单词 | 彰化市 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 彰化市—Zhanghua or Changhua city in west Taiwan, capital of |
台湾对于本地文化发展的不断重视,已经呈现出在国际市场上彰显台湾风格的强烈意愿,在1996年亚特兰大奥运会上播放的布伦族土着音乐就是一例。 uigarden.net | For example, aboriginal music from the Bunun tribe played at the 1996 Olympic Games brought that form of music to the global arena. uigarden.net |
第二 种方法是通过研究一系列很重要的社会变革主题(例如移徙、城市化和青年)来推动政策思 考。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The second method has been to catalyse policy thinking [...] working through a select number of very significant social transformation themes, namely [...] migration, urbanization and youth. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在应对全球气候变化,发展低碳经济的大背景下,艾默生杯旨在促进优秀的节能技术发展,发掘行业内优秀节能设计方案和项目,表彰中国空调市场上那些为技术和行业发展做出贡献的优秀人才。 emerson.com | Emerson Cup aims to promote the development of energy-efficient HVACR technologies, recognize the best system designs and award professionals who contribute to the development of the HVACR industryin China. emerson.com |
应当重视提高该地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure [...] sustainable and safe drinking [...] water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitationof degradedwater ecosystems, [...]research on disappearing [...]water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment. unesdoc.unesco.org |
同样是关于提高认识,总干事在人权日(2010 年 12 月 10 日)把旨在表彰促进人权文化的教科文组织/毕尔巴鄂奖颁发给来自巴基斯坦的 Asma Jahangir 女士,以表彰她为促进宗 教间和文化间对话、容忍、相互理解与合作以促进和平所做的承诺和重要贡献。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Still on awareness-raising, on Human Rights Day (10 [...] December 2010), the Director-General awardedthe UNESCO/Bilbao Prize for the [...] Promotion of aCulture of Human Rights to Ms Asma Jahangir from Pakistan, honouringher commitment and important contribution to fostering interreligiousand intercultural dialogue, [...]tolerance, mutual understanding and cooperation for peace. unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据《反恐战略》,这些条件包括:贫穷,长 期未能解决的冲突,恐怖主义受害者受到的非人性化对待,法治不彰和侵害人权, 族裔、民族和宗教歧视,政治排斥,社会经济边缘化和缺乏良政。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Strategy, these conditions include: poverty, prolonged unresolved conflicts,dehumanization ofvictims of terrorism, lack of rule of law and violations of human rights, ethnic, national and religious discrimination, political exclusion, socio-economic marginalization and lack of good governance. daccess-ods.un.org |
彰 化银行所持有之衍生性金融商品除具有杠杆倍數效果之利率交 换合约外,无法於市场上以合理价格出售之可能性极小,故变 现流动风险甚低。 taishinholdings.com.tw | Chang Hwa Bank’s derivatives, except for interest rate swaps with leveraging effects, have very little probabilities of failing to be sold with reasonable prices inthe market, andthushave low [...] liquidity risks. taishinholdings.com.tw |
上海市“白玉兰荣誉奖”是上海市政府设立的对外表彰奖项,旨在表彰为上海市经济建设、社会发展以及对外交流做出突出贡献的在沪外籍人士。 rolandberger.com.cn | The Shanghai Magnolia Awardis presented annually by the Shanghai MunicipalGovernment to honor [...] expatriates who have made outstanding [...]contributions to Shanghai’s social and economic development and foreign exchange. rolandberger.com.cn |
1974年3月,池田会长接受秘鲁首都利马特别荣誉市民的表彰以来,一贯致力於日本与秘鲁之间的和平、文化和教育方面的交流,例如,由池田会长创办的民主音乐协会招聘秘鲁的音乐团体来日公演、创价大学与秘鲁国立中央大学缔结教育交流协议、SGI制作的「变革的种子」展(1997年)及核武威胁展(1998年)在秘鲁召开等等。 daisakuikeda.org | In a message read by Soka University Associate Vice President Tadashige Takamura, Mr. Ikeda wholeheartedly welcomed the delegation to Soka University and expressed his deep appreciation for the honor bestowed upon him. daisakuikeda.org |
不断变化的人口状况、不良的技术和社会经济条件、无计划的城市化、在高风险地区内的开发、发展不足和不良的基础设施、薄弱的适应能力、环境退化、 气候多变、气候变化、遭遇地质灾害、竞争稀少的资源以及诸如艾滋病毒/艾滋 病、疟疾和结核病等流行病的影响,所有这些都增加了最不发达国家面对自然灾 害的脆弱性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Changing demographics and poor technological and socio-economic conditions, unplannedurbanization,development within high-risk zones, underdevelopment and poor infrastructure, weak adaptive capacity, environmental degradation, climate variability, climate change, exposure to geological hazards, competition for scarce resources, and the impact of epidemics such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis all increase the vulnerability of least developed countries to natural hazards. daccess-ods.un.org |
如拟议预算第 15.34(c)段所述,在由经常预算和预算外资源供资的技术合 作活动中,人居署将举办有关成果规划、方案管理、监测和评价方面的综合能力 [...] 建设方案的培训课、研讨会和讲习班(培训研讨会、辅导和系统的在职学习),并 为记者和高级主管举办城市化问题媒体讲习班。 daccess-ods.un.org | As indicated in paragraph 15.34 (c) of the proposed budget, as part of technical cooperation activities funded by both the regular budget and extrabudgetary resources, training courses, seminars and workshops will be provided on an integrated capacity-building programme in results-based planning, programme management, monitoring and evaluation (training seminars, [...] mentoring and systematic on-the-job learning), as well as a [...] media workshop on urbanization for journalists [...]and senior managers. daccess-ods.un.org |
大会第六十六届会议决定按照二十年周期(1976 年、1996 年和 2016 [...] 年)在 2016 年召开第三次联合国住房与城市可持续发展会议(人居三),以重振对可持续城市化的全球承诺,侧重执行在《人居议程》、《关于新千年中的城市和其他人类 住区的宣言》和相关国际商定发展目标,包括《千年宣言》中的商定目标,《约 [...][...]翰内斯堡可持续发展宣言》和《约翰内斯堡执行计划》以及其他主要联合国会议 和首脑会议成果基础上制订的“新城市议程”(第 66/207 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly decided to convene in 2016, in line with the bi-decennial cycle (1976, 1996 and 2016), a third United Nations conference on housing and sustainable urban development (Habitat III) to reinvigorate the global [...] commitment to [...] sustainable urbanization that should focus on the implementation of a“New Urban Agenda”, which [...]should build on the [...]Habitat Agenda, the Declaration on Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millennium and the relevant internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, and the outcomes of other major United Nations conferences and summits, and requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly, at its sixty-seventh session, a report on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 66/207). daccess-ods.un.org |
该组织已制定了各种方案,以便积极促进中国煤炭生产大省发展清洁煤炭技 术,包括推广清洁煤炭技术;增强清洁煤炭和能源行业的能力以及改善应对气候变化的看法;促进产业的“绿色”发展;以及表彰积极履行社会责任的企业,从 而实现该行业和全人类的可持续发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization has established programmes to actively promote clean coal technology in the major coal-producing provinces in China, including disseminating clean coal technology; improving the capability of the clean coal and energy industry and its perceptions in dealing with climate change; promoting “green” updates for industry; and commending enterprises that actively take on social responsibilities, so as to achieve the sustainable development of the industry and all of humankind. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008年5月26日,占地7,300平方公尺的亚洲IRCAD台湾中心在彰化县鹿港镇彰滨秀传纪念医院的协助下隆重开幕了。 websurg.com | The IRCAD (Institute for Research on Cancers of the Digestive Tract) in Strasbourg now has its clone in Taiwan: the ASIA IRCAD Taiwan, a centre of 7,300 square [...] meters modelled on the Strasbourg centre, [...] was opened withgreat flourish on 26th [...]May 2008 in partnership with the Chang Bing [...]Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Lugang Town, Changhua County, Taiwan. websurg.com |
这里曾经受过法国的殖民统治,城市建筑风格彰显了那个年代的特点,塞内加尔人至今仍在使用法语。 msccruises.com.cn | Formerly under French [...] colonial rule, the city’s architecture displays [...]the legacy of these times and French is still spoken in Senegal. msccruises.com.hk |
一些代表团认为,私营标准是世界现况的一部分,与部分市场相关,对多元化市场需求是重要的;然而,有必要关注标准的制定,以确保他们没有成为非关税贸易壁垒。 codexalimentarius.org | Some delegations were of the view that private standards were part of the current world situation and [...] were relevant to certain [...] segments of the marketandimportant fordiversified market requirements; [...]however it was necessary [...]to monitor their development in order to ensure that they did not become non-tariff barriers to trade. codexalimentarius.org |
然而,失控的城市化可能对人类福祉和社会经济发展有害;这样的城市化是造成城市内外环境问题的一个关键因素,例如不可持续地利用为城市提供资源的生 态系统,以及城市对全球问题(例如沿海/海洋污染)的推动作用(见图二十八)。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, [...] uncontrolled urbanizationcanbe detrimental to human well-being and socio-economic development; such urbanization is a key contributor to environmental issues inside and outside thecity,such as [...]the unsustainable use [...]of ecosystems supplying cities with resources and the contribution of cities to global issues, such as coastal/marine pollution (see figure XXVIII). daccess-ods.un.org |
该报告确定了若干必须加以促进的广泛政策 方向,具体如下:(a) 政府应越来越多地在城市中发挥更为重要的发展作用;(b) 经 过改革的城市规划系统必须充分和明确地应对当前和正在出现的城市挑战,包括 气候变化、快速城市化和贫穷、不断缩小的城市、老龄化、城市的多元文化组成、 非正规性和安全;(c) 各国应制定国家城市政策,以更加系统地应对城市挑战和 预期;以及(d) 应高度优先地重视并根据现实标准发展很多发展中国家缺乏的强 制执行城市规划监管的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | It identified a number of broad policy directions that must be promoted, as follows: (a) Governments should increasingly take on a more central development role in cities; (b) reformed urban planning systems must fully and unequivocally address the current and emerging urban challenges, including climate change, rapid urbanization and poverty, shrinking cities, ageing, multicultural composition of cities, informality and safety; (c) countries should formulate national urban policies in order to address urban challenges and prospects more systematically; and (d) capacity to enforce urban planning regulations, which is seriously lacking in many developing countries, should be given very high priority and should be developed on the basis of realistic standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于新出现的社会问题和优先事项的政策制定工作(如国际移徙、城市化和一体化) 在实践层面已经转化为收集关于经济和政治一体化进程组成部分的地区移徙协定的政策。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Policy development work on emerging social issues and priorities such as international migration,urbanization and integration has translated at the practical level into the collection of policies on regional migration agreements as part of the economic and political integration process. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为了加强平等和减少贫困,政府正努力将重点放在普及小学教 育,更好地提供基本医疗服务,扩大农业生产能力,开发被忽视的干旱和半干旱 土地,改善城市居民的生活水平,由于城市化进程迅速,他们享受不到良好的城 市基础设施和社会服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | To improve equity and reduce poverty, efforts are being focused on universal primary education, improved access to basic health, expanded productive capacity in agriculture, development of the hitherto overlooked arid and semi-arid areas, and upgrading the living conditions for urbandwellers that have suffered from poorurban infrastructure and social services mainly due to high urbanization rates. daccess-ods.un.org |
视适用情况而定,纳入环境与城市化部/国家臭氧机构和牵头执行机构的意见和解 释,由评估实体对报告进行定案并提交至环境与城市化部/国家臭氧机构和牵头执行机 构。 multilateralfund.org | Upon incorporating the comments and explanations as may be [...] applicable, from the Ministry of [...] Environmentand Urbanisation/NOU and the Lead IA, the evaluating entity shall finalize the report and submit to the Ministry of EnvironmentandUrbanisation/NOU and the [...]Lead IA. multilateralfund.org |
预计对水、能源和其他自然资源的需求将持续增长,一方面是因 为迅速的城市化和经济的不断发展;另一方面,许多发展中国家还存在着 [...] 对能源服务的巨大需求缺口。 daccess-ods.un.org | The demand for water, energy and other natural [...] resources is expected to continue growing, [...] givenrapid urbanizationand increasing [...]economic development on the one hand, [...]and the considerable unmet demand for energy services in many developing countries on the other. daccess-ods.un.org |