

单词 影像



image processing

影像档 n

image files pl


image file

External sources (not reviewed)

2) 如果從外接磁碟機復影像,請 嘗試將 影像 複 製 到其他存放區然後重新嘗試復原,因為出 現的問題可能與硬體相關。
2) If you recover the image from an external drive, try to copy that image to another storage and retry recovery as the issue may be related to the hardware.
[...] 大长度之前就已超过扫描仪的处理能力,那么扫描仪上将显示文档卡 纸,页面影像将不 会发送到主机应用程序。
If the scanner’s processing capacity is exceeded before the user-selected Maximum Length is
reached, then a document jam will be posted on the
[...] scanner and the image of the page will [...]
not be sent to the host application.
青少 年记者利用各式各样的传媒,包括数 影像 、 录 像 和 录 音,从他们各自的角度对 活动进行了纪实记录。
The youth reporters used various forms of media, including digital photography, video and voice recordings to document the activities from their individual perspectives.
出版:印刷、装订和分发文件和其他材料;储存文件和其他材料,并控制正式文件系 统内的材料的存储,包括影像形式存储的档案材料。
(iv) Publishing: printing, binding and distribution of documents and other materials, storage of documents and other materials and control
of the storage of materials in the Official Document System, including the storage of
[...] archival materials in image form.
若要利用 i5000V 系列掃瞄機提供的印刷與註釋 功能(包括不購買印表機配件即可以數位方式 影像 加 上戳記的功能), 則應該永遠使用掃瞄機驅動程式 「進階內容」的內置印表機控制項,來 設定文件列印影像數位註釋。
To take advantage of the imprinting and annotation features provided by i5000V Series
Scanners (including the ability to
[...] digitally stamp images without purchasing the printer accessory), the scanner driver Advanced Properties imprinter controls should always be used to configure document printing or image digital annotation.
至 於該修訂規例所 帶 來 新服務的範圍,資訊科 技及廣播局首席助理局長(A)補 充 , 透 過 實 施 該 修訂規 例 , 星 電 視 共 用 天 線 持牌人 除 可接收 及分發 星 電 視 及 有 線 電 視 的 收 費 電 視 服 務 外 , 亦 可接收 及分發其他領 有牌照的 收 費 電 視 服 務,包 括 按 照 星 電 視 上行及下行 牌照所 准許在港提供的 收 費 電 視 服 務及根據《電 視 條例》 領 牌 的 自影像 節 目 服 務 ; 以 及 接 收 及分發從 星 接 收 擬 供 星 電 視 共 用 天 線 系統使用者收 取 的電訊訊息 ﹔ 以 及 透 過 互連, 讓 星 電 視 共 用 天 線 系統使用者可接收 及 轉送電訊訊息予其 他 電訊系統或服務,而 該 等 電訊系統 或服務 須根據《電訊條例》已經獲發牌照。
On the range of new services to be brought about by the Amendment Regulation, the Principal Assistant Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting (A) (PAS/ITB(A)) supplemented that as a result of the Amendment Regulation, SMATV licensees would be allowed to receive and distribute licensed subscription television services in addition to those of Satellite TV and the HKCTV, including subscription television services under a Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licence and video-on-demand programme services licensed under the Television Ordinance, and to receive and distribute telecommunications messages received from satellites intended for reception by users of the SMATV systems, and by interconnection, to receive and relay telecommunications messages between users of the SMATV systems and other telecommunications systems or services licensed under the Telecommunication Ordinance.
因此,投影机配备 DICOM 预设模式
[...] 的真正价值在于能为一群人显示医 影像 , 例如 放射性案例讨论,或医科学生培训。
Therefore, the true value of a projector with a
DICOM Preset mode lies in the ability to
[...] display medical images to a group of [...]
people, for example during radiological case
discussions, or the training of medical students.
这场运动的开端是采用先进的视频和通信技术,播 放做了手脚的声称是描绘阿拉伯叙利亚共和国境内发生的事件 影像 带 , 以此编 造对我国境内发生的事件的谎言。
The campaign began with the fabrication of stories about events in the Syrian Arab Republic with advanced visual and communications technology being used to show fake footage, allegedly of events unfolding in the Syrian Arab Republic.
项目参与方 可使用项目开始时的卫影像来进 行基线分层。
PPs may use remotely sensed data acquired close to the Project Start Date for baseline stratification.
旅客认可且同意承运人及/或其促销伙伴享有专有权可在何性质的图画媒体中使用及/或纳入旅客的任何影、影像、音 效和其他视觉肖像,以便进行商业交易、广告、销售、宣传或其他,而无须对旅客负任何责任或 赔偿,而且对此等肖像的所有权利、所有权和产生的利益(包括所有全球著作权)须完全属于承运人,而旅客 或从旅客处获得任何权利或利益的任何人不得提出任何索赔。
The Guest agrees and consents that the Carrier and/or its promotional partners shall have the exclusive right to use and/or include any photographic, video, audio and other visual portrayals of the Guests in any pictorial medium of any nature whatsoever for the purposes of trade, advertising, sales, publicity commercially or otherwise without any liability or compensation whatsoever to the Guest and all rights, title and interest (including all worldwide copyrights) therein shall belong to the Carrier absolutely, free from any claim by the Guest or any person deriving any rights or interest from the Guest.
[...] 通常必须向机载系统发出指令才能从关注的区域 采影像,因 而需要制定前瞻性计划这一环节。
In addition, the systems on board usually have to be instructed
[...] to acquire the imagery from the area of [...]
interest, requiring an element of forward planning.
若以上兩種方法均不可行,您可以複製硬碟,方法是建立磁 影像, 然 後將其復原至具有更大磁碟分割的新硬碟上。
If that is not possible, you can clone a hard disc by creating a disc image and recovering it to a new hard disc with larger partitions.
这个题为《时刻》的创新抽影像作 品 只用橡胶带和细线来形成对移动抽象的研究,而选择的一系列2009年纸上作品均来自不起眼的材料,包括平淡和没人要的材料, “无望的角落和无用的东西”,这展示了艺术家转化改变所选取的任意材料和媒介的能力。
The innovative abstract video, The Movement (2007) uses only rubber bands and filament to create a study in moving abstraction, while a selection of works on paper from 2009 similarly emanate from these insignificant materials, showing this artist’s facility in transforming virtually any material or medium she takes up, including the mundane and unwanted, “the hopeless corners and useless things.
在儲存技術上,採用了 MPEG-2 的影像壓縮方式和杜比數位化 AC-3 立體環繞的音效規格來錄製節 目。
In addition, a DVD is MPEG-2 compressed video compatible and has Dolby Digital Surround Sound audio (known as AC-3) capabilities.
[...] 环境恶化等环境挑战需要增加对科技研发的投入,尤其是通过创新项目,例如利用卫 影像 管 理 资源、对单个 生态系统进行考察和加强有关可再生能源,特别是太阳能的知识库。
Environmental challenges such as climate change, biodiversity losses or oceanic degradations will require increased investments into science, research and technology, especially
through innovative projects, such as the
[...] use of satellite imagery to manage resources, [...]
the survey of individual ecosystems
and the strengthening of the knowledge base for renewable energies, in particular solar energy.
过去的十年里一系列全新的电影体验已经出现,包括手持式微电影和互动混聚技术,以及电子游戏和虚拟实境的远程沉浸式体验,还有互联网世界中的动 影像。
Over the last ten years a whole new range of cinematic experiences have emerged, including handheld micro-movies and
interactive mash-ups, video games and immersive telepresence in virtual worlds, and the Interenet
[...] galaxy of moving images.
[...] 设,建立有关文物的国家清册和清单,如有可能还建立关于这类文物 影像档 案 ,建立国家数据库,允许有可能在各国数据库之间以及在与国际数据库,特 [...]
Other preventive measures included the provision of training and capacitybuilding for police and other institutions involved and for the public at large, as well as the establishment of national
inventories, lists of cultural objects and, if
[...] possible, a photographic archive of such [...]
objects and the establishment of a national
database, with the possibility of linking national databases to each other and to international databases, in particular the INTERPOL database.
如果你想要高品質影像,你 可以儲存成未經 壓縮的 AV I 檔案格式,或者如果你想要使檔案變 小,也可以選取任何你想要的編碼器來壓縮檔案。
It can be saved in uncompressed form if you want high quality video, or compressed using any of the available codecs if you want to minimize the file size.
請注意,在本使用手冊中所提及的功能影像可能 因為您購買的產品以及居住的地 [...]
Please be noted the
[...] functions and images may vary depending [...]
on the product you purchase and the area you live.
[...] 採用無縫管道傳輸可替換內容;不同形式之內容如現場訪問、螢幕廣告及主題電影均可編排播放, 毋須重新設定伺服器及╱或投射器以配合不同 影像 格 式
The SA2100 server is a cost-effective and flexible solution for digital cinema and alternative content sources to be playout in a seamless pipeline; various formats of content such as live interview, on-screen advertisement and feature films
can be programmed to playout without the need to re-initialise the
[...] server and/or projector for different image formats.
在此模式下,每台被選擇的設影像 輸 出可顯示在螢幕上,並可 簡單移動鼠標至畫面上點選以存取與控管設備。
To access and manage the device, simply move the mouse pointer over its panel and click.
鉴于此,在管理泄漏应对措施 的过程中,卫影像可以 提供有效的操作工具。
Consequently, satellite imagery may provide an [...]
effective operational tool in the management of spill response.
作品元素包括懷舊東洋色彩(蜷川經常自稱是1913年成立,由全女班組成的「寶塚歌劇團」的宣傳大員;首齣執導長片《惡女花魁》發生在江戶時代)、盛開的花卉(《ACID BLOOM》一書花了三年時間拍攝花朵)和彩色的金魚群(走訪上海、香港及泰國等地搜 影像 )。
Her consistent use of nostalgic Japanese elements, (She is a self-claimed PR for Takarazuka Revue, a all-girl theatre established in 1913; ‘Sakuran’, the first feature film produced by Ninagawa is set in Edo period) floral in full bloom, (she spent three years photographing flowers for her photography title ‘Acid
Bloom’) and multi-colour
[...] goldfish (She took images of them in various places such as Shanghai, Hong Kong and Thailand).
有了隨選桌上型電腦串流,資料將存放在虛擬磁碟伺服器中,該伺服器可以將作業系統、應用程式 影像 隨 選 串流至大約 100 個使用者系統,從而提高效能、簡化管理並維持安全性。
With On-Demand Desktop Streaming, data resides on a virtual disk server that streams the OS, applications and image to approximately 100 end-user systems on-demand – providing performance, simplifying management and maintaining security.
教科文组织从 2002 年 1 月开 始实施的新的公众宣传战略,以公众宣传办公室、月刊办公室、出版办公室/视听资料处以及新设立的一个 万维网协调科所有资源整合力量为依托,将能够把教科文组织活动中所有或几乎所有值得通过媒体进行宣传 的活动筛选出来,并把它们制作成文字 影像 宣 传 材料,供各种媒体采用并加以传播报导。
Combining the resources of the Bureau of Public Information (BPI), the Office of Monthly Periodicals (OPM), the Audiovisual Section (BPI/AUD) and a new web unit, the new public information strategy launched in January 2002, will make it possible to identify all, or nearly all, of the initiatives suitable for mediatization, transform them into words and images so that the press can disseminate them and increase the number of media with which UNESCO maintains regular contact, in all regions of the world.
由于照相机、闭路电视影带和数字媒介存录设备遭扣押,此后仅披露了选定的少 量信息,调查团不得不极为谨慎地处理以色列当局播放 影像 , 只 要这 影像与 在 其中露面的目击证人的证词不相符合。
In light of the seizure of cameras, CCTV footage and digital media storage devices and the subsequent disclosure of only a selected and minute quantity of it, the Mission was obliged to treat with extreme caution the versions released by the Israeli authorities where those versions did not coincide with the evidence of eyewitnesses who appeared before it.
賽普拉斯提供寬廣陣容的高性能定制及標準 C M O S 影像 感 測 器,用於數百萬像素數碼攝影及電影攝影、機器視覺、線性及二維 (2D) 條碼成像、醫療X射線成像、生物測定及航空應用。
Cypress's broad portfolio of high-performance custom and standard CMOS image sensors are used in multi-megapixel digital photography and cinematography, machine vision, linear and two dimensional (2D) bar code imaging, medical x-ray imaging, biometrics and aerospace applications.
除设计和发行软件外,从技术角度来说,Firebird还一直关注用于整合VoIP(网络电话)、电信和IP技术的产品、互联网安全和反病毒软件、NFC(近场通信)和基于位置的系统、WiMax和IP技术、在线金融交易和银行软件,以及包 括 3 D 影像 、 全息图技术、多点触控界面、视网膜扫描仪及所有走在我们时代前沿的创新产品的“新时代”产品。
In terms of technologies, in addition to design and publishing software, Firebird is on the lookout for products meant for integration with VoIP, telecom, and IP technologies, Internet security and anti-virus software, NFC and location-based systems, WiMax and IP technologies, on-line financial transaction and
banking software, and "new-age"
[...] products, including 3-D imaging, hologram technologies, [...]
multi-touch interfaces, retina scanners,
and all innovations ahead of our time.
Evade 將會演出多首新作,包括《尋找佛洛伊德的飄渺》、《無題夢》及《愛》等等,本澳著名的DJ lobo 及DJ Burnie將會為音樂會打碟,而本影像 設 計師Miguel Khan更會擔任VJ,為演出的曲目配上獨特 影像 效 果 ,刺激樂迷的視覺!
Fans are set to be enchanted with the concert, listening to the debuts of
songs including Seeking
[...] for Mr. Freud, Untitled Dream and Love, together with remixes by renowned DJ Lobo and Burnie, as well as appreciating unique images and effects by [...]
Miguel Khan, a talented local image designer.




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