单词 | 耗电量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 耗电量 noun —electricity consumption nSee also:耗电 n—electricity consumption n 耗—consume • squander • dilly-dally • (coll.) delay 电量—quantity of electric charge or current 电耗 n—power consumption n
通过使用变流器式的滑油冷却器和螺旋式的切屑传送带,削减 了 耗电量 , 是有 益环境保护的机械。 moriseiki.com | And this machine is also designed [...] to consume less electricity, with an inverter-type [...]oil cooler and a spiral-type chip conveyor. moriseiki.com |
这些器件可在低至 1.8V [...] 的电压下运行,并且具有轨到轨输入和输出,可提高系统性能和降 低 耗电量 、 延 长电池寿命。 digikey.cn | These devices operate down to 1.8V and [...] feature rail-to-rail inputs and outputs for improved system performance [...] and low current consumption for extended battery life. digikey.com.mx |
因博格豪森生产基地多晶硅产能扩建以及收购挪威Holla的金属硅生产基地,瓦克2010年 的 耗电量 增 至 380万兆瓦时(2009年为270万兆瓦时)。 reports.wacker.com | In 2010, the expansion of polysilicon production at Burghausen and the acquisition of the silicon-metal [...] production facility at Holla in Norway [...] increased WACKER’s electricity consumption to 3.8 million [...]MWh (2009: 2.7 million MWh). reports.wacker.com |
3.12 输配系数(TDC):指按照输配系统的形式、风机水泵选型及控制调节策略条件下,空 调水系统和风系统单位耗电量下所能输配的冷热量。 greencouncil.org | 3.12 Transportation and Distribution Coefficient (TDC): the cool and heat transported and distributed by [...] air-conditioning water and wind system per [...] unit electricity consumed according to the [...]form of the transportation and distributed [...]system, the type of the fan and pump and the control strategies. greencouncil.org |
Einar 还表示,员工也非常喜爱使用 IGEL 瘦客户机,因为它们 非常安静,没有移动部件,而且能效极高 , 耗电量 比 普通 PC 低 45% 以上。 igel.com | Einar added that staff also like to use IGEL thin clients because [...] they are very quiet, with no moving parts, [...] and very energy efficient, using at least 45% less power than the average PC. igel.com |
澳大利亚维多利亚州可再生能源目标机制是 项市场措施,以便到 2016 年,维多利亚州 10%的耗电量源于可再生能源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Australia’s Victorian Renewable Energy Target Scheme [...] is a market-based measure to [...] increase the share of electricity consumption in Victoria [...]from renewable energy sources to 10 per cent by 2016. daccess-ods.un.org |
这 些方法都同运行时间或耗电量和水量之间转换系数的计算有关,该系数根据地下水位 埋深和水泵性能的改变而发生变化,因此需要定期核对。 wrdmap.org | These methods rely on calculation of conversion factors [...] between time or electricity and water volume, which will [...]vary according to depth to table [...]and pump condition and will need to be checked periodically. wrdmap.org |
发光二极管(LED)是未来的照明工具,不但能提高照明强度,而 且 耗电量 仅 为 白炽灯或节能灯的一小部分。 reports.wacker.com | They produce high levels of [...] luminosity whilst consuming just a fraction of the energy required by conventional light bulbs or energy-saving lights. reports.wacker.com |
该产品大幅降低了电耗,其等待按钮关闭时的待机模 式 耗电量 仅 为0.5uW,在发射数据包时 的 耗电量 仅 为 230uW。 tipschina.gov.cn | The device dramatically reduces [...] power consumption by consuming only 0.5uW in standby mode while awaiting a push-button closure and consumes just 230uW of power while transmitting [...]a packet. tipschina.gov.cn |
较低的电力 消费增益有助于抵销因翻新丰特努瓦大楼空调设施而造 成 耗电量 的 增 加。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Gains in lower power consumption will help to offset [...] increases in electricity consumption resulting from [...]the installation of air conditioning [...]in buildings renovated in Fontenoy. unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据艾默生环境优化技术内部实验数据显示,在零下 25 摄氏度,通过转速提高和喷气增焓技术可以使系统低温制热能力接近系统的额定制冷能力,让消费者在享受全年舒适室内环境的同时,显著降 低 耗电量。 emerson.com | According to tests in Emerson Climate Technologies, variable capacity control coupled with EVI technology can enable efficient and reliable system heating performance in ambient temperatures as [...] low as -25°C, with effective [...] heating at low ambient temperatures approaching the system’s rated refrigeration capability. emerson.com |
这是由于全球耗电量增加,也是汞的有意使用造成的排放在许 多工业化国家中正在逐渐减少的缘故(UNEP [...] 2002)。 zeromercury.org | This is due to the [...] increasing global power consumption, and also to the [...]fact that emissions from intentional use of mercury [...]are gradually diminishing in many of the industrialised countries (UNEP 2002). zeromercury.org |
在混合型产品中,硬盘的主轴马达旋转减慢,大大减少了硬盘 的 耗电量。 seagate.com | In hybrid mode, the hard drive's spindle motors spin down, dramatically [...] reducing the drive’s power requirements. seagate.com |
在一个DSP平台上为从G.711到G.729AB共400多条信道转码,耗电却不到2瓦,Vocallo [...] MGW提供的性能的确很惊人,使我们仅凭一个解决方案就实现了最高的信道密度、最佳的话音质量和最低 的 耗电量。 tipschina.gov.cn | With the ability to transcode more than 400 channels from G.711 to G.729AB on a single DSP while consuming less than 2 watts of power, the Vocallo MGW offers amazing performance, allowing [...] us to deliver the highest channel density, best voice [...] quality and lowest power consumption all in one complete [...]solution. tipschina.gov.cn |
承包生产服务则改善了空调系统的管理、安装具能源效益的灯泡,以及减低日 常 耗电量。 vtech.com | Our CMS operation has improved the [...] management of the air conditioning systems, fitted energy efficient light bulbs and [...] reduced daily electric power consumption. vtech.com.hk |
这时会使用切换电源装置,它的 耗电量 较 小 ,却仍能提供完整的功能。 jabra.cn | Switching power supply units are used [...] that have less power consumption yet deliver [...]full performance. jabra.com |
数据记录仪用于生成工厂内压缩空气系统的压力 和 耗电量 曲 线 ,是确定压缩空气系统控制策略的重要工具。 csinstrument.com | Data loggers are used to create plant [...] pressure and energy consumption profiles, and [...]can be important tools in developing a control [...]strategy for a compressed air system. csinstrument.com |
对于单体可具备节电功能的交付货品,必须具有能自动减小主电源以外的各个部分 的 耗电量 的功能,以及可通过操作者的操作或自动控制在脱离部分系统的条件下运转的功能等。 fujitsu-general.com | A deliverable that can have a power saving [...] function shall be able to automatically [...] reduce the power consumption of components [...]other than the main power supply and/or [...]separate a part of the system by means of an operator operation or schedule function. fujitsu-general.com |
测量耗电量随处 可见,但是测量压缩空气消耗量的企业并不多。 csinstrument.com | It's common to [...] measure the consumption of electricity, but only a [...]few corporations measure the compressed air consumption. csinstrument.com |
该 数据中心采用高效率、低耗电量的直 流电源,引进 跟建筑物的特性最合适的散热系统,以及引进高效 [...] 率的空调设备等,建设环保型的绿色数据中心。 itochu.co.jp | We will create an environment-friendly, green data center by using a [...] direct-current power source and incorporating [...]a heat-venting system that fully [...]exploits the building’s characteristics and highly efficient air conditioners. itochu.co.jp |
整个工厂使用高效灯具完成照明升级,这些灯具在降 低 耗电量 的 同时还改进了总体照明条件,而且自动运动感应器有效消除浪费。 spellmanhv.cn | Illumination upgrades were done throughout the factory [...] using high efficiency light fixtures [...] that reduced electricity consumption while improving [...]general lighting conditions, while [...]automatic motion sensors helped to eliminate waste. spellmanhv.com |
并采用耗电量少的 新型 CNC 和 LED 机内照明等,比传统机型降低了待机时 的 耗电量 30%。 moriseiki.com | With a new, low-power-consumption NC and LED lighting, the NLX2500 achieves approximately 30% reduction in power consumption during standby. moriseiki.com |
笔记本电脑用户希望系统运行更快,但是更快的速度和更高的性能通常意味着提 高 耗电量 并 缩 短电池寿命,带来了这样的问题:如果在快速访问数据的同时降低能耗? seagate.com | Laptop users want faster systems, but boosting laptop PC performance with higher speed components [...] has traditionally [...] meant higher power consumption and shorter battery life, raising the question: How do you reduce power consumption while delivering [...]faster access to notebook data? seagate.com |
鉴于这套系统已经被证明适用于沼气环境中, 且耗 电量相当低,因此能适用于井下作业。 dat-bergbau.de | Since wireless modules have already been approved for use in potentially explosive [...] atmospheres and the individual electrical components have [...] very low power consumption it is ideally suited [...]for use underground. dat-bergbau.de |
还可用一些其他方法,比如根据水泵的运行时间 或 耗电量 对 出水量进行估算。 wrdmap.org | Alternative methods include estimating according to duration of [...] pumping or to electricity consumption. wrdmap.org |
该技术使得LG”琉璃黑”系列产品可以根据环境自动调 整 耗电量 较 低的背光源,在保证观看效果的基础上,调节屏幕亮度,其大/中/小/关闭/自动5档整合背光控制、画面关闭、待机微耗电功能,可有效降 低 电量 消 耗 , 最 大限度地保证电视的节能效果,节电最高可实现高达60%以上,能够充分满足了用户对低耗能家电用品的使用需求。 jxlcd.com | The technology makes the LG " glazed black " series of products can be adjusted automatically [...] according to the [...] environment of lower power consumption of the backlight source, to ensure the effect of viewing the foundation, adjust screen brightness, the large / medium / small / close / 5 automatic archives integration backlight control, screen off, standby micro-power consumption function, which can effectively reduce the power consumption, to maximize [...]TV energy-saving effect, saving the highest [...]can achieve up to 60% above, can fully meet the user on low-energy appliances use demand. jxlcd.com |
例如,在AMD FirePro 2270采用了无风扇,节能设计,耗电量 1 5 瓦 的 最大功率和平均不到10瓦。 technologeeko.com | For example, the AMD FirePro 2270 features a fan-less, energy efficient [...] design that consumes 15 watts maximum power and less than 10 watts [...]on average. technologeeko.com |
电流15-18毫安反映速度快,可在高频操作,用在同样照明效果的情况下 , 耗电量 是 白 炽灯的万分之一,荧光管的二分之一,日本估计,如采用光效比荧光灯还要高2倍的LED替代日本一半的白炽灯和荧光灯、每年可节约相当于60亿升原油,同样效果的一支日光灯40多瓦,而采用LED每支的功率只有8瓦。 wz-e.com | Reflect the fast current 15-18 mA, in high frequency [...] operation, with lighting effects [...] in the same case, power consumption is one ten thousandth [...]of incandescent, fluorescent [...]tubes half, the Japanese estimates, such as the use of light-effective 2 times even higher fluorescent LED replacement of incandescent and fluorescent lamps in Japan half a year can save the equivalent of 6 billion liters of crude oil, the same effect of a fluorescent 40 watts, while the use of LED only 8 watts of power each. wz-e.com |
一项旨在减少特派团二氧化 [...] 碳排放量的拟议绿色技术举措是一个潜在的增效领域,将通过该举措安装太阳能 热水器(30 000 美元),从 2012/13 年度起使耗电量减少 30%。 daccess-ods.un.org | One potential efficiency gain is a proposed green technology initiative to reduce the Mission’s carbon dioxide emissions, by which the [...] installation of solar heaters ($30,000) would result in [...] savings in electrical consumption by 30 per cent from [...]2012/13 onwards. daccess-ods.un.org |
图 35 未来半年会使用哪些 [...] 3G 手机上网应用 2.影响手机上网体验的因素 有五成以上的手机网民表示,“上网速度太慢”是影响人们选择手机上网最重要的因素; 有 [...] 34.6%的手机网民认为“上网资费太贵”;“手机上网电 池 耗电量 大 ” 则是影响网民选择手 机上网第三位阻碍因素。 apira.org | Over 50% of mobile Internet users said “low access speed” is the most important influential factor for mobile access; [...] 34.6% thought “access fee is too high”; [...] while “large power consumption” is the third [...]hindering factor for mobile access. apira.org |