

单词 悲观主义

See also:

悲观 n

pessimism n
gloomy n



主义 n

nationalism n
socialist n
imperialism n
militarism n

主观 n

subjectivity n

主观 adv

subjectively adv

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 母语教学,他们通常会质疑自己的身份,这会造成非 悲观主义。
The experience of South Africa had shown that if people received instruction in a
language other than their mother tongue, they frequently questioned their identity, which
[...] could lead to Afro-pessimism.
叔本华悲观主义和他 的学校是非常喜欢佛教悲观和韦丹塔的哲学体系,似乎已经从这些来源之一派生但是,除了这不重要线的现代投机,并从流产时间比较近theosophic运动。
The pessimism of Schopenhauer and his school is indeed very like the pessimism of Buddhism and of the Vedanta system of philosophy, and seems to have been derived from one of these sources.
引用电影制片人雷纳德•莱文森的一句话: 悲观主义 者 只 看到云的黑暗面而郁闷;哲学家看到云的两面而耸耸肩;乐观主义者根本没看到云—他正在腾云驾雾。
To quote film producer Leonard
[...] L. Levinson, “A pessimist only sees the dark [...]
side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher
sees both sides and shrugs; an optimist doesn’t see the clouds at all—he’s walking on them.
但是,我们不能同意这悲观的看 法,即一系列的自然灾害和战争将成为人类未来主要特征。
Nevertheless, we cannot share the pessimistic vision that the future of humanity will above all be characterized [...]
by a succession
of natural disasters and wars.
我们必须毫不含糊地谴责这些种 主义悲 剧 并 说出 历史真相。
We must unequivocally
[...] condemn these racist tragedies and tell the truth [...]
about history.
波兰认 为,在审议 2008 年 2 月 17 日科索沃宣布独立一事时应考虑到所有这些人 主义 悲剧(第 4.5.1 和 段)。
To Poland, all this humanitarian tragedy should be taken into account in considering Kosovo’s declaration of independence of 17 February 2008 (paras. 4.5.1 and
阿玛(Armagh)差点就成为了梵蒂冈城!在1948年,爱尔兰驻梵蒂冈大使报告说教皇十二世正因为担心意大利国内会由共 主义 政 府掌权而“处在极 悲观 的 情 绪之中”,于是有意将教廷搬到爱尔兰来。
In 1948 the Irish ambassador to the Vatican reported that Pope Pius XII was “in a mood of deepest pessimism” about the possibility of a Communist government coming to power in Italy, and was very much minded to move the Holy See to Ireland.
除了为过去悲剧事件伸张义以外 ,将重点致力于民族和解的迫切需要,以便为柬埔寨人民建立持久和平、主和繁荣。
While obtaining
[...] justice for the tragic events of the past, emphasis would be placed on the compelling need for national reconciliation in order to build durable peace, democracy and prosperity [...]
for the Cambodian people.
造成对当前 形势略悲观看法的主要原因是,第三十届大会否决 了旨在使自然灾害计划更明显的具有跨部门性质和增 加与减灾有关联的社会经济因素的“方案 B”。
The main reason for the current and slightly pessimistic outlook derives [...]
from the fact that the 30th session of the General
Conference rejected the proposal “Scenario B”, which aimed at making the Natural Disaster Programme more overtly intersectoral and increasing the socioeconomic factors associated with disaster mitigation.
科学界有许多人曾经说,发现世界上所有的物种是不可能的,但Costello及其同事对这 悲观 看 法 之后 主 要 论断表示了怀疑。
Many in the scientific community have said that discovering all
of the world’s species is impossible, but Costello and
[...] colleagues dispute the main claims behind this pessimistic view.
各国义务避免倒退措施,即任何出 主观 故 意的、有可能阻碍经济、社 会和文化权利进步、从而妨碍不断争取实现这些权利的行动。
States have an obligation to avoid retrogressive measures, that is, any [...]
deliberate action which has the effect of impairing the advancement
in economic, social and cultural rights and thus hindering the continuous realization of these rights.
最后,对于如何解释合同所述的有关机器必须具备的具体特点,法院认为, 《销售公约》第 8.1 条采用解释规则或解释主观标准 的目的是分辨缔结合同的 当事一方的实际意图——而无需甚至还要进行心理调查—这样,如果合同条款 很明确,便义务遵 守其字面意思,任何当事方均不能声称应以其未言明的愿 望为准。
Lastly, as regards the interpretation of the contract where it concerned the specific features that the machine in question was required to have, the Court held that the aim of article
8.1 of CISG in
[...] introducing the rule or subjective criterion of interpretation was to discern the real intent of a contracting party — without going so far as a psychological investigation — so that, if the terms of the contract were clear, there was an obligation to abide by the [...]
literal meaning, without
either party being able to claim that its unstated wishes should prevail.
这种观主义和希 望感不适对于未来的理想主义的、乌托邦式 的看法,而是对儿童处理他们日常生活方式的描述。
This optimism and sense of hope is not an idealistic, [...]
utopian vision for the future, but rather a representation of the
ways in which children approach their everyday lives.
并 正在采取措施动员努力查明和制止在因特网上传播鼓吹恐 主义观 点 的 信息及 传播关于宣传恐怖主义或为恐怖主义的需要作辩解的各种材料或信息。
Measures were also being taken to mobilize work to identify and suppress the dissemination on the Internet of information promoting the notion of terrorism and the dissemination of materials or information calling for terrorism or justifying the need for terrorism.
请允许我主要就两个 方面谈谈我们的一些看法:人 主义悲 剧 和援助海地 人民的国际努力;如何战胜当前的政治危机。
Please allow me to share some
[...] of our views, mainly on two aspects: the humanitarian tragedy and the international [...]
efforts to assist
the people of Haiti; and ways to overcome the current political crisis.
阿塞拜疆建议以色列加 速 使本国立法符 合其加入的主要国际 文书的规 定;结合正在进行的促 进 两 性平等和 消除对 妇 女 歧 视的工作,加 倍 努 力,提高妇 女 在社会中的代表程度,并加入《 消除对 妇 女 一 切 形 式 歧 视 公 约 任 择 议定书》 ; 改 进和加强与联合国一切 特别程序 和机制的合作,改 善 巴 勒斯坦 被占领 土 上 居 民 的人权享 有,并扭 转 那悲惨的主义情况;参 照 这些领土 的情况考虑如何履 行其国际 人 道 主义法义务。
Azerbaijan recommended that Israel accelerate the process of bringing its national legislation into compliance with the provisions of the main international instruments to which it is a party; in line with ongoing work to promote gender equality and eliminate discrimination against women, redouble efforts to increase women’s representation in society and to join the Optional Protocol to the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; improve and strengthen cooperation with all relevant United Nations special procedures and mechanisms, inter alia, to improve the enjoyment of human rights by populations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and to reverse the dire humanitarian situation there; and honour its obligations under international humanitarian law with regard to the situation in those territories.
然后,我进而(在第七部分)审视联合国 作为一个整体对科索沃人主义悲剧 所 表达的严重关切,这是法院在本咨询意见 中没有提及的。
I then proceed to an examination (in part VII) - eluded by the Court in the present Advisory Opinion ⎯ of the grave concern expressed by the United Nations as a whole with the humanitarian tragedy in Kosovo.
与联合国其他主要机关(大会、安全理事会、经社理事会,见上文)一样, 联合国秘书长也在不同场合表示严重关切科索沃人 主义悲 剧。
Like other main organs of the United Nations (General Assembly, Security Council, ECOSOC supra), the Secretary
General of the United Nations also expressed on distinct occasions his grave
[...] concern with the humanitarian tragedy in Kosovo.
在这方面,我谨赞扬达尔富尔混合行动和联合国 系统各机构——包括世界粮食计划署、儿童基金会、
[...] 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处和世界卫生组织— —正在尽它们的最大努力,力求避免产生更为严重的 人主义悲剧。
In that regard, I would like to commend UNAMID and the agencies of the United Nations system — including the World Food Programme, UNICEF, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Refugees and the World Health Organization — who are doing their best to avert
[...] an even graver humanitarian tragedy.
关于被占领悲惨的人道主义局势 ,我们鼓励以 色列按照《通行进出协定》的要求拆除进出障碍,并 为人员和物资进入加沙地带提供便利。
On the abject humanitarian situation in the occupied [...]
territories, we encourage Israel to remove the obstacles to access
and to facilitate the movement of people and goods into the Gaza Strip, consistent with the Agreement on Movement and Access.
2009 年 7 月 7 日至 9 日在巴斯特尔举办了一次专门援助加勒比国家履行向安全理会报告
的义务的讲习班,来自安提瓜和巴布达、巴哈马、巴巴多斯、伯利兹、格林纳 达、圭亚那、海地、牙买加、圣基茨和尼维斯、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳
[...] 丁斯、苏里南及特立尼达和多巴哥的与会者出席了讲习班,加勒比共同体和美 洲组织/美洲反恐主义委员会作观 察 员也出席了讲习班。
In 2009, a workshop on specialized assistance to Caribbean countries on their reporting obligations to the Security Council was held in Basseterre from 7 to 9 July, attended by participants from Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,
Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago and with the participation of the
[...] Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and OAS/CICTE as observers.
曾向经社理事会和秘书长报告的前联合国人权委员会在 1994 年通过两份 决议,表示严重关切科索沃人 主义悲 剧。
The former U.N. Commission on Human Rights, which used to report to ECOSOC and the
Secretary-General, issued two resolutions in 1994 expressing its grave
[...] concern with the humanitarian tragedy in Kosovo.
悲观的情 形是,粮食和石油价格进一步上 涨,2011 年主食价 格的增长率为 2010 年的两倍,超过消费价格指数的通胀率,同 时平均油价达到每桶 130 美元;在这种情形下,将另有 4 240 万人陷入贫穷或无法 脱贫。
Under the most pessimistic scenario in which there are further increases in food inflation and oil prices, with staple food prices in 2011 [...]
rising above the consumer
price index inflation at twice the 2010 rate and the average oil price reaching $130 per barrel, an additional 42.4 million people could remain in poverty.
许多泰国政治 分析人士和观察人士对前景悲观态 度 ,他们认为 不管选举结果如何,反独联或者民盟支持者总有一 方将会重回街头抗议。
Many analysts and observers of Thai politics are pessimistic and predict that [...]
either UDD or PAD supporters will soon return
to the streets, whatever the outcome of the polls.
索马里海盗活动——一种以金钱为目的、以部落为单位实施的跨国有组织犯 罪——在 2011 年和 2012 年仍然对全球航运构成威胁,并且给被绑架的海员和人 质及其家庭和雇主造成人主义悲剧 (另 见附件 4.1)。
Somali maritime piracy — a form of money-driven, clan-based, transnational organized crime — remained a threat to global shipping
in 2011 and 2012, and
[...] represented a humanitarian tragedy for hijacked seafarers and kidnapped hostages, their families and employers (see also annex 4.1.).
如果我们允许以色列的宣传机器描述以色列南 部一些居民由于哈马斯火箭弹袭击承受心理影响的 情况,我们又怎么可能忽视由于以色列的军事占领和 对在数百万巴勒斯坦人必须生活地区的彻底封锁,整 个巴勒斯坦人口正在承受的人 主义悲 剧 呢
If we allow the Israeli propaganda machine to describe the situation regarding the psychological repercussions suffered by some inhabitants of southern Israel because of Hamas rocket attacks, how can we possibly ignore the humanitarian tragedy to which the entire population of Palestine is subject due to the military Israeli occupation and the complete blockade within which millions of Palestinians have to live?
联合国的每一个主要机关(大会、安全理事会、经社理事会和秘书处)都在不 同场合表示严重关切科索沃的人 主义悲 剧 ,都一直在其各自的职权范围内参与 解决危机。
Each of its main organs (General Assembly, Security Council, ECOSOC and General Secretariat) expressed on distinct occasions its grave concern with it, and each of them was and has been engaged in the solution of the crisis, within their respective spheres of competence.
此外,加拿 大仍然关切一些行为者继续滥用国际平台将反犹主义观点政治化,并询问国际社会应注重哪些措施, 以促成这方面的积极变化。
In addition, Canada remained concerned that some actors continued to misuse international platforms to politicize anti-Semitic views and asked what measures the international community should focus on in order to effect positive change in that regard.
其中包括:公 民职责层面的意识及相应的伦理和 义 原 则 与价 观 ; 推 动日常 主 生 活 参与规 则的能力;灵活管理和处理人际冲突及解决问题;学校和社区作为将教育纳入民 主公民综合学生教育框架及社会干预的步骤的概念。
They include the conscience of the civic dimension of
their role and
[...] corresponding ethic and deontological principles and values; the capability of promoting participated rules of democratic everyday life; [...]
the flexible management
and settling of interpersonal conflicts and problem solving; the concept of schools and communities as spaces of education for inclusion and of social intervention, in the framework of a comprehensive education of students for democratic citizenship.
估算 2010-2011 两年期的费用所用假定现证明过 悲观 , 原 因 主 要 是 由于维和活动扩展, 新工作人员人数大大增加,这样就遏制了原本预期会在当前的两年期内出现的保费的增加。
The assumptions used to estimate costs for the
biennium 2010-2011 are proving to
[...] have been overly pessimistic, mainly because the substantial [...]
increase in the number of
new staff owing to the expansion in peacekeeping activities has permitted the containment of the premium rate increases that had been expected during the current biennium.




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