单词 | 反美 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 反美 —anti-American
相反,美國、加拿大及新加坡均沒有就涉及界定供款退休金計劃的詐 騙事件設立補償基金。 legco.gov.hk | By contrast, systems in the United States, Canada and Singapore do not have compensation funds for frauds involving defined contribution pension schemes. legco.gov.hk |
如通过行政程序判定某非公民违反美 国 移 民法,在驱离前,一般须予拘留(通 常必须在行政程序最终完成 [...] 90 天内)(见《移民归化法》第 241(a)(l)(A)条(2))。 daccess-ods.un.org | If a non-citizen, through the administrative process, is [...] found to be in violation of United States immigration [...]laws, in general, they must be [...]detained until they are removed (which generally must occur within 90 days of the final completion of the administrative process) (see INA § 241(a)(l)(A), (2)). daccess-ods.un.org |
与此相反,美国认 为放弃表态(或延 缓表态)更有可能促成迅捷、可行、清晰、可持续和法律上肯定的解决方案。 iprcommission.org | By contrast the US has suggested that a waiver or moratorium is more likely to achieve an expeditious, workable, transparent, sustainable and legally certain solution. iprcommission.org |
这部法案同样适用于违反美国50个州任何一 部相关法律获取、采伐、运输或出口植物的行为。 forestlegality.org | The law applies equally to plants taken, harvested, transported, or exported in violation of the relevant laws of any of the 50 U.S. states as well. forestlegality.org |
相反,美国政 府继续坚持附加 条件,将令人无法接受的干预要求作为改变对古巴政策的条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the contrary, the United States Administration [...] continues to insist on unacceptable and interventionist conditions and [...]requirements as a prerequisite for a change in its policy towards Cuba. daccess-ods.un.org |
在未能 [...] 取得美國國務院之許可下進行私有化 ,將會導致本公司被視為違反美國國 務院過往給予本公司與其 業務有關之重要批准 [...],因此中國中信集團公司及 GE 決定終止該計劃 。 asiasat.com | The proceeding of privatisation without obtaining the authorisation from the US Department of [...] State would result in the Company being [...] deemed to be in breach of important US [...]Department of State approvals previously [...]granted to the Company in relation to its business. asiasat.com |
相反,美利坚 合众国在开展同样的进程时, 尚未接受 220 项建议中的任何一项。 daccess-ods.un.org | In contrast, the [...] United States of America had not accepted [...]a single one of the 220 recommendations made when it had undergone the same process. daccess-ods.un.org |
各美联航承运商都保留 (1) 拒绝承运任何是以违反美联航 承运商的税则、规定或条例的方式或是以违反任何适用的国家、联邦、州或当地的法令、法规或政府条例的方式获得的电子机票的旅客;和 [...] (2) 在通知或不通知已订票旅客的前提下调整或修改合同条件的权利。 united.com | Each United Carrier reserves the right to (1) [...] refuse carriage to any person who has acquired [...] a ticket in violation of any United [...]Carriers’ tariffs, rules or regulations, [...]or in violation of any applicable national, federal, state, or local law order, regulation or ordinance, and (2) change or modify any of its conditions of contract with or without notice to ticketed passengers. united.com |
同安理会刚才听到的发言恰恰相反, 美 国 已对路 易斯·波萨达·卡里略斯采取了若干执法行动,我们 [...] 在数个场合已对此做了详细描述。 daccess-ods.un.org | Contrary to the statements the Council [...] has heard, the United States has taken a number of law enforcement actions with respect [...]to Luis Posada Carriles, which we have described in detail on several occasions. daccess-ods.un.org |
相反,美国提 倡以支持容忍和个人权利的具体行动,以作为打击仇恨意识形态的最佳方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | Instead, the United States advocated [...] concrete action in support of tolerance and individual rights as the best way to combat hateful ideologies. daccess-ods.un.org |
違反美國法律, 可能喪失聯邦對學 校的資助以及企業 的聯邦合約。 easyvoterguide.org | Going against U.S. law could lose federal funds for schools and federal contracts for businesses. easyvoterguide.org |
您同意不会违反美国或 合法获取“材料”的国家或地区的适用法律或法规,出口、再出口或转移这些“材料”。 marvell.com.cn | You agree that you will not export, reexport or transfer the [...] Materials in violation of any applicable [...]laws or regulations of the United States [...]or the country where the Materials were legally obtained. marvell.com |
而且,虽然某些便利性付款旨在加快和确保日常政府 行为的履行,并不违反美国的反海外 腐败法,但这些付款通常违反 A. O. 史密斯开展业务的国家/地区的法 律,因而 A. O. 史密斯禁止便利性付款。 aosmith.com | Furthermore, although certain facilitating payments which are made to expedite or secure performance of routine governmental action may not violate the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, these payments often violate the laws of the countries where A. O. Smith does business, and A. O. Smith prohibits facilitating payments. aosmith.com |
國泰航空公司於六月宣佈與美國司法部達成 [...] 辯訴協議,根據該協議,國泰航空就一項有關其貨物空運業務 違 反 《 美 國 謝爾曼法例》的指控認罪,並將繳 付六千萬美元(相等於港幣四億六千八百萬元)的罰款。 swirepacific.com | In June Cathay Pacific Airways announced that it had entered into a plea agreement with the United States Department of [...] Justice under which it has pleaded guilty [...] to a one count violation of the United States Sherman [...]Act relating to its air cargo [...]business and will pay a fine of US$60 million (equivalent to HK$468 million). swirepacific.com |
参加纪念仪式的人焚烧 美国国旗,高呼反美和反欧盟 的口号,并高唱含有仇恨语言的反阿族人的歌曲。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participants in the commemoration ceremony burned a United States flag, chanted anti-United States and anti-European Union slogans and sang anti-Albanian songs containing hate speech. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是去年其他备受瞩目的案例指出电信设备巨头华为和中兴(HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: [...] 000063)存在类似的潜在非法行为,被怀疑向伊朗销售或试图销售货物,可能 违 反美 国 或 联合国制裁。 youngchinabiz.com | But other high-profile cases in the past year have pointed to similar potentially illegal behavior by telecoms equipment giants Huawei and ZTE (HKEx: 763; [...] Shenzhen: 000063), which are suspected of selling or trying to sell goods to Iran, [...] possibly in violation of US or UN sanctions. youngchinabiz.com |
与此相反,美国有关知识产权的法规和法律体系已相当成熟、高度完善、极为具体。 archive.cmdm.com | By contrast, US laws and the legal system relating to IP rights are very mature, highly complex, and fiercely adversarial. archive.cmdm.com |
禁止违反《美国反海外 贿赂法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 简称“FCPA”)或其它美国或各国法律,直接或间接地向任何外国政府代表支付或提供金钱、产品、礼品或服务,以获取有利的商业待遇或影响政府决策。 emerson.com | The rules forbidding payments in money, products, gifts or services – either directly or indirectly – to any foreign government representative to induce favorable business treatment or to affect governmental decisions in violation of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) or other U.S. or local country laws. emerson.com |
参与密谋的以色列人和巴基斯坦人最终在美国 被起诉,罪名是违反美国的 出口管制法律。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ultimately, the Israeli and Pakistani conspirators were indicted in the [...] United States for violating United States [...]export control laws. daccess-ods.un.org |
2004 年 5 月 28 [...] 日,科瓦奇和 Elatec 认罪, 承认密谋违反美国在此次出口方面的出口许可要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 28 May 2004, Kovacs and Elatec pleaded guilty to charges that they [...] conspired to violate United States export [...]licensing requirements in connection with this export. daccess-ods.un.org |
您不可在违反美国或任何其他国家出口法律的情况下使用本网站或出口信息或材料。 emerson.com | You may not use the Site or export information and materials in violation of the export laws of the United States or any other country. emerson.com |
用户须熟知美国关于技术资料出口的法律和法规,并同意使用或导出TRW Automotive网站内容时不会违反美国的出口法律和法规。 trw.cn | You must become familiar with U.S. laws and regulations on export of technical information and you [...] agree you will not use or export Content in a TRW Automotive [...] Web Site in violation of U.S. export [...]laws and regulations. trw.com |
電文指出,美國依一個中國政策,不支持台灣加入需要以國家為會員資格的國際組織,同時美國對台灣在國際組織中的名稱,也不採取任何立場,美國接受中華人民共和國與台灣都接受的安排與名稱,反對任何一方利用名稱做 違 反美 國 政 策的政治用途,美國官員也不可以稱台灣為一個國家。 tw01.org | The message pointed out that, according to the one-China policy, the United States does not support Taiwan to join international organizations need membership to states, while the United States does not take any position on the name of Taiwan in international organizations, the United States accepted the People's Republic of China and Taiwan are [...] accepted arrangements with [...] the name, opposed to the use of the name of any party for political purposes in violation of U.S. policy, [...]U.S. officials can [...]not referred to Taiwan as a country. tw01.org |
大赦国际指出,在国内方面,美国有许多保护人权并为 违 反美 国 《 宪法》行 为提供补救的许多法律、机制和机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | AI indicated that in the domestic arena, the US has many laws, mechanisms and institutions to protect human rights and provide remedy for violations of the US Constitution. daccess-ods.un.org |
Skype提供本软件供您下载,前提是您必须保证您并非此类人士或实体,且下载本软件不会 违 反美 国 出 口管制和制裁法规。 skype.com | Skype is making the Software available to you for download only on the condition that you certify that you are not [...] such a person or entity and that the download is not [...] otherwise in violation of US export [...]control and sanctions regulations. skype.com |
事实上,设备厂商要求使用他们品牌的过滤器是 违 反美 国 联 邦法律的,除非他们在保用期内免费提供他们的过滤器。 baldwinfilters.com | A: The answer is no. In fact, it is against U.S. Federal Law for an equipment manufacturer to require the use of their brand of filter, unless they provide you with their filter at no charge during the warranty period. baldwinfilters.com |
相反,美国和欧盟,对生物固体再利用的规定仅仅基于对人 类健康的保护,没有澳大利亚那么严格。 但是,澳大利亚也缺少对生物固体的其它用途的利用,例如废物利用、能源产生 方面。 acedp-partnership.org | By contrast, the EU and US regulations are not as stringent and based on the protection of human health. acedp-partnership.org |
维基解密获取 2009 年 2 月 27 日美国驻古巴利益科发出的一封电报,电 报称在古巴没有反美恐怖 团体或其他本地恐怖团体, 而且古巴政府不允许任何组织在该国开展恐怖主义 目的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | A cable from the United States Interests Section in Cuba, dated 27 February 2009, obtained by Wikileaks, acknowledged that there were no antiAmerican or other indigenous terrorist groups in Cuba, and that Cuba’s Government would not permit any organization to operate in the country for terrorist purposes. daccess-ods.un.org |
形象:所有标志,闪屏,页头,图像和本网站上显示的图形,服务标志,商标和/或外贸服饰AnyBizSoft(统称“商标”)或其第三方许可... [...] 除明确允许外,使用,复制,传输,显示,修改或分发任何形式的商标或AnyBizSoft被禁止,并可能 违 反美 国 版权法,商标法,隐私或其他法律的书面许可任何未经手段在美国和/或其他国家。 cn.anypdftools.com | Except as expressly permitted herein, using, copying, transmitting, displaying, modifying or distributing any Marks in any form or by any means without the express written permission of [...] AnyBizSoft is [...] prohibited and may violate the copyright, trademark, privacy or other laws of the United States and/or [...]other countries. anypdftools.com |