单词 | 领馆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 领馆 —consular officialExamples:总领馆—Consulate general 总领事馆—Consulate General 使领馆—embassy and consulate See also:馆—embassy or consulate • building • schoolroom (old) • term for certain service establishments
有些国家还要求驾驶人员亲自到设在 各大城市的使领馆申请 签证,而且要等一周甚至更长时间才能获签或得知申 [...] 请被拒。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some countries, drivers are required to apply for [...] visas in person at embassies or consulates in [...]major cities and wait a week or more to [...]either obtain a visa or to learn that their application has been rejected. daccess-ods.un.org |
一国的国家主管部门可酌 [...] 情列出一份专业驾驶人员的名单并与其他国家的对等主管部门进行交换,随 后转呈其外交部、使馆或领馆。 daccess-ods.un.org | The competent national authority in one country may, as appropriate, prepare a list of professional drivers and exchange it with [...] their counterpart in another country for onward transmission to ministries of [...] foreign affairs, embassies or consulates. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项豁免不能延伸到领馆雇员 和服务工作人员”。 daccess-ods.un.org | This exemption cannot [...] be extended to consular employees and [...]to members of the service staff”. daccess-ods.un.org |
新 加坡还向受害者原籍国的使馆发出通知,以便受害者能够得到全方位 的人道主义援助和领馆的协助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The embassies of the countries of the [...] victims are also notified so that the victims can be provided with the full range of [...] humanitarian and consular assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 没有每年在联邦驻外领馆登记 ,表明其要保留国籍的意图。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Registered annually at a consulate of the Federation his intention to retain his citizenship. daccess-ods.un.org |
总领馆代表最终被允许分别见男的和女的被拘留者;但是,副检察官 [...] Jiménez 始终在场并对交谈作记录,尽管领事明确要求私下谈以加快会晤的进 行。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representatives were [...] eventually allowed to see the men and women separately; however Deputy Inspector Jiménez was always [...]present and took notes of the conversations, despite the consul’s explicit request for privacy in order to expedite the meetings. daccess-ods.un.org |
从这次地震来袭的时刻起,我们的国务部和驻日 使 领馆 一 直 在争分夺秒地帮助并告知美国公民。 embassyusa.cn | From the moment this earthquake struck our State [...] Department and Embassy and Consulates [...]in Japan have been working around the clock [...]to assist and inform U.S. citizens. eng.embassyusa.cn |
巴拿马刑法》载有关于来自国外的文书等事项的标准规范。第 877 条尤其 规定,除非国际文书另有规定,否则可在刑事诉讼中,将这种文书作为证据使用, 只要它们符合下列标准:(a) 该文书经出具地的巴拿马外交官或领事官员认证; (b) 在没有外交官或领馆官员的情况下,经友好国家的外交代表或领事代表认 证,同时附上外交部的证明书,证明文书出具地没有巴拿马领事官员或外交官员。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Judicial Code of Panama has standard norms on matters such as documents originating abroad, specifically under article 877, which indicates that such documents can be used as evidence in criminal proceedings if, except as otherwise established in international instruments, they meet the following criteria: (a) they have been authenticated by a diplomatic or consular official of Panama on duty in the place where the document originated; or (b) they have, in the absence of a diplomatic or consular official, been authenticated by the diplomatic or consular representative of a friendly nation, in which case a certification shall be attached by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs attesting that no Panamanian consular or diplomatic official is serving in the place where the document originated. daccess-ods.un.org |
澳大利亚外交事务和贸易部(DFAT)以及澳大利亚驻海外 使 领馆 不 能帮助您安排其他国家的签证或工作和居留许可。 smarttraveler.gov.au | The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) in Australia and Australian missions overseas cannot help you arrange visas or work and residency permits for other countries. smarttraveler.gov.au |
香港居民及其家人,不论其国籍,亦可以致电入境事务处24 小时服务热线寻求协助,入境事务处人员接获个案后会联络驻当地中国 使 领馆或 其 它相关单位向有关香港居民提供可行的协助,包括:就事故联络家人、为遗失 旅游证件的人士发出紧急旅游证件、提供有关律师、翻译或医生的数据以协助处 理法律程序或寻求紧急治疗等。 daccess-ods.un.org | The assistance to be provided include notifying the families concerned of the incident, issuing urgent travel documents for those who have lost them, and providing information on lawyers, translators or doctors to assist in legal proceedings or seeking emergency medical treatment. daccess-ods.un.org |
领事官员和只享有 职务豁免权的领馆雇员即属于这一类。 daccess-ods.un.org | Both consular officials and consular employees enjoying only functional immunity belong to this category. daccess-ods.un.org |
挪威代表包括挪威城市区域研究所前所长、高级研究员Jon Naustdalslid先生; 挪威驻广州总领馆总领事安佩德先生以及挪威驻华使馆科技和高等教育参赞卡黎女士。 norway.org.cn | Norway was represented by Senior Researcher Jon Naustdalslid, former director of Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR); Tormod C. Endresen, Consul General, Norwegian Consulate General Guangzhou and Kari Kveseth, Counsellor of Science and Higher Education, Norwegian Embassy Beijing. norway.cn |
中国欧盟商会还与欧盟官方保持着紧密的关系和持续的沟通,其中包括欧盟委员会驻华代表 团、欧盟成员国驻华使领馆以及 各欧盟成员国的驻华商会。 euccc.com.cn | The European Chamber maintains a robust relationship and constantly interacts with the European authorities, including the Delegation of the [...] European Commission in Beijing, the EU [...] Member States’ Embassies and Consulates [...]in China, as well as the National Chamber [...]representatives and Business Associations. euccc.com.cn |
有报告称,塔吉克移徙工人认为这些 领馆 提 供的服务收费昂贵且效率低 下,在俄罗斯联邦主要城市以外没有对塔吉克移民提供领事援助和保护,委员会 对此表示关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is concerned at reports that the services of those councils are considered expensive and ineffective by Tajik migrant workers, and that there is a lack of consular support and protection for Tajik migrants outside the main cities in the Russian Federation. daccess-ods.un.org |
应挪威鳕鱼肝油生产企业美乐思公司(Møllers)邀请,挪威王国驻上海 总 领馆 总 领 事 博雄先生于2012年9月27日访问了紫罗兰民工子弟小学,以庆祝美乐思公司今年在中国推出其鳕鱼肝油产品。 norway.org.cn | Mr. Bjørn Blokhus, Consul General of the [...] Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai, visited Ziluolan migrant elementary school [...]on 27 September 2012, by invitation from Møllers, Norwegian Cod Liver Oil producer, who are launching their cod liver oil product in China this year. norway.cn |
与会 者所在国如果没有韩国使领馆,则应向最近的韩国 使 领馆 申 请 签证。 daccess-ods.un.org | . Participants residing in countries where no Korean [...] consulates or embassies are available should obtain the visa from the nearest embassy or consulate [...]of the Republic of Korea. daccess-ods.un.org |
安理会敦促以色列充分允 许领馆人员 进行探视,允许有关国家立即运 回其死亡和受伤人员,并确保船队的人道主 [...] 义援助运往目的地。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council urges Israel [...] to permit full consular access, to allow [...]the countries concerned to retrieve their deceased and [...]wounded immediately, and to ensure the delivery of humanitarian assistance from the convoy to its destination. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个选择办法就是利用使馆的银行账号,但在 美国政府于 2007 年关闭了坐落在有一个很大的厄立特里亚人社区的加利福尼 亚奥克兰的厄立特里亚领馆之后 ,这种办法受到进一步限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | One option — the use of embassy bank accounts, was further curtailed after 2007 when the Government of the United States closed down an Eritrean consulate in Oakland, California, where a large diaspora community is based. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用中国社交媒体是对包括使领馆官 方 网站、AEI网站和想象澳大利亚官方网站等传统交流平台的补充,旨在扩大观众范围。 china.embassy.gov.au | The use of Chinese social media has [...] complemented traditional communications [...] mechanisms such as Embassy and Consulate [...]official websites, the AEI website and the [...]Imagine Australia official website, with a view to reaching a wider audience. china.embassy.gov.au |
洛杉矶时报1月3日报道说,洛杉矶中 领馆领 事 会见了橙县县议会主席Chris Norby,要求他不承认即将在加州艺术中心Escondido剧场和洛杉矶诺基亚剧场上演的神韵演出。 leeshailemish.com | The L.A. Times reports on January 3 that the Los Angeles Chinese Consulate visited Orange County Board of Supervisors Chairman Chris Norby, asking that he not recognize the upcoming Shen Yun shows at the California Center for the Arts in Escondido and L.A.’s Nokia Theatre. leeshailemish.com |
请垂询您的旅行社、中国国际旅行社、中国旅行社或任何中华人民国和国大 使 馆 、 领 事 馆 了 解 关于签证的更多详情。 shangri-la.com | For further details, consult with your travel agent, China International Travel Service, China Travel [...] Service, or any Chinese embassy or consulate. shangri-la.com |
由教科文组织向常驻代表团分配的办公室仅供代表团成员使用,在任何情况下不 供大使馆/领事馆工作人员使用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | offices were allocated to Permanent [...] Delegations by UNESCO for use by members of those delegations only and not, in any [...] case, for use by Embassy/Consular staff. unesdoc.unesco.org |
第十二期"走近外交官"栏目为你带来的是美国驻广州 总 领 事 馆领 事 江诚对福州的印象。 guangzhou-ch.us...sy-china.org.cn | The new "Up Close" is with U.S. Consul Marc Jackson, Officer-Designate for Fujian Province, and his impression of Fuzhou city. guangzhou.usemb...sy-china.org.cn |
如 果申请人有家属随同,应提交家属在菲律宾出生的证明或经过距申请人在国外居 住处最近的菲律宾大使馆/领事馆鉴 定 的出生证或者户口薄。 philcongenxiamen.com | If dependents are joining the applicant, original copies of Birth Certificates of dependents born in the Philippines or Birth [...] Certificate or Household Register duly authenticated [...] by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate nearest [...]the applicant's residence abroad. philcongenxiamen.com |
如果您有任何雅思考试考后服务相关问题,请登录http://www.chinaielts.org,或致电英国文化协会 (在中国作为英国使/领馆文化 教育处开展工作) 雅思考试全国考后服务热线。 ielts.etest.net.cn | For enquiries about IELTS post-test services, please visit http://www.chinaielts.org, or contact the British Council (operating in China [...] as the Cultural and Education Section [...] of the British Embassy/Consulates-General) IELTS [...]National Customer Service Hotline. ielts.etest.net.cn |
在 14 日以内向居住地所在的市町村政府交回外国人登录证明书和 国民健康保险证(仅限已领取上述证明人士) ②向驻日大使馆(领事馆)提出死亡申报(希望在本国安葬时请向大使 馆(领事馆)咨询) 寻找到理想的住所并不容易,签订租约时条件较多,情况较为复杂, 最好在懂日语的人的陪同下寻找。 town.matsushige.tokushima.jp | (Inquiries regarding the burial or cremation of the deceased in their home country should also be directed to an embassy or consulate. town.matsushige.tokushima.jp |
瑞士/德国/法国/比利时/意大利/台湾的驾驶执照如果附有由政府指定机关(各国 驾驶执照的发放机关、大使馆·领事 馆 、 JA F、东亚关系协会(仅是台湾))的日文翻 [...] 译就有效。 aiahome.or.jp | Licenses issued by Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Taiwan are valid if they are attached with a Japanese [...] translation issued by the country’s license [...] issuing institution, embassy/consulate, the JAF, [...]or the East Asia Relations Committee (only in the case of Taiwan). aiahome.or.jp |
在厄立特里亚国驻内罗毕使馆领取薪 金的 消息人士说,Dahir 依然从使馆领取财务经费,并持厄立特里亚护照旅行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sources on the [...] payroll of the embassy of Eritrea in Nairobi say that Dahir still receives financial support from the embassy and travels [...]on an Eritrean passport. daccess-ods.un.org |
他认为,尽管把图书馆的遗产记录转化为RDA的工作是重要的,作为其结果的数据集采用的仍 然是只属于图书馆领域的 语言和术语,这“对于非图书馆员查找有用的数据,仍然会造成困 难。 conference.ifla.org | He contends that, whilst converting legacy library records to RDF is crucial, the resultant datasets still retain the library-domain-specific languages and terminologies which would be “impenetrable for anyone who is not a librarian looking for useful data”. conference.ifla.org |
在博物馆、图书馆和档案馆领域, 教科文组织的工作重点将放在对濒危藏品的清点登 记方面,同时亦优先关注被移动物品的保存状况和紧急修复工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The evaluation calls for more coherence between SHS and the work of the other sectors, better cooperation with the natural sciences to leverage synergies, and an urgent need to forge new strategic partnerships. unesdoc.unesco.org |