

单词 飘忽不定

See also:




(botany) adventitious

External sources (not reviewed)

最近十年间最不发达国家的业绩相当不错,但 是这种业飘忽不定,且极为脆弱。
The least developed countries had performed quite well over the previous decade, but that
[...] performance had been erratic and was extremely [...]
面对各种问题,所谓的“西方世界”似乎越来越难以找到立竿见影的灵丹妙药,而人们对中国和土耳其的定位一 飘忽不定 , 前 后矛盾。
More and more it seems that the so-called West cannot prescribe itself in neat packages and solutions, while the afore-mentioned countries continue to be riddled by moving-target projections and contradictory positions.
[...] 产做法越来越重要,特别是在欧洲,那里是非洲产品的主要进口市场,这一点 定不 能忽 略。
Environment-friendly production practices are increasingly
important especially in Europe, which is the main importing market for African produce
[...] and this must not be overlooked.
此外,充 足的儲備亦有助外匯基金維持香港貨幣及金融體系的 定 , 這也 是 不能 忽略的考慮因素。
Besides, we must also take into consideration that an
adequate level of reserves can help the
[...] Exchange Fund maintain the stability of Hong Kong's monetary [...]
and financial systems.
政府负责处理可能由第三方对教科文组织、其工作人员或地区中心雇用的其他人员提出的任 何索赔,并使教科文组织和上述人员不因地区中心根据本协定开展的业务所引起的索赔或债务而 受到损害,但经教科文组织和政府 定 , 属于上述人员严重 忽 职 守 或蓄意行 不 当 所 造成的索 赔或债务除外。
The Government shall be responsible for dealing with any claims which may be brought by third persons against UNESCO, against members of its staff or against other persons employed by the Regional Centre, and shall hold UNESCO and the above-mentioned parties harmless from any claims or liabilities resulting from operations
of the Regional Centre
[...] under this Agreement, except where it is agreed by UNESCO and the Government that such claims or liabilities arise from the gross negligence or wilful misconduct [...]
of such persons.
(a) 所有对卖方的要求、索赔、诉讼或第三方的判决,对任何结果、材料、特殊、清偿、惩罚或 其他损害,直接或间接的,无论这种要求、索赔、诉讼或判决是否基于合约的原则、侵权行 为、忽、限定的义务、保证、赔偿、贡献、法令或其他情况,包括 不 限 于 所有的要求、索 赔、诉讼和与伤害相关的判断和/或任何死亡和人身伤害,以及对在使用、处理、修理、调整、 操作、修改或产品转换时引起的财产损失和/或损害;和
(a) all demands, claims, actions, or judgments of a third party against any Seller Party, directly or indirectly, for any consequential, material, special, liquidated, punitive, or other damages, regardless of whether such demand, claim, action, or judgment is
based on theories of
[...] contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, warranty, indemnity, contribution, statute, or otherwise, including without limitation, all demands, claims, actions, and judgments relating to injury and/or [...]
death of any and
all persons and for loss of and/or damage to property arising from use, handling, repair, adjustment, operation, modification, or conversion of Products; and
[...] 在巴黎教科文组织大楼前升起,成为一个历史性的 感人时刻,标志着巴勒斯坦国旗首次在联合国大楼飘扬。
In the words of President Abbas, the raising of the Palestinian flag before the UNESCO building in Paris had been a
historic and moving event, marking the first time the Palestinian flag
[...] had been flown in front of a United [...]
Nations building.
一直想送给我们的好朋友一个有意义的礼物来见证我们珍贵的友谊,新颖但不庸俗,思前想后,还是觉得任何物质的东西都不足以诠释、代表我们共同走过的日子,我们一起合作完成的项目, 不 如 ,发 挥 飘飘 的 优 势和特长,结合行学一族的特点,送给诺培一个可以永久保存的创意,所以,《让龚琳娜忐忑的河马》就在我们优秀的Flash设计师 [...]
Always wanted to give our friends a meaningful gift to the witness of our precious friendship, but not vulgar novel, after thinking it over, or that any material things are insufficient to interpret, we have come together on behalf of the day, we work
together to complete project, it
[...] would be better to play Peopeo strengths and expertise, [...]
combined with the characteristics
of a family line of study, gave Mobiledu a permanent preservation of the creative, so, “Let Gong Linna apprehension of Hippo” was born in our hands of our best Flash designers Miana.
他的牺牲反而激化了对政府的批评,使政 府境况更加风飘摇。
His scalp only bolstered criticism of the government, further destabilising it.
然而,我们不能忽视它的决定对于 各国长期发 展的影响,并且这是任何可持续和平的一个基本组成 部分,即《联合国宪章》规定的首要目的:保护后代 [...]
Nevertheless, we must not ignore that its decisions have an impact [...]
on the long-term development of countries and that this
is a fundamental component of any sustainable peace, which is the preeminent purpose set out in the Charter of the United Nations: to protect future generations from the scourge of war.
委 员会进一步注意到,申诉人称他与其母亲和姐妹保持密切的关系;他计划赡养他 的患有精神疾病的母亲;他在索马里没有任何亲人和他的被驱逐将导致他的家庭 联系完全破坏,因为他的家不可能 飘 洋 过 海去索马里。
The Committee further notes the author’s claim that he maintains a close relationship to his mother and sisters; that he is planning to support his mother who has a mental illness; that he does not have any family in Somalia and that his deportation would lead to a complete disruption of his family ties due to the impossibility for his family to travel to Somalia.
如法庭定某名合夥人忽,不論這是基於他本人作出的有關 行為,或基於他沒有採取行動或對其他人沒有作出監 管或其他原因,他個人都應負上法律責任
Where a partner is
[...] found by the court to be negligent, whether by committing [...]
the act himself or through the lack of action
or supervision of others or otherwise, he should be held personally liable
在谈判中排斥妇女和缺乏两性平等问题方面的专 长有可不可逆转地损害妇女的权利,导致在和平定中忽视诸 如妇女参与冲突后治理等关键问题。
The exclusion of women and the lack of gender expertise in negotiations may lead to
irreversible setbacks for women’s rights, leaving
[...] crucial issues such women’s engagement in post-conflict governance neglected in peace accords.
2001 年至 2002 年
[...] 期间,瑞士和平基金会、国际警觉组织以及预警和早期反应论坛制订了一组对社 会性别问题有敏感认识的预警指标,把过去 忽 视 的 不 稳 定 迹 象列入考虑,并将 预警集中于基层。
Between 2001 and 2002, the Swiss Peace Foundation, International Alert and the Forum on Early Warning and Early Response developed a set of gender-sensitive early
warning indicators, which
[...] allows for previously overlooked signs of instability to be taken [...]
into account and concentrates
on early warning at the grassroots level.
在这个问题上,我国也认为,不忽视安 全任务的情况下,本安理会处于极其有利 的地位,以逐步和持续的方式帮助联合国系统为该国 的持久和可持续发展创造适当的条件,在民主和政治定的框 架下实现完全独立,并且严格遵守适合于相 关授权的国家自主权原则,以便集中精力建立必要的 国家能力。
In this case, my country also believes that, without neglecting the tasks of security, in a gradual and sustained manner, this Council is in an excellent position to help the United Nations system create appropriate conditions for the country’s [...]
sustained and sustainable development,
with full independence in the context of democracy and political stability and with strict adherence to the principle of national ownership that is suitable to the corresponding mandates so that, with an integrated focus, the required national capacities can be generated.
高球是一項非常講求全身協調與專注力的運動 不 少 人 只專注揮杆練習, 忽 視 肌力 穩 定 性 、 柔韌度及脊椎運動幅度等的重要性。
Many golfers have a wrong perception that
[...] perfect golf swing determines performance, while neglecting the importance of muscle [...]
strength stability, flexibility and the range of spinal motion.
答案是不可能”——降落飘浮在 海面上的空军基地,这种事儿无论如何都不能算是“轻松的例行公事”,就算对盖•斯诺德格拉斯少校这样技术纯熟、专业度一流的人来说也一样。
No, that’s not what landing on a floating air base can ever [...]
be, not even to a highly skilled professional like Guy Snodgrass.
60 酷刑一不被定罪,但是,忽职守 等其他严重程度低于酷刑的其他罪行则被定 罪。
The courts encourage this practice by giving undue weight to confessions [...]
when evaluating evidence.60 Charges are generally
brought not for torture, but for other crimes of less gravity, such as negligence.
中国的太阳能厂商,因为产能过剩和需求不足,在刚刚过去的全球金融危机中本就风 飘 摇 , 其股 不 断 创 下史上新低,像无锡尚德(NYSE: STP)、天合光能(NYSE: TSL)和英利(NYSE: YGE)周三在纽交所都下跌了6-9%。
(complaint announcement) Chinese solar firms, already suffering in the global sector’s worst-ever downturn due to overcapacity and weak demand, saw their shares plunge to near new all-time lows on the news, with Suntech (NYSE: STP), Trina Solar (NYSE: TSL) and Yingli Green Energy (NYSE: YGE) all down 6-9 percent in New York trading on Wednesday.
因此,显然委员忽略了《任择定 书 》 第三条 定 的 不 得 匿 名的要求,在 提交人援用保密规则时,并未要求其提供必要的资料。
It therefore appears that the Committee has overlooked the requirement of nonanonymity set [...]
forth in article 3 of the Optional
Protocol and has not taken it upon itself to invite the author to provide the necessary information while availing himself of the rules on confidentiality.
该系统包括:卫星遥感;包括验潮仪 的沿海测量仪器;浮标飘浮器 和其他平台;机会船只(包括商业渡船);关于变 异性的长时间序列记录。
The System comprises remote sensing from satellites; coastal instruments including tide gauges; buoys, drifters and other platforms; ships of opportunity (including commercial ferries); and long time series records of variability.
It snows and snows, whatever the heavens can let fall, and they let it fall in considerable amounts.
我 覺得他們的政治立場忽不定,並 否決市民所求的唯一解釋可能有二:第 一,他們過於以揣摩中央政府的心態為政治立場的指南針,所謂“順得爺情 失民意”,港人的政治理想變成了奉迎權勢的犧牲品。
I think there can only be two explanations for their political dithering and their rejecting the demands of the public: First, they have been second-guessing the thinking of the Central Government and use the results as the bearings for their political stance.
并不是监管之下发生的每一起死亡事件都 构成违反《公约》的行为;此外,即便是国家执法人员玩忽职守,致其监管之下
[...] 的人死亡,而且应该根据国内侵权法的规定为自己的疏忽造成的危害承担责任, 这种忽也不一定构成 《公约》禁止的“残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处 [...]
It is not the case that every death that occurs in custody constitutes a violation of the Convention; moreover, even where a State’s agents were negligent, resulting in the death of a person in their custody, and should incur liability under domestic tort
law for the harm caused by their
[...] negligence, it is not necessarily the case that [...]
this negligence will also constitute “cruel,
inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment” as proscribed by the Convention.
[...] 去零碎配額或以四捨五入計算零碎配額,並可決定向任何股東作出現金 支付以代替零碎配額,或忽略不計 一 定 價 值 (由董事會釐定)之零碎 配額,以調整所有各方之權利,或將零碎配額彙合出售並將所得收益撥 [...]
For the purpose of giving effect to any resolution under this Article, the Board may settle any difficulty which may arise in regard to a capitalisation issue as it thinks fit, and in particular may disregard fractional entitlements or round the same up or down and may determine that cash payments shall be made to any Shareholders in lieu of fractional entitlements or that
fractions of such value as the
[...] Board may determine may be disregarded in order to [...]
adjust the rights of all parties or that
fractional entitlements shall be aggregated and sold and the benefit shall accrue to the Company rather than to the Shareholders concerned, and no Shareholders who are affected thereby shall be deemed to be, and they shall be deemed not to be, a separate class of Shareholders by reason only of the exercise of this power.
為了落實根據本條細則所述的任何決議案,董事會可以其認為 恰當的方式解決可能因資本化發行而起的任何困難,特別是把零碎 權忽略不計或 四捨五入,及可決定向任何股東支付現金以取代零 碎權益,或者把董事會定的零碎價 忽 略 不 計 以 便調整各方的權 利,或將零碎權益彙集出售,所得利益計歸本公司而非有關股東。
For the purpose of giving effect to any resolution under this Bye-Law, the Board may settle any difficulty which may arise in regard to a capitalisation issue as it
thinks fit, and in
[...] particular may disregard fractional entitlements or round the same up or down and may determine that cash payments shall be made to any shareholders in lieu of fractional entitlements or that fractions of such value as the Board may determine may be disregarded [...]
in order to adjust the rights
of all parties or that fractional entitlements shall be aggregated and sold and the benefit shall accrue to the Company rather than to the shareholders concerned.
那些拍摄旧殖民地的老照飘 洋过海,进不少年 已六旬的英国老人的 视线,他们联系林先生,一同回忆曾在新 加坡扎根发芽的大不列颠习俗。
Spreading far and wide, all the way to Britain, it was his nostalgic photos of the British colony that caught the eye of a group of 60 – 70 year old British men, who contacted him, reminiscing about the past British rule they survived in Singapore.
间接的后果包括:因劣质或地下堕胎手术生造成的死亡;孕妇 死亡;有害习俗造成的死亡;与贩毒、有组织犯罪和团伙活动相关的死亡;仅仅忽视、饥饿或虐待造成女孩或妇女的死亡;以及国家蓄意的行为 不 行 为 造成 的死亡。
The indirect category includes: deaths due to poorly conducted or clandestine abortions; maternal mortality; deaths from harmful practices; deaths linked to human trafficking, drug dealing, organized crime and
gangrelated activities; the death of
[...] girls or women from simple neglect, through starvation or illtreatment; and deliberate acts or omissions by the State.




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