

单词 奸淫



adulterous couple

See also:


obscene n
defamatory n


pornographic adj
libelous adj



crafty adj

External sources (not reviewed)

(e) 对人身尊严的侵犯,特别是侮辱性和降低身分的待遇、 奸、 强淫和任何形式的非礼侵犯
(e) Outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and
[...] degrading treatment, rape, enforced prostitution and any form [...]
of indecent assault
刑法典》规定对涉 及儿童的遗弃、性行为和奸以及 通过 淫 网 络剥 削儿童的行为提起诉讼和进行处罚。
The Penal Code prosecuted and punished abandonment,
[...] sexual acts and rape involving children, and exploitation of children in prostitution networks.
性暴力的形 式表现为奸、性奴役、淫、怀孕、强迫绝育和程 度同样严重的任何其他形式的性暴力。
Sexual violence is
[...] manifested in rape, sexual slavery, prostitution, pregnancy, forced [...]
sterilization and any other form
of sexual violence of comparable seriousness.
成千上万的儿童遭到性剥削、淫、 强 奸 和 性 暴力侵 害。
Thousands have been subjected to
[...] sexual exploitation, prostitution, rape and sexual violence.
(a) 个人,包括武装人员及军人、安保和执法人员,在工作场所及其他 地点,包括在涉及拘留的情况和境内流离失所的情况下,对妇女和女孩所犯 的性暴力,包括强奸、奸、强迫卖 淫 、 强 奸 威 胁 和性骚扰,以及国家没能 尽职尽责地防止这类侵害行为并及时而充分地对行凶者进行调查、起诉和惩 处,没有为受害者及其家庭提供适当的保护、支持和赔偿,包括医疗和心理 护理,也没有确保人们能获得司法正义,由此造成有罪不罚现象
(a) Sexual violence against women and girls, including rape, gang rape, forced prostitution, threats of rape, sexual harassment, including in the workplace, committed by private individuals, including armed individuals, and military, security and law enforcement personnel, including in detentionrelated situations and in situations of internal displacement, as well as failure by States, resulting in a climate of impunity, to exercise due diligence to prevent such violations, and to adequately and in a timely manner investigate, prosecute and punish the perpetrators, failure by States to provide adequate protection, support and reparation for victims and their families, including medical and psychological care, and failure by States to ensure access to justice
在安全 方面,这包括犯罪增加,比如谋杀、盗窃、贩毒、诈骗、乞讨、 淫 、 强 奸 、伪 造官方文件、抢劫和欺诈。
In terms of security, these include an increase in such crimes as
murder, theft, drug trafficking,
[...] swindling, begging, prostitution, rape, forgery of official [...]
documents, looting and fraud.
[...] 人的住所去,而不是到亲戚家或一个安全或司法部门,则不管是否经历过家人的 暴力行为,应被指责为犯有奸或卖 淫 罪。
The Committee also expresses serious concern about Edict No. 1497/1054 of 26 October 2010 by which the Supreme Court ruled that women and girls who run away from their residence to a stranger’s residence, instead of to a relative’s house, or a security or justice department, regardless of whether they had
experienced violence caused by a family member, will be condemned as having
[...] committed the crime of adultery or prostitution.
委员会另外关切的是,大多数妇 女被判服刑的罪名是淫、通奸、酗 酒、在私人或公共场合的非法或不雅行为。
It was also concerned that the
majority of women in prison have
[...] been sentenced for prostitution, adultery, alcoholism, [...]
unlawful or indecent behaviour, in
a private or public setting.72 21.
[...] [...] 两个国际法庭;这两个法庭的规约、《国际刑事法院罗马规约》和《塞拉利昂问 题特别法庭规约》将基于性别的暴力(例如 奸 、 强迫 卖 淫 和 在 武装冲突中从事 贩卖)以及酷刑或其他残忍、不人道和侮辱人格的待遇和奴役罪包括在战争罪和 [...]
The statutes of the two International Tribunals created by the Security Council to address crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the statute of the Special Court for Sierra
Leone all include gender-based
[...] violence, such as rape, enforced prostitution and trafficking [...]
during armed conflict, as well
as torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and enslavement, within the definition of war crimes, crimes against humanity and as components of the crime of genocide.
伊朗还表示关切并请挪威说明有何能力解决以下问题:互联网上的儿童 色情制品、越来越多的奸,以 及使家庭的根基受到动摇的措施和法律。
It was also concerned about and requested clarification on the capacity to address issues such
as child pornography on the Internet, the
[...] rising number of rapes, and measures and [...]
legislation that endangered the foundation of the family.
1949 年 8 月 12 日日内瓦四公约《关于保护非国际性武装冲突受害者的附加议定书》(第二号 议定书),1977
[...] 年,第四条第二(五)款(注意:禁止“对人身尊严的侵犯,特别是侮辱性和降低 身分的待遇、奸、强迫卖淫和任 何形式的非礼侵犯”)。
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), 1977, art. 4, para. 2 (e) (noting the prohibition on “outrages upon personal
dignity, in particular humiliating and
[...] degrading treatment, rape, enforced prostitution and any form or [...]
indecent assault”).
还令委员会关注的是,监狱中 的大部分女性因淫、通奸、酗酒、非法或有伤风化的行为在公开或私设法庭获 刑,或是因为违反了家族传统和也门法律强加的行动限制。
The Committee is also concerned that the majority of
women in prison have
[...] been sentenced for prostitution, adultery, alcoholism, unlawful [...]
or indecent behaviour, in a private or public
setting, as well as for violating restrictions of movement imposed by family traditions and Yemeni laws; the Committee also notes with concern that such sentences are applied in a discriminatory way against women (arts. 11 and 16).
在刚果民主共和国,和我交 谈的一些女孩谈到“貌似淫的强奸 ” :她们说有人在强奸她们后给她们钱或食 物,以使强奸看起来像是一笔双方同意的交易。
Some young girls whom I spoke with in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
[...] talked of “rape disguised as prostitution”, in which they [...]
said they were raped and given
money or food afterwards to give the rape the appearance of a consensual transaction.
[...] 格的待遇和处罚;即决处决和法外处决;性暴力,包括 奸 、 性 虐待和性剥削行 为,以及出于歧视原因,侵害妇女的其它暴力形式。
These included: arbitrary detention; torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; summary
and extrajudicial executions; sexual
[...] violence, including rape, sexual abuse [...]
and sexual exploitation; and other forms of
violence grounded in discrimination against women.
特里尼达和多巴哥也赞赏圭亚那采取审慎的 态度,以对话和协商一致意见来取代冲突和争议;审查需要承担刑事责任的年
[...] 龄;发展全面的实证研究,以评估在中学系统中出现的 淫 现 象 ;拟定和实施干 预战略,以减少和消除对所有儿童的性剥削。
Trinidad and Tobago also appreciated the prudent approach taken to supplant conflict and contention with conversation and consensus; the review of the age of criminal responsibility; the development of
comprehensive empirical studies to
[...] assess the incidence of prostitution within the secondary [...]
school system; and the design and
implementation of intervention strategies to reduce and eliminate the sexual exploitation of all children.
(f) 擔任電影、報刊及物品管理副專員,以協助總監(
[...] 身分為電影、報 刊及物品管理專員) 執行淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》( 下稱「該條 [...]
例」)(第 390 章 ) ;監督有關該條例的公眾教育工作;協助相關的 決策局檢討該條例和其他執法工作,包括檢查所有在本港上映的
電影和執行《電影檢查條例》( 第 392 章 ) 。
(f) acting as Deputy Director of Films, Newspapers and Articles Administration to assist the DG Com (acting in the capacity of Director of Films, Newspapers and
Articles Administration) in enforcement of the
[...] Control of Obscene and Indecent [...]
Articles Ordinance (COIAO) (Cap. 390), overseeing
the public education work on COIAO, assisting the relevant policy bureau to review COIAO and other enforcement work, including censorship for all films exhibited in Hong Kong and enforcement of the Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap. 392).
过去两年来,议会批准了 7 份国际人权条约,即:《旨在废除死刑的公民及
[...] 防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》、《儿童权利公约 关于买卖儿童、儿童淫和儿 童色情制品问题的任择议定书》、《儿童权利公约关 于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》、《联合国反腐败公约》、国际劳工组织 [...] [...]
(劳工组织)《准予就业最低年龄公约》以及劳工组织《禁止和立即行动消除最恶 劣形式的童工劳动公约》。
Over the past two years, Parliament has ratified the following seven international human rights treaties: the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty; the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime; the Optional Protocol to the
Convention on the Rights of the
[...] Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child [...]
pornography; the Optional Protocol
to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict; the United Nations Convention against Corruption; the Minimum Age Convention of the International Labour Organization (ILO); and the ILO Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour.
又深为关切对女童的歧视以及对女童权利的侵犯往往导致减少女孩获得教 育的机会并降低其所获教育的质量,造成其营养和身心保健的机会减少,使女孩
在童年和少年期享受的权利、机会和福利少于男孩,使她们比男孩更容易受没有 保护的和不成熟的性关系的后果的影响,并使她们常常受到各种形式的文化、社
[...] 会、性和经济剥削及暴力,受害于虐待、 奸 、 乱 伦、与维护名誉有关犯罪以及 有害传统习俗,例如杀害女婴、童婚、逼婚、产前性别挑选和切割女性生殖器等
Deeply concerned also about discrimination against the girl child and the violation of the rights of the girl child, which often result in less access for girls to education, and to quality education, nutrition and physical and mental health care, in girls enjoying fewer of the rights, opportunities and benefits of childhood and adolescence than boys, and in leaving them more vulnerable than boys to the consequences of unprotected and premature sexual relations and often being subjected to various forms of cultural,
social, sexual and economic exploitation and
[...] violence, abuse, rape, incest, honour-related [...]
crimes and harmful traditional practices,
such as female infanticide, child and forced marriages, prenatal sex selection and female genital mutilation




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