

单词 弹性模量

See also:

弹性 n

resilient n
resiliency n
elastin n
bounce n

模量 n

modulus n

量性 adv

quantitatively adv

External sources (not reviewed)

可以根据沥青行业标准测量其流动行为(如剪切粘度等)和动态粘弹行为( 弹性模量 和 相 位角等)。
The system enables measurement of flow properties (such as shear
viscosity from flow tests) and
[...] dynamic material properties (such viscoelastic modulus [...]
and phase angle from oscillation tests)
to Asphalt industry standards.
该系统可以测量沥青的流动行为(剪切粘度测量)和动态行为(振荡测试,测量 弹性模量 和 相 位),符合沥青行业标准测试方法。
The system enables measurement of flow
properties (such as shear
[...] viscosity from flow tests) and dynamic material properties (such viscoelastic modulus and phase [...]
angle from oscillation
tests) to Asphalt industry standards.
西 部 红
[...] 柏 柱 和 锯 木 的 强 度弹 性 模 量 也 在 木 材 设 计 手 册 中 [...]
给 出 ( 加 拿 木 材 委 员 会 2 0 01 )。
The strengths and modulus of elasticity for western red [...]
cedar posts and timbers are also given in the Wood Design Manual (Canadian Wood Council 2001).
在流变研究中,添加有Lubrizol 5370C的单锂基润滑脂弹性模量(G' )并未像单锂基润滑脂那样出现明显下降。
In rheology
[...] studies, the elastic modulus (G’) of the [...]
simple lithium grease additized with Lubrizol 5370C does not decrease
as much as the simple lithium grease.
Bohlin Gemini高级旋转流变仪,对样品施加剪切流场,从而测量流动行为(如剪切粘度)和动态粘弹性性能(如 弹性模量 和 相 位角)。
The Bohlin Gemini is a rotational rheometer system that applies controlled shear deformation to a sample under test, to enable measurement of flow
properties (such as shear
[...] viscosity from flow tests) and dynamic material properties (such viscoelastic modulus [...]
and phase angle from oscillation tests).
弹性模量定义 如下
Mathematically, bulk modulus is defined as follows
瑞士CSM仪器公 司研发的连续多循
[...] 环加载压入模式可 以给出材料压入硬 度弹性模量和接 触刚度随压入深度 的分布曲线。
CSM Instruments has developed the CMC™ (Continuous Multi
Cycle) method which allows the
[...] Indentation Hardness, Elastic modulus and Stiffness [...]
to be obtained as a function of depth.
下表举例说明在摄氏 22 °C 压力140 bar 和压力300 bar时,液体的体弹性模量和可压 缩性。
If a load forces the piston to move a small distance to the left, the fluid compresses even more, resulting in the pressure increasing to 200 bar [2900 psi].
ETONIS®通过降弹性模量可提 高硬化混凝土的柔性,同时保持较高的抗压强度。
ETONIS® makes hardened concrete ductile by lowering it's modulus of elasticity while its compressive strength remains high.
这种加 载模式可以给出材料 硬度弹性模量、存 储模量和损失模量等信息随压入深度的连续 分布曲线。
The method allows for a continuous acquisition of Hardness, Elastic modulus, storage and loss modulus data as a function of indentation depth.
油液的可压缩性定义了有多少油液可以被压 缩,油液的可压缩性是体弹性模量 的 倒 数。
Bulk modulus increases with increasing [...]
pressure (stiffer) Bulk modulus decreases with increasing temperature (spongy)
如果这些正弦函数完美的排列(它们之间没有相位角),吸附在界面上的分子层被描述为纯弹性的(或者只有 弹性 模量,用符号G'表示)。
If the sinusoids are perfectly aligned (with no phase angle between them) the layer of molecules adsorbed
at the interface is described as
[...] being purely elastic (or as having a purely elastic modulus, denoted [...]
by the symbol G').
弹性模量和吸 水性对材料尺寸稳定性有影响。
Modulus of elasticity and water [...]
absorption also contribute to the dimensional stability of a material.
曲线进行了分析和合适的被开发用于确定 弹性模量 和 厚 度的薄的聚合物膜1的两个层模型。
The curves were analyzed and fit with the two layer model that was developed for determining the modulus and thickness of thin polymer films 1.
它可以测量软 基、硬基、脆性、 延展性等几乎所有 类型材料的硬度弹性模量等力 学性质。
Properties such as hardness and elastic modulus can be determined on almost any type of material: soft, hard, brittle or ductile.
ASP 30 是一种钴基粉末高速钢, 高达8.5% 的含钴量对热强度/硬度、抗回火性以弹 性模量有着显著的影响。
ASP 30 is a cobalt alloyed high performance PM high speed steel. The cobalt
addition of approx. 8.5% has a positive influence on the hot strength/hardness,
[...] temper resistance and modulus of elasticity.
从试验的数据来看,橡胶处于三向约束状态时的抗 弹性模量 为 50 00kg/c㎡,比无侧向约束的抗 弹性模量 增 大近20倍,因而支座承载能力大为提高,解决了板式橡胶支座承载能力的局限,能满足大的支座反力,大的水平位移及转角要求。
From the experimental data, the rubber in three to the
constraint condition of
[...] compressive elastic modulus of 5000kg / C square meters, without lateral confinement of the compressive elastic modulus increases [...]
nearly 20 times, thus
the bearing capacity is improved greatly, solved the plate rubber bearing capacity limitations, to meet the large supporting force, large horizontal displacement and angle requirements.
该材料技术指标:最大过筛粒径0.5mm,水泥不含C3A,混合后的含水比小于0.40,原始密度大于2.00kg/dm3,稠度约为19cm,气体含量小于5%;机械喷涂28d后技术数据:压强大于50N/mm2,弯曲抗张强度大于8.5N/mm2,收缩小于0.8mm/m,附着强度大于2.0N/mm2,总的空隙率28d时小于10%,90d时小于9%,动 弹性模量 E 为 24 000N/mm2。
The material technology index: the biggest sifting particle size 0.5 mm, cement excluding C3A, the mixed water ratio is less than 0.40, the original density is more than 2.00 kg/dm3, consistency is about 19 cm, gas content less than 5%; 28 d mechanical spraying technology after data: pressure than 50 N/was, bending tensile strength greater than 8.5 N/was the, the contraction is less than 0.8 mm/m, adhesion strength greater than 2.0
N/was, in the overall air void 28 d less than 10%, 90 d less than 9%,
[...] the dynamic load elastic modulus E for 24000 N/was.
模式测量动态粘弹特性与频 率之间的函数。
Oscillation Mode measures the dynamic viscoelastic properties as a function [...]
of frequency.
山都平 121-XXM200 热塑性硫弹性体牌 号更高的光泽度提高了设计的灵活性,同时还可以采用特定 模 具 粒面处理与挤压型材的表面匹配。
The higher gloss levels of
[...] Santoprene 121-XXM200 TPV grades increase design flexibility, and specific mold graining can be used to match the surface aspect of [...]
extruded profiles.
本区域还受到区域外一 些国家不负责任扩散行为的影响,这些国家继续向本 区域国家出弹道导弹和与大规模杀 伤 性 武 器 有关 的技术。
Our region also suffers from the irresponsible proliferation behaviour of some States outside the
region that continue
[...] to export ballistic missiles and technology related to weapons of mass destruction to countries [...]
in the region.
最先进的计算机辅助设计技术结合有限元应力分析、 弹性 建 模 、 应变 测 量 和 周期试验等各项技术措施,确保我们所有的设备在安全、质量和可靠性方面都极为出 色。
State-of-the-art computer-aided design
techniques, finite element stress
[...] analysis, photo-elastic modelling, strain gauging and cyclic [...]
testing, all ensure that safety,
quality and reliability are built into all our equipment.
本使模式旨在为云服务用户提供一 个框架和相关属性,用于描述和衡量一项云服务的 量 、 性 能 及 质量。
This usage model is designed to
[...] [...] provide subscribers of cloud services with a framework and associated attributes used to describe and measure the capacity, performance, and quality [...]
of a cloud service.
氟氯烃淘汰管理计划建议,由于巴林的氟氯烃消费分 模 式 的 原因,它的总体战略 必须富弹性,2011 年,在该国氟氯烃消费分布当中,AGM 公司消量占巴林基准消费 量的 86%(按 ODP 吨计算),并且其含氟氯烃产品中有 85%用于出口,所以它对其出口 市场的技术选择形成依赖。
The HPMP proposed
[...] that Bahrain’s overarching strategy will have to be flexible due to its HCFC consumption distribution pattern, where AGM consumes 86 per cent (in ODP tonnes) [...]
of the country’s baseline
consumption in 2011 and exports 85 per cent of its HCFC-containing products, creating a dependence on the technology choices in its export markets.
山都平 121-XXM200 热塑性硫化弹性体牌号是我们为开发新型热塑性硫化弹性体而不断创新的一部分,我们开发的新型热塑性硫 弹性 体 可满足汽车行业降低成本和减轻 量 的 工 程应用要求,同时还可增强功能和外观性能。
Santoprene 121-XXM200 TPV grades are part of our ongoing innovation to develop new TPVs that meet automotive industry requirements for lower cost and lighter weight engineered applications, while improving functional and aesthetic performance," said Michael Russo, global brand manager, Santoprene TPV, ExxonMobil Chemical.
软件是一个容易使用和具弹性的工 具,它可以使图 书管理员从藏书中选择制作数字化内容,制作图书目录,以实现增加信息获 量 的 目 标。
The software is an easy and flexible tool which allows librarians to produce digitized content from their collections and to develop catalogues, fulfilling the objective [...]
of broadening access to information.
a. 镍或镍含量大于 40%(重量百分比)的合金; b. 镍含量大于 25%(重量百分比)和铬含量大于 20%(重量百分比)的合金; c. 含氟聚合物(氟量大于 35%的聚合弹性聚合材料); d. 玻璃或搪玻璃(包括陶化或釉化涂层); e. 石墨或碳素石墨; f. 钽或钽合金; g. 钛或钛合金; h. 锆或锆合金;或 i. 铌或铌合金。
a. nickel or alloys with more than 40% nickel by weight; b. alloys with more than 25% nickel and 20% chromium by weight; c. fluoropolymers (polymeric or elastomeric materials with more than 35% fluorine by weight); d. glass or glass-lined (including vitrified or enamelled coating); e. graphite or carbon-graphite; f. tantalum or tantalum alloys; g. titanium or titanium alloys; h. zirconium or zirconium alloys; or i. niobium (columbium) or niobium alloys.
食典委注意到对文件准备提出的若干建议:统计数据可以说明发展中国家在信托 基金成立之前和之后(从 2001 年后)参与食典会议的情况;信托基金成立后,得到该基 金支持的国家量;以 及发展中国家和发达国家参与情况的代 性模 式。
The Commission noted several suggestions concerning the document to be prepared: the statistics could indicate participation of developing countries in Codex sessions before and after the establishment of the Trust Fund (from 2001 onwards); the number of countries supported by the
Trust Fund since
[...] its establishment; and a representative pattern of participation of developing and developed [...]
修正的 CE 329/2007 号条例禁止直接或间接向朝鲜民主主义人民共和国提供 与供应、制造、维护或使用可能有助于核 弹 道 导 弹 或 其 他大 模 杀 伤 性 武 器计 划的武器或物项、物质、材料、货物和技术有关的技术或金融协助。
Amended Council Regulation (EC) No. 329/2007 prohibits the direct or indirect provision to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea of technical or financial assistance related to the supply, manufacture, maintenance or use of weapons or of items, materials, equipment, goods and technologies which could contribute to nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.




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