

单词 彭湖岛

See also:

surname Peng


lake n
lakes pl

External sources (not reviewed)

在基尔香德拉(Killeshandra)停留,那里是一个重要的钓鱼城镇,它位于奥特湖畔(Lough Oughter),附近有许湖泊和岛屿。
Stop off in Killeshandra an important angling town located on Lough
[...] Oughter around whose lakes and islands Killykeen Forest [...]
Park winds itself.
此外,应教育部的要 求,用马罗沃语和英语再版了《珊瑚礁和雨林:所罗门 岛 马 罗沃 泻 湖 环 境 百科全书》,并发放给 学校。
In response to demands from the Ministry of Education, Reef and
Rainforest: An environmental
[...] encyclopaedia of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands, in Marovo and [...]
English, was reprinted and distributed
to schools and with a view to piloting development of a supporting teacher manual.
於本通函日期彭女士概無於股份或相關股份中擁有證券及期貨條例第XV部所界定的 任何權益。
As at the date hereof, Ms. Pang does not have any other [...]
interests in the shares or underlying shares of the Company within
the meaning of Part XV of the SFO.
毒品和犯罪问题办公室于 2009 年底改进了索马里监狱部队,并完成了在索 马里兰彭特兰修建 10 所监狱的工作。
UNODC developed the Somali custodial corps at the end of 2009 and completed work on building 10 prisons in Somaliland and Puntland.
2011 年,智利航空公司(Lan Airlines)继续在智彭塔阿 雷纳斯与福克兰岛(马尔 维纳斯)之间每周开设定期航班,包括依照 [...]
1999 年 7 月 14 日阿根廷与联 合王国间《联合声明》的规定,开设每月在阿根廷里奥加耶戈斯中途停留两次的 航班。
In 2011, LAN Airlines continued to provide a
regular weekly service between
[...] Punta Arenas, Chile, and the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), including [...]
two monthly stopovers in Río
Gallegos, Argentina, in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Statement of 14 July 1999 between Argentina and the United Kingdom.
国际财 产 包括土 地、山脉、 海洋、地下水 、 空 间岛屿、 河流、运 河湖 泊 、 森林和自然 资 源 。
State properties comprise land, mountains, sea,
[...] underwater, airspace, islands, rivers, canals, lakes, forests and natural [...]
此外,由于刚果(金)武装部队 第 105 团在菲齐解散,与“玛伊-玛伊”民兵 Yakutumba
[...] 派合作的民解力量士兵 重新控制了坦噶尼湖 Ubwari 半岛及以南资源丰富的战略地区。
Furthermore, as a result of the dissolving of the FARDC 105th regiment in Fizi, FNL soldiers working with Mai Mai
Yakutumba have regained control of strategic and resource-rich areas on and
[...] south of the Ubwari peninsula on Lake Tanganyika.
芬兰拥有没受污染的森林湖泊和岛 屿 , 等待您来体验它的优美之处。
Finland’s un-spoilt forests
[...] and thousands of islands and lakes offer plenty of opportunities.
几个新的保护区表明重视生态系统的方法正在发挥作用(意大利的提契诺河), 该概念已经用于沿海地区(如多米尼加共和国的雅拉瓜 - 巴奥鲁科山 - 恩里基湖)和小岛 屿( 大韩民国的济州岛,俄罗斯联邦的科曼多尔群岛),并用来管理跨边界保护区(如贝 宁、布基纳法索和尼日尔的“W”地区,它是非洲首个跨边界保留地)。
Several new sites demonstrate the ecosystem approach in action (Ticino, Italy), the application of the concept in coastal areas (e.g. Jaragua-Bahoruca-Enriquillo, Dominican Republic) and in small islands (e.g. Jeju Island, Republic of Korea; Commander Islands, Russian Federation) and to manage transborder sites (e.g. the “W” Region Beni, Burkina Faso and Niger, the first in Africa of this type).
湖心岛是北 美最大的无车郊外社区,也是进行自行车,滚轴溜冰,沙滩排球和悠闲漫步等休闲活动的绝佳地点。
Home to the largest car-free urban community in North America, Toronto Islands are a popular recreational [...]
area for bicycling,
rollerblading, beach volleyball and beautiful views of Toronto.
5.57 彭先生 表示,他就梁先生的申請考慮了以下各項因 素:處理梁先生所屬職系的退休首長級人員離職後從事工作申 [...]
請的現行政策;有關梁先生任職政府時最後擔任的兩個職位的 資料,以及該兩個職位涉及的主要職務;梁先生停止政府職務 及退休的日期;諮詢委員會以往曾處理的梁先生離職後從事工
作的申請;新世界中國地產擬聘用梁先生的詳細資料,包括該 公司的主要業務和梁先生受聘的主要職責;以及有關各方包括 運輸及房屋局常任秘書長(房屋)、發展局常任秘書長(規劃及地 政 )、發展局常任秘書長(工務)、政務主任職系管方和公務員事 務局所提出的意見及建議。
5.57 Mr PANG said that he had [...]
taken into account the following factors in considering Mr LEUNG's application: the prevailing
policy in handling post-service work applications by retired directorate officers of Mr LEUNG's grade, the information regarding Mr LEUNG's last two postings in government service and the major duties involved, the dates of Mr LEUNG's cessation of active service and retirement, Mr LEUNG's previous post-service work applications processed by ACPE, the particulars of Mr LEUNG's proposed employment with NWCL including its core business and Mr LEUNG's major duties and responsibilities in the appointment, and the views and recommendations of the various parties including PS(H), PS(PL), PS(W), the AO Grade Management and CSB.
特诺奇蒂特兰于 14 世纪建于特斯科科湖的一座岛屿上
Tenochtitlán was founded in the
[...] 14th century on an island in the salt lake of Texcoco.
在二零零 六年三月發給梁博士彭先生 的電郵中,他提到“約於兩年前曾討論 聯盟制安排的方案,當時的看法大致正面,但自此之後,主要在回應 [...]
教統局的立場時,校董會、職員和學生的立場更為支持教院具獨立地 位”。
In his email message to
[...] Dr Leung and Mr Pang in March 2006, Professor [...]
Morris stated that “the option of a federal arrangement
was discussed about two years ago and the sentiment was broadly positive, but since then and largely in response to the position of EMB, the Council, the staff and students have taken a position much more supportive of an independent HKIEd”.
彭博慈 善机构资助的 RS-10 项目支持执行一些切合实际的措施,通过在10 [...]
The RS-10 project,
[...] funded by the Bloomberg Philanthropies, [...]
supports implementation of some of the practical measures that
have resulted in a sharp decline in road traffic deaths and injuries in many countries through programmes in 10 countries.
索马彭特兰 和索马里兰地区的法院比任何其他进行起诉的国家都更频繁地审 理海盗案件。
The courts in Puntland and Somaliland regions of Somalia handle piracy cases more regularly than any other State conducting prosecutions.
此外,虽然自 2008 年以来数百名儿童已从复兴共和与民主军复员,但报告证实,在瓦姆、瓦 彭 代 和纳纳-格里比齐,包括女孩在内的儿童仍与该武装团体有关系。
Further, while hundreds of children have been demobilized from APRD since 2008, reports have confirmed that children, including girls, remain associated with the armed group in Ouham, Ouham-Pendé and Nana-Gribizi.
保护大自然是国家公园的主要功能之一;而国家公园就是保留如 岛 、 湖 泊 、 森林、沼泽和丘原等有价值生态资源和地貌的地方。
The national parks are protected areas for the more valuable
and characteristic habitats and land forms in the
[...] country, such as the archipelago, lakes, forests, peat lands [...]
and fells.
您还可到 赖兴岛湖岸上 溜旱冰、骑车或慢跑,或者在空中缆绳乐园 感受攀岩带来的强烈刺激。
You can cycle or jog along
[...] the shores of the lakes to the Reichenau Island or experience [...]
a rock climbing adventure in the high rope course.
格林诺奇位于新西兰岛瓦卡蒂普湖 的 上 游,位于皇后镇正北方向45公里处。
Glenorchy is
[...] located on the South Island of New Zealand at the head of Lake Wakatipu, 45 kilometres [...]
due north of Queenstown.
从他们独特的歇斯底里的角度,Timon和他的多风的朋 彭彭 的 最 伟大的无名英雄的稀树草原,揭示它们来自哪里,他们如何帮助辛巴节省了塞伦盖蒂和狮子国王的最重大的事件幕后到底发生了什么。
From their uniquely hysterical
[...] perspective, Timon and his windy pal Pumbaa—the greatest [...]
unsung heroes of the savanna—reveal
where they came from, how they helped Simba save the Serengeti and what really happened behind the scenes of The Lion King’s biggest events.
除上文所披露者外,(i)彭女士於過往三年並未於香港或海外任何證券市場上市的任何 公眾公司擔任任何其他董事職務;(ii)彼亦未於本公司及其附屬公司擔任任何其他職務; [...]
Save as disclosed above, (i) Ms. Pang has not held any other [...]
directorships in any public companies the securities of which
are listed on any securities market in Hong Kong or overseas in the past 3 years; (ii) she has not held any other positions in the Company and its subsidiaries; and (iii) she does not have any relationship with any Directors, senior management, substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company.
事實上,是次調查顯示,在回顧香港回歸歷史時,半數巿民認為曾蔭權是表現最好的地區首長,三分一認為 彭 定 康,不足半成認為是董建華,可能已經說明一切。
As a matter of fact, when people were asked to review the performance of the past three leaders of
Hong Kong, about half said Donald Tsang is the best, one third
[...] picked Chris Patten, less than one-twentieth [...]
picked CH Tung.
前欧盟对 外关系委彭定康 和前美国大使汤姆斯皮克林担任危机 组织的联合主席。
Crisis Group is chaired by former U.S. Ambassador Thomas Pickering.
a.) 《保护水下文化遗产公约》(以下简称为《公约》)于 2001 年 11 月 2
日由教科文组织大会通过。根据《公约》文本规定,以及本文件所 载的限制条件,《公约》适用于各种水域,包括不具海洋性质的内陆
[...] 水域(河流湖泊)、具有海洋性质的缔约国内水 湖 湾 、 海湾)、岛水域 和领海、其专属经济区(EEZ)、大陆架和区域(国家管辖范 [...]
a.) The Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention”), adopted by the UNESCO General Conference on 2 November 2001, applies, as regulated in its text and with the limitations contained therein, to all kind of waters, including inland waters not of maritime character (lakes
and rivers), internal waters of maritime
[...] character (bays, gulfs), archipelagic waters, the territorial [...]
seas of States Parties,
their exclusive economic zones (hereinafter referred to as “EEZ”), the continental shelves and the Area (the seabed and ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction)1 .
从2200万加仑(8300万升)的贝拉吉奥喷泉 (Fountains of
[...] Bellagio) 和威尼斯人酒店的人工运河,到金 岛 的 海盗 礁 湖 和 迷 拉吉酒店 (The Mirage) 的流动火山,前往拉斯维加斯大道 [...]
(Las Vegas Strip) 的游客绝不会想到,该地区曾遭受干旱的重创。
From the 22-million-gallon (83-million-liter) Fountains of Bellagio
and the Venetian’s artificial
[...] canals, to Treasure Island’s pirate lagoon and The Mirage’s [...]
liquid volcano, visitors to the
Las Vegas Strip might never suspect that the region was hit hard by drought.
在那人口稀少的地方,芬兰湖区有许多美丽风景和悠然湖岸,足够让所有人放怀享受,甚至很容易让您沉醉在无限的思想空间,或者被广 湖 水 、 错综 岛 屿 、 绿色地峡 湖 堤 ,激活您的灵感。
The largest Lake District in Europe: In a scarcely populated country there’s enough scenery and shoreline for all, allowing you to easily lose
yourself in thought or be inspired
[...] by the vast clear lakes, intricately splintered by islands, isthmuses and [...]
green spits.
民意研究計劃自1995起,已開始進行有關領導人功過的調查,當中關 彭 定 康 的調查已在1997年停止,而關於毛澤東、周恩來及蔣介石的調查則在2003年停止。
Since 1995, POP has been tracking
people's appraisal of these leaders, but our
[...] series on Chris Patten stopped in 1997, [...]
and that on Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and
Chiang Kai Shek stopped in 2003.
委员会听取了人口理事会副主席 John Bongaarts、约翰霍普金彭博公 共卫 生学院教授兼比尔和梅林达·盖茨人口和生殖健康研究所主任 [...]
Amy Tsui 和非洲 妇女生殖健康和生殖权利联盟主任 Eunice Brookman Amissah 的主旨发言。
The Commission heard keynote addresses by John Bongaarts, Vice-President of the
Population Council; Amy Tsui, Professor at the
[...] Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public [...]
Health and Director of the Bill and Melinda
Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health; and Eunice Brookman-Amissah, Director of the Ipas Africa Alliance for Women’s Reproductive Health and Rights.
我要欢迎我的新任特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯及新任副特别代 表贾斯比尔·利德和耶奥里·卡彭蒂耶,并感谢在苏丹工作的所有联合国工作人 员和会员国,包括部队和警察派遣国和捐助方,感谢他们作出坚定努力协助苏丹 人民执行《全面和平协议》。
I wish to extend my welcome to my new Special Representative, Haile Menkerios, and new Deputy Special Representatives, Jasbir Lidder and Georg Charpentier, and to thank all United Nations staff working in the Sudan, Member States, including troop- and police-contributing countries, and donors, for their determined efforts to assist the Sudanese people in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.




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