

单词 新科技


创新科技 n

innovative industries pl

See also:

科技 pl

technologies pl

科技 adj



science and technology

External sources (not reviewed)

(h) 廣告( 不包括發放項目成果的廣 告,或招聘載列於核准預算內或 其後獲新科技署署長批准聘 請的人員)。
(h) advertisement (except for disseminating project deliverables; or recruitment of staff listed in the approved budget or subsequently approved by CIT).
itf.gov.hk 目的
[...] 營造有助電視市場蓬勃發展的環境、引進使用 新科技 的 創 新服務,以及促進香 港作為區內主要廣播中心的地位。
To create an environment conducive to the flourishing of television market
and to the introduction of innovative
[...] services using new technologies, and to enhance [...]
Hong Kong’s position as a leading broadcasting hub in the region.
参与者 的能力和知识库由此得到增强,能够更好地制订与 新科技 进 步 相关的科技教育政策及课程。
As a result, the capacity and knowledge base of the participants were
strengthened to better formulate STE polices and curricula relevant
[...] to the latest scientific and technological developments.
我們繼續 擴展一系列財富管理產品,並採 新科技 來 提 升核心銀行 服務的質素,包括拓展流動理財服務。
We continued to expand our range of wealth management
[...] products and deploy new technology to improve core [...]
banking services, including extending our mobile banking service.
應主席邀請,新科技署副署長根據政府當局 提交的CB(1)201/08-09(06)號文件所載的資料,向委 [...]
員簡介設立數碼娛樂培育及培訓(下稱"培育及培訓") 中心的背景、培育計劃的最新進展、培訓活動、拓 展國際網絡的工作,以及培育中心的成績,當中包
括現正培育的公司及畢業企業在國際和本地業界獲 取的獎項及榮譽。
At the invitation of the Chairman, the Deputy Commissioner
[...] for Innovation and Technology (DCIT) briefed [...]
members on the background of setting up
the Digital Entertainment Incubation-cum-Training (Incu-Train) Centre, the latest position of the incubation programme, training activities, international networking efforts, as well as the achievements of the Incu-Centre, including international and local industry awards and honours won by current incubates and alumni, as set out in the Administration's paper No. CB(1)201/08-09(06).
新科技產業 合作範疇,雙 方亦同意逐步把香港科研機構和企業納入國家創新體系,鼓勵香港 科研人員和機構參與國家科技計劃;並加強兩地在高新技術研發和 [...]
For cooperation in innovation and technology industry, both sides [...]
agree to progressively involve Hong Kong research institutes
and enterprises in the national innovation system and encourage Hong Kong research personnel and organizations to participate in national science and technology projects, and also to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two places in high technology research, development and application, fundamental scientific research, etc.
澳洲科技館是澳洲政府所建立,主要是為了推廣「澳洲是具有 新科技 和 進階技能的國度」。
The ATS is an initiative of Australian governments to promote Australia as a source of
[...] innovative technology and advanced skills.
本會促請環境運輸及工務局盡快就工商業污水附加費的徵 費準則及上訴機制進行全面檢討,以確保收費計劃公平及合
[...] 理,落實污染者自付的原則;此外,政府亦應扶助受影響的 人士及行業採用包括新科技的方 法,以進一步節省用水和 減少污染物的排放。
That this Council urges the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau to expeditiously conduct a comprehensive review of the basis for charging the trade effluent surcharge and its appeal mechanism with a view to ensuring that the charging scheme is fair and reasonable, and that the polluter pays principle is put into effect; furthermore, the Government should also assist the affected persons and
businesses in adopting various
[...] means including new and high technologies to further conserve [...]
water and reduce the discharge of effluent.
自从 1974 年以来,FIPC 的活动背景已经发生了深刻的变化,特别是因为联合国教科文 组织在文化领域的发展,这些发展有的是通过一般计划,有的是通过创新的伙伴关系或专项
[...] 基金来实现的;其他国际组织或发展银行在文化领域活动的扩展,国家和地区联盟或团体, 如欧盟,制定的支持文化产业的政策;以及文化融资的革新方式 新科技 的 出 现。
The context in which IFPC operates has changed tremendously since 1974, particularly as a result of the expansion of UNESCO’s cultural action, whether through the regular programme, innovative partnerships or specialized funds; greater involvement in the field of culture by other international organizations or development banks; policies in support of cultural industries implemented by States and regional unions
or communities such as the European Union; and the
[...] emergence of new technologies and innovative ways [...]
of funding culture.
我们新科技研发 部(NTD)多才多艺的团队成员致力开发新技术,创新团队开发了众多拥有独特视觉、感观和触感的产品和材料。
Our multi-talented team of
[...] our Novel Technology Development (NTD) has initiated new technologies and our Innovation [...]
team has developed
numerous innovative products and materials, each with their own unique look, feel, and touch.
約半數就標準專利制度發表意見的成員,贊同在香港設立「原授 專利」制度,當中有成員認為此舉有利於培育創意,吸引更多海
[...] 外企業在香港就其發明申請專利,以及推動香港發展成為區內新科技樞紐
Some consider that it would have the benefits of nurturing creativity, attracting more overseas enterprises to
apply for patents for their inventions in Hong Kong and developing Hong Kong into a
[...] regional innovation and technology hub.
最不发达国家的国家科学技术和 新(科技 创 新 ) 体 系 应该得到公共政策更 大的支持。
The national science, technology and innovation [...]
(STI) system in LDCs should receive greater public policy support.
不過CITE相信,這座城市將成新科技 面 世 之前的重要測試站,仿造真實世界條件後,研究員要測試構想時,即不必擔心在人口稠密的市區裡,太過耗時、花費太多、風險太高,例如在長五公里的高速公路上,測試無人駕駛卡車。
Mimicking real-world conditions, CITE will allow researchers to experiment with ideas that in populated cities would be too time-consuming, costly or risky – like the driverless trucks planned for its five-mile long freeway.
现已建造了一座采用新 科技的审 判室并翻修了其他设施,以保证高效率地开展司法活动。
A state-of-the-art courtroom was built and other facilities renovated in order to ensure efficient judicial activities.
憑藉其豐富經驗、新科技、簡 便易用及安全可靠的解決方案,諾基亞已成為全球最大的流動電話供應商,並同時在流動、固定及IP網絡上領導同儕。
Backed by its experience, innovation, [...]
user-friendliness and secure solutions, the company has become the leading supplier
of mobile phones and a leading supplier of mobile, fixed and IP networks.
(a) 科学、技术和新( 科技创新) 对实 现发展目标的潜在贡献,受到并且将 继续受到地方、国家和全球层面的结构性障碍和制度性弱点的制约,并且需要很 长时间建立技术和非技术性的本 科技 创 新 能 力
(a) The potential
[...] contribution of science, technology and innovation (STI) to the achievement of development goals is, and will continue to be, constrained by structural barriers and systemic weaknesses at local, national and global levels, and by the long lead time required to build indigenous technical and non-technical STI capabilities.
Thanks to the new technology boom (more than [...]
a quarter of software is produced in India), national growth has settled around
8% a year over the past five years and is driven by the services sector, which represents 60% of India's GDP.
另一 位專家則政府利用大眾媒體宣傳有關 新科技 產 業的資訊。此外,專家亦就財政支援提出不少措施 建議,詳情將在下文討論。
In addition, a number of initiatives were suggested concerning financial support, which we discuss below.
通过在三大初始领域内进行根本探索并测试方法、软件和标准 新科技 带 来 的创新成果向我们展示了让世界变得更安全的重要方式。
UL is proud to share New Science, a powerful initiative [...]
showcasing important ways we are making our world safer through
fundamental discovery, testing methodologies, software and standards across three initial areas.
2000 年,新科技署及 香港應用科技研究院(簡稱「應 科院」)成立,象徵了政府在推動 新科技 創 業 方面的努力。
In 2000, the creation of the
[...] Innovation and Technology Commission and the Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) showed that the government was favoring high technology entrepreneurship.
[...] 的工作而编写的材料对广大受众的有益性,并敦促人权高专办利用 新科技 和媒 体促进其工作。
The Board also acknowledged the usefulness of the materials that had been produced for promoting the
work of OHCHR to a wide audience and urged the Office to
[...] explore the latest technology and media in promoting [...]
its work.
5.7.1新 科 技 署 署 長 可 隨 時 基 於 下 列 原 因 , 終 止 個 別 項 目 或 暫 緩 發 放 小 型 企 業 研 究 資 助 計 劃 撥 款 , 其 中 主 要 包 括 : 項 目 缺 乏 實 質 進 展 ; 按 照 協 議 如 期 完 成 有 關 項 目 的 機 會 甚 微 ; 由 於 情 況 出 現 重 大 轉 變 而 令 項 目 原 來 的 目 標 再 不 能 配 合 產 業 的 需 要 ; 由 於 出 現 某 些 情 況 而 令 項 目 原 來 的 目 標 及 內 容 喪 失 意 義 ; 獲 款 公 司 未 能 提 供 其 投 放 資 金 的 證 據 或 要 求 的 報 告 和 帳 戶 ; 或新 科 技 署 署 長 基 於 公 眾 利 益 的 情 況 下 , 認 為 有 需 要 終 止 項 目 。
5.7.1 CIT may terminate a project or suspend the provision of SERAP Fund at any time for reasons which include, inter alia, lack of material progress of the project, slim chance of completion of the project in accordance with the Agreement, that the original objectives of the project are no longer relevant to the needs of the industry as a result of material change in the circumstances, that the objectives and relevance of the project have been overtaken by events, failure to produce evidence of the company’s contributions or produce the required reports or accounts, or in the circumstance CIT sees fit to terminate the project in public interest.
也能帮助更有效的利新科技信息,介绍各国家农工综合体的科学与机械成 就。
It will also help to make more
[...] effective use of new scientific-technical information and [...]
to introduce the achievements of science and machinery in agroindustrial complexes of our countries.
新科技署副署長黎志華先生(左)、韓國裝置藝術家安畢妍小姐(中)及香港科技園公司行政總裁陳蔭楠先生(右)參觀「藝術@科學園」的首個展覽 [...]
– 由國際知名的韓國裝置藝術家安畢妍小姐創作的最新作品「ADAMAO – Uncomplying Tunnel」。
Mr. Andrew Lai, Deputy Commissioner for
[...] Innovation and Technology (Left), Korean [...]
installation artist Miss Pilyun Ahn (Middle)
and Mr. E. Anthony Tan, CEO of HKSTPC (Right) visited “ADAMAO – Uncomplying Tunnel”, the first exhibition of “Art in the Park” launched by HKSTPC.
更新保护系统,定期举办讲习班,以盘点信息安全领域 新科技 进 展
Updating protection systems and
convening regular workshops to take stock
[...] of the latest in science in the area of the advancement [...]
of information security.
由于在 WIPO 的活动和倡议与广泛的千年发展目标指标之间无法建立一种直接的因果关系,因此我们认 为,应当将 WIPO 对这些科学技术、创新科技创新和 知 识产权相关需求/成果的进展/贡献转化为 WIPO 对千年发展目标所作的贡献。
Because a direct causal relationship cannot be established between
WIPO’s activities and
[...] initiatives and the broad MDG indicators, it should be accepted that progress/contribution by WIPO towards these STI and IP-related [...]
needs/outcomes translates
into WIPO contributing to the MDGs.
[...] [...] SE水冷散熱器,提供全方位且多元的散熱商品,包括DIY式、外接式、All-In-One、水氣冷waterblock、水冷散熱系統機殼等,Thermaltake產品設計師及工程師成功將理性與感性融合於產品之中,用以洞燭機先的精準眼光,不斷早一步發掘並滿足使用者需求,屢屢透過 新科技 的 應用改寫歷史,不但備受消費者推崇,更屢獲全球各項大獎肯定。
Thermaltake, the go-ahead for the liquid-cooling system 【Bigwater SE】to the PC gaming hardware and DIY market development was presented in 2002, the scene was set for expansion, and followed with variants of cooling system including the “DIY style”, “external style, “All-in-one Style”, “waterblock” and “liquid-cooling chassis” etc. The brand is therefore launching a new highlight with a new model series while continuing a tradition that has repeatedly met with great enthusiasm throughout the history of
the “Bigwater Series” and liquid-cooling
[...] chassis, with the new CPU liquid-cooling [...]
chassis 【Level 10 GT LCS】and CPU liquid
-cooling system 【Bigwater A80】&【Bigwater 760 PLUS】, which emphasize on their superior performance and state-of-the-art technology.
Synology is dedicated to taking full advantage
[...] of the latest technologies to bring businesses [...]
and home users reliable and affordable ways
to centralize data storage, simplify data backup, share and sync files across different platforms, and access data on-the-go.
[...] ,Panamera還擁有了多項首次應用於豪華性能跑車級距中的 新科技 , 包 括於各個懸吊彈簧上皆裝載額外氣瓶的全新保時捷自主調整氣壓式懸載系統,以及頂級Panamera [...]
Apart from the PDK Porsche-Doppelkupplungsgetriebe or Double-Clutch Gearbox and the first Start-Stop system in conjunction with automatic transmission, the technical innovations the Panamera is introducing for the first time in a
production model in the luxury
[...] performance class include Porsche’s new adaptive air suspension [...]
with additional air volume
on-demand in each spring as well as active aerodynamics featuring a rear spoiler with multi-dimensional adjustment moving up at the appropriate speed on the top-of-the-range Panamera Turbo.
為加快裝設升降機的進度和盡量減少對住戶造成不便,我們參考相關的海外經驗,並利 新科技 發 展 「預製升降機鋼塔的建造方法」,為水邊圍邨和彩虹邨樓層較少的樓宇加裝升降機。
To speed up the installation of lifts and minimize the nuisance caused to tenants, we have made
reference to relevant overseas
[...] experience and made use of new technology to develop a "Prefabricated [...]
steel lift tower construction
method" for adding lifts to low-rise blocks in Shui Pin Wai Estate and Choi Hung Estate.




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