
academic and research
institutions in other countries, including Xiamen University, China; the Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research; the University of Auckland Library, New Zealand; Fenners Chambers, Cambridge, United Kingdom; the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología of the National Autonomous University of Mexico; the Caribbean Court of Justice; the UNEP office in Jamaica; the National Environment and Planning Agency, the Maritime Authority and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Jamaica; students from the University of Technology, the University of the West Indies and the Norman Manley Law School, Jamaica; the Caribbean Maritime Institute; Allan Kirton; and the permanent missions of China and Brazil in Jamaica.
(m) 委员会再次感谢美国驻团主 管东道国事务代表、美国 驻 联 合 国代表 团东道国事务科外交使团办公 室以及地方部门,特别是纽约市联合国、领事团 和礼宾事务委员会参加委员会会议,协助委员会努力帮助满足外交使团的需要、 利益和要求,并增进外交使团和纽约市民之间的相互理解。
The Committee wishes to reiterate its
appreciation to the
[...] representative of the United States Mission in charge of host country affairs, to the Host Country Affairs Section of the United States Mission to the United Nations and the Office of Foreign Missions, as well as to [...]
those local entities,
in particular the New York City Commission for the United Nations, Consular Corps and Protocol, that participate in its meetings and contribute to its efforts to help accommodate the needs, interests and requirements of the diplomatic community and to promote mutual understanding between the diplomatic community and the people of the City of New York.
为处理安全问题以及共同利益问题,以促 团 结 、 增强本半球安全、加强国 际和平与安全,加深会员国对联合研究美洲大陆共同关心的问题的认识,国防部 参加了各种军事论坛,例如美洲各国国防部长和美洲国防委员会会议,还通过墨 西驻外使馆武 官参加了各种会议和研讨会。
With a view to dealing with matters of security and
mutual interest so as
[...] to promote unity, increase hemispheric security and strengthen international peace and security, as well as to achieve a close understanding among Member States for the joint study of problems of common interest in the American continent, the Ministry of National Defence participates in various military forums, such as the Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas and the Inter-American Defense Board, in addition to participating in various conferences and seminars through military attachés assigned to the embassies of Mexico.
教 科文组织新闻》出版的每月活动清 使驻 巴 黎 记者能够选择他们希望在总部及总 外 报 导的 活动。
The monthly Calendar of Events published by
[...] UNESCOPRESS enables journalists based in Paris to select the activities they wish to cover at Headquarters and in the field.
古巴驻联合国代表团向美国驻联 合国代表团致意,谨通知如下:2010 年 7 月 23 日上午 11 时,约有 12 人聚集在古巴代表团大楼门前,高呼攻击性和 侮辱性的口号,阻碍工作人员进出,并扰 外 交 使团 平 和正常地履行职能。
The Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and, wishes to inform
it that, on
[...] Friday 23 July 2010 at 11:09 a.m., a group of around 12 people gathered in front of the entrance doors of the Mission’s building, shouting offensive and insulting slogans, blocking the staff’s comings and goings and disturbing the peace and proper functioning of the diplomatic Mission.
古巴驻团谨强调美国当局有责任确 外 交 使团 , 包括古巴代表团的安保和 保护,并请美国代表团会同有关当局,采取一切必要步骤,防止上述这种危险行 动的再度发生。
The Permanent Mission of Cuba wishes to stress the responsibility of the United States authorities regarding the security and protection of Diplomatic Missions, including the Mission of Cuba, and [...]
requests the United
States Mission to take all necessary steps with the relevant authorities to prevent the repetition of such dangerous actions as that mentioned above.
[...] 合国系统会议的网络版合并日历,为全系统一致性提供了重要支持,并 外 交使 团和其 他利益攸关方提供了重要实用信息。
For example, the launching of the web-based consolidated calendar of United Nations system meetings provided important underpinnings
for system-wide coherence and offered important practical
[...] information for the diplomatic community and other [...]
大会第六十三届会议请秘书长向大会第六十五届会议提出一份载有下列资 料的报告:(a) 关外交和领事使团和代 表的保护、安全及保障文书的批准和加 入情况的资料;(b) 各国关外交和领事使团和代 表受到的严重侵犯和对罪犯采 取的行动的报告和关于加强外交 和领 事 使团 和 代 表的保护、安全及保障所需采 取或已采取的措施的意见的摘要(第 63/126 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session a report
containing: (a)
[...] information on the state of ratification of, and accessions to, the instruments relevant to the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives; and (b) a summary of the reports received from States on serious violations involving diplomatic and consular missions and representatives [...]
and actions taken
against offenders, as well as of the views of States with respect to any measures needed or already taken to enhance the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives (resolution 63/126).
(g) 任意逮捕和拘外国驻德黑兰使馆的 雇员, 使 这 些 使团 的 正 常工作 受到不当干扰,从而违背了《维也纳外交关系公约》4 和《维也纳领事关系公 约》;5 4.
(g) Arbitrary arrest and detention
[...] of employees of foreign embassies in Tehran, thereby unduly interfering with the performance of the functions of those missions in a manner inconsistent [...]
with the Vienna
Convention on Diplomatic Relations4 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations;5 4.
理事会应当探使用如 电视会议或录像致词等信息技术的可行性,以加强非驻国家代表团、专 门机构、其他政府间组织和符合《巴黎原则》的国家人权机 构以及拥有咨商地位的非政府组织的共享和参与,同时铭记需要确保这类参与完 全符合理事会议事规则和认证规则。
The Council shall explore
[...] the feasibility of using information technology, such as videoconferencing or videomessaging, to enhance access and participation by non-resident State delegations, specialized agencies, [...]
other intergovernmental
organizations and national human rights institutions consistent with the Paris Principles, as well as by non-governmental organizations in consultative status, bearing in mind the need to ensure full compliance of such participation with the Council’s rules of procedure and rules concerning accreditation.
向民众 团体、政府机构外交使团和非 政府组织通报了会议的结果。
Briefings on the outcomes of the session
were held for people organizations, government agencies as
[...] well as the diplomatic corps and non-governmental [...]
2.1 非《保护水下文化遗产公约》缔约方的教科文组织会员国代表和 驻 教科 文组织的观使团的代 表可以观察员的身份参与会议工作,但无表决权, 并需遵守规则第 [...]
10.3 条的规定。
2.1 The representatives of Member States of UNESCO not parties to
the Convention
[...] and of permanent observer missions to UNESCO may participate [...]
in the work of the Meeting as observers, without the right to vote, and subject to Rule 10.3.
厄立特里亚支持欧加登民族解放阵线约始于埃塞俄比亚-厄立特里亚战 争结束时,监察组先前的若干报告已涉及这一问题。216 参加与阿斯马拉早期 接触的一名欧阵高级官员告知监察组,经 驻外使 馆 进 行初步接触之后,到 2001 年,欧阵第一个代团访问阿斯马拉,与伊萨亚斯·阿费沃基总统及其 官员举行直接会谈。
Eritrean support for the Ogaden National Liberation Front began towards the end of the Ethiopian-Eritrean war, and has been addressed in several previous Monitoring Group reports.216 A senior ONLF official involved in early contacts with Asmara told the Monitoring Group
that after initial
[...] engagement with embassies abroad, the first ONLF delegation visited Asmara by 2001 for direct talks with President Isaias Afwerki and his officials.217 New information obtained by the Monitoring Group demonstrates beyond [...]
reasonable doubt that
such assistance has continued since the imposition of resolution 1907 (2009).
[...] 的,其中包括标有“厄立特里亚国”的支付凭证,印有提格里尼亚语和阿拉伯语 文字以及厄立特里亚国国徽的现金收入和支出表列记录(见附件 8.5.a)。244熟 悉厄立特里亚国大使馆业务的人已经验证这些文件,并解释说,通常做法是将 这类非法款项记录在案,因为包括大使在内的一些领事人员被指控挪用款项, 因此,现在驻外使馆与阿斯马拉之间的账目都严格遵守记账规定。
The documents obtained were received directly from the embassy of Eritrea in Nairobi, including payment vouchers marked “State of Eritrea”, cash receipts marked with Tigrinya and Arabic lettering and the emblem of the State of Eritrea, and tabulated records of payments (see annex 8.5.a.).244 Sources familiar with Eritrean embassy operations have authenticated this documentation and have explained that it is common practice for such illicit payments to be documented as
several consular staff,
[...] including ambassadors, have been accused of embezzlement of funds and therefore strict bookkeeping is now enforced between the Government and its embassies abroad.
美帝国主义误导公众舆论,宣称该 团 的 军 事挑衅为“合法炮击行为”,目 的是使双方之间的军事冲突成为既成事实, 使驻 南 朝 鲜的美国侵略军能够随时 准备参战。
The United States imperialists misled public opinion by
advertising the military
[...] provocation of the group as a “legitimate shelling exercise” in a bid to make the military conflict between the two sides a fait accompli and get the United States aggression forces in south Korea fully [...]
ready to involve themselves in it.
虽然非索特派团部队及 过渡联邦政府和所属民兵在这次进攻中伤亡巨大,但它们成功地将非索特团 在首都的控制区由 5 个增至 7 个,使前线更加远离 Villa Somalia,使驻扎 在 Bakaara 市场和 Dayniile 的青年党部队感受到压力。
Although the offensive entailed high casualties on the part of AMISOM forces, Transitional Federal Government and affiliated militias, it succeeded in expanding the AMISOM area of control, from five districts of the capital to seven, shifted the front line further away from Villa Somalia and placed Al-Shabaab forces in Bakaara market and Dayniile under pressure.
[...] 民或在其他情形下按照国际法有权与其联络的国家的领事馆 外 交 使团 联 络 ,如 其为难民或在其他情形下受国际组织保护,则有权同主管国际组织的代表联系。
If a detained or imprisoned person is a foreigner, he shall also be promptly informed of his right to communicate by appropriate means with a consular post or the diplomatic mission of the State of which he is a national or which is otherwise entitled to receive
such communication in accordance with
[...] international law or with the representative [...]
of the competent international organization,
if he is a refugee or is otherwise under the protection of an intergovernmental organization.
正如安全理事会第 1559(2004) 和第 1680(2006)号决议以及安理会主席的相关声明 所确认的那样,在黎巴嫩恢复称为全国对话的政治进
程以及黎巴嫩与阿拉伯叙利亚共和国之间关系最近 出现的各项发展,特别是在黎巴嫩和叙利亚两国总统
[...] 的首脑会议之后出现的发展,包括在建立外交关系方 面取得的进展以及建立常外交使团 的 决 定,都是与 负责执行安全理事会第 1559(2004)号决议的秘书长 [...]
His delegation believed that positive developments had occurred since the adoption of General Assembly resolution 62/238 V. The resumption in Lebanon of the political process known as the national dialogue, as well as the recent developments in relations between Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic, especially following the summit meeting of the Lebanese and Syrian Presidents, including progress achieved in the establishment of diplomatic relations and the decision to set up permanent diplomatic
missions, were issues that related to the
[...] mandate of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General [...]
for the implementation of Security
Council resolution 1559 (2004), as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006) and the related statements of its President.




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