

单词 彰显

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在这些国彰显法治 工作至关重要,为方案拟订提供财政和其他资源也同样重 要。
Increasing the visibility of rule of law efforts in those countries will be critical, as will the availability of financial and other resources for programming.
因 此,经验近似是促进发展中国家能力发展的一个关 键催化剂,而且在这方面彰显了南 南合作的各项 原则。
The proximity of experience is therefore a key catalyst in promoting capacity development in developing countries and, in this regard, accentuates the principles of South-South cooperation.
他坚 信,此类合作将在今后几年按照自己的速度继续扩 大彰显出发展中国家在日益多极化的世界经济中不 断增强的作用。
He was confident that such cooperation would continue to expand at its own pace in the coming years, underscoring the growing role of developing countries in an increasingly multipolar world economy.
城市固体废物、危险废物和医疗废 物处理量预计将继续增长彰显了本 区域所面临的许多挑战的长期存在性质。
The amount of municipal solid waste, hazardous waste and medical waste was expected to continue to grow, exemplifying the persistent nature of many of the challenges faced by the region.
教科文组织是此次会议的协办方。在这一背景下,教科文组织在会议期间举办了减少 自然灾害教育工具展彰显了教科文组织在促进减灾教育和提高减灾认识方面的作用。
In this context, the exhibition of didactic tools on natural disaster reduction, organized by UNESCO during the Conference, enhanced the visibility of UNESCO’s role in promoting education and awareness for disaster reduction.
此外,众多年轻作家的西班牙 语著作在全球数以百万册的销售量, 彰显 了 全 球对西班牙语越来越浓厚的兴 趣。
The growing interest in Spanish throughout the world is also borne out by the illustrious group of young writers who have sold millions of copies of their books.
项的影响,扩大本组织的影响范围,特别是在国家一级; m) 需要继续采用和完善既定的注重结果的计划编制方法,包括在可行时对正常计划 和预算外计划使用定量和定性的预期结果、绩效指标和基准指标;并需要引入注 重结果的预算编制方法; n) 需要继续与教科文组织的各类合作伙伴,包括政府间组织、非政府组织、民间社
会、专家团体、私营部门、议员、媒体及其他合作伙伴开展合作,根据他们的比 较优势进一步确定与他们合作的方式,从而尽量扩大教科文组织计划的影响,吸
[...] 引专业人才,动员资金; o) 必须不断提高本组织的影响力彰显 教 科 文组织注重结果以及其重点、现实意 义、影响和潜在的伙伴关系。
(m) the need for a continued application and refinement of the established results-based programming approach, including the use of
quantitative and qualitative expected
[...] results, performance indicators and benchmark indicators, [...]
where feasible, for regular
and extrabudgetary programmes and to introduce results-based budgeting
通过拉链和连接部件,无论在实际意义或是隐喻意义上,衣服都成为了一 彰显 社 会 关联与结合力的媒介,而着装的统一性——即相同的工作服——则通过中性的外形挑战了传统社会标志对人群的划分,并试图为社会体而非个体赋予形态。
Clothing becomes the medium through which social links and
[...] bonds are made manifest, both literally [...]
and metaphorically, through the links
of zippers and channels, while the uniformity of the garments – workers’ overalls – create androgynous shapes that defy classification by the usual social markers and attempt to give form to the social, not the individual body.
事实证明这些措施确实有效,它们再 彰显 出 黎巴嫩 武装部队和黎巴嫩南部人民下定决心,努力实现南部 的持久和平与稳定。
These measures have indeed proven to be effective, and they demonstrate yet again the resolve and determination of the Lebanese Armed Forces and the people of southern Lebanon to work towards lasting peace and stability in the south.
这里曾经受过法国的殖民统治,城市建筑风 彰显 了 那个年代的特点,塞内加尔人至今仍在使用法语。
Formerly under French colonial rule, the
[...] city’s architecture displays the legacy of these [...]
times and French is still spoken in Senegal.
培养政治意愿 和改变在性别歧视方面的积习——从利用流行文化到让青 彰显 男 子 群体在维 护妇女权利方面的作用——对于未来的进展至关重要。
Building political will and changing entrenched attitudes that perpetuate gender-based discrimination — from using popular culture to engaging youth to make visible the roles men’s groups play in defending women’s rights — are critical to future progress.
祈求教会充满圣洁;因为当我们活在圣洁中,神便临在我们中间, 彰显 衪 的权 能。
God’s presence and power will manifest as we live in holiness.
根据准则和政策制定情况、服务提 供情况和问责情况对活动加以大致分类,然后对各类活动作初步分析,就不仅能 证实目前有大量举措,而且也彰显 出 协 调一致和在特定领域加强行动的必要 性。
A preliminary analysis of the types of activities, roughly categorized under normative and policy development, service provision, and accountability, confirms the significant number of existing initiatives but also highlights the need for coherence and enhanced action in specific areas.
作为美国政府主要的对外援助机构, US A I D 彰显 了 美国人民扶助弱势的道德观念和人道主义意愿,其工作也在美国政府对外政策方面起着重要作用。
As the primary foreign assistance arm of the U.S.
[...] Government, USAID reflects the deeply held [...]
moral values and humanitarian instincts
of the American people to help the less fortunate, and its work remains an important instrument for the conduct of foreign policy.
以色列在被占领巴勒斯坦领土上加紧建设所有此类定居点的活动 彰显 了占 领国非法的扩张意图,证明所谓接受基于 1967 年以前边界的两国解决方案的说 法是虚假的。
The intensified construction of all such Israeli settlement activities on occupied Palestinian land is glaring proof of the unlawful, expansionist aims of the occupying Power and belies all claims regarding acceptance of the two-State solution on the basis of the pre-1967 borders.
最后,该次级方案将通过强有力的外联方案确 彰显 其 工 作和重要成绩, 包括积极与会员国接触,在国际活动和有关会议上广泛分发出版物和调查结果, [...]
Lastly, the subprogramme will
[...] seek to ensure the visibility of its [...]
work and major achievements through a dynamic programme
of outreach, including active engagement with member States, the wide dissemination of publications and findings at international events and relevant conferences and participation in key forums involving relevant policymakers, academia and other stakeholders both within and outside the region.
它在传真电话通信、访问控制、构造安全性以及员工业务活动方面的分 彰显 了 其 在信息安全领域的重要性。
Fax and telephone communication, access control and constructional security
as well as the employees’ business activities are
[...] included in analysis given their significance [...]
on information security.
席卷整个伊拉克的示威活动以及随 后的暴力事件彰显了处 理公共服务状况差、高失业率和人们认为未能解决的腐 败问题的迫切需要。
The demonstrations that took place across Iraq, and the violence that ensued, underscore the urgent need to address the poor state of public services, high unemployment and the perceived failure to tackle corruption.
此外,室内独立的垂直环流系统、皇后公园周边的室外木板人行道平台,横跨皇后商厦和车站中庭(Station Core)的天桥,以及半透明的升降梯(共三套穿梭式升降梯,将购物空间立体地连为一体),也进一 彰显 了 该 商业设施的与众不同。
This is emphasized by independent, indoor vertical circulation, an outdoor boardwalk terrace around Queen’s Park, a bridge “floating in the air” crossing diagonally through Queen Mall and Station Core, and translucent elevators with three sets of shuttle escalators that connect spaces in three dimensions.
(b) 制定以少数群体为目标的公民教育项目 彰显 公 民 的权利、作用和 责任,并且为属于少数群体的人提供谈判、沟通、宣传、决策和管理技能方 面的培训; (c) 在各个级别上对议会、地方议会和政府各机构进行建设性的参与,明 确提出政策选择和利用公民的倡议,以促进确定的立法议程
(b) Develop civic education projects targeted at minority communities, highlighting the citizen’s rights, roles and responsibilities, and offer training to young persons belonging to minorities in the skills of negotiation, communication, advocacy, policymaking and governance
我们不是照着外面的榜 样来效法基督,而是让内住的基督占有我们里面的全人,在日常生活 彰显 他 自 己,而活出基督,并 凭基督而活。
Instead of imitating Christ according to an outward pattern, we seek to live out Christ and to live by Christ by allowing the indwelling Christ to occupy our whole inward being and to express Himself through us in our daily living.
[...] 力的教育体系,帮助世界各地的妇女和妇女组织间进行交流;消除公众 认识中的性别陈规定型观念;增加 彰显 妇 女在社会中的作用。
The basic goal of the Association is to implement a system of gender sensitive peaceful non-violent education in society; assistance in communications between women and women organizations around the
world; overcoming gender stereotyping in public
[...] consciousness; increasing of womens role in society [...]
and their visibility.
83 第三,在对法庭的弹劾过程中,巩发党控制的议彰显了巨大实力,巩发党拥有超过半数的议会席 位,只要能再争取另外 10%席位的支持——不管是 像弹劾宪法法庭事件中的军方支持,还是来自其他 党派的支持——就能满足弹劾任何政府成员所需要 的议会上下院二分之三的席位。
With over half of the seats, the party has the ability to impeach any public official if it is able to secure the support of an additional 10 per cent of representatives – either from the military bloc or, as in the tribunal case, other parties – to reach the required two-thirds majority in both houses.
(a) 促进旨彰显与森 林有关的各项公约和协定所包含的各种机会的方案, 其中最显著的例子是清洁发展机制以及刚建立的降低发展中国家因森林砍伐和 退化所产生的排放的机制。
(a) Promote programmes designed to demonstrate the potential opportunities in the different forest-related conventions and agreements, outstanding examples of which are the Clean Development Mechanism and the relatively new mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries.
我们强大的产品和临床导管将使BIOTRONIK在外周血管创新领域继续保持领军地位,这些在临床和产品上的最新发展凸显了BIOTRONIK特有的下肢产品组合的实力与表现, 彰显 了 我们继续提供有科学证据支持的卓越技术的承诺。
Our robust product and clinical pipeline will continue to make BIOTRONIK a leader in peripheral vascular innovations, and these latest clinical and product developments underscore the strength and performance of BIOTRONIK's unique lower limb portfolio and our continuing commitment to delivering technological excellence backed by scientific evidence.
Big Bang UNICO 拥有45.5 毫米直径表壳彰显时尚机械外观,表圈由6 颗H 型螺钉锁紧,设计新潮、巧妙且更凸显技术(每颗螺栓的顶部更加鲜明,可以选择抛光或者亚光的修饰效果)。
The design of the Big
[...] Bang Unico features a powerful 45.5 mm diameter case for a stylish [...]
mechanical look, and a bezel secured
by 6 H-shaped screws with a new, subtle and more technical design (the head of each screw is now in relief, allowing the application of alternating polished and matt finishes).
参与决策由于鼓励土著儿童成为活跃公民 彰显 其 事 业,是一 项赋权做法和其权利的重要体现。
Since it encourages indigenous children to become active citizens and gives visibility to their cause, participation in decision-making is an empowering practice and an essential expression of their rights.
欢迎联合国人权事务高级专员继续致力于宣传 彰显 反 种 族主义、种族歧 视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为的斗争,并确认高级专员有必要将此问题贯穿其 办事处的各种活动和方案
Welcoming the continued commitment of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to profile and increase the visibility of the struggle against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and recognizing the need for the High Commissioner to make this a cross-cutting issue in the activities and programmes of her Office
KIT digital董事长兼首席执行官Kaleil Isaza Tuzman表示:“KIT中国的成彰显了我 们对全球发展最快的市场的承诺以及对成为全球领先视频管理解决方案企业的决心。
The formation of KIT China demonstrates our commitment to the world's highest growth market and our determination to be the global leader in next generation video management solutions," said Kaleil Isaza Tuzman, chairman and CEO of KIT digital.




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