单词 | 好感 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 好感—good opinionless common: favorable impression
d. 再者,政党也会推行一些措施,以争取城市中的中产专业人士的 好感及认同,使他 们在选举中支持政党。 hkahe.com | professional middle-class, who supported the parties in election. hkahe.com |
尽管晋升的程序有了些改进,但由于不加以执行,工作人员获得晋升(不论其符合与 否)最常见的还是靠上级领导的好感,而不是在公平合理的基础上来决定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Despite changes in promotion procedures, due to their non-application, most often staff members who do benefit from a promotion obtain it (whether it is merited or not) thanksto the sympathy of their supervisors and not on an equitable basis. unesdoc.unesco.org |
您好!感谢您阅读《中兴通讯2011年企业社会责任报告》。 zte.com.cn | Thank you for reading the [...] Corporate Social Responsibility Report of ZTE Corporation for 2011. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
患难见真 [...] 情”,公司积极行动,回报社会,支援灾区的善举,为增进中日两国人民的友 好感情做出了积极贡献。 zte.com.cn | Prosperity makes friends”. The company was active in action, paying back society and supporting the [...] disaster areas, and made great contribution to the enhancement [...] of friendship betweenthe Chinese and [...]the Japanese peoples. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
以两岸四地而论,香港巿民对自己香港人的 好感净值就比香港特区政府高出32个百分比,对台湾人的 好感净值就比台湾政府高出26个百分比,对澳门人的 好感净值就比澳门特区政府高3个百分比,但对大陆人的 好感净值 就比大陆政府低3个百分比。 hkupop.hku.hk | Regarding the four cross-strait societies, the net value of Hong Kong people’sfeeling towards fellow Hong Kong people is 32 percentage points higher than that towards the Hong Kong SAR Government, that towards Taiwan people is 26 percentage points [...] higher than that of the Taiwan government, [...]that towards Macau people is 3 percentage points higher than that towards the Macau government. hkupop.hku.hk |
它们是我国人民的特征,也是整个世界对我们 这个自由和有反抗精神的岛屿友好感情的 特点。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are inspired by the feelings of peace, justice and [...] solidarity that have characterized our people and the [...] friendshipthat the wholeworld feelsfor our free [...]and rebellious island. daccess-ods.un.org |
四地以外的国家和地区方面,香港巿民对日本人的 好感程度比日本政府高出34个百分比,对美国人的 好感程度比美国政府高出19个百分比,对泰国人的 好感程度比泰国政府高出15个百分比,对法国人的 好感程度比法国政府高出12个百分比,对南韩人的 好感程度比南韩政府高出10个百分比。 hkupop.hku.hk | As for countries and regions outside the [...] [...] cross-strait regions, Hong Kong people's positivefeeling towards the people of Japan is 34 percentage points higher than their government, that towards the people of the United States is 19 percentage points higher than their government, that towards the people of Thailand is 15 percentage points [...]higher than their government, that towards thepeople ofFrance is 12 percentage points higher than their government, while that towards the peopleof South Korea is 10 percentage [...]points higher than their government. hkupop.hku.hk |
而国家人权事务专员本人则一再公开表示支持临时 政府,似乎已经失去了酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的受害 者以及民间社会组织对该机构的信赖和 好感。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the repeated public statements by the National Commissioner in support of the de facto Government seem to have undermined the vital credibility and the image of impartiality that the institution needs to maintain vis-à-vis victims of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment and civil society organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
逐渐地,法院对血盾法的好感减少,他们受理诉讼案件,拒绝仅仅基于血盾 法而驳回这些案件。 asiacatalyst.org | Gradually, courts viewed blood shield laws a little less favorably, by allowing suitsto proceed and refusing to dismiss them purely on the basis of the blood shield laws. asiacatalyst.org |
国家之间建立外交关 系并不表示特别的友好感情或紧密的友好关系,而是表明一种把彼此视为国际社 会平等伙伴的政治立场。 daccess-ods.un.org | The establishment of diplomatic relations between countries does not necessarily mean especially favourable sentiment or close friendship; it is an indication of political stand that they regard each other as an equal part of the international community. daccess-ods.un.org |
当我第一次看见我即将居住三天的房间时,我觉得 好感动, 因为好温暖哦!我睡的是双人床,有电毯,有网络。 4tern.com | Simply because the room is so comfortable! It is a double bedroom, with electric blanket and free internet access! 4tern.com |
因为我不厌其烦地在国内谈这 一问题,经常直言不讳地呼吁选民不要把选票浪费在 新的、较小的政党身上,因此不能博得新政治家们的好感。 daccess-ods.un.org | Because I have spoken ad nauseam in my country about this issue, I have not earned the sympathy of the aspiring politicians with my frequent blunt appeal to voters not to waste their votes on the new, smaller political parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
您好,感谢您同意和我一起加入此‘和平一天’/ Skype [...] 视频通话。 peaceoneday.org | Helloand thanksfor agreeing [...] to join me on this Peace One Day / Skype video call. peaceoneday.org |
2.提供Hennessy每个周期举行的抽奖赠送巡演门票活动的技术支持与随机即时抽奖程式制作,让会员即时知道是否中奖,提高了会员的参与度、品牌 好感度。 rayone-inc.com | Provide Hennessy presented each cycle tour tickets at the draw technical support activities, and random instant lottery program production, for members to instantly know whether the winners, increase member involvement, brandfavorability. rayone-inc.com |
无论是生日礼物,节日礼物,额外甜蜜的感谢, 还是表达对某个特别的人士的好感,这款可爱的送礼小猪都是你理想的选择。 playbling.com | This is the perfect gift for birthdays, holidays or an extra sweetthank-you, pronounce staggering emotionto someone special with this adorable gift-toting piggy necklace. playbling.com |
中国慷慨大方的举动深深打动了我国人民的心弦,使新加坡人对中国增添了不少的 好感。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | This is a generous offer which has touched the hearts of many Singaporeans and generated much goodwill. english.sccci.org.sg |
花几分钟的时间,在主面前记念那项主题,求祂将祂的眼光赐给你,像祂一样地看待这个问题或情况, 好感动你有为它祷告的负担。 amccsm.org | Spend a few minutes bringing that focus before the Lord, asking Him to give you His eyes to see this problem or situation as He sees it, and thus move you to be burdened to pray for it. amccsm.org |
除了这些风险,台湾与中国在2010年6月签署的经济合作架构协定 (ECFA),更有利北京以使用大量采购的承诺作为一种 "善意" 的政治工具,取得台湾人民的好感。 taiwancorner.org | Beyond those risks, the signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), a limited free-trade agreement, with China in June 2010, added to Beijing’s use of large purchasing promises as a political instrument of “goodwill,” risks exacerbating Taiwan’s already high dependence on China for its externaltrade. taiwancorner.org |
一般认为,这些奖金并不是依赌客对某一赌台管理员是否有 好感给予的。 daccess-ods.un.org | As can be seen, these gratuities are not given intuitu personae to a certain croupier [...] to whom a player takes a liking. daccess-ods.un.org |
传统经济学理论认为所有的商品和服务必须是以盈利为中心的,我们却不这样认为,” [...] Bussche男爵这样说,男爵曾在德国学习过经济和商业,在美国学习过政治科学,“我们非常体谅顾客的经济承受能力,我们相信,创造一个名副其实的 好感觉远 比盈利重要得多。 villahostels.com | Contrary to conventional business theory that says all products and services must be profit centers," says Baron Bussche, who studied law in Germany and economics, business and political science in the United States, "we are conscious of our clients’ [...] budget limits and we believe that [...] generating a genuinefeel-goodfactor far [...]outweighs the profit benefit of such items. villahostels.com |
对 教科文组织表现出经久不衰之好感的众多人士,尤其是亲善使节,都应比过去更加密切 地参与本组织的公共行动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Numerous prominent figures who showan unfailing attachment to UNESCO, in particular Goodwill Ambassadors, should be more closely associated than in the past with the Organization’s public action. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他 天 生 对 於 自 由 化 的 制 度 毫无好 感﹔他实 行 改 革 并 非 出 於 一 种 理 想 ﹐ 而 是 认 为 如 果 转 变 真 的 不 可 避 免 ﹐ 那 麽 便 应 由 政 府 而 非 由 人 民 带 动 转 变 。 hkahe.com | He had no instinctive faith in the virtues of liberal institutions and his reforms were conceived not in the spirit of an idealist, but from the conviction that where change was inevitable, it ought to proceed from above rather than from below. hkahe.com |
没想到,她还那麽有心寄卡片给我, 好感动哦。 4tern.com | I opened up the [...] envelope, it wasa good friend from [...]Malaysia, Jess, who mailed the card to me. 4tern.com |
已倒闭的美国博德斯书店集团前英国总裁Philip [...] [...] Downer表示,连锁书店可以尝试特许经营模式,并逐步转型为图书综合“服务”商,各个连锁书店员工可以根据附近社区读者的具体特点,精心选择需要陈列哪些书,以赢得社区读者的 好感——这一想法与英国连锁书店Waterstones正在实施的新战略不谋而合。 vantageshanghai.com | Former Borders UK chief executive Philip Downer has said a bookshop chain could run a franchise model and [...] become a “bookshop service [...] organisation”, which is much like Waterstone’s [...]new strategy, with staff selecting more of the [...]books they stock and improving relationships with the community. vantageshanghai.com |
而敬拜邪灵的人只得到可怜的"好感觉 ",肉体的健康,对生活和命运没有任何帮 [...] 助,而代价不仅是在今生受到极大的捆绑,失去很多的自由和幸福,更重要的是,如 果不悔改信奉耶稣,这些可怜的人还将失去永远的生命,虽然他们还不相信是这样, 但他们必受到上帝的审判。 vck-web.org | While worshippers of the evil spirits can only get a few [...] pitiful "goodfeelings," they get no [...]help for either their physical health or their lives or fates. vck-web.org |
3D立体画具有立体感强、层次分明、色彩艳丽、手 感好、档次高、具有强大的感官视觉冲击力,能使观看者仿佛置身于画中的世界与意境中,使得观者驻足观看,伸手触摸不忍离去……是现今视觉艺术中最最高档的艺术欣赏画与收藏品;立体画各种独特效果充分拓展了人的视觉欣赏视野,是各种营业所场所用来提高档次,增加气氛;家庭装饰中提高品味;个人展现自我与个性的最佳选择。 psdto3d.com | Ltd as professional manufacturer of 3d lenticular matrials and PSDTO3D photo design software, we supply all kinds of PET/PVC/PS/PP lenticular lens sheet, FLY-EYE lens sheet, varies LPI for you to choose, size and thickness can be customized according to your requirements, besdes, we also supply waterproof smooth printing photo paper and double sides adhesive, our tenet is that make sure prompt delievery and high quality products to satisfy all our customers. psdto3d.com |
除了满足客户和生产商提出的穿着舒适、护理方面、手 感好、功能强、外形美观等基本要求外,Amni® [...] 系列在新一代“智能纱线”产品中也名列前茅,如提供紫外线防护、抗菌、远红外发射、改善水管理等功能。 rhodia.com.cn | Besides excellent [...] comfort,easy care,touch,functionality [...]and look, which are key basics required by customers and manufacturers, [...]the Amni® range ranks highly alongside the new generation of “intelligent yarns” which, for example,, provide UV protection, antibacterial properties, far infrared emission, water management improvement ,etc. rhodia.com |