

单词 选票

票选 ()

vote by ballot



voter registration card

See also:


ballot n
ticket n

bank note
person held for ransom
amateur performance of Chinese opera

External sources (not reviewed)

计票员的职责应是监督投票程序、计 选票 、 决 定任何 有疑问选票是否有效,以及证明每次投票的结果。
The duties of the tellers shall be to supervise the balloting procedure, count the ballot papers, decide on the validity of a ballot paper in any case of doubt, and certify the result of each ballot.
在选举期间,专家组得到报告称,促进刚果自由和主权爱国联盟努力在 Lukweti 地区为 Mitondeke 先生选票。
During the elections, the Group received reports that APCLS
[...] had sought to ensure votes in the Lukweti area [...]
for Mr. Mitondeke.
通过签署行为准 则,各方特别保证支持举行民主的、自由的、公开和透明的选举,尊 选票 作 出 的裁决,万 一出现争议,保证诉诸合法的司法程序。
In signing, the parties undertook inter alia to support the holding of
free, open and transparent
[...] democratic elections, to respect the verdict of the ballot box and, should [...]
it be challenged, to
have recourse to legal judicial proceedings.
该委员会还将就划定选区和地方当局的选举单位问题提出建议,并且选票平等 的基础上提出最优选区数目。
It will also make recommendations for delimitation of constituencies
and local authorities’
[...] electoral units and recommend the optimal number of constituencies on the basis of equality of votes.
选举第一步将为每个区域集团制作不同 选票 ,因 此有五选票。
The first part of
[...] the election would have separate ballot papers for each regional group, thus five ballot papers.
第二次投票结果双方所得票数相同而法定 选票 数 为 过 半数时,主席应抽签决定其中之一当选。
If in the
[...] second ballot the votes are equally [...]
divided, and a majority is required, the Chairman shall decide between the candidates by drawing lots.
因此,成员们应确保标有“A”的非洲国 选票 上所选举候选人数不超过九个;标有“B”的亚太国选票上所选举候选人数不超过八个;标有“C”的 东欧国选票上所选举候 选人数不超过三个;标有 “D”的拉丁美洲和加勒比国选票上 所 选 举 候 选人 数不超过六个;标有“E”的西欧和其他国 选票上 所选举候选人数不超过八个。
Accordingly, members should ensure that the ballot papers marked “A” for
[...] African States do not contain votes for more than nine candidates; that the ballot papers marked “B” for Asia-Pacific States do not contain votes for more than eight candidates; that the ballot papers marked “C” for Eastern European States do not contain votes for more than three candidates; that the ballot papers marked “D” for Latin American and Caribbean States do not contain votes for more than six candidates; and that the ballot papers marked “E” for Western European and Other States do not contain votes for more than eight candidates.
视情况而定,各竞选人被分配的众议员或参议员授 权数为,国家一级未予使用选票以 及 低于选区选举商数 选票 总 数 针对政党、 政治联盟或选举联盟投出的总的有效票数除以国家选举商数得出的结果。
Each electoral competitor is assigned as many deputy’s or senator’s mandates as the case may be, as the number of times the national
electoral quotient is
[...] comprised in the total number of votes validly cast for that political party, [...]
political alliance, or
electoral alliance, resulting from summing the number of votes not used and those lower than the constituency electoral quotient, at national level.
在泰国 投票是公民的义务,选票上加上“无”选项只是让选 民多了一项选择,而不表选票作废
Voting is compulsory in Thailand; the “no” option gives voters a choice other than to void a ballot.
就政治联盟和选举联盟而言,在 5%的
[...] 门槛基础上,联盟中第二个成员则须相应增加全国各地投出的所有有 选票的 3 %,针对联盟中的每名成员,从第三名成员开始,每增加一名成员就应使全国 [...]
有效投票占比增加 1%,其总占比不超过 10%。
As regards political alliances and electoral alliances, to the 5% threshold, one shall
add for a second member of the alliance
[...] another 3% of the votes validly cast in [...]
the entire country and for each member of
the alliance, starting with the third, one percent of the votes validly cast in the entire country, without exceeding 10% of those votes.
政府在预先告知中央选举委员会的情况下,将为盲人及有视觉障碍的 残疾人制定选举程序,使他们有权行使选举权并为 选票 保 密
However, the Government, after informing the Central Electoral Board, shall establish a voting procedure for blind or visually
impaired persons to enable them to exercise
[...] their right to vote and which guarantees the confidentiality of their vote.
会议决定用列有候选人姓名 及其提名国的选票进行选举。
The Meeting decided to proceed on
[...] the basis of new ballot papers which included [...]
the names of the candidates followed by the nominating State(s).
上一次票中获选票最少 的候选人,可根据主席的提议将其从候选 人名单中删除。
From such ballots the candidates obtaining the least number of votes in the previous [...]
ballot may be eliminated on the proposal of the President.
社会弱势人群,包括移徙 者只能勉强应付——家园遭到破坏、土地保有安排没 有保障、在无任何基础设施或基本服务的外围地区安
[...] 置,他们还要面对政治家的矛盾情绪,这种人只有在 希望获得弱势群体选票时才 承诺和兑现。
The vulnerable members of society, migrants included, had to make do with what was left ― dilapidated homes, insecure tenure arrangements, settlements in peripheral areas without any infrastructure or basic services ― and
faced the ambivalence of politicians who only promised and delivered
[...] when they wanted the votes of those vulnerable [...]
在选举日,前全国保卫人民大会士兵(a) 威胁没有投票给卡比拉和全 国保卫人民大会候选人的人,致使当地民众逃离;(b)
[...] 代表不识字的民众投票; (c) 强迫多个投票站提前关闭,以防止反对派支持者投票,并填完了空白选 票。
On election day, ex-CNDP soldiers (a) threatened those who did not vote for Mr. Kabila and CNDP candidates, prompting the local population to flee, (b) voted on behalf of illiterate populations and (c) forced
several polling stations to close early in order to prevent opposition
[...] supporters from voting and completed the empty ballots.
名政客,他们不断为不稳定推波助澜,企图通过非法 手段夺取他们无法通选票赢得的政治权力,并从非 法贩运特别是贩毒活动中谋取经济利润。
The responsibility for those acts belongs to certain elements of the armed forces and a few politicians who keep fuelling instability to achieve, by
illegal means, the political power they could
[...] not win at the polls, as well as the [...]
economic profits that arise from illegal
trafficking, in particular of drugs.
当有一个或一个以上的选任职位须在同样条件下同时填补时,每一有权投票 的代表可在所投票中选举与 需填补的职位同数的候选人;在第一次投票中获得 过半选票且得 票最多的候选人当选,其人数不得超过应补职位。
When one or more elective places are to be filled at one time under the same
conditions, each delegation
[...] entitled to vote may cast a vote for as many candidates as there are places to be filled, and those candidates, in a number not exceeding the number of such places, obtaining in the first ballot a majority of the votes cast and the [...]
largest number of votes shall be elected.
鉴于宪法法院支持采用鼓掌表示通过的方式(使用“noken”系统),KPU应与省级选举委员会(巴布亚地方选举委员会)一道,制定清晰的指导方针,保证至少以最小化的标准把这 选票 列 成 表格,以避免选举中的舞弊行为,并作出相应的努力,提高对投票人的教育。
In light of the Constitutional Court’s upholding of the practice of voting by acclamation (using the noken system),
work with the provincial-level
[...] elections commission (KPUD Papua) to develop clear guidelines that will ensure tabulating these votes includes at least minimum standards against electoral [...]
fraud and conduct increased voter
education efforts accordingly.
对本案适用同样标准,宪法法院 认为,所作的行政决定和法律决定宣 选票 有 效 ,不仅违反了选举法――因直接 影响到选举的最后结果,而且也违反了依照法律要求享有平等获得公职的权利。
Applying the same criteria to this case, the Court considered that the
administrative and legal
[...] decisions allowing the ballot paper to be declared valid had not only violated the electoral law, [...]
by having a direct bearing
on the final result of the election, but also contravened the right of access to public office on equal terms in compliance with the requirements of the law.
苏丹当局开展全民投票进程,联合国开发计划署(UNDP)、政治事务部(DPA)和联合国苏丹特派团(UNMIS)一起提供重要支持,包括印刷并分发超过1 000万选票,并为大约5 000个投票站的工作人员提供培训。
The Sudanese authorities were responsible for the referendum process with the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) working alongside the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Department of Political Affairs (DPA) to provide major support, including the
printing and distribution of more than
[...] 10 million ballots as well as training for the staff of some 5,000 polling stations.
在我在安理会这里发言的此时此刻,我们还不知道 共和国临时总统和总理——他是最大政党的领导人,在 第一轮总统选举中获得了 49%的选票——身在何方, 处境如何。
As I stand here before the Council, we do not know where and under what conditions the interim President of the Republic and its Prime Minister, the leader of the largest
political party and recipient of 49
[...] per cent of the votes in the first round of presidential elections, are being held.
[...] 的政治信念,因为他们数次来到提交人的住所,为提交人及其妻子提供金钱以换选票。
The author already explained that his political convictions were known both within the police apparatus and to the district mayor
and his employees, as they came several times to his house to offer the author and his wife
[...] money in exchange for votes.
一切选举均应以无记名投票方式进行,除非在无异议情况下,审查会议决定对 已商定的一名候选人或候选人名单不进行 票选 举。
All elections shall be held by secret ballot unless, in the absence of any
objection, the Review Conference decides to proceed
[...] without taking a ballot when there [...]
is an agreed candidate or slate.
如果在票选举中没有任何候选人获得多数,委员会委员在举行新的 票选 举之前,应尽力达成协商一致意见。
If no single candidate receives a
[...] majority of the votes cast, the members of the Committee shall endeavour to reach a consensus before holding a further ballot.
The chair at each meeting of the
Technical Committee shall be elected by the
[...] majority vote of those members of the Technical Committee present and voting.
根据 议事规则第 83 条,安全理事会非常任理事国应以三分之二多 票选 出。
Under rule 83 of the rules of procedure, the non-permanent members of the
[...] Security Council are elected by a two-thirds majority.
[...] 总督由每届大选选出,任期四年;(b) 立法 议会由参议院(参议员 27 名)和众议院(众议员 51 名)组成,由成年选民在每届大 选直接票选出;(c) 最高法院和初级法院。
In brief, the Government consists of: (a) a Governor elected for four years at each general election; (b) a Legislative Assembly comprising two houses, the Senate (27 members) and the House of
Representatives (51 members)
[...] elected by direct vote of the adult population at each general election; and (c) a [...]
Supreme Court and lower courts.
如获得法定多数 的候选人少于应选出的人员或会员国的数额,应再举行投票以补足 余缺,这些投票只限于上次投票中得票最多且其数目不超过应补余
[...] 缺两倍的候选人;但如第三次投票仍无结果,则可 票选 举 任 何合 格的人或会员国。
If the number of candidates obtaining such majority is less than the number of persons or Members to be elected, there shall be additional ballots to fill the remaining places, the voting being restricted to the candidates obtaining the greatest number of votes in the previous ballot to a number not more than twice the places
remaining to be filled; provided that, after the third
[...] inconclusive ballot, votes may be cast for [...]
any eligible person or Member.
同时,在《公约》的方针指引下,在其他方面也取得了进步,主要表现在颁 布了第
[...] 29478 号法,规定为残疾人参与票选举提供便利;颁布了第 29524 号 [...]
《聋盲人法》,规定聋盲是一种单一性的残疾;出台了全国国民身份登记处的第 0269-2009
号部门决议,规定为残疾人免费办理和发放身份证件,为此类人口, 特别是没有出生证明的残疾儿童身份证件办理简化了大量手续;颁布了针对军队 和警察部门成员的《保健福利法》。
Other achievements under the Convention have included the adoption of Act No. 29478, which deals with the
provision of facilities to enable persons with
[...] disabilities to vote; Act No. 29524 [...]
on Deafblind Persons, which recognizes deafblindness
as a single disability; Administrative Decision No. 0269-2009 of the National Identity and Civil Status Registry (RENIEC), which establishes that national identity documents are to be issued free of charge to persons with disabilities and provides for expedited procedures for persons, especially children, who do not have a birth certificate; and legislation on health-care provisions for members of the armed forces and police.
35 因此,作为一项基本原则,每个投票人只有一票。 不过,在特定情况下,特别是当少数群体规模较小,并且作为为推动少数群体进
[...] 入政治体制而采取的特殊措施,少数群体成员有权 票选 举 一 名有保留席位的少 数群体代表和一名普通的非少数群体代表。
However, in certain circumstances, in particular where the minority is small and as a special measure to improve the integration of a minority into the
political system, members of minorities may
[...] have the right to vote for both a minority [...]
representative with a reserved seat and
a general non-minority representative.36 74.




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