单词 | 投资人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 投资n—investorspl investorn
当我们持续执行既有之发展计划,在未来几年,我们坚信将能为全球的客户创造更大的价值, 并进一步提升投资人的权益。 cre8ir.com | As we continue to execute our growth plans, we believe we will continue to create value for our customers worldwide and further enhance shareholder value for the coming years. cre8ir.com |
M&G的整体策略是首要专注於投资表现,途径是招募、发展及挽 留引領市场的投资人才,以及创造人才发挥全部潜能所须的环境及基建。 prudential.co.uk | M&G’s overall strategy is to focus first and [...] foremoston investment performance, by recruiting, developing and retaining marketleadinginvestment talent, and [...]by creating the environment [...]and infrastructure this talent needs to perform to its full potential. prudential.co.uk |
太平洋投资管理公司(PIMCO)共同执行长Bill Gross与Mohamed El-Erian [...] 提出警告:全球经济可能到2022年才会复苏,投资人最好习惯1%至2%的年报酬率。 ravenelart.com | Respected money managers, Bill Gross and Mohamed El-Erian, the co-CEO at PIMCO, [...] recently warned that there will be no recovery [...] until 2022and that investorsbetter get used [...]to 1% to 2% annual returns. ravenelart.com |
因此,有意投资人士应注意彼等须阅览创业板网页,方能取得创业板上市发行人之最新资料。 cigyangtzeports.com | Accordingly, prospectiveinvestors should note that [...] they need to have access to the GEM website in order to obtain up-to-date [...]information on GEM-listed issuers. cigyangtzeports.com |
彼主要负责本集团的战略发展、兼 并与收购、资本市场及投资人关系。 westchinacement.com | She is responsible mainly for the Group’s strategic development, merger and acquisition advisory and [...] capital market and investorrelations. westchinacement.com |
要求就公司或其相关事务采访 Colgate [...] 任何人士及/或任何公司新闻发布稿及/或声明的发表必须事 先经由公司通讯副总裁或投资人关系副总裁审核批准。 colgate.com | Requests for interviews with any Colgate individual relating to the Company or its affairs and/or the issuance of any Company press releases and/or statements must be [...] reviewed and approved in advance by the Vice President, Corporate Communications, or [...] the Vice President,Investor Relations. colgate.com |
总而言之,投资人对其他投资工具的长期展望缺乏信心,优质宝石却可能在可预见的未来维持供需失衡的状态,宝石自然成为他们寻求的另一种有形资产。 ravenelart.com | In conclusion, [...] given that investors have little confidence in the long-term outlook for other investment vehicles, and [...]the imbalance between [...]the supply and demand for high-quality gemstones is likely to continue in the foreseeable future, it is understandable that gemstones are sought after as alternative, tangible assets. ravenelart.com |
今日西方城市依旧最受观光客欢迎,仍是新兴国家富裕投资人的目标,也依然是电玩游戏或歌曲的集体想像基础。 thisbigcity.net | Today the Western city is still the most [...] visited city by tourists, it continues to be [...] targeted by rich investors in emergingcountries [...]and still dominates the collective [...]imagination whether in a video-game or a song reference. thisbigcity.net |
(28) 在殖民地香港及本公司可能决定之世界任何地方从事及开展佣金经纪人、融资 人、提供特许权人士、投资人、商人、贸易商、批发及零售经销商、航运公司 或船舶代理普遍从事或开展之任何业务、交易或营运及╱或任何旨在直接或间 接有利於本公司之其他业务。 ckh.com.hk | (28) To carry on and undertake any business transaction or operation commonly carried on or undertaken by commission [...] agents, financiers, [...] concessionaires, capitalist, merchants, traders, wholesale and retail dealers, shipping companies, or ship’s agents and/or any other [...]business which may [...]seem directly or indirectly calculated to benefit this Company in the Colony of Hong Kong and any other part or parts of the World as the Company may determine. ckh.com.hk |
媒体、新闻、财政社群或社会大众对有关 [...] Colgate 财务或商业资讯的要求必须转交由公司通讯副总 裁或投资人关系副总裁处理。 colgate.com | Requests for Colgate’s financial or business information from the media, press, financial community or [...] the public must be referred to the Vice President, Corporate Communications, or [...] the Vice President, InvestorRelations. colgate.com |
随着气候变迁议题的快速发展,环保意识的提高及全球环境永续发展共识 [...] 的达成,我们相信企业永续与社会责任的揭露与评量,已成为我们的利害 关系者,例如机构投资人、客户和员工…等关心的重要议题。 wistron.com.tw | Along with the fast development of climate change issues, environmental awareness, and consensus in environmental sustainability, we believe that disclosure and assessment of corporate sustainability and social [...] responsibility has become an issue of concern to stakeholders, such as [...] institutional investors, clients, and [...]employees. wistron.com |
这样做,不仅是爲 了保持我国宏观经济的稳定发展,也是爲了维护国外投资人的投资安全和利益。 wcec-secretariat.org | This is not only for ensuring a [...] sound economic development in China but also for reducing the [...] risks forforeign investors and safeguarding their [...]interests. wcec-secretariat.org |
2.2 本公司向股东及投资人士传达资讯的主要渠道为:本公司的财务报告 (中期及年度报告)、股东周年大会及其他可能召开的股东大会;并将 所有呈交予香港联合交易所有限公司(「联交所」)的披露资料,以及 [...] 公司通讯及其他公司刊物登载在本公司网站。 chinaallaccess.com | 2.2Information shallbe communicated to Shareholders and theinvestment community mainlythrough [...] the Company’s financial [...]reports (interim and annual reports), annual general meetings and other general meetings that may be convened, as well as by making available all the disclosures submitted to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“SEHK”) and its corporate communications and other corporate publications on the Company’s website. chinaallaccess.com |
6.2 股东及投资人士可随时要求索取本公司的公开资料。 aelg.com.hk | 6.2 Shareholders andpotential investorscommunity mayat any [...] time make a request for the Company’s information to the extent [...]that such information is publicly available. aelg.com.hk |
我们也能向其他产业学习,例如「永续运输计画」,我们在与他人合作的经验中,发展既特别、又有意思的模型,能够克服开发商与业主得瓜分诱因的缺陷,确保业主、使用者、投资人皆可获益。 thisbigcity.net | Working with others we have developed an interesting and replicable model to [...] overcome the split incentives often cited by developers and owners, ensuring [...] benefits for the owner,user and investor. thisbigcity.net |
(二)投资者关系: 充份揭露资讯使投资人了解公司营运状况,并透过股东会及发言人与投资者沟通。 acbel.com.tw | These controlling shareholders may cause us to take actions with which other shareholders may not agree, or which may not be consistent with the interestsof other shareholders. acbel.com.tw |
我们将进一步改进对外商投资企业的金融服务,适度增加外商投资企业人民币贷款,增加中方投资人新增资本贷款,增强外资企业中方投资人的融资能力。 wcec-secretariat.org | We will continue to improve financial services and appropriately increasing local currency loans to foreign-funded enterprises while increasing funding for incremental capital by domestic participants in foreign-funded enterprises to strengthen their financing capacity. wcec-secretariat.org |
他负责为赞果筹得创建基金,他的领导力则让最初的投资人提早两年半获得应有报酬。 xango.com.tw | He was responsible for raising the startup capital for the company, and his [...] leadership was instrumental in paying back the [...] initial corporate investors—and doing it [...]more than two and a half years ahead of schedule. xango.co.uk |
1.1 本政策所载条文旨在确保本公司股东,包括个人及机构股东(「统称 「股东」),及在适当情况下包括一般投资人士,均可适时取得全面、 相同及容易理解的本公司资料(包括其财务表现、战略目标及计划、重 大发展、管治及风险概况),一方面使股东可在知情情况下行使权利, 另一方面可让股东及投资人士与本公司加强沟通。 chinaallaccess.com | 1.1 This Policy aims to set out the provisions with the objective of ensuring that the Company’s shareholders, both individual and institutional (collectively, the [...] “Shareholders”), and, in appropriate [...] circumstances,the investment community at large, are provided with ready, equal and timely access to balanced and understandable information about the Company (including its financial performance, strategic goals and plans, material developments, governance and risk profile), in order to enable Shareholders to exercise their rights in an informed manner, and to allow Shareholders and the investment community to engage actively [...]with the Company. chinaallaccess.com |
多数的美国劳工都参与资金市场」,证券交易委员会主席 考克斯(Christopher Cox)在2007年的一场演讲中表示,「我们 可以明显看出,对美国投资人有益的作法,也就是对美国人民有 益的方法」。 americancorner.org.tw | The majority of America’s workers are participants in our capital markets,” Christopher Cox, Securities and Exchange Commission chairman, said in a 2007 speech. americancorner.org.tw |
目前,私人创业投资的渠道并不多,私人投资与面向国有企业的投资的优惠政策亦各有不同。 gemconsortium.org | Presently, there are only limited channels for [...] private ventureinvestment,while the preferential policies for private investmentaredifferent from those for investmentforstate-owned [...]enterprises. gemconsortium.org |
您的「个人健康资讯」包括您在投保本计划时提供给我们的个人资讯,以及您的医疗记录和其他医疗 与健康资讯。 lacare.org | Your “personal health information” includesthe personal information you gave us when you enrolled in [...] this plan as well as [...]your medical records and other medical and health information. lacare.org |
(8) 作为资本家、融资人、特许权分授人、投资公司、基金经理及商人经营业务; 承办及经营及执行各类财务、商业、顾问、贸易及其他业务;及向适当之人 [...] 士按适当之条款垫付、存入、借出及借入款项、证券、商品及财产;贴现、 买入、卖出及买卖货币(即期或远期)、黄金、票据、债权证、认股权证、息 [...]票、股票、股份、期权、单位信托之单位及各类型投资或投资及投资工具之 参与权(包括合营企业、合夥企业及有限合夥企业)及各类证券及文件(包 括但不限於信用状、提货单、汇票及承兑票据)。 equitynet.com.hk | (8) To carry on business as capitalists, financiers, [...] concessionaires,investment houses, fund managers [...]and merchants, and to undertake [...]and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, advisory, trading and other operations, and to advance, deposit, lend and borrow money, securities, commodities and property to and with such persons and on such terms as may seem expedient; to discount, buy, sell and deal in currencies (spot or forward), bullion, bills, notes, debentures, warrants, coupons, stocks, shares, options, unit in unit trust and all forms of investments or participation rights in investments and investment vehicles, including joint ventures, partnerships and limited partnerships and all forms of securities and documents, including without limitation letters of credit, bills of lading, bills of exchange and promissory notes. equitynet.com.hk |
玻利维亚省可与私人投资者签订采矿合同授于其经营,所以Sinchi Wayra 与其他私人投资者一样,对於国内矿产资源并不拥有业权,但於玻利维亚法律下拥有其开采之权利。 glencore.com | As with all private investorsin Bolivia, Sinchi Wayra does not hold property rights over mining resources in the country, [...] but holds the right to [...]exploit them pursuant to Bolivian legislation. glencore.com |
此 外 , 本 公 司 的 股 东 及 潜 在 投 资 者 在 买卖本 公 司 股 份 时 应 审 慎 行 事 , 如 对个人 投 资情况有 任 何 疑 问 , 应 徵 询 专 业 顾 问 的 意 见 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Also, the Company’s shareholders and potential investors are urged to exercise caution when dealing in the shares of the Company and are recommended to consult their own professional advisers if they are in doubt as to theirinvestment positions. cigyangtzeports.com |
投 资 者 除 可 选 择 由 本 行 订 定 之 开 首 汇 率 外 , 亦 可 按个人的 投 资目标及 可 承 受 之 风 险 程 度 , 自 订 开 首 汇 率 , 切 合个人 投 资需要。 bank.hangseng.com | Investorscan tailor-made their own Initial Exchange Rate instead of choosing the one set by the Bank, according to theirown investment goals andrisk appetite. bank.hangseng.com |
如在适当情况下须确定信托基金、私人投资公司或基金会的实益拥有权,而该等实体由政治 人物、亲密家人或密切夥伴(定义見问题 [...] 4)实益拥有,则该等实体的账户应受适用於政治人物的监 控机制监管。 wolfsberg-principles.com | To the extent that it is appropriate [...] to establish beneficial ownership of [...] a trust,personal investment company or foundation, [...]accounts for such entities should, [...]if beneficially owned by a PEP, Close Family or Close Associate (For definitions see question 4), be subjected to the control framework appropriate for PEPs. wolfsberg-principles.com |
项目的所有收支,包括基金拨款、获 资助机构和赞助人投入的资金(如有),以及项目收入(如 有),均须按照项目协议和工贸署署长就项目而发出的规 定、指示及函件,完整及妥善地记錄在帐目和记錄内。 smefund.tid.gov.hk | All receipts and expenditure of the project, including the SDF grant, contribution by the applicant and sponsors (if any), and project income (if any) shall be fully and properly recorded in the books and records in accordance with the project agreement, and all requirements, instructions and correspondences issued by DGTI in respect of the project. smefund.tid.gov.hk |