单词 | 回教 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 回教 —Islam
雖然伊斯瑪儀教派訂閱基本正統 回教教 義 , 他們還保持深奧的教義和相應的詮釋古蘭經(古蘭經) 。 mb-soft.com | Although Ismailis subscribe to basic orthodox Islamic doctrines, they also maintain esoteric teachings and corresponding interpretations of the Qur'an (Koran). mb-soft.com |
除了举办和参与各种活动外,2004年,总商会开始与马 来 回教 社 会 发展理事会合作,联合向杰出的马 来 回教 大 学生颁发奖学金。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Besides organising and taking part in community engagement activities, the Chamber also initiated a [...] joint project with Yayasan MENDAKI [...] in 2004, wherein scholarship awards are presented to outstanding Malay/Muslim undergraduates. english.sccci.org.sg |
从2004年起,总商会基金也首次与马来 / 回教 社 会 发展理事会基金局联合颁发商学奖予四位成绩卓越的马来族在籍大学生,每份奖学金为$4,000。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | In 2004, the SCCCF, together with Mendaki, started awarding 4 scholarships, worth $4,000 each, to deserving Malay Muslim students pursuing undergraduate studies at local universities. english.sccci.org.sg |
除了土耳其的蘇丹(sultan﹐即 國王﹐他是穆斯林(回教)帝國的領袖)﹑教宗及英國的喬治三世外﹐所有的歐洲統治者均 參與其中。 hkahe.com | All the European rulers joined except the sultan of Turkey who was the head of Muslim Empire, the Pope who refused to sign and George III of England. hkahe.com |
放眼世界,我們可以見到波 斯尼亞的回教㆟,大半個世紀以來已經和塞爾維亞㆟混在㆒起,但兩者之間,毫無融 [...] 合可言,結果發生目前的種族清洗、㆒發不可收拾的大悲劇。 legco.gov.hk | Looking around the world, we can see that [...] although the Bosnian Muslims have been living [...]with the Bosnian Serbs for the greater [...]part of a century, there has been no harmony between them, thus leading to the current irreversible tragedy of ethnic cleansing. legco.gov.hk |
賀達房地產投資信託基金的融資是三批符 合 回教教 義 的 透支便利,分別為1億5千萬令吉,1千5百萬令吉和1億8千4百萬令吉,並於2013,2015和2016年到期。 hektarreit.com | Hektar REIT’s financing is secured by Al-Murabahah overdraft facilities with 3 tranches worth RM150 million, RM15 million and RM184 million expiring in 2013, 2015 and 2016 respectively. hektarreit.com |
教科文组织设计了第一轮发 行教科书的表格,由校长填写,然后 寄 回教 科 文组织办事处,通过这些表格,表明 14,000 所学校已收到教科书,向巴格达和 14 个省大约 500 万在校学生提供了数理 教科书。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For the first round of textbook delivery, forms devised by [...] UNESCO were filled in by [...] headmasters and returned to the UNESCO office, showing that 14,000 schools had received textbooks and [...]that approximately [...]5 million schoolchildren were supplied with mathematics and science books in Baghdad and the 14 Governorates. unesdoc.unesco.org |
备有广泛系列的传统或回教融资 产品,可迎合多种需求。 smeinfo.com.my | Conventional as well as Islamic financing products are available for a wide range of needs. smeinfo.com.my |
另外还有其它的潜在问题根源,包括:一些不再使用暴力的组织( 如 回教 祈 祷 团(Jemaah Islamiyah,JI))的心怀不满或者被孤立的成员;躲过早期反恐行动追捕的逃犯;非常危险的前囚犯或者从监狱里招募的圣战成员;那些被杀或者被捕的恐怖嫌疑人的弟弟妹妹;以及接受了伊斯兰宗教军事训练(tadrib)并想测试他们的技能的人,这些人包括唯一真主游击队的成员。 crisisgroup.org | There are other potential problems from disaffected or isolated members of older groups like Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) that have moved away from violence; fugitives from earlier operations; former high-risk prisoners or men they recruited inside; younger siblings of slain or detained terrorism suspects; and individuals, including from JAT, who have taken part in Islamist military training (tadrib) and want to test their skills. crisisgroup.org |
2011年7月在雅加达郊外针对在棉兰老岛接受过培训的一 个 回教 之 家 分裂集团的领导人阿布·奥马尔(Abu [...] Umar)的逮捕行动,暴露了在印尼、马来西亚、和菲律宾依然存在着庞大的圣战组织。 crisisgroup.org | JAT has active cells in Poso and elsewhere, and the arrest outside Jakarta in July [...] 2011 of Abu Umar, the Mindanao-trained [...] leader of a Darul Islam splinter group, [...]exposed the existence of a large jihadi organisation [...]with a presence in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. crisisgroup.org |
政府當局獲請: (a) 跟進香港大律師公會就" 會社" 的定義提出 的下述關注事項:根據" 會社" 的定義,有 [...] 關組織須售賣或供應酒精飲品以供在其處 所飲用,因而會把由信奉回教人士 組成的 會社或組織豁除在外 legco.gov.hk | (a) follow up on the concern raised by the Hong Kong Bar Association regarding the definition of "club" which required that the association had to sell or supply liquor for consumption on its premises [...] and thus would have the effect of excluding clubs or associations catering for a [...] membership that shared the Muslim faith legco.gov.hk |
以剪刀剪咖哩飯聞名的 Lau Di Fang,將於濱海灣金沙首次推出具有回教 Halal 認證的剪刀剪香蘭飯。 hk.marinabaysands.com | Best known for their renowned Scissors-Cut Curry rice, Lau Di Fang is introducing its very first Halal Scissors-Cut Pandang Rice at Marina Bay Sands. marinabaysands.com |
当教师返回教室时 ,脑中满是新奇的想法,并把这些想法也灌输到学生脑中。 englishuk.com | Return to the classroom with fresh [...] ideas for students and yourself. englishuk.com |
阿巴斯是朝代的名字,一般考慮到caliphs巴格達,第二的兩個偉大朝代 的 回教 帝 國。 mb-soft.com | Abbasid was the dynastic name generally given to the caliphs of Baghdad, the second of the two great [...] dynasties of the Muslim empire. mb-soft.com |
联邦政府行政机关所在的总理办事处大厦由天然石建造,上面有兰色屋顶,悠然俯瞰Putrajaya湖畔,结 合 回教 与 欧 洲式要数的建筑风格,使其成为显著的标志。 krugerfan.com | The Prime Minister’s Office Complex, the seat of the Federal Government Administration, is a natural stone-clad building topped with a blue dome, overlooking the Putrajaya Lake. krugerfan.com |
发展金融机构 除了商业银行与回教银行 ,还有政府支援的发展金融机构(DFI)为中小型企业提供融资。 smeinfo.com.my | Aside from commercial banks and Islamic banks, there are also Government-backed Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) which can provide SME financing. smeinfo.com.my |
2007年3月,科艺公司成为第一家获得新加 坡 回教 理 事 会发给“HALAL”证书的中成药企业,在多元种族的新加坡社会尤其是马来社区当中颇受瞩目。 sciencearts.com | In March 2003, Science Arts became the first Chinese proprietary medical enterprise to be [...] awarded with a Halal certification granted [...] by Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS), [...]grabbing attention in Singapore’s multiracial [...]society, especially among the Malay community. sciencearts.com |
此外,有些国家(例如乌干达)正在教育设施稀少的地区试用非正式的教育方 法和巡回教学中心。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, in areas where educational facilities are [...] sparse, some countries, such as Uganda, are experimenting with non-formal [...] educational processes and mobile teaching centres. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前马来西亚回教保险 是国内第一家也是唯一 的 回教 保 险 公司,为参与者提供额外15%未索偿回扣,即Mudharabah(普通保险和特定家庭保险产品),意味着参与者如果在受保期间内没有索偿,他们将获得保费回扣。 takaful-malaysia.com.my | Currently, Takaful Malaysia is the FIRST and ONLY Takaful Company in the country that offers an additional 15% no claims rebate or [...] Mudharabah payment to [...]all its participants in the General and selected Family Takaful Products, i.e. the participant will receive their rebate should there be no claims incurred during the coverage period. takaful-malaysia.com.my |
(b) 继续执行并进一步加强其针对残疾儿童的方案和服务,包括制定早期 识别方案,扩大巡回教师方 案使其覆盖所有需要此项服务的儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Continue and further strengthen its programmes and services for children with disabilities, including through the development of [...] early identification programmes, the [...] broadening of its Itinerant Teacher Programme to cover [...]all children with disabilities in need of its services. daccess-ods.un.org |
有意參加學券計劃的幼稚園須填妥載於附錄一(C)的申 請表格,並於二零零七年二月十四日或之前 交 回教 育 統 籌局( 教統 局 ) 質素保證分部幼稚園及支援組。 applications.edb.gov.hk | KGs wishing to join the PEVS should complete and return the application form at Appendix I(C) to the Kindergartens and Support Section, Quality Assurance Division of the Education and Manpower Bureau (EMB) on or before 14 February 2007. applications.edb.gov.hk |
至於新加坡及馬來西亞的回教徒, 受限制的年 齡為 18 歲。 hkreform.gov.hk | In Singapore, and for muslims in Malaysia, [...] the age is 18 years. hkreform.gov.hk |
回教银行 大专文凭的毕业生们可以在这门日益增长的领域中觅得相关工作,他们将有能力服务于政府部门,又或者作为一名银行助理人员服务 于 回教 银 行领域,金融领域以及成为muamalat顾问(遗属,投资,伊斯兰济贫税)。 systematic.edu.my | Graduates of the Diploma in Islamic Banking can look forward to a bright future in this growing industry. They will be able to seek employment as officers in government departments and as assistant banking officers in the Islamic banking sector, financial sector and in muamalat consultancy (wills, investment, zakat). systematic.edu.my |
在农村地区,少 儿或在居民区学校就学,或由巡回教 员 前往居民区教学。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the rural areas, younger children either attend the settlement schools or [...] are visited by travelling teachers. daccess-ods.un.org |
此建筑物经过仔细规划,位处指向麦加城的轴线,西侧面向Putrajaya企业大厦和 大 回教 堂。 krugerfan.com | Mahkamah Putrajaya housing the Syariah and Lower Civil Courts The building has been carefully planned to align it to the Qiblat Axis facing the Putrajaya Corporation Complex and the Grand Mosque owards the west. krugerfan.com |
他 說的是很有道理的,特別當我們聽到像利比亞以前的狂人 加達非所說的一番話:「回教根本 不用炸歐洲,只要大量 的移民和生育就可以佔領歐洲 lordsgrace.ca | What he says makes even more sense when one hears the [...] former dictator of Libya, Gaddafi, say [...] numerous times that Muslims don’t need to [...]bomb Europe, because they will take over [...]Europe with high immigration and birth-rates. lordsgrace.ca |
学生们将可以了解到回教金融 原理在实务操作中的运作,从而对这门学问有更深一层的认识。 systematic.edu.my | Students can expect to gain a greater [...] understanding of the practical implementation [...]of Islamic finance principles in the real world. systematic.edu.my |
載 客 量 增 加 , 乃 因 商 務 旅 客 需 求 強 勁 , 以 及 回 教 齋 戒 月 結 束 後 , 來 往 香 港 與 中 東 、 馬 來 西 亞 及 印 尼 的 客 運 量 大 增 所 致 。 swirepacific.com | Figures were boosted by strong demand from business travellers and heavy traffic to and from the Middle East, Malaysia and Indonesia at the end of the festival of Ramadan. swirepacific.com |