

单词 通什

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

参照 高级专员所作报告(A/65/36)的第 23
[...] 段,Phipps 女 士询问各会员国通过什么方 式来加强理事会的各 项机制,以及如何铲除妨碍现有机制运行的障碍。
Referring to paragraph 23 of the High Commissioner’s report (A/65/36), she asked how Member States
could further expand the Council’s toolbox
[...] of mechanisms and what could be done to [...]
remove the obstacles to using the existing mechanisms.
7)Ḳiddushin(“订婚”);四个章节,探讨了如 通 过 什 么 手段,以及在什么条件下可以合法婚姻合同的问题。
(7) Ḳiddushin ("Betrothal");
four chapters; discusses the
[...] question how, by what means, and under what conditions [...]
a legal marriage may be contracted.
有必要更加系统性地总结什么行通 、 什 么 行不通,以 便开发署能够提供有益的政策咨询,各国政府和其他发展伙伴能够有效维持并扩 [...]
Codification of what works and what does not [...]
work needs to be done more systematically, so that UNDP can provide useful
policy advice and so that governments and other development partners can effectively sustain and scale up their efforts to continue into the future what the UNDP initiatives have begun.
这次会议的目的就是提供一个平台交 流有关媒体与恐怖主义问题的各种思想观点和经验,包括诸如媒体如何揭露恐怖主义是一个 反人民的政治、意识形态、宗教乃至军事手段,恐怖主义又 通 过 什 么 方式影响和威胁到媒 体以及媒体从业人员的安全等问题。
The purpose of the conference was to provide a platform to exchange ideas and experiences on various issues related to media and terrorism, including how the media spotlight terrorism as a political, ideological, religious and military weapon against civilians and how terrorism affects the media and the safety of media professionals.
当访问我们的网站,我们一直保存常规的、一般的技术访问信息,如访问的日期,访问停留时间,您的互联网服务提供商的名称, 通 过 什 么 网 站访问到我们网站等。
When visiting our website, we always save the usual, general technical access data such as the date, duration of your visit, the name of your Internet service-provider and the website from which you obtain access to our site.
但 是上海合作组织实际通过作什么来促进该地区的长期 合作呢?
But what does the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation [...]
actually do to promote enduring cooperation in this part of the world?
远离狂乱的人群、甩掉无尽的通堵 塞 ,没 什 么 比 在爱尔兰的运河、湖泊和河道间静静漂泊更惬意的享受了。
Far from the madding crowds and a million miles from urban gridlock, there’s nothing quite like bobbing along Ireland’s gently flowing canals, lakes and rivers.
[...] 是放宽一些限制,不向美国政府机构提供资金来实施在 2000 年商业制裁与促进 贸易改革法框架下通过的制裁措施以及 什 政 府 通 过 的 极端措施。
However, the foregoing did not modify any legislative provision relating to the embargo against Cuba. They merely eased some restrictions and failed to provide funds to United States Government agencies for the implementation of the measures adopted
under the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 and
[...] extreme measures adopted by the Bush Administration.
请联合国人权事务高级专员继通过 其在 比 什 凯 克 的办事处提供技术 援助,并与吉尔吉斯斯坦政府及酌情与其他行为者一起,努力查明还可在哪些领 [...]
域援助吉尔吉斯斯坦履行其人权义务,并向人权理事会简要报告进展情况,同时 就此向理事会提交一份报告供理事会第二十届会议审议。
Requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Rights to continue to provide
[...] technical assistance through her office in Bishkek, and to work [...]
with the Government of Kyrgyzstan
and other actors, as needed, to identify additional areas of assistance that will aid Kyrgyzstan in fulfilling its human rights obligations, to brief the Human Rights Council on progress and to submit a report thereon to the Council for consideration at its twentieth session.
胡安·博什教授通过其社会学和历史著作为多米尼加共和国和加勒比地区的社会和政 [...]
Professor Juan Bosch, through his work in sociology [...]
and history, made a remarkable contribution to the study of social and
political processes in the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean region, which justifies this prize in the field of the social sciences.
这些决议和 决定至少 9
[...] “履行诺言:团结一致实现千年发展目标”的大会第 65/1 号决议;关于信息和通信 技术促进发展的大会第 65/141 和第 66/184 号决议;《联合国反腐败公约》缔约国第 四届会通过的马拉什防腐败宣言(见 CAC/COSP/2011/14,第一章 A 节);以及经 济及社会理事会就公共行政专家委员会第九和第十届会议报告通过的第 2011/2 [...]
和 第 2011/22 号决议。
The positive impact of the work of the Division is reflected in the resolutions and decisions adopted in 2011, which contain at least nine references or recommendations pertaining to intergovernmental bodies, including General Assembly resolution 65/1 entitled “Keeping the promise: united to achieve the Millennium Development Goals”; resolutions 65/141 and 66/184 on information and communications technologies for development; and the Marrakech
declaration on the prevention of
[...] corruption, adopted by the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, at its fourth session (see CAC/COSP/2011/14, [...]
chap. I.A); Economic
and Social Council resolutions 2011/2 and 2011/22, adopted in connection with the reports of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration on its ninth and tenth sessions, respectively.
在他留在Tolketna,布鲁克斯试图找到其中的原因,他 什 么 放弃 了 通 过 , 其中包括他的亲生父亲有关的任何信息。
During his stay in Tolketna, Brooks attempt to find the reason why
[...] he was given up for adoption, including any information [...]
about his biological father.
在与关键 伙伴协商时,环境署基通过马拉喀 什 进 程 确定的优先事项以及现有的倡议和 伙伴关系,包括马拉喀什进程工作队的工作在内,提出了 [...]
11 项方案以便可能被 纳入框架。
In consultation with key partners, UNEP had proposed 11 programmes for possible inclusion
in the framework, based on the
[...] priorities identified through the Marrakech Process and [...]
on existing initiatives and partnerships,
including the work of the Marrakech Process task forces.
无论您选什么样的统通信或电话系统,Microsoft、Avaya、Cisco 或是其它,我们的耳麦都具有即插即用兼容性。
Whatever your Unified Communications or telephony system [...]
of choice, be it Microsoft, Avaya, Cisco or others, Our headsets
offer plug-and-play compatibility.
与会通过了《马拉什声明》,其中包括有 关加强条约机构体系和确保更广泛地利用条约机构的建议,以及国家人权机构针 [...]
Participants adopted the Marrakech Statement which [...]
includes recommendations to enhance the treaty-body system, ensure broader
access to treaty bodies, as well as on NHRI follow-up to treaty-body recommendations.
[...] 明是否通过了有关配额的法案,该法案的作用是解决在带薪就业领域妇女比例过 低的问题,如果尚未通过有关法案,则应说 通 过 的 阻力 什 么。
The Committee requests the State party to indicate in its next report if the bill on quotas, which is supposed to remedy the problem
of the underrepresentation of women in paid employment, has been
[...] adopted, and, if not, what is preventing its adoption.
这些研究结 果还对该次会议通过的《马拉什 宣 言》产生了影响,宣言呼吁各方与特别代 表和儿童基金会紧密合作,落实联合国研究报告中提出的各项建议,并强调了关 [...]
注的关键领域,包括制定用以打击暴力侵害儿童行为的国家战略,建立国家后续 和报告机制,立法保障儿童免遭暴力、忽视、虐待和剥削的侵害,为受害者提供
The findings also informed the Marrakesh Declaration, adopted on that occasion, [...]
calling for the implementation of the recommendations
of the United Nations study, in close cooperation with the Special Representative and UNICEF, and highlighting key areas of concern, including the development of national strategies to combat violence against children, the establishment of a national follow-up and reporting mechanism, the enactment of legislation to protect children from violence, neglect, ill-treatment and exploitation, the provision of services to support victims, and measures to combat impunity.
对调查结果的分析和它对福音在该国的传播意味 什 么 , 通 常 在协议会和国家讨论会上提出(下 面的 7,10 和 11 点)。
The analysis of the
[...] research results and what it means for the advance of the Gospel in that nation is usually presented at consultations [...]
and at a
national Congress (Points G, J and K below).
2.1.2 大法官於1944 年 5 月委任了拉什克利夫勳爵(Lord Rushcliffe)帶領英格蘭及威爾斯法律援助及法律意見委員 會 ( 通常 稱什克利 夫委員會),以改進向有需要人士提供法律援助的 情況。
2.1.2 In May 1944, the Lord Chancellor appointed Lord Rushcliffe to lead the Committee on Legal Aid and Legal Advice in England and Wales (commonly known as the Rushcliffe Committee) to improve the provision of legal aid to people in need.
況且,區議會應否保留委任制度根本上與基本法無關, 什 麼 政 府說 通 過 政改方案,便不會改動區議會制度?
Whether appointed seats should be abolished or preserved in the District Councils has nothing to do with the Basic Law, so why
does the government refuse to change
[...] the District Council system in case the constitutional [...]
reform proposal is voted down?
(b) 促使所有相关的利益攸关方交流信息和工具,并促使他们学习和交流各 区域包通过马拉喀什进程 确定的最佳做法,同时承认需要在这方面帮助发展中 [...]
国家;(c) 促使所有利益攸关方加强合作和联系,包括建立公私伙伴关系
(b) Enabling of all relevant stakeholders to share information and tools and to learn and share best
practices identified in various
[...] regions, including through the Marrakech Process, while [...]
recognizing the need to help developing countries in this regard
假如行政立法兩局都重視民意,以民意為依歸,即使 沒什麼檢討溝通,也 會不謀而合,雖然「 身無彩鳳雙飛翼」,也會「心有靈犀㆒點通」 的。
If both the legislature and the executive could respect public opinion and abide by public opinion, then it may not be necessary to conduct any reviews or to maintain any communication channels.
公民社会―― 公民参 与世界联 盟欢迎新 通过的关于非政府组织和非盈利 组织的法律, 请 政 府 公开、准 确 和全面 地 报告这些法律的执行情况,以及为 改善 对公民社会空 间 的保护,即确保言论、集 会、结社自由和 参 与公共生 活 和政治生 活 的权利通过国家 行动计划改善人权状况、执行条约 机构关于和平集会 自由的 一 些 建议、调 查 所有关于侵犯人权维护者的报告、将 肇 事者绳 之 以 法 的各项建议 做了什么 。
Civicus - World Alliance For Citizen Participation welcomed new laws adopted on nongovernmental and non-profit organizations asking the Government to report publicly, accurately and comprehensively how these laws had been implemented and what had been done in relation to various recommendations to improve the protection of civil society space, namely to
ensure freedom of expression, assembly, association and the right to participate in public and
[...] political life, to adopt a National Plans of Action to improve the human rights situation and to implement some of the recommendations of the Treaty Bodies on freedom of peaceful assembly, to investigate all reports of assaults on human rights defenders and bring to justice those responsible.
我们知道其成员国说什么:他们表 通 过公 报;他们发布联合声明;他们公开承诺义务。
They issue joint statements.
的分析師從你的經紀人,請問該如何提出這些建議和要求,以確保它是正確的,如果沒有,請問 什 麼 建 議 通 過。
Talk to an analyst from your broker, ask
how the recommendations are made and ask for
[...] recommendations passed to make sure that it was correct and if not, ask why.
在高级代表什通领导 下管理欧盟外交关系的 新结构旨在进一步汇集欧盟所拥有的一切工具,并使 [...]
The new structures for the management of the EU’s external
[...] relations, under the leadership of High [...]
Representative Ashton, aim at bringing closer
together all the instruments at the EU’s disposal and at increasing the coherence of the European Union’s short-, medium- and long-term actions.
無論客戶在哪里,也無論客戶的產品 什 么 , B2X都 通 過 批 量聚合和系統集成為客戶節省成本,而這些是傳統服務企業受累于實體資產和既有的供應鏈所難以企及的。
B2X is able to deliver
[...] cost savings to clients through volume aggregation and [...]
systems integration, regardless of geography
or product, something traditional service organizations are unable to do because of their physical assets and established supply chain.
在科索沃特派团的调解下,贝尔格莱德和普 什 蒂 纳继 续 通 过 红 十字国际委 员会(红十字委员会)主持的失踪人员问题工作组就失踪人员问题开展合作,并通 过科索沃境内塞尔维亚东正教宗教遗址重建实施委员会就宗教和文化遗产问题 [...]
With UNMIK facilitation, Belgrade
[...] and Pristina continue to cooperate on missing persons’ issues through the Working Group [...]
on Missing Persons,
chaired by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and on religious and cultural heritage issues through the Reconstruction Implementation Commission for the Serbian Orthodox religious heritage sites in Kosovo.
之前英国內政部及移民庇护裁判所(Asylum and Immigration Tribunal)规定,如果學生不什么理 由不 通 過 考 試或是中途轉换課程或學校,都可能會被取消学生簽證或拒绝其续签申请。
It was previously interpreted by the Home Office and the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal that if a student fails his or her exams even if there was a good reason or decides that a course is not right for them that this may render their 'leave to remain' status void and will render their extension refused.
地中海联盟 43 个成员国的人权和男女平等主管部长在埃及和法国共同主持 下,于
[...] 2009 年 11 月 11 日和 12 日在马拉什举行会议通过了 关于“加强妇女 在社会中的作用”的结论。
The ministers responsible for women’s rights and gender equality in the 43 States members of
the Union for the Mediterranean met on
[...] 11-12 November 2009 in Marrakech under the joint chairmanship [...]
of Egypt and France.




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