

单词 反聘

See also:

betrothal gift
engage (a teacher etc)
get married (of woman)

External sources (not reviewed)

任何問 責 制下 的主要 官 員 如 違 反守則 內 的規定,即 屬反 聘 用合約。
A principal official who fails to
comply with the provisions in the Code of
[...] Practice will have violated the terms and conditions of the employment contract.
[...] 期,在解除武装、复员和重返社会方面,今后的活动将包括宣传教育和沟通运动,反对聘用外 国战斗人员、儿童兵和小武器的非法扩散。
The Operation envisaged that future activities in the area of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration would include a
sensitization and communications campaign
[...] directed against the recruitment of foreign combatants, [...]
child soldiers and the illicit proliferation of small arms.
根據 聘用合約,主要官員在簽訂合約時,當中是寫明須遵守“問責制主要官員守 則”內載列的規則和原則,包括須遵守《官方機密條例》等條文,如果主要 官員沒有遵守這守則,便是反聘用 合 約條款,而當局會視乎情況,採取適 當行動。
In the employment contract signed by a principal official, it is explicitly stated that he must comply with the rules and principles contained in the "Code for Principal Officials under the Accountability System", including the need to comply with the provisions of the OSO.
無論如何,我們同意 除 了 搜 集情報 、 入 屋 搜 查 、 作出檢 控 , 或
[...] 到 一 些商業 處 所 進行調查外 , 亦 有 需 要 加反聘用 非 法勞工的宣傳。
But anyway, we agree that apart from gathering intelligence, searching premises, making prosecutions or conducting
investigations at some commercial premises, it is also necessary to step up
[...] publicity against the employment of illegal workers.
按执行局第一七五届会议的要求,表 II
[...] 列示了所聘用的超过法定退休日期的人员数 量:其中包括延聘至法定退休日期之后的工作人员,以及在退休后临 反聘 的 退 休人员。
As requested by the Executive Board at its 175th session, Table II shows data on the number of staff employed beyond their statutory date of retirement: it includes staff extended beyond
their statutory date of retirement, and retired
[...] staff who were re-hired on a temporary appointment [...]
after their retirement.
(vi) 除了執法行動外,政府亦會積極進 反聘 用 非法勞工的宣傳 工作,藉電視廣告、入境處網頁、海報及宣傳單張,加深市 [...]
民及僱主對有關法例和政策的認識,提醒僱主切勿聘用非法 勞工;及
(vi) Apart from enforcement actions, the Administration
also undertakes a proactive publicity
[...] campaign against illegal employment through television [...]
advertisements, the ImmD's Homepage,
posters and leaflets so as to enhance the understanding of the public and employers about the relevant legislation and policies and to remind them not to employ illegal workers
因 此 , 在 電 視宣傳方面, 在今年10 月 15 日開始 , 入 境 處 已 透 過 政 府新聞 處 , 在香港 兩 個無線電 台 播 放 一 段 為時 30 秒反聘用 非 法勞工的短 片 , 另 外 亦印製 了 很 多 宣傳單張,提醒 僱 主 不 應聘用 非 法勞工。
Therefore, in the area of on-air publicity, starting from 15 October this year, the ImmD has already broadcasted a 30 seconds API on the two wireless television stations against the employment of illegal workers through the Information Services Department.
因 此,當合約僱員想 就 與
[...] 聘用有關 的事宜 作出投訴,或 就反 聘用條件或合約條款 提出申訴時,便沒有一個獨 [...]
立 無私的第 三者提供公平 的 調 解服務。
Consequently, when NCSC staff wish to
complain about employment-related issues or
[...] seek redress over breach of employment [...]
terms or contractual provisions, there is
no independent impartial third party to offer fair mediation.
尽管委员会反对聘用内 部没有的特定专才,但要求有关未来聘用外部 专家的提议应充分考虑到现有能力,并充分解释为何打算外聘咨询服务以填补某 [...]
While the
[...] Committee does not object to the need for [...]
specific expertise that is not available in-house, it requests that
future proposals for external expertise take fully into account existing capacity and that specific gaps that consultancy services are intended to fill be adequately explained.
今年㆒月在本㆞進行的招 聘,以及現正進行的另㆒次聘所得 的 反 應 ,遠超過往類似的 聘 所 得 的 反 應 , 這更增 強了我的信心。
This confidence is
[...] reinforced by the response to a local recruitment exercise conducted in January this year [...]
and another currently
in progress, which is far in excess of any response that we have had to similar exercises in the past.
因投资于加强对紧急状况反应能 力、 聘 、 人力资源政策、工作人员流动 和轮调举措以及整合全球发薪活动,故该组群的员额增加了 [...]
19 个。
Investments to enhance capacity for
[...] emergency response, recruitment, human resource policy, [...]
staff mobility and rotation initiatives,
and consolidation of global payroll activities, result in an additional 19 posts in the cluster.
经询问,委员会获悉,为实现 120 天 的目标,人力资源管理厅除其他外大幅度重新设定了其征聘指标,以更准确反 映征聘流程 中不同行为体之间的职责划分。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that, in order to meet the 120-day target, the Office of Human Resources Management had, inter alia,
significantly redesigned its recruitment
[...] indicators to reflect more accurately the delineation of responsibilities between the various actors in the recruitment process.
6.2 於各審核週期開始時,監察設有適當的審核計劃及審核計劃的範 反 映 委 聘 函 的 條款; 6.3 審核開始前與外部核數師討論審核的性質和範圍,檢討核數師的質量控制程序及核數師因應監管 及其他要求的變動而採取的步驟,以及確保核數師採取的核數方法足夠嚴謹
6.3 discuss with the external auditor, before the audit commences, the nature and scope of the audit and review the auditor’s quality control procedures and steps taken by the auditor to respond to changes in regulatory and other requirements, and ensure the auditor’s approach to the audit is sufficiently challenging
[...] 织的国际专业人员职位需要得到本组织地理流动性政策的认可,这已成为一项明确的规定,聘任书就反映了这项政策。
It has been clearly established that an appointment to an international professional post in UNESCO
requires acceptance of the Organization’s policy on geographical mobility,
[...] and letters of appointment reflect this policy.
陸教授同意是他在二零零四年六月三十日的管理高層會議上 提出討論其他事項,致使會議作出以下決定:“張永明博士接受傳媒 訪問的內容( 載於《星島日報》)
[...] 及教統局與馬女士的電話談話內容都 被錯誤引述,以及其後教院被指已 反 對 凍結 招 聘( 優先聘用期) 一事 發表聲明的謠言,完全是無中生有。
Professor Luk agreed that he brought up the AOB items at the senior management meeting on 30 June 2004, leading to the decisions that “there have been misquotes on press interviews with Dr F Cheung (on Sing Tao Daily) and telephone conversation between EMB and Ms Ma, and
subsequently a rumour that HKIEd has
[...] issued a statement on opposing the hiring freeze (PAP), which [...]
has not happened at all”.
第 90-11 号法令第 140 条关于对反与征聘工人 有关的法律的所有人实 行 制 裁 的规定如 下:“除按照现行 法规和条例 签 订 的学徒 合 同外, 任 何 招聘低于 [...]
最低法定工作年龄的年轻工人,都将导致罚款 1,000 至 2,000 第纳尔的处罚。
Act No. 90-11, in article 140,
imposes sanctions on
[...] all persons in breach of legal provisions related to the recruitment of workers in the [...]
following terms: “Except
in cases of apprenticeship contracts drawn up in accordance with the existing legislation and regulations, any recruitment of a young worker below the minimum legal age shall give rise to a fine of between 1,000 and 2,000 dinars.
e. 就成本及效率而言,現行聘請非公務員的合約制員工是具成本效率的做 法反之,大量聘用以 時薪計算的服務社員工、文化工作助理員和長期 僱用的文職㆟員,都會令成本效率降低。
e. In terms of costs and efficiency, the current policy of hiring non-civil service staff on contracts is cost efficient but not the extensive use of hourly Service Bureau staff and, to a degree, permanent Clerical Officer and Cultural Services Assistants.
毒 品和犯罪问题办公室目前正在聘反 腐 败 导师派驻刚果民主共和国、肯尼亚 (负责东非)、巴拿马(负责中美洲)和泰国(负责东南亚)。
UNODC is currently recruiting anti-corruption mentors [...]
to be placed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Kenya (for
East Africa), in Panama (for Central America) and in Thailand (for South-East Asia).
時工作工資的法定要求,反而IT界的情況正是一個很典型的例子,展 示未來有關的立法,必須要在提升勞方工作和生活質素,以及維持資
[...] 方僱用成本之間取得一些平衡;否則僱用成本大增,中小企支持不住反而會減少聘用的職位,好心做壞事,從而變成雙輸。
Having said that, it does not mean that we do not need these statutory requirements on standard working hours and overtime pay or we will not consider drawing up such requirements, but the IT sector is precisely a typical example which points to the need to strike a balance between improving employees'
conditions of work and quality of living and
[...] meeting the cost of staff wages when making the [...]
relevant legislation in future.
Families who reflect the culture/language of the community are hired as liaisons to the [...]
基於一個簡 單的供 求 理 論,當 工 資 以 法律的形 式 定 於 超 過 市 場 調節的 水 平 時 , 由於更多人
因 工 資上調 而 外 出 找尋工 作 , 勞 工 供應因此而增加; 但 由 於 工 資 成 本上漲 , 為 了 控 制 生 產 成 本
[...] , 老 闆 必須把工 資 開支固 定 於 特 定 水 平,結反而要減 少聘 工人的數 目。
However, as labour costs rise, in order to control
production costs, the bosses have to fix wage expenses at a certain specific
[...] level and the result will be less workers are hired.
他補充,他關注的 不是陳小姐是否共青團團員,而是她 聘 用是反《基本法》。
He added that his concern was not
whether Miss CHEN was a member of the Communist Youth League but whether
[...] her appointment was in breach of the Basic Law.
外就业局(SLBFE)为登记的移徙者举办的出国前培训班,设立八个实验性的区域 移徙信息和服务台,便利移徙工人收入和储蓄汇款的措施,设立一个“福利基金”,
[...] 和为登记的移徙工人实施一种保险办法和一种养老金办法,为移徙工人子女提供 奖学金,实施一项全反非法招聘方 案 ,以保护移徙工人及其家庭成员的权利。
(11) The Committee notes with interest the initiatives and programmes undertaken by the State party, including, inter alia, training programmes by the Sri Lanka Bureau for Foreign Employment (SLBFE) for registered migrants prior to departure, the establishment of eight pilot regional migrant information and service desks, measures to facilitate the transfer of migrant workers’ earnings and savings, the creation of a “welfare fund” and the operation of an insurance scheme and a pension scheme for registered migrant workers, the provision of scholarships to children of
migrant workers and the
[...] conducting of a nationwide Anti-Illegal Recruitment Programme, in [...]
order to protect the rights of migrant workers and their families.
很可惜,我們後來知道,政府索性取消了公開 聘 , 反 而 委 任了 一位政務主任,便是鄧忍光先生,出任港台的廣播處長。
We hoped that the
[...] exercise could recruit some person of [...]
calibre as the Director of Broadcasting (Director). Unfortunately,
as we knew later, the Government simply cancelled the open recruitment exercise and appointed instead an Administrative Officer (AO).
有 見 及 去 年 舉辦了大小型聘會 反 應 理 想,我們在今年會繼 續舉辦招聘 會,靈活地 回 應 僱 主的要 求 , 以 及 為 求 職 人士提供 全 面 的 協 助 。
In view of the encouraging response to the multitude of job fairs, big or small, organized last year, we will continue to organize job fairs this year to flexibly respond to the demands of employers and provide comprehensive assistance to job seekers.
目前繁重的工作量继续因以下方面的困难而加重:工作人员更替率仍然很高 高、工作人员聘和保留、反复处 理短期合同延期的行政负担,以及对削弱工作 [...]
The present heavy workload continues to be compounded by
the difficulties in a continuing
[...] high staff turnover, recruitment and retention of [...]
staff, the administrative burden of processing
repeated extensions of short-term contracts and the related debilitating effect on staff morale and productivity.
給 予綜援受助人優 先聘的 建 議,會反所有合資格人士均 有 平 等機會 競逐公務員職 位 空缺的 原 則,亦 會 減 少社會 上其他求職者獲得政 府錄用的 機 會 。
According priority of employment to CSSA recipients will mean a departure from the principle of fair and equal competition to the Civil Service and will reduce the employment opportunities of other members of the community.
但是,尽早获得聘审计人的反馈至 关重要, 可借以确定新出现的政策问题,并确认政策框架的有效性,以此作为 VISION 这 一儿童基金会符合《公共部门会计准则》的企业资源规划系统的设计基础。
However, obtaining early feedback from the external auditors is critical both to identify emerging policy issues and to confirm the validity of the policy framework as the basis for the design of VISION, the IPSAS-compliant ERP system of UNICEF.
儘管其後(8 月 11 日及 12
[...] 日)黑客繼續對「披露易」網絡發動攻擊,但香港交易 所在聘反黑客 入侵專家的協助下採用了全新的入侵防護措施,至今成功阻截黑客 [...]
Although hacking attacks against the HKExnews Website had repeated on the following days (11 and 12 August), the new intrusion protection
measures deployed by the HKEx with the
[...] assistance of external anti-hacking experts [...]
have so far been successful in fending off those attacks.
[...] 中原本载有关于监督外部审计人员工作的规定,但是遭到 聘 审 计团 的 反 对 , 认为 对其独立性构成威胁。
In this connection, the Inspectors were informed that the first draft of the IAAC terms of reference did contain provisions
to oversee the work of external
[...] auditors, but this was objected to by the PEA, which [...]
perceived it as a threat to its independence.




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