

单词 荆棘载途

See also:


cover the road (snow, wind, hazards etc)
distance (between locations)

External sources (not reviewed)

有一天,当追逐一只途的羔 羊,,摩西发现一个燃烧 荆棘 神 说 他。
One day, while chasing a stray lamb, Moses discovers a burning bush through which God speaks to him.
您是否曾经寻思表面载的不 同表盘有什么 途?
Have you ever wondered what the extra dials inside a watch face are?
在采果子的时候,女仆的手臂荆棘 划 伤 ,鲜血直流,把白色的浆果染成了红色。
In doing so, she scratched her arm and her blood stained the white fruit red for ever.
该领土的当地名称是阿里乌瓦嘎纳,为 荆棘 地 ” 之意;克里斯托弗·哥伦 布在 1493 年以一个西班牙修道院的名称将其命名为蒙特塞拉特。
The Territory, locally known as Alliouagana, or “land of the prickly bush”, was named after a Spanish monastery by Christopher Columbus in 1493.
与此同时,我们认为尽可能地保持用其它不载 体( 如只读光盘、印制品等等)传播信息的方式是不 可或缺的,这样就可以使用户根据他们拥有的技术条 件,选择最适宜的信息媒介。
At the same time, it is essential to maintain, as far as possible, the circulation of information through various media (print, CD-ROM and others) so that users can select those best suited to them depending on the technology at their disposal.
我们面临着广阔的创新空间...我们选择为新技术的面市 荆 斩 棘。
We embrace the unimproved landscape in front of us....choosing instead to pave the road for new technologies.
然而,对于新浪微博来说,前路可能遍 荆棘 。 他 们一方面忙于设法使其服务货币化,另一方面又要兼顾(品牌和终端用户的)高质量的用户体验,除此之外还要管理向移动客户端的过渡(其占有新浪微博50%的流量,却仅贡献15%的收益)。
However the road ahead may be rockier for Sina Weibo as it scrambles for ways to monetize its services, maintain a quality experience (for both brands and end users) and manage the transition to mobile (that represents 50% of its traffic but only 15% of its revenue).
繁琐、低效率的条例,对车辆跨界往来的限制,在边界的货物转载、实物检 查和载,在运输途中无 正当理由的检查,相邻国家之间不同的车辆标准,司机 [...]
和货物的安全保障不足,和贪污腐败,已成为内陆发展中国家连接到海港的跨界 运输和物流网络的可靠性、速度和安全受到妨碍的主要瓶颈。
Burdensome and inefficient regulations, cross-border restrictions on
[...] vehicle movements, trans-loading, physical inspections [...]
and offloading of freight at borders,
unwarranted inspections of goods en route, differing vehicle standards between neighbouring countries, inadequate security for drivers and freight, and corruption have emerged as among the principal bottlenecks hindering reliability, speediness and security of cross-border transport and logistics networks connecting landlocked developing countries to seaports.
9 时,一个武装恐怖团伙在老 Kinnsibba 岔道挟持一辆面包车,车载有 11 名上途中的执法人员;七人被绑架。
At 0900 hours, an armed terrorist group held up a minibus carrying 11 law enforcement personnel on their way to work, at the old Kinnsibba turn-off; seven were abducted.
有许多城市的甜点和菜肴的美荆棘 的 冠 冕,鼓鼓的面包圈混有杏仁和林立的四旬期期间在天禁食,紧瘦的尖点,可以吃,因为没有鸡蛋和细油软化橄榄油,caggionetti的云(或neole方言发音),所谓的,因为它们是由炽热的铁模形的云,泡芙,甜杏仁,杏仁糊的表面装饰用好奇的人物和兽性,圣基亚拉的尼姑曾经有过的杏仁和巧克力,bocconotti,茴香,真正地道的爱抚腭的首要地位mostaccioli。
There are many desserts and dishes of the city: the
[...] delicious crowns of thorns, bulging donuts [...]
mixed with almonds and bristling with sharp
points that can be eaten during Lent in the days of fasting and tight skinny because made without eggs and softened by fine oil olive oil, the caggionetti; clouds (or neole with dialect pronunciation), so called because they are made from red-hot iron mold shaped cloud, the puffs, the marzipan, sweet almond paste to the surface adorned with curious human figures and animalistic, the nuns of Santa Chiara once had the primacy of mostaccioli with almonds and chocolate, bocconotti and fennel, real authentic caresses the palate.
另一种合适的做法或许是声明在一定范 围内选择一个数目,但先决条件是,招标文件 载 明 其 预期 途。
A statement that a number within a defined range may be an appropriate alternative approach, provided that its intended use is clearly set out in the solicitation documents.
行预咨委会对执行情况报告(A/66/590)中 载 各 项 支出 途 的 资 料发表的 意见,酌情见下面各段中有关 2012 年 7 月 1 日至 2013 年 6 月 30 日拟议预算 (A/66/685)的讨论。
The comments of the Advisory Committee on the information presented in the performance report (A/66/590) on individual objects of expenditure can be found, where relevant, in the discussion of the proposed budget for the period from 1 June 2012 to 30 June 2013 (A/66/685) in the paragraphs below.
今天,少數族裔的《中國 語文課程補充指引》其實並未完善;按此撰寫的中文教科書,只是實驗性的 起步,這是我們探訪學校所看到的;教科書更要解決中小學的銜接問題,配 合 GCSE 的考試要求;少數族裔學童融入主流學校,仍然未能發展出理想的 模式;少數族裔學童的中文水平差異,也造成教學上的重大困難,有需要總 結一些有效的教學方法;少數族裔升學和就業的路,仍是 棘 滿 途。
To date, there is still much room for improvement in the Supplementary Guide to the Chinese Language Curriculum for ethnic minorities. As can be observed during our school visits, Chinese Language textbooks compiled in accordance with this Supplementary Guide are only an experimental first step, and issues like the bridging over of the primary and secondary textbooks and how to tie in with the requirements of GCSE have yet to be resolved; an ideal mode for the integration of ethnic minority students into mainstream schools remains to be developed; the great discrepancy in the Chinese standard between ethnic minority students has also posed immense difficulties in teaching, which calls for the need to consolidate effective teaching methods; and ethnic minorities' pursuit of education and employment, which is still filled with twists and turns, is also a difficulty and a challenge to be overcome by society and the education sector as a whole.
这个可查 询的数据库建立于 10
[...] 多年前,速度很慢,而且使用不便,因为必须 载 整 张光 盘才可查询到一个结果。
This searchable database was created
more than 10 years ago and is slow and cumbersome, as an entire
[...] CD-ROM has to be loaded to obtain a [...]
single search result.
如果您有资格使用网站,您会获得访问和使用网站的限制性许可,可以仅出于您个人的非商业 途 下 载 或 打 印网站内容的任何部分,但您应当保持所有完整的版权或其他专属权声明。
Provided that you are eligible for use of the Site, you are
granted a limited license to access and use
[...] the Site and to download or print a copy [...]
of any portion of the Site Content solely
for your personal, non-commercial use, provided that you keep all copyright or other proprietary notices intact.
但搭荆棘刺般 准备好了伤人的PVC铆钉手袋,有机玻璃的鞋跟雕刻成花朵的形状,搭扣处用塑料盒蛇皮混搭。
But ready
[...] to sting like thorns with small studs [...]
floating bags in PVC, in the perspex heels carved as flowers, in trench
of plastic mixed with the snake.
在车内享受水晶般清晰的通话音质,同时双手紧握方向盘 - Jabra Cruiser2 Bluetooth™载免提 电话让您轻松享受驾车通话双重体验。
Enjoy crystal clear conversations in your car, while keeping your hands firmly planted on the steering wheel – all with the Jabra Cruiser2 Bluetooth™ in-car speakerphone.
索马里的森林和植被主要是粗草、荆 和刺 槐,这是牧民风险和干旱管理战略的重要组成部分,也是最主要的家庭能 源来源。
Forestry and vegetation in Somalia are mainly coarse grass and stunted thorn and acacia trees, which constitute a critical component of pastoralist risk and drought management strategies, and are a central domestic energy source.
为此,请将映像载为虚拟磁 盘(请参阅浏览存档和载映像(第 63 页))或启动映像恢复,然后选择恢复选择的文件或文 件夹。
To do so, mount the image as a virtual disc (see Exploring archives and mounting images (p. 68)) or start the image recovery and select Recover chosen files and folders.
所谓“狭路相逢勇者胜”这句话,正好验证了李总和他的团队为民族工业和民族品牌不畏强势, 荆 斩 棘 , 力 挽狂澜的大无畏精神。
Just as the old saying goes, the brave one will win in the fierce competition, which suitably demonstrates the great spirit of Li Ke and his team in forging ahead for national industry and national brand despite the troubles.
大会第 63/232 号决议请秘书长在其关于第 62/208 号决议的执行情况的年度 报告中报告就第 63/232 号决议第 16 段所采取的措施,同时要铭记该决议的各项 规定,包括会员国就如何实现这些规定 载 目 标 的 途 径 提出的反馈意见;决定将 业务活动全面政策审查的周期从三年改为四年,以便更好地向联合国各基金和方 案及专门机构提供政策指导;为此决定在 2012 年举行其下一次全面政策审查, 并在此后每四年举行审查。
Report of the High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation on its seventeenth session (3 and 22-25 May 2012) (A/66/39)1 The General Assembly, in its resolution 63/232, requested the Secretary-General to report, in the context of his annual report on the implementation of resolution 62/208, on measures taken in response to paragraph 16 of resolution 63/232, bearing in mind the provisions of that resolution, and including feedback from Member States on ways to achieve the aims contained therein, and decided to change the comprehensive policy review of operational activities from a triennial to a quadrennial cycle in order to better provide policy guidance to the United Nations funds and programmes and the specialized agencies, and in that regard decided to hold its next comprehensive policy review in 2012 and subsequent reviews on a quadrennial basis.
現時,我只可用「棘滿途」這 ㆕個字來形容今日香港貿易前景。
At this moment, I can only use the phrase "a path beset with difficulties" to describe the present prospect of trade in Hong Kong.
扫描站将会自动识别闪盘的存在,并 载 在 配 置文件中找到 的设置。
The Scan Station automatically recognizes the presence of the
[...] flash drive and loads the settings found [...]
in the configuration file.
这种全新的拉伸套管解决方案使用威达美™ 丙烯基弹性体 (PBE) 不仅可以使 25 公斤的聚合物颗粒包安全稳定地载 在 货 盘上,还能将材料用量减少 16%,从而实现成本的降低。
The new stretch hood solution with Vistamaxx™ propylene-based elastomer (PBE) keeps not only 25kg sacks of polymer pellets secure and stable on the pallet, but also allows for up to 16% reduction of material use, thus helping to lower costs.
2003 年埃尔敦先生获 DHL/SCMP
[...] 商业成就奖,2004年获 香港特别行政区政府颁发的金荆奖。
He was named the DHL/SCMP Hong Kong
Business Person of the Year for 2003, and in 2004 was awarded the
[...] Gold Bauhinia Star by the Government [...]
of Hong Kong SAR.
如果政府不主動、不積極面對這些問題,透過立法清楚告訴社會,歧視 新移民的行為及態度是不能接受,反而帶頭歧視新移民,我恐怕我們想繼續 走這條路,也將會越來越困難,中港兩地的融合亦將會 棘 滿 途。
If the Government does not tackle all these problems proactively, if it does not adopt the legislative approach to tell society very clearly that acts and attitudes that discriminate against new immigrants are not acceptable, if it takes the lead in discriminating against new immigrants instead, then I suppose it will be more and more difficult for us to continue to tread this path.
酒店的设计灵感源自荆花, 尽显香格里拉式东方风韵。
Inspired by the bauhinia flower, the restaurant is a reminder of Shangri-La Hotel's roots in Asia.
随这封通函一道寄出的还有一张 CD 盘,其载 有非 正式情况通报会的最后报告和秘书处在 2005 年和 2006 年为协助会员国编写报告而开发 的基本结构性方法工具。
This letter was sent along with a CD-Rom including the Final Report of the Informal Information Meeting and background methodological tools developed by the Secretariat in 2005 and 2006 in order to help Member States in the reporting.
涉及的主要樹木品種為台灣相思、洋 荆 、 木麻 黃等。雖然現行安排並無規定政府土地上的樹木若由於健康欠佳而被移除, 必須進行補償種植,但我們仍鼓勵樹木管理部門按個別情況考慮能否補種樹 木,當中的考慮因素包括有否足夠生長空間、在公園補種樹木可美化市容等。
The main species involved were Acacia confusa, Bauhinia blakeana, Casuarina equisetifolia, etc. While compensatory planting for removal of trees on government land due to poor health is not mandatory under the prevailing arrangement, we encourage tree management departments to consider the feasibility of replacement planting on a case-by-case basis, taking account of relevant factors such as availability of growing space, the amenity value of replacement planting in public parks, etc.
早上9:00在到皇岗口岸3楼出境大厅集合,抵港后前往香港会展中心、金 荆 广 场 (约30分钟),这里为香港回归祖国的见证,团友可于“永远盛开的 荆 花 ” 及回归的纪念碑旁拍照留念,午餐后前往参观香港的风水宝地——浅水湾(约30分钟),浅水湾风光秀丽,是香港众多优美海滩之一,而后游览闻名世界的海洋公园(包含门票RMB260元/人,约3个小时多),这里有世界最大的水族馆、鲨鱼馆及海洋剧场,有海豚、海狮、杀人鲸等精彩特技表演;还有各式各样惊险刺激的机动游乐设施,如过山车、摩天轮、海盗船等。
At 9:00 in the morning to the Huanggang port 3 building exit hall collection, after arrival to the Hongkong Convention and
Exhibition Centre, Golden
[...] Bauhinia Square ( about 30 minutes ), here for the return of Hongkong to the motherland testimony, you can in "forever blooming Bauhinia " and the return [...]
of memorial photo-taking,
lunch to visit the Hongkong Feng Shui -- Repulse Bay ( about 30 minutes ), Repulse Bay scenery, Hongkong is one of the many beautiful beaches, then visit the world-famous Ocean Park (including tickets to RMB260 yuan / person, about 3 hours ), here are the world's largest aquarium, aquarium and marine theater, dolphins, sea lions, the killer whale and other amazing stunts; and every kind of thrilling mobile amusement facility, such as a roller coaster, the pirate ship and so on, the Ferris wheel.




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