

单词 投资银行

See also:

投资 n

investment n
investors pl
investor n

投行 n

investment banking n

External sources (not reviewed)

投 资银行已经 在太阳神湾太阳能电站投资,这一电站已于五月份运营,并且预期将 为大约 1 000 户人家提供充足的用电。
The European Investment Bank has already invested in a solar-power [...]
facility in Helios Bay, which was opened in May and is
expected to produce sufficient electricity for about 1,000 homes.
与本报告的分析师和作者相关的薪酬制度基于多重准则,包括财政年度内西班牙对外银行获得的收益以及西班牙对外银行集团的间接收益,其中包括通 投资银行 业 务产生的收益,但是他们不获得基投 资银行任何 具体交易所产生收益的任何薪酬。
The remuneration system concerning the analyst/s author/s of this report is based on multiple criteria, including the revenues obtained by BBVA and, indirectly, the results of BBVA Group in the fiscal year, which, in turn,
include the results
[...] generated by the investment banking business; nevertheless, they do not receive any remuneration based on revenues from any specific transaction in investment banking.
在 2011 年加入 Blackstone 之前,Harvey 先生是摩根大通公司执行董事,拥有逾 13
[...] 年人力资源各种职务的丰富经验,任职范围遍及伦敦、欧洲大陆及亚洲,其中包括:担任 Investment Bank(投资银行)的 HR 业务合伙人,领导该行在欧洲的高级管理层报酬事务;担任 [...]
Benelux(比荷卢经济联盟)的 HR 领导职务,以及担任新加坡薪酬及福利地区主管。
Prior to joining Blackstone in 2011, Mr. Harvey was an Executive Director with JPMorgan Chase, having spent 13
years in a diverse range of Human Resources roles in London, Continental Europe and Asia, including HR Business
[...] Partner in the Investment Bank, leading the bank's Executive [...]
Compensation practice
in Europe, HR leadership roles in Benelux, and as the Regional Head of Compensation and Benefits based in Singapore.
[...] 进区域的不稳定短期资本持续激增,有必要考虑采取进一步措施,如在数量上限 制短期资金流动和非生产投资银行 贷 款 ,以提高资本流的质量。
However the continuing surge of volatile short-term capital to the region has made it necessary to consider further measures such as applying quantitative
restrictions on short-term
[...] equity flows and bank non-productive investment lending to improve [...]
the quality of capital flows.
Arkady的职业生涯始投资银行业务 的金融分析师和财务总监。
Arkady began his career as a Financial Analyst and
[...] Financial Director in Investment Banking.
世界银行(欧洲和中亚办事处)与欧 盟的一些机构(包括欧洲委员会、欧盟理事 会、欧洲议会和欧投资银行)、 欧亚开发 银行及其附属机构、欧亚反危机基金和区 域合作理事会结成了伙伴关系。
The World Bank (Europe and Central Asia Office) has developed several partnerships with EU institutions (including the EC, the EU Council,
the European Parliament
[...] and the European Investment Bank), the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) and its [...]
affiliate, the Eurasian
Anti-Crisis Fund and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC).
投资 银行也为 具体项目提供了重要贷款,尤其是在欧盟新成员国。
The European Investment Bank also provided significant [...]
loans for specific projects, especially in the new member States.
欢迎世界银行和非洲开发银行、亚洲开发银行、欧洲复兴开发 行 、 欧 洲投 资银行、美 洲开发银行及伊斯兰开发银行等六大多边开发银行联合表示,它们将 [...]
进行合作,通过加强对其投资的协调,并通过进行安全审计和评估道路基础设施 项目,加强其基础设施方案的道路安全部分
Welcoming the joint statement by the World Bank and the six leading multilateral development banks, namely, the African Development Bank, the Asian
Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and
[...] Development, the European Investment Bank, the Inter-American [...]
Bank and the Islamic Development Bank, in which they undertook to cooperate on increasing the road safety component of their infrastructure programmes through better coordination of their investments and through the application of safety audits and assessments of road infrastructure projects
(a) 国投资银行,银行账号 10001730102,账户名“总统自主财务
(a) Bank account number 10001730102, under the name “Autonomous Finance Presidential [...]
Service” at BNI
支票由军火供应商在以下银行的账户兑现:国 投资 银 行 (BNI) 、科特迪瓦兴 业 银 行 (SGBCI) 和设在 阿 比 让 的科特迪瓦国家银 行 (SIB)(见上文第七节)。
Checks were cashed by the arms suppliers
against accounts in the
[...] following banks: Banque nationale d’investissement (BNI), the Société générale de banques en Côte d’Ivoire [...]
(SGBCI) and the
Société ivoirienne de banque (SIB) in Abidjan (see sect. VII above).
投资银行通过向当地企业提供资金,建立当地银行的长期借贷 业务,并推动当地绿色能源举措和对当地生态系统的保护。
The Bank aims at developing the long-term lending operations of local banks by providing [...]
financing, and at promoting local
green-energy initiatives and the protection of local ecosystems.
[...] 措施,加强衍生品交易的透明度和监管力度;实现传 统银行业务投资银行业务 的分离;修订巴塞尔规 章,使各国政府可以对银行活动进行严格监管;以及 [...]
There were calls for reform of the international financial system, including through policy measures for more transparent and regulated
derivatives trading, the separation of
[...] traditional banking from investment banking, the revision [...]
of the Basel regulations to allow
for strict supervision of banking activities by Governments and the introduction of a financial transaction tax.
公司授权法国巴黎银行、星展银行有限公司、香港上海汇丰银行有限公司、中国工商银行(伦敦)有限公司、荷兰商业银行新加坡分行、法国兴业银行企业 投资银行 、 渣 打银行和三井住友银行参与此次交易(以下简称为“受托总协调人兼账簿管理人”)。
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, ICBC London plc, ING
Bank N.V., Singapore Branch, Societe
[...] Generale Corporate & Investment Banking, Standard [...]
Chartered Bank and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking
Corporation (the "Bookrunning Mandated Lead Arrangers") for this transaction.
2008 年,我们获得《银行家》杂志授予的企业 社会责任最投资银行奖,以表彰我们对环境 风险的重视,这些风险对我们预计收益、管理 [...]
风险及组织交易的核心业务或构成威胁、或带 来机会。
We received The Banker 2008 CSR
[...] Award for Best Investment Bank in recognition [...]
of our focus on the environmental risks that
pose a threat or an opportunity to our core business of forecasting earnings, managing risk and structuring deals.
在美国投资成功的关键其实是利用律师事务所 投资银行 , 公 关咨询公司和管理咨询公司。
The key to successful investment in America really is taking advantage of
[...] law firms, investment banks, PR consulting [...]
firms, and management consulting firms.
2003年加入DCM之前,卢女士在高盛工作,担任技术媒体和电信 投资银行 部 副 总裁,1996年至2003年期间,她为多家行业领先的公司提供了私有化重组、企业市场和战略并购的咨询服务和执行。
Prior to joining DCM in 2003, Ms.
Lu was a vice president in the technology, media and
[...] telecommunications investment banking group of Goldman [...]
Sachs & Co.
在担任葡萄牙中央银行行长之前,他曾任葡萄 投资银行 执 行 董事(1995-2000)和葡萄牙国家电力公司 - 葡萄牙电力公司(EDP)的非执行董事(1998-2000)。
Before having been appointed as
[...] Governor of the Banco de Portugal, he was Executive Director of the Banco Português de Investimento (1995-2000) and [...]
non-executive Director
of the Electricidade de Portugal (EDP), the Portuguese national power utility (1998-2000).
He was trained in investment banking and specializes in [...]
corporate strategy and organization as well as M&A. Under his leadership,
the firm's offices in Portugal, Spain and Brazil enjoyed above-average growth and became major players in their markets.
2.核可《非投资银行章程》各附件,包括就各成员国之间分配非 投资 银行的股 本和投票权问题选定修正后的情景 B,并选择国际货币基金组织的特别 提款权作为非投资银行的记 账单位,直至非洲单一货币产生。
2. APPROVES the Annexes to the Statutes of the African Investment Bank (AIB) including the selection of scenario B, as amended on the distribution of capital and voting rights of the AIB among Member States, and the choice of Special Drawing Rights [...]
(SDRs) of the International
Monetary Fund as unit of account of the AIB, until the creation of the African single currency
她甫加入这投资银行时担任美洲部首席运营官(COO),随后在2007年获任命为UBS证券有限责任公司首席执行官(CEO),负责UBS的经济交易商(broker [...]
She joined the investment bank as Chief Operating [...]
Officer (COO) of the Americas group, and was in 2007 also named Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) of UBS Securities LLC which is responsible for UBS’ broker dealer operations.
此案的被告是Eksportfinans和代理经销这个证券发行的29家金融服务公司 投资银行 公 司
No. 10cv5336, is pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against
defendants Eksportfinans and 29
[...] financial services and investment banking firms who acted [...]
as underwriters for the issuance of the Securities.
加入 Park Hill 前,他在瑞投资银行担任 私募基金小组主管,负责私募股权投资及基建筹资的管理事务。
Before joining Park Hill, Mr.
[...] Henningsen worked at UBS Investment Bank, where he was a [...]
Director within the Private Funds Group,
responsible for the project management of private equity and infrastructure fundraisings.
每月新闻: 30/11/2011 香港设立高品质葡萄 投资银行 • 3 0/11/2011 伦敦葡萄酒交易所丽芙干红指数稍有下降 [...]
• 29/11/2011 葡萄酒种植商对波尔多葡萄酒的发展膨胀表示担心 • 28/11/2011 对于依坤宫葡萄酒的需求量增长
• 25/11/2011 亚洲的勃艮第市场在一年时间内翻倍 • 25/11/2011 葡萄酒商敦促投资者紧紧追随高品质葡萄酒 • 24/11/2011 伦敦葡萄酒交易所的L-WIN系统中加入更丰富的数据 • 24/11/2011 葡萄酒产业讨论如何将香槟保持在一个奢侈品的水平 • 23/11/2011 罕见的DRC在苏富比拍卖中占据中心地位 • 22/11/2011 矿物质的真正含义是什么?
The month’s news: 30/11 Hong Kong
[...] sets up fine wine investment bank • 30/11 Liv-ex Claret Chip [...]
falls slightly • 29/11 Winegrowers
fearing Bordeaux expansion • 28/11 Demand for Chateau d'Yquem rises • 25/11 Burgundy market in Asia doubles in one year • 25/11 Wine merchant urges investors to stick to the best fine wine • 24/11 Richer data added to Liv-ex's L-WIN system • 24/11 Industry discusses how Champagne can stay as a luxury • 23/11 Rare DRC to take centre stage at Sotheby's auction • 22/11 What does minerality really mean?
此外,为处理某些阻碍调集资源促进非洲大陆财 政安全和发展的因素,非洲联盟目前正在开展筹备进 程,以便根据《非洲联盟组织法》第 19 条的规定建 立泛非金融机构,其中包括三个关键机构——非洲中 央银行;总部将设在喀麦隆雅温得的非洲货币基金; 总部将设在尼日利亚阿布贾的非 投资银行 — —和 一个泛非股票交易中心。
Furthermore, in its efforts to address some of the factors impeding the mobilization of resources for the continent’s financial security and development, the African Union is currently conducting preparatory processes towards establishment of pan-African financial institutions, as provided for in article 19 of the Constitutive Act of the Union.
研讨会的演讲嘉宾包括主要证券交易所的官员、著名的私募基金经理 投资银行 家 以 及法律顾问。
Participants can learn about the valuable experience from guest
speakers, including officials from key stock exchanges, top-notch
[...] private fund managers, investment bankers and legal counsels.
加强与相关国际组织和机构的信息沟通、资源共享和务实合作,签署了一系列合作研究协议,实施了一批研究项目,内容涉及气候变化的科学问题、减缓和适应、应对政策和措施等,主要包括:与联合国开发计划署、世界 行 、 欧 洲 投资银行 开 展项目合作,与亚洲开发银行、碳收集领导人论坛、全球碳捕集和封存研究院开展碳捕集、利用和封存领域相关合作,与全球环境基金开展了中国技术需求评估项目合作,与能源基金会合作开展编制温室气体清单能力建设及相关政策、技术路线研究、气候变化立法研究等。
China strengthens communication and exchanges, resource sharing and practical cooperation with relevant international organizations and institutions, and has signed a series of cooperative research agreements and implemented a batch of research projects on the scientific study, mitigation, adaptation, policies and measures to respond to climate change, including project cooperation with the
United Nations Development
[...] Program, World Bank and European Investment Bank; carbon capture, [...]
utilization and sequestration
cooperation with the Asian Development Bank, Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum and Global Carbon Capture and Sequestration Research Institute; cooperation on the assessment of China' s technological needs with the Global Environment Facility; and cooperation with the Energy Foundation on the greenhouse gas inventory preparation capability, research into related policies and technical road maps, and legislation concerning climate change.
此业务模型的零售银行基础坚实稳固,覆盖范围遍及欧洲、北美以至新兴市场,并得力于在资本市场、顾问咨询及融资领域独占鳌头、屡获殊荣的企业 投资银行 业 务
This is based on a strong retail banking foundation spanning Europe, North America and emerging
markets, and an award-winning
[...] Corporate and Investment Bank with leading positions in capital markets, advisory and financing.
杨德诺集团选择在卢森堡建 立总部,因为卢森堡投资、银行和税 收领域提供量身定做的解决方案,更 不用说颇具“亲和力”的卢森堡机构 [...]
Jan De Nul Group chose to set-up its head office in Luxembourg,
as it offers tailor made solutions
[...] in the field of investments, banking and tax, not to [...]
mention the easy “reach-ability”
of Luxembourg institutions and authorities.
但是,如今天上午三个非常成功的中国公司的董事长提到的,在美国投资成功的关键是利用律师事务所,会计师事务所 投资银行 , 公 关公司和管理顾问提供的专家意见,也就是我们所说的服务提供者。
But the key to successful investment in America as mentioned by our three chairman from very successful Chinese companies this morning, is taking advantage of the
expert advice provided by law firms,
[...] accounting firms, investment banks, PR firms, and management [...]
consultants, what we call service providers.
2012年,欧投资银行的资 本金获得了极大提升,它应该在现有业务的基础上增加一个面向中等企业的投资支持计划,由欧洲预算出资为初次就业者提供临时性津贴以示鼓励。
The European Investment Bank, which received a [...]
significant capital increase in 2012, should add a large investment-support
program for medium-size enterprises to its current operations, with a subsidy financed from the European budget to encourage first-time job takers for a limited period.




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