

单词 新约全书

See also:


New Testament


book contract


entire multi-volume work
unabridged book
entire book
comprehensive volume

全新 adj

new adj
brand new adj
all-new adj


all new
completely new

External sources (not reviewed)

这部手稿共 669
[...] 页,包括米克劳乌斯·杰库比卡 (Miklawus Jakubica) 牧师所翻译的新约全书》的 完整下索布语译本。
This 669-page manuscript contains the complete
[...] translation of the New Testament into Lower Sorbian [...]
by Pastor Miklawus Jakubica.
厄瓜多尔国防部有“心灵援助”单元,其文字来自 新约全书 》。
Ecuador’s Ministry of Defense has a “Spiritual Help” section with
[...] passages from the New Testament.
两位特别报告员的意见在委员会内部得到颇多支持,如同最终通过的第 19 条草案评注所述,委员会面临在两种解决办法中选择其一:“(a) 不将任何带有 新保留的继承通知视为真正的继承 书 , 而 是在法律上将其视为加入处理;或 (b) 承认该通知具有继承性质,但同时对其适用有关保留的法律规则,就好比是 对同意接受约约束的全新表述
The view of the two Special Rapporteurs prevailed in the Commission, which, as indicated in the commentary to draft article 19 as finally adopted, had a choice between two alternatives: “(a) to decline to regard any notification of succession made
subject to new
[...] reservations as a true instrument of succession and to treat it in law as a case of accession, or (b) to accept it as having the character of a succession but at the same time apply to it the law governing reservations as if it were a wholly new expression of consent to be bound by the treaty”.
此外,阿尔及利亚、阿根廷、不丹和德国的部长们,联合国 书 长 , 《生 物多样性公约》、粮农组织、《防治荒漠化 约 》 全 球 机 制、农发基金、开发 署新闻部 、环境署、《气候公约》和气象组织的负责人向启动活动发来讯息, 以支持“十年”活动。
In addition, the Ministers from Algeria, Argentina, Bhutan and Germany sent messages to the launch and in support of the Decade campaign, as did the United Nations Secretary-General and the heads [...]
of the CBD, the FAO,
the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD, IFAD, UNDP, UN-DPI, UNEP, the UNFCCC and WMO.
土库曼斯坦已经批准了一些国际公约和协议,实施其裁军义务:《关于禁止 发展、生产、储存和使用化学武器及销毁此种武器的公约》、《不扩散核武器条约》、 《关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约》、 《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的 约 》 、 《全 面禁止核试验条约》、《制止恐怖主义爆炸的国际公约》、《打击非法制造和贩运枪 支及其零部件和弹药的议书》, 以及《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》。
Turkmenistan has ratified a number of international conventions and agreements for the implementation of its disarmament obligations: the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction; the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction; the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer
of Anti-Personnel
[...] Mines and on Their Destruction; the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty; the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings; the Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and [...]
Trafficking in Firearms,
Their Parts and Components and Ammunition; and the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.
(b) 关于争议法庭及其书记官处,鉴于上文第 42 至 44 段所述原因,秘 书 长
[...] 建议大会为该法庭再任命三名专职法官(日内瓦、内罗毕和纽约各一名),将约 书记官处的一个 P-2法律干事员额改叙为 P-3,并设立六新员额(3 个 P-3、2 个一般事务和 1 个一般事务(当地雇员))来协助新增专职法官的工作,自 [...]
2012 年 1月1日起生效。
(b) With respect to the Dispute Tribunal and its Registries, for the reasons set out in paragraphs 42-44 above, the Secretary-General recommends that the Assembly appoint three additional full-time judges (one each in
Geneva, Nairobi
[...] and New York) to the Tribunal, reclassify one P-2 Legal Officer post in the Registry in New York as a P-3 post [...]
and establish six new posts (3 P-3, 2 General Service
(Other level) and 1 General Service (Local level)) to support the additional full-time judges, effective 1 January 2012.
在作出任命新的行政长官 的决定之前新西兰外交和贸易 书约 翰 ·艾伦目前担任此职。
Pending a decision on the
[...] appointment of a new Administrator, the New Zealand Secretary of Foreign [...]
Affairs and Trade, John Allen,
currently acts in the position.
注意到伊拉克作为《蒙特利尔议书 》 新 缔 约 方 这 一特殊情况,以及正如《蒙特利尔议定 书》缔约方在其第二十次会议上所指出的,伊拉克在实现 全 淘 汰 附件 A 和附件 B 所列物质时可 能面临困难,谨建议执行委员会核准 Al Hadi 公司在生产软质片材泡沫的过程淘汰 CFC-11,转用 二氯甲烷的项目(项目总费用为 126,457 美元,外加工发组织 11,381 美元的机构支助费用),但不 [...]
Noting the special situation of Iraq as a new Party to the Montreal Protocol and the difficulties the Party may face in achieving the complete phase-out of Annexes A and B substances [...]
as noted by the Parties to the Montreal
Protocol at their 20th Meeting, the Executive Committee may wish to approve the project for the conversion from CFC-11 to methylene chloride in the production of flexible slabstock foam at Al Hadi Co.
法国还敦促该区域所有国家加入其他现有协定和其他 书 : 《 全 面 禁 止试验约》、 《关于禁止发展、生产、储存和使用化学武器及销毁此种武器的公约》、《禁 止细菌(生物)及毒素武器的发展、生产和储存以及销毁这类武器的公约》、《核材 [...]
料实物保护公约》、《制止核恐怖主义行为公约》、国际原子能机构(原子能机构) 各项附加议定书以及《防止弹道导弹扩散海牙行为准则》。
France also encourages all the States of the region
to become parties to the other
[...] conventions and instruments in place: the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty; the Convention on the Prohibition [...]
of the Development,
Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction; the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction; the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material; the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism; the additional protocols to the International Atomic Energy Agency comprehensive safeguards agreements; and the International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (The Hague Code of Conduct).
以色列的发言改变不了这样一个事实,即以色列 有着最长、最黑暗的恐怖主义记录,将需要一本百全书、一 座博物馆和一个档案馆来记录和揭露以色列 在其整个血腥历史上对巴勒斯坦人、叙利亚人、黎巴 嫩人、埃及人约旦人和其他人民犯下的灭绝种族罪、 战争罪和族裔清洗罪。
Israel’s statements do not alter the fact that Israel possesses the largest, blackest record of
terrorism, which would need an
[...] encyclopaedia, a museum and an archive to document and shed light on the crimes of genocide, war crimes and ethnic cleansing carried out against the Palestinians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Egyptians, the Jordanians and others by [...]
Israel throughout its bloody history.
该出版物已在伯尔尼、布鲁塞尔、日内瓦、内罗毕和 约 等 多 个 新书 发 布会 上向不同读者推介。
The publication was presented to different audiences at
[...] a number of book launches in Bern, Brussels, Geneva, Nairobi and New York.
它特别关注处于《蒙特利尔议定书》执行工作不同阶段的国家,所采取 的方式即把重点放在《蒙特利尔议 书 》 新 缔 约 方 、经济或政治不稳定的国家以及臭氧干 事更替频繁、需要采取更频繁能力建设措施的国家的具体需要上。
It pays special attention to countries in different stages of implementation of the MP by focusing on the specific needs of newcomers to the Protocol or countries in an economically or politically unstable situation as well as countries with a high turnover of ozone officers that require more frequent measures of capacity building.
此外,还有 13 名来自 世界各地显赫杰出人士出任委员,包括各国前首脑及部长、军事战略家及核裁 军专家,这些政要地位独特,为此事业带来 全新 而 又 充满想象力的见解:费 瑟亲王(沙特阿拉伯)、阿列克谢·阿伯托夫(俄罗斯)、格罗·哈莱姆·布伦特 兰(挪威)、弗雷纳 z 诺舍·金瓦拉(南非)、弗朗索瓦·埃斯柏格(法国)、贾汉 吉尔·卡拉麦特(巴基斯坦)、布拉杰什·米什拉(印度)、克劳斯·瑙曼(德国)、 威廉·佩里(美国)、王英凡(中国)、雪莉·威廉斯(英国)、维 约 诺 ·萨 斯特 罗汉约(印度 尼西亚,替代已故的阿里·阿拉塔斯)以及埃内斯托·塞迪略(墨 西哥)。
They were joined as Commissioners by thirteen eminent and outstanding individuals from around the world, including former heads of state and ministers, military strategists and
disarmament experts, all uniquely placed to bring
[...] fresh and imaginative vision to the undertaking: Turki Al Faisal (Saudi Arabia), Alexei Arbatov (Russian Federation), Gro Harlem Brundtland (Norway), Frene Noshir Ginwala (South Africa), François Heisbourg (France), Jehangir Karamat (Pakistan), Brajesh Mishra (India), Klaus Naumann (Germany), William Perry (United States), Wang Yingfan (China), Shirley Williams (United Kingdom), Wiryono Sastrohandoyo (Indonesia, replacing the late Ali Alatas) and Ernesto Zedillo (Mexico).
但我不能全确定 监督与执事的这种区别,因为“执事”一词 新约 里 的使用有时也不限于实际的事务,比如在【歌罗 西书 1:23 -25】里,保罗称他自己为教会的执事。
Though I'm not completely certain if that is the distinction between bishops and deacons, seeing as the greek word "deacon" is used many times in the New Testament and most commonly translated [...]
"minister", and its usage is often not limited to practical matters, such as in Colossians 1:23-25 where Paul speaks of
himself as a minister of the gospel.
他虽然赞成提交起草委员会,因为新的准则草案确实构成一种新颖而有创意 的处理办法,但他认为,评注中应当明确说明其设想的范围和所用术语的准确意 义,成立的保留不应被视为一全新 的 保 留种类,从而超出《维也纳 约 》 背后 的考虑。
While he was in favour of referral to the Drafting Committee, because the new draft guidelines did constitute a novel and original approach, he thought that the commentary should clearly explain their intended scope and the precise meaning of the terms used and that established
reservations should not
[...] be regarded as an entirely new category of reservations transcending the intentions behind the Vienna Convention.
国际危机组织每月发布约十二 页的《危机观察》 简报,针对新全球危机进展、特别是那些处于冲突中 心和具有潜在冲突可能性的国家定期提供分析报告。
Crisis Group also publishes CrisisWatch, a twelve-page monthly
bulletin, providing a
[...] succinct regular update on the state of play in all the most significant situations of conflict [...]
or potential conflict around the world.
同阿富汗人民缔新约,并 随时准备对这一努力给予 有力支持。欧洲联盟仍然充分致力于使阿富汗人民有 一个全和民主的未来。
The European Union remains fully committed to a secure and democratic future for the Afghan people.
作为与法国共同主持去年 9 月 24 日和 25 日举行 的促进全面禁止核试验约(全面禁 试条约)生效第 六次年度会议的国家,摩洛哥王国重申坚定致力于全面禁试条约》,因为该约是国际不扩散与裁军 架构的一项根本书。
As co-Chair with France of the sixth annual Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force
[...] of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) on 24 and 25 September last year, the Kingdom of Morocco reaffirmed its steadfast commitment to that Treaty, which is a fundamental instrument of the international [...]
non-proliferation and disarmament architecture.
我可以向安理会成员保证,在我们目前制定约 新战略概念的工作中,我们给全面 办 法它所应有的 突出位置。
And I can assure Council members that, in our
[...] current work on NATO’s new Strategic Concept, we are giving the comprehensive approach the [...]
prominent place that it deserves.
保护公约》和《修正案》(2006 年);《禁止细菌(生物)及毒素武器的发展、生产
[...] 和储存以及销毁这类武器的公约》;《关于禁止发展、生产、储存和使用化学武器 及销毁此种武器的约》;《1925 年日内瓦议书》;《全面禁 止核试验 约 》 ; 《防 止弹道导弹扩散海牙行为准则》;以及《制止核恐怖主义行为国际公约》。
These include: the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT); the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM) and Amendment (2006); the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (BTWC); the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons
and on Their
[...] Destruction (CWC); the 1925 Geneva Protocol; the Comprehensive Nuclear-TestBan Treaty (CTBT); the Hague [...]
Code of Conduct against Ballistic
Missile Proliferation (HCOC); and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism.
该《约》秘书处根据各缔约方提交的报告,发表了 2009 年该《约》全球执 行进展情况的总结报告。
On the basis of the reports submitted by
[...] parties, the Convention secretariat has published the 2009 Summary Report on global progress in the implementation of the Convention.
我们呼吁尚未加入《不扩 散条约》和《化学武器公约》及《生物武器公约》的 国家、尚未批准和签署《全面禁止核试验 约 》(全 面禁 试条约)以及尚未与国际原子能机构(原子能机 构)缔结全面保障监督协定和附加议 书 的 该 区域国 家采取这些举措。
We call on all States in the region that have not yet done so to accede to the NPT and to the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions, to ratify and sign the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and to conclude comprehensive safeguards agreements and an additional protocol with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
169 号公约》或《经济、社会、文化权利国际约任择 议定书》,但它已着手批准《儿童权利 约 关 于 买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和 儿童色情制品问题的任择议书》。 新 西 兰 还审议了为批准《保护所有人免遭强 迫失踪公约》需要作出哪些立法改革,并着手逐步撤销对人权条约的剩余几项 保留。
New Zealand was
[...] also examining which legislative reforms would be required to move towards ratifying the Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, and was committed to working [...]
towards a withdrawal of its few remaining reservations to human rights treaties.
美国新的《核态势评估报告》继续强 调维持核武器和过时的威慑政策、为美国核武库现代化分 新 的 特 别预算、批准 《全面禁止核试验约》(《全面禁试 条 约 》 )毫 无进展以及 新 的 《 核态势评估 报告》中为保持核武器寻找新的借口,凡此种种清楚地表明这个国家持续采取政 策逃避消除其核武库的义务。
The continued emphasis of the United States new Nuclear Posture Review on maintaining nuclear
weapons and the obsolete
[...] deterrence policy, new extraordinary budget allocations to the modernization of the United States arsenals, no movement towards ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, and raising new excuses for keeping nuclear weapons in the new Nuclear Posture [...]
Review, are clear
indications of the continued policy of this State to evade its obligation to eliminate its nuclear arsenals.
[...] 诸如与具有联合国咨商关系的非政府组织会议、联合国训练研究所 全 球 契 约、 新闻部 、联合国协会世界联合会、与非政府组织联络处以及联合国开发计划署南 [...]
The NonGovernmental Organizations Section had been instrumental in forging several key partnerships in that regard, such as with the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United
Nations, the United Nations Institute
[...] for Training and Research, the Global Compact, the [...]
Department of Public Information,
the World Federation United Nations Associations, the Non-governmental Liaison Service and the United Nations Development Programme Special Unit for South-South Cooperation.
其中包括修订的《公约》资料包“荒漠 化:视频综合介绍”、《约》新闻 季刊、篇幅为两页的主题概况介绍 书 、以 及关于防治荒漠化世界日的推介录像、招贴画、明信片、贴纸、小册子、只读光 盘和展览展示。
These included
[...] the revised UNCCD information kit “Desertification: a visual synthesis”, the quarterly UNCCD News, two-page [...]
thematic factsheet
series, WDCD promotional videos, posters, postcards, stickers, leaflets, CD-ROMs and exhibition displays.
[...] 会政策和以知识为依托的新可持续生产体制的背景下应扮演何种角色展开更广泛 的讨论,并明确高校应如何通过自愿实现改良和现代化来 新书 写 高 校和社会之 间的社会约。
To give new impetus to the Spanish university system, the University Strategy 2015 has been set in motion, intended to serve as a catalyst for a much broader discussion on the role of the university in new social policies and in the new, knowledge-based sustainable
production system, as well as a
[...] discussion on how to rewrite this new social contract between university [...]
and society based on a
voluntary decision to improve and modernize the universities.
巴拿马加入了以下关于这个问题的相关国际 书 : 《 不扩散核武器条约》(《不 扩散条约》)、《拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器条约》(《特拉特洛尔科 约 》 )和 《全面禁止核试验约》(《全面禁 试条约》)。
Panama is a party to the following
[...] international instruments on the subject: the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT); the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco); and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.
现在,我们已公开了收录有4,718件中国文化大革命(1966-1976年)第一手资料的“文化大革命资料数据库”、以及包括由东亚同文书院发行合计39卷的《支那经 全书 》 、 《支那省 全 志 》、 《 新 修 支那省别全志》在内的“东亚同文书院中国调查志数据库”、作为战前珍贵图片研究资料的“中国战前美术明信片数据库”、ICCS各研究小组在中国各地拍摄的“现代中国照片资料数据库”、收录有ICCS发行的所有报告集的“研究成果数据库”等。
Presently, several databases are open to the public, including the “Cultural Revolution Database,” which catalogs 4,718 original documents pertaining to the Cultural Revolution of China
(1966–1976), the “Toa
[...] Dobunshoin Database of Research Magazines on China” that catalogs 39 vol. of publications from Toa Dobunshoin University that include China’s Economy, China’s Government, and China’s Government: A New Edition, the “Database [...]
of Images from Pre-war
China’s postcards” that contains pictures valuable to Modern Sinology, the “Modern Sinology Photo Database” containing pictures taken of locations throughout China by different ICCS research groups, and the “Database of Research Results” containing all reports published by ICCS.
一个有趣的Babli语言特点是,tannaitic传统,尤其是故事,偶尔会给出 全 阿 拉 姆语,或轶事,在希伯来文开始,是继续在阿拉姆(如故事,被指定为baraita,关 约书 亚 b事 实。
An interesting linguistic peculiarity of Babli is the fact that tannaitic traditions,
especially stories, are
[...] occasionally given entirely in Aramaic, or an anecdote, begun in Hebrew, is continued in Aramaic (such as the story, designated by as a baraita, concerning Joshua b. Peraḥyah [...]
and his pupil Jesus [Sanh. 107b]).




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