单词 | 厨司 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 厨司 —cook, chefSee also:厨—kitchen 厨 pl—kitchens pl 司—manage • take charge of • department (under a ministry) • surname Si
让您的味蕾踏上令人难忘的美食之旅!五大著 名 厨 师 将加入到MSC邮轮船队2011-2012航季一系列邮轮特别主题中,您可以在船上享受精致的美食创作过程。 msccruises.com.cn | Five famous chefs will be joining the MSC Cruises fleet for a series of special theme cruises during the 2011-2012 season, and you’ll be able to enjoy their exquisite culinary creations on board. msccruises.co.uk |
更换或维修服务将无法延长担保期限,此项担保服务仍将 于 厨 房从 Scavolini 公司仓库被发往 SCAVOLINI 产品零售商处当天午夜起的 30 个月后失效,即使发生更换家具/装置的情况也不例外。 scavolini.cn | Replacement or repair does not extend the length of the guarantee which will, in any case, still expire after 30 months with effect from midnight of the day in which the kitchen left the Scavolini S.p.A. depots to be sent to the retailer of SCAVOLINI products, even for replaced furniture/units. scavolini.us |
科勒公司是生产厨卫产 品、发动机与电力系统、家具与装饰花砖的全球领军企业;科勒公司在苏格兰圣安德鲁斯和威斯康星州科勒的酒店承办四大高尔夫球赛之中的2010年英国高尔夫公开赛(2010 [...] British Open)以及美国PGA锦标赛(PGA Championship)。 businesswirechina.com | Kohler is a global leader in [...] the manufacture of kitchen and bath products, [...]engines and power systems, furniture and decorative [...]tile, and is the host hotel both in St. Andrews Scotland and Kohler Wisconsin of the 2010 British Open followed by the PGA Championship – two of the four golf majors. businesswirechina.com |
任何人如在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分之內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人員外,任何人不得將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處 所任何部分,但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬例外;而就拾獲者與 公 司之 間 而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由 公 司 所 管 有。 legco.gov.hk | Every person who finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind therein, save for the purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation. legco.gov.hk |
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於本 公 司 的 股 份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出 披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。 equitynet.com.hk | Save as disclosed above, as at the [...] Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect [...]of such capital, [...]carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group. equitynet.com.hk |
净价人民币88元的午餐套餐包括当日例汤或绿色沙拉,客人可选择的主菜包括各种亚洲和西方美食,如肉酱意粉,咖喱羊肉以及The COOK•厨餐厅的咖喱叻沙。 shangri-la.com | Priced at RMB 88 net, the lunch set comes with the soup of the day or a green salad and the guest’s choice of a main food dish, which includes a large selection of Asian and Western cuisine such as Spaghetti Bolognese, Lamb Curry and The COOK Curry Laksa. shangri-la.com |
还计划在今后两年里将九个队部的软墙 厨房都换为硬墙厨房。 daccess-ods.un.org | Plans are also under way to replace [...] the soft-wall kitchens at the nine team sites with hard-wall kitchens over the next [...]two years. daccess-ods.un.org |
口粮供应助理(质量控制)将负责对 62 个地点的军事特遣队的厨房 和 储藏设施进行每月食品安全和卫生检查,对混合行动储存在 [...] 62 个队部和 4 个 区总部的 14 天口粮袋和水储备进行每月食品安全检查,以及对混合行动在 4 个 地点的 6 个承包商所属餐厅进行每月食品安全和卫生检查。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Supply Assistant (Quality Control)-Rations will be responsible for monthly food [...] safety and hygiene inspections of military [...] contingents’ kitchens and storage facilities [...]in 62 locations, monthly food safety [...]inspections of the Operation’s 14-day ration pack and water reserve stored in 62 contingent locations and at 4 sector headquarters, and monthly food safety and hygiene inspections of 6 contractor-owned cafeterias at 4 locations within the Operation. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种水基硅树脂乳液能够满足美国食品药品管理局(FDA)和德国联邦风险评估局的要求,可用 作 厨 房 用 具、炊具、烧烤架等涂层。 reports.wacker.com | The water-based silicone resin emulsion complies with the requirements of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Germany’s Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). reports.wacker.com |
在这里,你可以找到Fontevraud L'修道院(13世纪),其中包括回廊, 厨 房 ,雕绘的墓碑英格兰的亨利二世,他的王后,埃莉诺的阿基坦大区和狮心王理查德,他们的儿子。 leapfrog-properties.com | Here you can find the Fontevraud l’Abbaye (13th century) which [...] includes a cloister, kitchen, and the carved and [...]painted gravestones of Henry II of England, [...]his queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Richard the Lionheart, their son. leapfrog-properties.com |
在美丽的田园环境中一边放松心情一边学习烹饪传统和国际菜肴,教授你的可都是爱尔兰最为著名 的 厨 师。 discoverireland.com | Relax in beautiful idyllic surroundings while learning to cook both traditional and international dishes under the watchful eye of the country’s most notable chefs. discoverireland.com |
(i) 本公司可按 董事會認為合適之有關條款向本 公 司 、其 任何附屬公司、本公司任何控股公司 或 任 何有關控股 公 司 之 任 何 附 屬 公 司 之 董事 及 真 誠 僱 員 提 供 財 務 援 助,以令彼等可買入或認購或以其他方式收購本 公司 或本公司任何控股公司股份 (全部或部份繳足),而 有關條款可包括一項提述,倘董事不再擔任董事,或 僱員不再受僱於本公司或有關其他公 司 , 則 以有關財 務援助買入或認購或以其他方式收購之股份須或可按 董事會認為合適之有關條款售予本公 司 或 有 關其他公 司。 asiasat.com | (i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may purchase or subscribe or otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company or any holding company of the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms [...] as the Board thinks fit. asiasat.com |
(E) 在考慮有關委任兩名或以上董事擔任本 公 司 或 本 公 司 擁 有 權益 之任何其他公司之職 務或受薪職位(包括委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 安排時,須就每名董事分別提呈決議案,而每名有關董事均可就各項決議案投票(及 計入法定人數),惟有關其本身委任(或委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 決議案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他 公 司 之 職 務或受薪職位)該董事連同 其任何聯繫人士擁有百分之五(5)或以上之上述其他 公 司 任 何 類別股本之已發行股份 或該公司任何類別股份之投票權。 asiasat.com | (E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning [...] the appointment [...] (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company. asiasat.com |
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
地方社区还利用一种称之为“平底 [...] 锅行动”的预警系统,包括利用锅盆和其 他 厨 房 用 具制造噪音,防止遭到国防和 安全部队或其他安全机构的杀害、绑架和其他侵犯人权行为的侵害。 daccess-ods.un.org | Local communities also used a warning [...] system consisting of making noise with sauce [...] pans and other kitchen tools, known as [...]“opération casseroles,” to prevent killings, [...]abduction and other violations by the FDS or other security agencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
在总部楼房维修和正常运作范围内完成的其它紧急工程主要有:VI 号楼变压器漏机油 [...] 修理工程,紧急修理电话继电器(自动交换机)出现的渗漏现象,更 换 厨 房 的油槽,更换 V 号和 VI 号大楼雨水管,改善丰特努瓦大楼内银行分理处(会客室)的空间和环境。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Other urgent work relating to the maintenance and smooth functioning of the Headquarters buildings was carried out, including the repair of pyralene leaks from the transformers in Building VI, emergency repairs of leaks in the telephone system [...] (automatic switchboard), replacement of the [...] grease traps in the kitchens, replacement of [...]the drainpipes in Buildings V and VI, improvement [...]and adaptation to the available space and surroundings of the reception area at the Fontenoy site. unesdoc.unesco.org |
目的:本文件的第一部分是总部委员会关于其在2002--2003年双年度阶段间开展的活动的报 [...] 告,主要包括该委员会向总干事提出的有关下述事项的建议:贝尔蒙计划安排的总部 [...] 大楼的修复和改造工程的实施,丰特努瓦大楼 内 厨 房 的 翻修工程峻工 ,米奥利斯/邦 万大楼修复和改造工程所需的技术预测,总部楼房的维修和保护,为改善总部的安全 [...] 保卫工作所采取的措施;有关政府间组织(OIG)和非政府组织(ONG)在副VI号楼的 [...] 安置以及将这些组织在V号楼腾出的办公室重新分配给常驻代表团等问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Purpose: Part I of this document contains the report of the Headquarters Committee on its activities during the 2002-2003 biennium, in particular its proposals and recommendations to the Director-General on the restoration and improvement of the Headquarters buildings under the Belmont [...] Plan; the completion of the renovation [...] work on the Fontenoy kitchens; the technical opinion [...]on the Miollis/Bonvin buildings [...]required for their restoration and improvement; the maintenance and conservation of the Headquarters buildings; the measures taken to reinforce security and safety at Headquarters; the installation of the intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (IGOs and NGOs) concerned in Building VI bis and the redistribution to the Permanent Delegations of the offices released by IGOs and NGOs in Building V. unesdoc.unesco.org |
WIPO总干事弗朗西斯•高锐将会同国际刑警组织秘书长雷纳德•纳布尔先生和世界海关组织秘书长 御 厨 邦 雄先生以及法国经济部长克里斯蒂娜•拉加德女士,共同出席2011年2月2日将在巴黎举行的第六届全球反假冒反盗版大会,共同探讨如何以兼顾各方利益、可持续的方式处理树立尊重知识产权风尚的问题。 wipo.int | WIPO Director General Francis Gurry will be joined by his counterparts at INTERPOL, Mr. Ronald K. Noble, and the [...] World Custom’s Organization (WCO), Mr. [...] Kunio Mikuriya, as well as France’s [...]Minister of Economy, Mrs. Christine Lagarde, [...]at the opening of the Sixth Global Congress on Combating Counterfeiting and Piracy in Paris on February 2, 2011 to address the question of building respect for intellectual property in a balanced and sustainable way. wipo.int |