单词 | 葵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 葵noun—sunflowernExamples:葵涌—Kwai Cheong Kwai Chung (area in Hong Kong) 蒲葵—Livistona chinensis Chinese fan palm 手嶌葵—TESHIMA Aoi (1987-), Japanese female pop singer
根据董事会函件,富宏拥有的该等物业为位於香港新界葵涌和宜合道131号恒利中 心的7楼A室、12楼B室、11楼、16楼及19楼A室及B室,该等物业包括一幢26层高工业 楼宇(其钢筋混凝土工程於1992年竣工)内的8个工业单位。 cre8ir.com | According to the Letter from the Board, Richmind owns the Properties at Workshop A on 7th Floor, Workshop B on 12th Floor, Workshops A and B on 11th, 16th and 19th Floors, Henry Centre, No. 131 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong which comprise 8 industrial units within a 26-storey industrial building of reinforced concrete construction completed in 1992. cre8ir.com |
它们存在於牛油果、果仁、 [...] 籽实、非氢化软人造牛油、多种油(例如橄榄油、玉米油、芥花 籽油和葵花油)及含这些油的沙律(拉)酱。 cancer-asian.com | They are found in avocados, nuts, seeds, non-hydrogenated [...] soft margarines, oils like olive oil, corn oil, [...] canola oilandsunflower oil,and salad [...]dressings that contain these oils. cancer-asian.com |
(3) 根据香港特别行政区荃湾葵青地政处於 2007 年 3 月 21 日签发的不反对通知书(注册摘要号码﹕07032802020015), A 座地下 G01 号单位可於现有大厦存在期间用於非住宅用途(酒店、加油站及安老院除外)。 wingtaiproperties.com | (3) According to the No Objection Letter dated 21 March 2007 issued by The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by the District Lands Office / Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing registered vide Memorial No.07032802020015, Unit G01 on Ground Floor of Tower A may be used for non-residential purposes (excluding hotel, petrol filling station and residential care home) for the lifetime of the existing building. wingtaiproperties.com |
(c) 政府会否考虑再谘询葵青区议员 政府会否考虑再谘询葵青区议员 政府会否考虑再谘询葵青区议员 政府会否考虑再谘询葵青区议员、分区委员会 、分区委员会 、分区委员会 、分区委员会、互助委员会及该区的立法局议 、互助委员会及该区的立法局议 、互助委员会及该区的立法局议 、互助委员会及该区的立法局议 员有关青衣北机场铁路站防止噪音设施? legco.gov.hk | (c) whether the Government will consider further consulting members of the Kwai TsingDistrict Board, Area Committees and Mutual Aid Committees and the Legislative [...] Council Member of the district concerned [...]about the noise prevention facilities at the Tsing Yi North airport railway station? legco.gov.hk |
举例来说,在㆒九九㆕年六月,由於㆝气恶劣及发生严重交通意外,令葵青区出现严重的交通挤塞情况,当局遂提供来往青衣与荃湾之间的穿梭 [...] 渡轮服务;同年八月,由於发生山泥倾泻,以致鸭 洲大桥须局部封闭,小 轮公司便特别调派渡轮至鸭 洲。 legco.gov.hk | For example, in June last year, special ferry shuttle services were provided between Tsing [...] Yi and Tsuen Wan because of serious traffic [...] congestion in Kwai Tsing District [...]caused by a combination of poor weather and [...]bad traffic accidents, and in August last year, special ferries were deployed to Ap Lei Chau because of the partial closure of the Ap Lei Chau Bridge caused by a landslip. legco.gov.hk |
迷迭香、天竺葵、薄荷精油:带来香气,并让人感觉舒爽,具调和及补充能量的功效。 clarinsusa.com | Essential Oils [...] of Rosemary, Geranium, Mint: fragrance [...]and promote a feeling of well-being, tone and energize. clarinsusa.com |
(2) 代表委任表格及授权签署该表格之授权书或其他授权文件(如有)或经公证人证明之该等 授权文件之认证副本,最迟须於大会或其任何续会之指定举行时间48小时前送达本公司之 [...] 总办事处及主要营业地点(地址为香港新界葵涌葵喜街1-11号达利国际中心11楼),方 [...]为 有效。 equitynet.com.hk | (2) To be valid, forms of proxy and the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power of attorney must be deposited at the head office and principal place of business of the Company [...] at 11th Floor, High Fashion Centre, 1–11 [...] Kwai Hei Street, KwaiChung, New Territories, [...]Hong Kong not less than 48 hours before [...]the time appointed for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof. equitynet.com.hk |
该物业” 指本公告附錄中的估值报告中所列明位於香港新界葵涌和宜合道 63 号及打砖坪街 70 号的麗晶中心且由余下集团成员所持有之所 有单位及车位(不包括将构成经分派业务一部份的麗晶中心 B 座 505 至 510 室),整体樓面总面积约为 657,000 平方尺,相等於 麗晶中心整体樓面总面积约 63.8%。 wingtaiproperties.com | Property” all those units and carparks in Regent Centre owned by members of the Remaining Group (excluding Units 505-510, Tower B of Regent Centre which will form part of the Distributed Businesses), as set out in the valuation report in the appendix to this announcement, situated at 63 Wo Yi Hop Road and 70 Ta Chuen Ping Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong with a total gross floor area of approximately 657,000 square feet representing approximately 63.8% of the total gross floor area of Regent Centre. wingtaiproperties.com |
正在增加使用的其他植物蛋白包括玉米产品(例如玉米麸皮)、 [...] 豆类(例如羽扇豆和豌豆)、榨油种子粉(油菜籽粉、棉花籽粉和葵花)以及来 自其他谷物产品的蛋白(例如小麦、稻米和大麦)。 fao.org | Other plant proteins that are being increasingly used include corn products (e.g. corn gluten meal), pulses (e.g. lupins [...] and peas), oilseed meals (rapeseed meal, [...] cottonseed and sunflower), and protein [...]from other cereal products (e.g. wheat, rice and barley). fao.org |
(c) 工务计划项目第 4111CD 号-荃湾、葵涌及青衣雨水排放系统改善计 划-荃湾雨水排放隧道。 devb.gov.hk | (c) PWP Item 4111CD – Drainage [...] improvements in Tsuen Wan, KwaiChung andTsing [...]Yi – Tsuen Wan drainage tunnel. devb.gov.hk |
无论 阁下能否出席股东特别大会,务请将随附之代表委任表格按其上印备之 [...] 指示填妥,并尽早交回本公司(地址为香港新界葵涌葵喜街1-11号达利国际中心 11楼),无论如何最迟须於大会指定举行时间48小时前送达。 equitynet.com.hk | Whether or not you are able to attend the SGM, please complete and return the enclosed form of proxy in accordance with the instructions printed thereon and return it to the [...] Company at 11th Floor, High Fashion [...] Centre, 1–11 Kwai HeiStreet, KwaiChung, New Territories, [...]Hong Kong as soon as possible [...]and in any event not later than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding such meeting. equitynet.com.hk |
苏世民学者项目每年将资助 200 [...] 名学生前往清华大学完成一年的研究生学习,其导师为中国着名经济学家、原央行货币政策委员会委员李稻葵。china.blackstone.com | Schwarzman Scholars will support 200 students annually for a one-year Master’s program [...] at Tsinghua University under the direction of [...] Dean David DaokuiLi,aprominent [...]Chinese economist and former member of China’s currency board. blackstone.com |
2.5 如欲查询或要求改正申領表上的个人资料,可以书面向持续进修基金办事处提出(地址:新界葵涌兴芳路 166-174 号葵兴政府合署 9 樓 916 室持续进修基金办事处)。 sfaa.gov.hk | 2.5 Enquiries concerning the personal data provided in the applications and requests for the correction of such data may be made in writing to: Office of the [...] Continuing Education Fund, Room [...] 916, 9/F., Kwai Hing Government Offices, 166-174 Hing Fong Road,Kwai Chung, New Territories. sfaa.gov.hk |
苏世民学者项目主任李稻葵表示:“建设性合作是未来中美关系的重要基石,我感到非常激动能与陈校长、Schwarzman [...] 先生和苏世民学者项目的杰出顾问委员会一起,创建学术和国际话语的新中心。 china.blackstone.com | SaidDavid DaokuiLi, Dean of Schwarzman [...] Scholars, “Constructive cooperation should be a key cornerstone of Sino-U.S. relations [...]for the future, and I am very excited to join President Chen, Mr. Schwarzman and the illustrious Advisory Board of Schwarzman Scholars to build a new center for scholarship and international discourse. blackstone.com |
香氛的中调,花朵渐渐盛开,激发了传说中的女性能量:粉末状的性感向日葵,莽撞的紫罗兰和魅力超凡的鸢尾草。 hk.eternal.hk | At the heart of the fragrance, floral prints bloom generously and evoke an asserted feminine power: powdery sensual heliotrope, cheeky violet and charismatic orris. hk.eternal.hk |
下列文件的副本於直至2013年2月18日(包括该日)止的一般办公时间内,在本公司的总 办事处(地址为香港新界葵涌和宜合道131号恒利中心19楼)可供查阅 cre8ir.com | Copies of the following documents will be available for inspection at the [...] Company’s head office at 19/F., Henry Centre, 131 [...] Wo YiHop Road,Kwai Chung, NewTerritories, [...]Hong Kong during normal business [...]hours up to and including 18 February 2013 cre8ir.com |
为提供均衡 的饮⾷, 你可以把蔬菜配 以 Holle的粥仔餐 , ⽅法 是在Holle樽装蔬菜⾷物内加⼊两汤匙任何味道的Holle粥仔和两 茶匙的葵花油。 holle.co.uk | Stir 2 tablespoons of any of the Holle Porridges into a vegetable jar and add 2 teaspoons of edible oil. holle.co.uk |
该海域既是远洋船进出葵青货柜 码头泊位的掉头区,亦是船只往來青衣北至维港之间海域 [...] 的交通航道。 harbourfront.org.hk | The area is used as a turning basin for OGVs arriving and leaving [...] the berths atthe Kwai Tsing container terminals, [...]as well as the through traffic [...]channel for vessels navigating between the sea area north of Tsing Yi and the harbour. harbourfront.org.hk |
灰烬是主要肥料,而 某些种类的果树(洛神葵、木豆和一些豆类品种)和开花植物(万寿菊和波斯菊)则 充当农药,对作物发挥固氮功效。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ash is the main fertilizing agent, while certain species of fruit plants (hibiscus safderifa, pigeon pea and some species of beans) and flowering plants (marigold and cosmos) act as pesticides, covering crops with nitrogen-fixing qualities. daccess-ods.un.org |
我最近曾探访葵涌邨和华富邨,并听取汇报,了解这些旧屋邨进行有关工程的进度。 housingauthority.gov.hk | I have recently visitedKwai Chung Estateand Wah [...] Fu Estate and have been briefed on the progress of projects scheduled in these older estates. housingauthority.gov.hk |
神奇玫瑰果精华液- 10ml 这种慷慨地注入乳香,玫瑰天竺葵,玫瑰草,杜松和柑橘精油的荷荷巴油和琉璃苣油,能真真正正滋养你的皮肤,令您的肌肤呼吸,平衡其质感,并完全焕发青春。 glamabox.com | SERUM - 10ml This beautifully rich blend of rosehip, jojoba and borage oils generously infused with frankincense, rose geranium, palmarosa, juniper and mandarin essential oils will literally feed your skin, allowing it to breathe, even out texture and feel totally rejuvenated. glamabox.com |
那些钻进沉积物的动物(例如蠕虫、蛤 蜊和掘穴海葵等),被称为底内底栖动物。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Data can be acquired from a large number of different sources including many that are not a part of GOOS. unesdoc.unesco.org |
长青商场交通便利,有多条巴士和小巴路线往返青衣、机场快线青衣站和地铁葵芳站以及九龙各区,商场亦设有时租停车场供购物人士使用。 housingauthority.gov.hk | There are buses and public light buses [...] connecting the complex with the Airport Express Tsing Yi [...] Station andtheMTRKwai FongStation as [...]well as other parts of Kowloon. housingauthority.gov.hk |
经过一番简短的解释,孩子们明白了他的意思,Richard 给了他 们一些向日葵种子,孩子们兴奋地把他们种到了土里。 anhglobal.org | With little explanation they got the idea and Richard gave [...] them each a sunflowerseed,which [...]they then excitedly prodded into the ground. anhglobal.org |
满128,江浙沪免运费,满1000元全国免邮(除新疆、西藏、港澳台及海外) [...] 桔梗:文竹:玉兰:棣棠:薄荷:紫薇: 锦葵:绿萝:雪宝:石榴:百合: 货号:AE02016品名:大号充气笑脸球材质:PVC尺寸:直径32CM重量:80克销售单位:1个/袋(颜色随机)充气笑脸球,户外和室内都可使用。 tw.70900.com | Full 128 , Jiangsu, Zhejiang and free shipping over 1,000 yuan National Free Shipping (except Xinjiang, Tibet , Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and overseas ) Campanulaceae [...] : asparagus : Magnolia : Kerria : mint : [...] Lagerstroemia :Mallow : Green dill : Snow [...]treasure : Pomegranate : Lily : Item [...]: AE02016 Name : queen-size inflatable smiley face ball Material : PVC Size : diameter 32CM Weight : 80 g sales unit : 1 / bags ( color random ) inflatable smiley ball , outdoor and indoor available . 70900.com |
天然鰐梨油,有助改善气候性损伤、焦乾、营养不良或老化皮肤;含丰富维他命A, B1及B2;葵花籽油有良好的保湿功能,同时也因为高成份的维他命 [...] E,是天然的抗氧化剂,可防止皮肤老化并防止油脂腐败,而且易为皮肤吸收;芝麻精油有助更新肌肤细胞。 healthkool.com | Natural avocado oil, help improve the climate of the injury, parched, [...] malnutrition or aging skin; rich in [...] vitamin A, B1 and B2; sunfloweroil hasagood [...]moisturizing capabilities, but also because [...]of the high content of vitamin E, a natural antioxidants to prevent skin aging and preventing corruption in oil, but also easy to be absorbed through the skin; sesame oil helps renew skin cells. healthkool.com |