

单词 往日

往往 adverb ()

invariably adv

See also:


previous adj


to prep
towards prep

(of a train) bound for


go (in a direction) v

External sources (not reviewed)

(a) 進口商須在貨物付往日本前,填寫一份“進口食物 通知表格”(下稱“進口通知”),提供有關進口食物的 [...]
(a) Before the
[...] shipment of cargo to Japan, importers are [...]
required to fill in a "Notification Form for Importation of Food"
(Import Notification) providing information on materials, ingredients and the manufacturing method of the imported food.
往日內瓦之前,Peter 曾經於 2005 年自上海搬遷至首爾並在南韓擔任執行董事的職務。
Before moving to Geneva, Peter held [...]
the role of Managing Director in South Korea having moved to Seoul in 2005 from Shanghai.
手術後您可以根據醫生的指示慢慢恢 往日 的例行生活。
Following the intervention, you can slowly
[...] return to your daily routine, as agreed [...]
with your physician.
年少旅途中干旱的中东和非洲沙漠里天空和落日的颜色,亚洲潮湿的空气,斯堪的纳维亚半岛上低浮半空中的厚重云朵,童年时那些汗水淋漓的夏日午后,周围一片静谧,只传来蝉的啾鸣声,还有那高远的秋日长空——所有这 往日 画 面 层层叠叠,累积成我心底的蓝色记忆。
The colors of the skies and sunsets in the arid deserts of the Middle East and Africa, where I traveled when I was young, the humid airs of Asia, the heavy, low-hanging clouds of Scandinavia, those sweltering summer afternoon scenes of my childhood when all was quiet save for the chirping of the
cicadas, and then the
[...] soaring skies of autumn – all the images of these many reminiscences [...]
have become layered, and have
remained within me as blue memory.
妇女和儿童在谋生机会有限的情 况下,要艰难地供养家人,而 往往日 益 贫穷,而这种贫穷可能延及下一代。
In situations where they have restricted access to livelihood opportunities,
women and children struggle to provide for
[...] their families and often suffer from deepening [...]
levels of poverty, which may carry
down into the next generation.
在 “本會 促 請 ” 之前加上“鑒於香 港與內地的往 日益頻 繁,跨 境口 岸 亦 越 見 增 多,”;在 “ 盡快” 之 後 加上“及 [...]
盡 可 能 ”;在 “ 落 實 在 ” 之 後 加上“各現 有 和新跨 境口岸 , 包括”;在 “
廣深港高速 鐵 路 香 港 段 ” 之 後 刪 除 “ 及 ” , 並以“、 ” 代 替 ; 及在“ 香 港 國 際 機 場 ” 之 後 加上“、連 接 香 港 國 際 機 場 與 深 圳 機 場 的 鐵 路 和 跨 境 直 升機場,”。
To add ", as exchanges between Hong Kong
and the Mainland have
[...] become more frequent and the number of cross-boundary control points has also [...]
increased," after "That";
to add "and as far as possible" after "expeditiously"; to add "the various existing and new cross-boundary control points, including" after "clearance at"; to delete "and" after "the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link" and substitute with ","; and to add "the rail link between the Hong Kong International Airport and the Shenzhen Airport as well as cross-boundary heliports," after "the Hong Kong International Airport,".
[...] Seagate 為您提供的新工作而需往日本,起程之前,請先瞭解該國的歷史、領導階層、社會問題及最新消息。
If your new job with
[...] Seagate takes you to Japan, learn about the [...]
country's history, leadership, social issues and current news before you go.
203. 这位代表报告了粮农组织/国际原子能机构联合司近期开展以及正在开展的活动, 包括:为国际原子能机构事件和应急中心的粮农组织事务处配备人员;通过辐射与核
[...] 原子能机构/世卫组织与食品安全和国际标准的使用相关的联合“问题与解答”;参加往日本的粮农组织/国际原子能机构食品安全联合评估团;以及促进对粮食和农业造 [...]
The Representative reported on recent and on-going activities of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division, including: staffing the FAO Desk in the IAEA Incident and Emergency Centre; participation in video/teleconferences through the Inter Agency Committee on Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies (IACRNE); collaboration in the preparation of joint FAO/IAEA/WHO “questions and answers” related to food safety and the application of international standards;
participation in a Joint FAO/IAEA Food Safety
[...] Assessment Mission to Japan; and promoting knowledge [...]
and information sharing on radioactive
contamination affecting food and agriculture.
This shifted government emphasis from light industries to heavy industries.
17.25 230 400 美元用于妇女地位委员会 45
[...] 名成员前往纽约参加委员会第五十七届年会的差旅,以及 妇女地位委员会主席往日内瓦 参加经济及社会理事会和人权理事会实质性会议的差旅。
17.25 The amount of $230,400 provides for the travel to New York of 45 members of the Commission on the Status of Women for its fifty-sixth and
fifty-seventh annual sessions and for the
[...] travel to the Geneva Chair of the [...]
Commission for the substantive sessions of
the Economic and Social Council and the Human Rights Council.
关于日本的案件,临时报告主要是依据 2008 年 4 月往日本的实情调查小组的报告。
Regarding Japan, the interim report is based largely on the report of the CEART fact-finding mission to Japan in April 2008.
如果委员会不能通过增加现 有届会的会议时间审查完所有缔约国报告和/或积压报告,需要增加一届会议以 开展这项工作,则需要大约 68 000 美元来支付 18 名专家往日内瓦的差旅费用。
In cases where a committee cannot tackle the review of all State party reports and/or its backlog through adding additional meeting time to an existing session, and would need an
additional session to do so, in
[...] addition, around USD 68,000 would be required to cover the travel costs of 18 experts to Geneva.
[...] KONAMI紀念獎牌及最新平板電腦一部, 獲得2012年2月往日本參 加玩家交流活動的資格。
Final champion prize: Konami memorable medal x 1, trendy Tablet Computer x 1, an invitation to join the
[...] exchange activity in Japan in 2012/Feb.
优翔为中国顶级客户提供的健康产品都是尊贵顶级,独一无二,无法复制,包括前往为总统服务的瑞士静港中心医院恢复青春; 往日 本 圣 授会接受早期防癌综合检查和无创心脑血管综合检查;前往遗世独立在世界尽头的避世静修之所释放压力;前往欧洲私密独享的医疗SPA收获身、心、灵的健康;......这一切都根据个性独特的需求,由资深专家设计,并提供24小时私人管家服务,让您以普通人难以知晓视角或深度去享受非凡的旅行体验,感悟生命之美,生活之美,世界之美。
All L'AVION’s medical travel products made to its exclusive customers are top level, unique and unduplicated, including the anti-aging tour to Switzerland Biotonus Clinique where medical service has been made for presidents; early stage comprehensive Cancer prevention examination and comprehensive cerebral examination tour to Seijukai Japan; Relaxing tour to the places on the edge of the earth to release pressure; Medical Spa tour to European private site to make body and spirit healthy… All these products are designed according to special needs, by expert designers with the help of 24 hour private butler service, allowing you to enjoy extraordinary travel experience, learn the beauty of life, of livelihood and of the world.
做為短期大型活動場地,許多體育館平日是個毫無用途的龐然大物,註定要逐漸崩壞,也時時提醒人 往日 榮 景 ,無論體育館早期曾展現多少動人奇觀,始終都會讓人想起,規劃時未針對地點思考,亦未設想長期效益。
No matter the inspiring spectacle that the
[...] structures once held early in their [...]
lives, sometimes it is too plain to see that
a stadium will serve as a reminder of planning that was not site-specific and did not consider long-term effects.
他曾在银行界 和公共行政机关任职,后于 1975 年进入瑞士外交部门,曾被往日内 瓦 、巴格 达和东京。
He worked in banking and public administration before entering the Swiss Diplomatic Service in 1975 and has been assigned to Geneva, Baghdad and Tokyo.
(B) 在不影響本細則第(A)段的情況下,根據公司法的條文,倘本公司於往日期(無論該日為本公司註冊成立之前或之後)購買任何資產、 [...]
業務或物業,董事會可酌情將其自該日起產生的全部或部份溢利或虧 損於收益賬入賬,且就所有方面而言作本公司的盈虧處理,並因此可 供分派股息。
(B) Subject to the provisions of the Companies Law (but without prejudice to paragraph (A) of this Article), where any asset, business
or property is bought by the
[...] Company as from a past date (whether such date be before [...]
or after the incorporation of the
Company) the profits and losses thereof as from such date may at the discretion of the Directors in whole or in part be carried to revenue account and treated for all purposes as profits or losses of the Company, and be available for dividend accordingly.
为推动附件二国家的早日批准并推动建立国际监测系统,2010 年 3 月 日本政府邀请两个未批准国的政府官员 往日 本 视 察国际监测系统设 施,他们就条约问题与日本有关部门交换了看法。
To promote the early ratification by the Annex II States as well as to promote the establishment of the IMS, in
March 2010, the
[...] Government of Japan invited government officials from two non-ratification states to visit facilities of the International Monitoring System hosted by Japan and to exchange [...]
views on the treaty
with relevant Japanese authorities.
事實上, 在 1930 年代,一批新的「官僚」冒起頭來,他們也是軍國主義者的絕佳盟友,情況 就往日與政黨的關係一樣。
In fact, in the 1930s, a group of new “bureaucrats” emerged and proved to be as good an ally with the militarists as they were with the parties.
在Vintique中有多达30多种不同的经典过滤器,其中效果分别为 往日 时 光 ,温暖天气,欢乐,水彩画,淡红色的天,昏暗时光,仿旧,昨日时光,快乐时光,明亮,某一天,甜蜜美梦和记忆等等。
Some of the more than 30 different filters that most stand out are: old times, warm day, delight, watercolors, pinky day, drowsy, vintage, yesterday, happy time, beamed, someday, sweet dream, and remember, just to mention some of the most-used.
您可查閱往4日、今日及未 來3日離開及抵達航班的最新資料。
You can check the latest flights arriving or
[...] departing in the past 4 days, today and next 3 days.
台 北 航 班 由 七 月 份 的 每 星 期 五 十 六
班 上 升 至 八 十 八 班 , 漢 城 的 客 機 服 務 則 由 目 前 每 星 期 二 十 一 班 恢 復 至 二 十
[...] 八 班 , 至 於 國 泰往 日 本 的 五 個 航 點 , 亦 [...]
全 部 於 八 月 增 加 航 班 。
The number of flights to Taipei each week will jump from 56 in July to 88 in August, Seoul flights will rise
to 28 per week from the current 21, while all five Cathay Pacific
[...] destinations in Japan will have more [...]
flights in August.
From 1929 to
[...] 1940, he went to Japan and studied art [...]
at Hongu Art Institute and Nika Art Institute.
此外,JR各公司发行的“JAPAN RAIL
[...] PASS”可乘坐连接各主要城市的高速干线铁路“新干线”及特快列车,使您在逗留期间只需花费一定金额就可以 往日 本 各 地,对于移动频繁的旅程而言是最佳选择。
By using the JAPAN RAIL PASS issued by JR companies, you can ride even on the arterial railroads Shinkansen that links the major cities speedily
and the limited express trains, enabling you
[...] to move around Japan at a fixed price [...]
during your stay, it is perfect for journeys
that require a lot of moving around.
但是,若感染日本脑炎病毒的风险很高,例如 往日 本脑 炎的流行区域,则允许您在完全理解厚生劳动省的命令以及日本脑炎疫苗的效力和 副作用后,作为常规接种之一接种此疫苗。
However, if your child is at risk for
[...] infection with Japanese encephalitis virus, for example, during travel to an area with an epidemic of Japanese encephalitis, [...]
your child is allowed
to receive the vaccine as a routine vaccination after you fully understand the MHLW’s order and the effects and side-effects of Japanese encephalitis vaccine.
那桐 (1857年 –
[...] 1925年),字琴軒,葉赫那拉氏,1900年兼任總理各國事務衙門、進理藩院侍郎,又允留京辦事大臣,隨李鴻章、奕劻跟八國聯軍議和;光緒二十七年五月,那桐授為專使大臣,因為日本使館書記杉山彬歿於拳亂就 往日 本 謝 罪,二十八年三月派充管理溝渠河道大臣,本壺是七個月以後畫成的。
After the fall of Beijing in the Boxer Rebellion, he, Yikuang, and Li Hongzhang were charged with negotiating with the foreign powers; the year before the date on this bottle, Natong had
gone to Japan to convey official apologies for the death of a
[...] member of the Japanese delegation during [...]
the Boxer Rebellion.
由該大學校長,同時也是馬來西亞首相夫人的拿汀珍阿都拉(Datin Seri Jeanne Abdullah),親自往日本東 京創價國際友好會館主持頒授儀式。
OUM Chancellor Datin Seri Jeanne Abdullah, wife of the prime minister of Malaysia, presented the doctorate to Mr. Ikeda at a special OUM convocation held at Soka International Friendship Hall in Tokyo.
由该大学校长,同时也是马来西亚首相夫人的拿汀珍阿都拉(Datin Seri Jeanne Abdullah),亲自往日本东 京创价国际友好会馆主持颁授仪式。
OUM Chancellor Datin Seri Jeanne Abdullah, wife of the prime minister of Malaysia, presented the doctorate to Mr. Ikeda at a special OUM convocation held at Soka International Friendship Hall in Tokyo.
2001年通过ISO9001:2000质量体系的认证,产品在汽车、摩托车、轮胎、卷烟、制药以及百货、烟草、食品配送、快件中心等行业得到广泛运用,三分之一产品 往日 本 、 欧洲、美国等国际市场。
Products manufactured by DAMON have found wide application in such industries as automobile, motorbike, tyre, tobacco making, pharmaceutical, general merchandises, food distribution, express
delivery center and postal service etc. A part of products are sold in international markets
[...] such as USA, Europe and Japan etc.




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