

单词 好心倒做了驴肝肺

External sources (not reviewed)

在其中一册中,陆之柷论了人体 的五脏 心 、 肝 、 脾 、 肺 、 肾)和六种可能致病的外部气候因素(风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火)。
In one of the volumes, Lu expounded on
[...] the five inner organs (heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys) and the [...]
six excesses, the climatic
external pathogenic factors believed to be the cause of diseases (wind, cold, summer heat, dampness, dryness, and fire).
此外,哥伦比亚还报告说,该国与厄瓜多尔签 了 有 关 交流残疾人问题方面 的好做法的协定。
In addition, Colombia reported that it signed
[...] an agreement with Ecuador to exchange good practices in the disability field.
非传 染性疾病是造成死亡的主要原因,其中包括:缺血性心脏病、脑血管病、高血压心脏病、肝硬化、肺癌、下呼吸道感染和乳腺癌。
Non-communicable diseases are among the leading causes
of death and include:
[...] ischemic heart diseases, cerebral-vascular diseases, hypertensive heart disease, cirrhosis of liver, lung cancer, lower respiratory [...]
infections and breast cancer.
根据《公约》第 3 条的规定,在和平时期为预 防军事冲突对文化财产造成后果而采取的保护
[...] 措施包括:编制目录,为保护文化财产而制定 预防建筑物火灾倒塌的应急措施 做好 可移 动文化财产的移出或有效保护的准备工作,以 及确定负责文化财产保护的主管机构。
Preparatory measures taken in time of peace for the safeguarding of cultural property against the foreseeable effects of an armed conflict pursuant to Article 3 of the Convention shall include, as appropriate, the preparation of inventories, the
34 planning of emergency
[...] measures for protection against fire or structural collapse, the preparation [...]
for the removal of
movable cultural property or the provision for adequate in situ protection of such property, and the designation of competent authorities responsible for the safeguarding of cultural property.
接待到港旅客的代理商存在已久,如 今須由政府監管,其實表了我們 本身並不 做 得 好 , 而且 剛 好倒 過 來做得不好,所以才須由政府監管。
The fact that we now find government supervision necessary actually demonstrates that they have not performed good enough.
2 岁的多纳.西蒙 (Dona Simon) 八月份倒了,目 前正在联合国儿童基金会支持的营养 心 接 受 治疗。
[...] Dona Simon fell sick in August and is now being treated at a UNICEF-supported nutrition centre.
如果沒心做,倒不如 ㆒開始就不要撥款給委員會進行研究或教育工作來得乾脆。
If it is not, the Administration should in the first place refrain from allocating funds at all to the EOC to undertake research or educational activities.
通过这些正式和非正式的安排可以开展结构化对话,结 成更可预测的关系,进行信息交流,共享知识和 好做 法 ,加强合作以及相了 解彼 此的结构、程序、优势和制约因素,这对两方组织都有利。
These arrangements, formal and informal, allow for structured dialogue, more
predictable relationships,
[...] information exchanges, knowledge and good practice sharing, and improved cooperation [...]
and understanding of
each others’ structures, procedures, strengths and constraints for the mutual benefit of both organizations.
[...] 出,中国和欧洲共同体是世界上最大的猪肉生产国和消费国,在中国和亚洲其他国家, 消费者通常喜爱食用包肺和肝脏在内的动物内脏。
The Delegation pointed out that China and the European Community were the largest producers and consumers of pig meat in the world and
that, in China and other Asian countries, animal
[...] internal organs, including lungs and liver, were also regularly [...]
在史瑞克读取Fiona的日记和页面包含一句“夫人后 菲奥娜魅力“,哈罗德安排史莱克 驴 子 和 他一起在一个虚构的狩猎之旅,这确实是一个陷阱,引诱两成手中的刺客,穿靴子的猫(安东尼奥·班德拉斯配音)。
After Shrek reads Fiona’s diary and pages containing the single
phrase “Mrs. Fiona Charming”, Harold
[...] arranges for Shrek and Donkey to join him on a fictitious [...]
hunting trip, which really is
a trap to lure the two into the hands of an assassin, Puss in Boots (voiced by Antonio Banderas).
有一次,我读 到了一篇愚蠢的童话故事,故事的名字叫‘锡兰三王子’:他们三个人到处旅游,他 们经常有一些发现,偶然的或者通过聪明才智观察到的,发 了 之 前 他们未曾探究过 的事情:比如,其中的一个人发现一只右眼失明 驴 子 最 经常同一条路,因为路左边 的草比右边的要少的很多。
I once read a silly fairy tale, called the three Princes of Serendip: as their Highnesses travelled, they were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of: for instance, one of them discovered that a mule blind of the right eye had travelled the same road lately, because the grass was eaten only on the left side, where it was worse than on the right" (Merton & Barber, 2004).
其實對於一些非常重要的公共政策課題, 香港市民可能會認為立法會在過去不停地爭拗 好 像 無 甚寸進 倒 不如 多做實事
Actually, Hong Kong people may probably think that, regarding some issues of very important public policies, the Legislative Council appears to have failed to move an inch because of endless disputes to date.
這是蘇格蘭最有名的菜餚,羊雜肚是由羊的“內臟” 心 、 肝 及 肺 ) ,切碎後加入洋蔥、燕麥、羊板油、香料及鹽,與高湯混合後,傳統上是塞入動物的胃袋中慢火燉煮約三個小時。
Scotland's most famous dish, Haggis is made from
[...] sheep's 'pluck' (heart, liver and lungs), minced with onion, [...]
oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt,
mixed with stock, and traditionally simmered in the animal's stomach for approximately three hours.
带去的食物可以是任何类型 的,而不仅仅是以盘子盛装的,并且通常 做好了 的 , 可以即食。
Take the food to the party in any type of dish, not just a
[...] plate, and it is usually ready to serve.
在国家一级举了下列与特殊疾病有关的一些会议和研讨会:与地中海贫血 病国际联合会合办的地中海贫血病患者的牙病问题会议(2008 年 6 月,德黑兰)、 肺癌治疗新发现(2008 年 6 月,德黑兰)、糖尿病治疗新发现(2008 年 4 月,德黑 兰)、管理特殊疾病患者的治疗费用(2007 年 11 月,德黑兰)、糖尿病研讨会(2007 年 4 月,德黑兰)、诊断和治疗特殊疾病新发现(2006 年 11 月,德黑兰)、糖尿病 中心脑血 管疾病(2008 年 8 月,德黑兰),以及遗传病高级诊断国际讲习班(2007 年 3 月,德黑兰)。
Some conferences and seminars held at the national level
related to
[...] special diseases are as follows: Dentistry Problems of Thalassaemia Patients, in cooperation with the Thalassaemia International Federation (Tehran, March 2008), New Findings in Treatment of Lung Cancer (Tehran, June 2008), New Findings on Treatment of Diabetes (Tehran, April 2008), Management of Treatment Costs of Patients with Special Disease (Tehran, November 2007), Seminar on Diabetes (Tehran, April 2007), New Findings in Diagnosis and Treatment of Special Diseases (Tehran, November 2006), Cardio-vascular Diseases in Diabetes [...]
August 2008), and International Workshop on Advanced Diagnosis on Genetic Diseases (Tehran, March 2007).
尽管 我们倒了种族隔离,然而在世界许多地方依然存在 大量影响到整个社区生活的歧视性法律 做 法。
Despite victory over apartheid,
[...] [...] there nevertheless remains a plethora of discriminatory laws and practices that affect the lives of whole communities in many parts of the world.
关于骡不育以及个别母骡偶然生育的现象,历来存有争议,认为因亲本染色体歧异导致杂种不能进行减数分裂的理论,否认骡生育的事实;而为母骡生育提出解释的理论则认为一定是母骡产 了 只 含单一亲本染色体组的卵子,回交后代已回归为马 驴。
Another theory explained the fecundity of female mules in the way that the female mule must
have produced oocyte
[...] containing only a single parental set of chromosome, and the offspring from backcross would be horse (Equus caballus) or donkey (Equus asinus).
灾难性的地震袭击海地已过去了一年多,地震导 致 22 万海地人死去,使建国与发倒退 了好 几 年
Over a year has passed since the catastrophic earthquake that struck Haiti, killing 220,000 of its citizens and setting back years of nation-building and development.
因为它们是两 个不同的种,同时这两个种又分属于不 同的科,因而不能进行杂交 [ 或者它们的
[...] 后代(如果有)不能进行繁殖,如同马驴的杂交品种骡子一样 ]。
No, we get nothing, because they are two different species which, furthermore, belong to different families and, therefore, cannot be crossed (or their descendants –
should there be any – are unable for their part to reproduce, like mules who are a cross
[...] between a horse and a donkey).
若干代表团赞扬秘书处纪录并促进各方交 了 在 以 下诸领域的 好做 法和 国家经验:扩大公共交通运输、实行绿色建筑、采用 3R 办法(减少、 再使用、再循环)战略、进行可持续的城市规划、实行固体废物管理、注重 [...]
供水、下水处理、以及以采用参与式办法实行城市管理、推动公私营伙伴关 系和市政金融等。
Several delegations commended the
secretariat for documenting
[...] and sharing good practices and country experiences in eco-city development, [...]
promotion of public transportation,
green buildings, 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) strategies, sustainable urban planning, solid waste management, water supply, sewerage, participatory approaches to urban management, promotion of public-private partnerships and municipal finance.
在体育活动领域,由西班牙残奥委员会、体育高等理事会及卫生及社会政 策部共同推了一项残奥运动支持计划(ADOP),该计划的目标是为西班牙的残 奥会运动员提供尽可能好的条件,是他们为参加残奥 做好 准 备,并保障西班牙 的残奥代表团在运动会上取得好的成绩。
In the area of sport, mention should be made of the plan entitled Support for Sport, Objective Paralympics (ADOP), an initiative of the Spanish Paralympic Committee, the Higher
Council for Sports and the
[...] Ministry of Health and Social Policy, aimed at providing Spanish paralympic athletes with the best possible training conditions and thus ensuring the success of the Spanish team at the Paralympic Games.
机构和设施应确保照料者酌做好准 备 ,以照顾有特殊需要的儿童,尤其 是携带艾滋病毒/患有艾滋病或其他慢性 心 疾 病的儿童和有身体 心 智 残 障的 儿童。
Agencies and facilities should ensure that,
wherever appropriate,
[...] carers are prepared to respond to children with special needs, notably those living with HIV/AIDS or other chronic physical or mental illnesses, and children with physical or mental disabilities.
菲奥娜,史莱克驴(由 艾迪·墨菲配音)旅游的国度遥远和满足Fiona的父母,哈罗德国王和王后莉莲(由约翰·克里斯和朱莉·安德鲁斯配音),谁是惊讶Fiona的选择的丈夫和她的新外观。
Fiona, Shrek and Donkey (voiced by Eddie Murphy) [...]
travel to the kingdom of Far Far Away and meet Fiona’s parents, King Harold
and Queen Lillian (voiced by John Cleese and Julie Andrews), who are surprised by Fiona’s choice of husband and her new appearance.
据发表在1月16日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,在医院外发生心搏骤停的患者中,与传统的袋-活瓣-面罩通气相比 心肺 复 苏 术加上诸如气管插管等高级气道管理是不良神经功能转归的一个明显的预测因子,这与人们所设想的积极的气道介入与改 了 的 转 归有关 好 相 反
In patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation with advanced airway management, such as endotracheal intubation, was a significant predictor of poor neurological outcome compared with conventional bag-valve-mask ventilation, contradicting the assumption that an aggressive airway intervention is associated with improved outcomes, according to a study appearing in the Jan. 16 issue of JAMA.
當時正“吹”着金融風暴,香港不知道被 “吹倒了多少 ,如果在那個時候加租,在政治上來說,會否不是一個合理、 恰當或有智慧做法呢
At that time, Hong Kong was caught in the financial turmoil and so many sectors in Hong Kong had been badly hit and if rent was to increase, would this be a move that is politically speaking not sensible, appropriate or wise?




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