单词 | 费尔干纳盘地 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 费尔干纳盘地—the Ferghana valley (in Uzbekistan, central Asia)See also:费尔干纳—the Ferghana valley (in Uzbekistan, central Asia)
这座建筑的文脉,内在地包含了继往与开来,涅盘与再生等一系列议题,展示着能量聚散与历史盛衰之间深刻的联系。 shanghaibiennale.org | Masters in the East focused their attention on the energy hidden inside themselves and created qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises, and yoga to unleash such energy. shanghaibiennale.org |
但与此同时,欧洲经济却不大可能像新兴市场那样,走出一条凤凰涅盘式的危机—复苏曲线。 project-syndicate.org | But, at the same time, it is unlikely that Europe’s economy will follow the pattern of emerging-market crises and rise, phoenix-like, from the ashes. project-syndicate.org |
因此﹐我们看到﹐普 [...] 鲁士在北面成了嬴家﹐奥地利在南面﹔俄国在北面和巴尔干﹐奥地利在西面﹑意大利和 德意志。 hkahe.com | Therefore, we see that where Prussia gained in the North, Austria gained in [...] the South and where Russia gained in the [...] North andin the Balkans, Austria gained in [...]the West, in Italy and in Germany. hkahe.com |
俄国在拿破仑战争中从土耳其取 [...] 得了比萨拉比亚(Bessarabia)﹐奥国因此要求在亚德里亚海附近取得更多土地﹐以求在巴尔 干半岛达 致 均 势 。 hkahe.com | As Russia had got Bessarabia from Turkey during the [...] Napoleonic wars, Austria tried to gain further provinces on the [...] Adriatic in order to get a balance of powerin the Balkans. hkahe.com |
由 2009 年 10 月 31 日上午 00.01 时(爱尔蘭时间)(「生效日期」)(包括该日在内)起, 董事将本公司的费用及开支架构简化,向基金经理支付一项单一固定管理费,并从该项管理费 中支付投资顾问的费用、行政管理人及托管人的费用,以及若干其他开支,包括在有关基金登 记所在司法管辖区的付款代理人(及其他当地代表)的费用。 cdn.sunlife.com | With effect from 00.01 [...] a.m. on 31 October,2009(Irish time) (the “Effective Date”) the Directors have simplified the fee and expense structure of the Company by paying the Manager a single fixed Management Fee out of which shall be paid the fees of the Investment Advisers, the fees of the Administrator and Custodian, andcertain other expenses which shall include thefees of Paying Agents (and otherlocal representatives) in jurisdictions [...]where the Funds areregistered. cdn.sunlife.com |
再者,我们增加投资於美国的监 管及合规基础建设,并在北美洲和亚太其他地区产生若干额外诉讼费用。 hsbc.com.tw | Also, we increased investment in regulatory and [...] compliance infrastructure in [...] the USand incurred certain additional litigation costs in North [...]America and Rest of Asia-Pacific. hsbc.com.tw |
倘股票遭损坏或污损或报称已遗失、失窃或销毁,则於提出要求及支付有 关费用(指定证券交易所可能厘定的应付最高款额或董事会可能厘定的较低数额) 後,并须符合有关证据及弥偿保证以及支付本公司於调查该等证据及准备董事会认为 适合的弥偿保证时的费用或合理实际开支及(就损坏或污损而言)向本公司递交原有 股票的条款(若有),本公司可向有关股东发出代表相同数目股份的新股票,惟倘已 发出股息单,则不会发出新的股息单以取代已遗失者,除非董事并无合理怀疑地信纳原有股息单已遭销毁。 epro.com.hk | If a share certificate shall be damaged or defaced or alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed a new certificate representing the same shares may be issued to the relevant Member upon request and on payment of such fee as the Designated Stock Exchange may determine to be the maximum fee payable or such lesser sum as the Board may determine and, subject to compliance with such terms (if any) as to evidence and indemnity and to payment of the costs and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of the Company in investigating such [...] evidence and preparing such indemnity as the [...] Board may think fit and, in case of damage or defacement, on delivery of the old certificate to the Company provided always that where share warrants have been issued, no new share warrant shall be issued to replace one that has been lost unless the Directors are satisfiedbeyond reasonabledoubt that the original has been destroyed. epro.com.hk |
她於2007年加入VITAS,担任其密苏里州圣路易计画之总经理,之後於2011年转至费尔维尤高地计画任职。 zh.vitas.com | She joined VITAS in 2007 as general manager in its St. Louis, Missouri, program before moving to the Fairview Heights program in 2011. vitas.com |
因此,在对每一个被管理的水平,尽管看似完美的正义,出生和死亡的个体无休止系列可能会显示为一个邪恶的,在这种情况下,可从解脱的存在,在寻求涅盘无限轮。 mb-soft.com | In spite of the seemingly perfect justice thus administered on every level of being, the never-ending series of births and deaths of the individual may come to appear as an evil; in which case deliverance may be sought fromthe infinite wheel of existence in Nirvana. mb-soft.com |
有了这个Siegbert拉普,拉普控股公司,维尔纳·贝克尔,拉普系统(主任级)和马库斯·J.米勒博士,管理国际公共关系和媒体董事总经理。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | With this Siegbert Lapp, Director of Lapp Holding AG, Werner Becker, Managing Director of Lapp Systems (Officer) and Dr. Markus J. Mueller, Manager International Public Relations and Media. en.developmentscout.com |
凤凰涅盘”的第一个障碍是,欧洲各国的财政经济政策依然设定于紧缩模式。 project-syndicate.org | The first obstacle to a “phoenix miracle” is that governments remain in austerity mode. project-syndicate.org |
进入21世纪,TAG Heuer(豪雅)继续着力于设计创新,推出搭载集成导柱轮计时码表机芯的新一代卡莱拉,正是TAG Heuer(豪雅)不断推陈出新的创新力作,将这个代表着运动优雅,由杰克·豪雅(Jack Heuer)于1964年亲自设计的传奇式运动计时码表系列,如凤凰涅盘般,浴火重生。 tagheuer.com | TAG Heuer unveils its new 21st century integrated column-wheel automatic chronograph movement in a new generation of the CARRERA, the legendary sports chronograph series designed by Jack Heuer in 1964 and an icon of refined taste ever since. tagheuer.com |
除了住商混合模式与一般封闭型社区不同,这里的环保概念也很重要,其中包括坦米尔纳德邦首座独立太阳能发电厂,供电量达75000瓦,亦可随需求扩充;废水则在现场处理,再供应社区景观用水,因此公共空间里草地青翠,与社区外如同沙漠的灌木大不相同;所有工厂均装置雨水回收系统,汇集至地下储水槽,应能让社区用水供过於求。 thisbigcity.net | Hence the lush lawns and verdant public spaces, so different from the desert-like scrub outside the gates. thisbigcity.net |
救国,或涅盘的状态,是由每一种完全灭绝的愿望实现了,这是可能的知识 - 而不是上帝或灵魂的知识,如婆罗门教,但纯粹的哲学知识真正的真理的东西。 mb-soft.com | Salvation, or the state of Nirvana, is to be attained by the utter extinction of every kind of desire, and this is possible by knowledge -- not the knowledge of God or the soul, as in Brahminism, but the purely philosophical knowledge of the real truth of things. mb-soft.com |
此外,若保险公司透过加拿大境外的经纪或代理就一项在加拿大的风险投保,或有关保险公司根据加拿大省级或地区法律未获认可进行保险业务,则有关保险须缴纳10%的联邦消费税。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | In addition, a 10% federal excise tax is imposed on insurance against a risk in Canada if it is placed by insurers through brokers or agents outside Canada or with an insurer that is notauthorised under Canadian provincial or territorial law to transact the business of insurance. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
葡萄酒在索契与选择的葡萄酒, DÛTI 弗雷亚在索契、克拉斯诺达尔地区与定期客户最富有的是合同的供应,传递从一瓶交货时间的 15 分钟,所以酒吧和餐馆做不一定分数仓库酒精、 [...] 照顾的存储、 存储管理法规已足以有一个实例,在生产销售的情况下执行库存立即重新排序"免税"为 [...]DÛTI--当然这项服务是对所有酒吧餐厅及商店不可用但只是为客户提供高容量销售但是它提供给很大的竞争优势为所有合作夥伴- DÛTI-"免税"索契。 dyuti-free.g-sochi.ru | Wine in Sochi and [...] choice winesin DÛTIFREYAin Sochi, the richest in the Krasnodar region,with regular customers [...]are the contract [...]for the supply, delivery from one bottle-delivery time of 15 minutes, so the bars and restaurants do not necessarily score warehouses alcohol, take care of storage, storage regulations is sufficient to have one instance and in the case of the sale of the produce performs inventory reordering immediately, DÛTI-"duty-free"-of course this service is not available on all bars restaurants and shopsbut only to customers with high volume sales but it gives great competitive advantage for all partners- DÛTI-"duty-free" in Sochi. g-sochi.ru |