

单词 回收价值

See also:

回收 n

recovery n
recycling n


recall (a defective product)

回收 v

recover v
recall v

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,有可能制定降低违约费用的制度和政策,同时提高拖欠债务 回收价值, 从 而增加获得信贷的机会和降低借贷的总成本。
Therefore, it is possible to devise institutions and policies that
can reduce the costs of defaults while
[...] increasing recovery values on defaulted debt [...]
and thus increase access to credit and
reduce the overall costs of borrowing.
因此,能够解决这些问题的机制可以提 回收价值 , 降 低借贷 成本。
A mechanism that could address these problems could
[...] therefore increase recovery value and lead to lower [...]
borrowing costs.
威立雅环境服务公司是全球唯一一家集整个废物管理(收集、清洁、处理 回收 ) 价值 链 于一身的综合企业。
Veolia Environmental Services is the only worldwide
integrated operator
[...] covering the entire value chain of waste management (collection, sanitation, treatment and recovery).
虽然充电池所含的物料会危害人体健康和环境,但这些物料 回收价值 , 可 以循环再造,制成其他产品,例如磁合金和不锈钢。
They also contain valuable materials that can be recovered for use in [...]
other products, such as magnetic alloy and stainless steel.
如有上诉就势必会延长这一进程,但 到进程结束时,临时政府预计 收回价值 几 百亿美元的土地,有助于为群岛提供 一个更有保障的长期未来。
Appeals, where they take place, will inevitably lengthen the process, but by the time the process comes to an end,
the interim Government
[...] expects to have recovered several hundred million dollars worth of land to help to [...]
provide a more secure
long-term future for the islands.
開支減少主要因為我們於年收回若 干客戶所欠賬項,因而對過往作出 的值撥備進行回撥。
The decrease was mainly the result of a reversal of impairment provisions previously made on certain customer debts, which we were able to recover during the year.
管理層相信上述主要假設的任何 合理可見變動,將不會導致商譽之賬 值 超 出 可 收回 數 額 ,因此毋須進行敏感性分析。
Management believes that any reasonably foreseeable change in any of the above key assumptions would
not cause the carrying amount of
[...] goodwill to exceed the recoverable amount and therefore [...]
no sensitivity analysis was required.
Borrowings are currently stated at
amortised cost; any difference
[...] between the proceeds and the redemption value is recognized [...]
in the Statement of Financial Performance
over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method.
制造商通过向消费者索取基于其排斥竞争能力 价 格 , 来 收回 研 发投资成本和获取投 资回报。
The costs of investment
[...] in R&D and the return on that investment are met by charging the consumer a price based on the [...]
ability to exclude competition.
政府目前作出的巨大努力有利回归 这 些 价值 观 , 以便国家文 化真正崛起。
The remarkable efforts now being made by the
[...] Government mark a return to those values and a desire for [...]
a new beginning in Guinean culture.
資 產收 回 金 額 按 該 資 產 或 現 金 產 出 單 元 的 使 用值 和 公值 減 出 售 費 用 兩 者 中 的 較 大 者 計 算,並 按 單 個 資 產 單 獨 確 認,除 非 該 資 產 不 能 產 出 基 本 上 獨 立 於 其 他 資 產 或 資 產 組 [...]
所 產 生 的 現 金 流 入,這 種 情
況 下,可 確 認 該 資 產 所 屬 的 現 金 產 出 單 元 的 可 收 回 金 額。
An asset’s recoverable amount is calculated as the higher of the asset’s or cash-generating unit’s value in use and its fair value less costs to sell, [...]
and is determined for
an individual asset, unless the asset does not generate cash inflows that are largely independent of those from other assets or groups of assets, in which case the recoverable amount is determined for the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs.
尽管有上述第六款的索赔规定,如果出现缺陷,则 OASE 应按情收回无 缺陷产品,争得对方书面许可的情况下,进行退货装运;出于经济原因考虑, 退 回价值在 100.00 欧元以下的产品应除外。
Regardless of the claims regulated in number VI, if defects are present OASE shall take back defect-free delivered goods only on a case-base
basis, and after
[...] prior written approval has been issued before the return shipment; take-back of products with an order value of under 100.00 € shall always be excluded for [...]
economic reasons.
当存在这种迹象时,将对资产的 收回价值 进 行 评估,以确定如果存在减值, 减值的损失有多大。
If such an
[...] indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of impairment loss if any.
借貸其後按攤銷成本列賬,而所得款項(扣除交易成 本)與回值之間 的任何差額則於借貸期以實際利息法 收 益 表 確認入賬。
Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortised cost; any difference between the
proceeds (net of
[...] transaction costs) and the redemption value is recognised in the income statement over the period [...]
of the borrowings
using the effective interest method.
苏丹政 府将根据上述价(净回值价格),在相关运输设施的进口交货点提取交 运的原油。
Based on the above pricing (net back price), the Government [...]
of Sudan will take delivery of the crude at the inlet delivery
point to the relevant transportation facilities.
仅仅价格作为决定因素 并不能考虑到改性沥青胶结剂的 值收 益。
Using price as the deciding factor alone does not always take in to consideration the value added benefits of a [...]
well engineered modified binder.
通过结合既有资产和新资产,同时显著提高容量,AT&T得以提高这些海底资产 价值回 报。
Combining existing and new assets while
providing a significant increase in capacity enables AT&T
[...] to improve their return on the value of these submarine assets.
该项税款收的基 础是总资产余额,包括但不限于不动产、证券和银行存 款等动产、人寿保险的回价值、汽 车等。
The tax is based on the
[...] balance of the gross assets including but not limited to immovable property, movable assets such as securities and bank deposits, cash redemption value of life insurance, [...]
cars, etc. Taxes are
also levied on assets not yielding any income.
任何人都可能放弃他们的库存,而抱着“在未来”得到一 价值回 报 的 毫无根据而含糊的幻想。
Anyone can give away
[...] their stock in return for idle commitments or vague promises of receiving some value “in the future”.
此評估 涉及以下判斷:(i)資產日後在商業上可行的可能性及斷定其商業上可行的時間;(ii)根據
[...] 預測石油及天然氣價格計算的日後收益;(iii)日後開發成本及生產開支;(iv)就計算 收回 價值時將 應用於有關收益及成本的折現率;及(v)所獲得的任何地質及地理數據對日後勘 [...]
This assessment involves judgment as to: (i) the likely future commerciality of the asset and when such commerciality should be determined; (ii) future revenues based on forecasted oil and gas prices; (iii) future development costs and production
expenses; (iv) the discount rate to be
[...] applied to such revenues and costs for the [...]
purpose of deriving a recoverable value,
and (v) potential value to future E&E activities of any geological and geographical data acquired.
然而,Ormita,与客户一起,在一个确定的时间期限内为他们的产品或服务 回价值 ,这也是采购时间表 的一部分。
Ormita, instead, works
[...] with customers to return full value for their product [...]
or service within a defined time-period and as part of a buying schedule.
該 轉 出
[...] 的 累 計 損 失,為 可 供 出 售 金 融 資 產 的 初 始 取 得 成 本 扣 除收 回 本 金 和 已 攤 銷 金 額、當 前 公 允值 和 原 已 計 入 損 益 的 減 值 損 失 後 的 餘 額。
The cumulative loss that is removed from capital reserves
is the difference between
[...] its acquisition cost (net of any principal repayment and amortization) and its current fair value, less any impairment [...]
loss previously
recognized in profit and loss.
鼓励摩洛哥考虑采取全面而具体的措施,以按照《公约》第 31
[...] 条的设 想冻结、扣押和没收犯罪所得,包括 收价值 并 要求罪犯证明被指控 的犯罪所得来源合法。
To encourage Morocco to consider adopting comprehensive and specific measures for the freezing, seizure and confiscation of proceeds of crime, as
contemplated in article 31 of the Convention,
[...] including confiscation in value and requiring that [...]
an offender demonstrate the lawful
origin of alleged proceeds of crime.
天鍛董事相信,任何該等假設之任何合理可能變動均不會導致現金產生單位之 收回值 低 於 其賬 面值。
The directors of Tianduan believe that any reasonably
possible change in any of these assumptions will
[...] not cause the recoverable amount of the [...]
CGU to fall below its carrying amount.
首先,巿民對預算案的不滿比率,由預算案發表當日的35%,大幅上升至第二輪調查的53%,再回落至第三輪調查的45%,而滿意比率 回 升 至 即時調查的水平,滿意 值收 窄 至 負16個百分比,但仍然差過即時調查的負8個百分比。
First, dissatisfaction rate soars from 35% in our instant survey to 53% in our second survey, then drops to 45% in this third
survey, while
[...] satisfaction rate goes back to the level registered in our instant survey. Net satisfaction narrows [...]
to negative 16
percentage points, but is still poorer than the negative 8 percentage points registered in the instant survey.
换言之,该机制无法阻止债权人起初拒绝参与,随 后通过提起诉讼要求按照值收回债 务
In other words, the facility does not prevent a creditor from holding out and
[...] then suing to recover the full face value of its debt instrument.
由于铜材每磅回收价近3美 元,因此这三段管道的估价达4,000美元左右。
With recycled copper valued at nearly [...]
$3 per pound, the three pipes alone are estimated to be worth about $4,000.
[...] 非正规教育,在学习的初始阶段推行母语教育,包括社会道德意识在内 价值 观 教 育,发展 对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训(着眼于 [...]
增加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心的优势),以及科学技术教 育。
This should include support for efforts to promote literacy, including functional literacy, formal and non-formal education, beginning with early childhood and continuing on a lifelong basis,
education in the mother tongue in the early
[...] stages of learning, values education including [...]
social and moral awareness, the development
of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training (geared towards enhancing employability and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and technology education.
为了筹备非洲地区第二个定期报告周期的工作,由瑞士和非洲遗产基金出资于 2009 年 3 月 2-4
[...] 日在坦桑尼亚联合共和国达累斯萨拉姆举办了起草非洲地区显著普 价值回 顾 性说 明讲习班。
In order to prepare the Second Cycle of the Periodic Reporting in the African Region, a workshop on the preparation of retrospective Statements of Outstanding Universal Value for the African Region, funded by the Government of Switzerland and
by the African World Heritage Fund, was organized in Dar es Salaam, United
[...] Republic of Tanzania, from 2 to 4 March 2009.
非單位化投資選擇﹝匯豐人壽儲蓄基金﹞的資產將根據其投資目標分配至指定之金融工具,並於每個交易日根據減除於投資選 收 取 的管理費後的由匯豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(以下簡稱「本公司」)公佈之 值回 報 計 算。
For the non-unitised investment choice (HSBC Life Deposit Fund), the assets are allocated into financial instruments as specified in its investment objectives and the return net of charge on the investment choice will be declared by HSBC Life (International) Limited ("the Company") to the balance of the investment choice on every transaction date.




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