

单词 新罕布什尔州

See also:


Bushehr Province of south Iran, bordering on the Persian Gulf
Bushehr, port city, capital of Bushehr Province


Bush (name)
George H.W. Bush, US president 1988-1992
George W. Bush, US President 2000-2008

布什 n

Bush n

External sources (not reviewed)

公司在美新罕布什尔州还拥 有 10 万平方英尺的业务开发基地,主要提供业务管理、营销、设计和产品测试。
The company also has a 100K sq. ft. business
[...] development facility in New Hampshire that houses business [...]
management, marketing, design, and product test.
丹伯里新罕布什尔州,20 10年10月30日– 我们的EB-5区域中心认证的正式申请已经正式提交美国国土安全部(DHS)所属的美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)。
Danbury, New Hampshire, October 30, 2010 – Our [...]
official application to become certified EB-5 regional center has been received
by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), a bureau of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Vectron International总部设立新罕布什尔州哈 得 孙,并在北美、欧洲和亚洲设有运营设施和销售办事处。
Vectron International is headquartered in Hudson, NH and has operating facilities and sales offices in North America, Europe and Asia.
公司在美新罕布什维尔州拉科 尼亚、意大利博洛尼亚、中国东莞、中国上海和印度瓦多达拉等地设有生产基地,并在全球各地设有销售办事处。
The Company has production facilities located in Laconia, NH, Bologna, Italy and Dong Guan, China, Shanghai, and Vadodara, India and sales offices throughout the world.
这项法律适用于新罕布什尔州进行 商业活动,并占有或许 可使用计算机处理数据(包括个人身份信息)的任何个人、公司、信托、合伙企业、法人团体和非法人团体、 有限责任公司或其他形式的实体,或者任何机构、权威部门、董事会、法院、部门、分支机构、委员会、机构、 局或其他州政府机构或任何州行政部门。
The law applies to any individual, corporation, trust, partnership, incorporated or unincorporated association, limited liability company, or other form of entity, or any agency, authority, board, court, department, division, commission, institution, bureau, or other state governmental entity, or any political subdivision of the state doing business in New Hampshire that owns or licenses computerized data that includes personally identifiable information.
我们以有限合伙人的方式出让99%的股权,换取的3500万美元会用来投资锯齿山度假中心整体规划中的部分扩建,这个项目获得新罕布什尔州 E B - 5区域中心的大力支持,同时也是一个获批准的EB-5投资项目。
We are offering 99% ownership in a limited partnership in exchange for $35 million that will fund this component of our master
plan – a project which has secured
[...] the support of the New Hampshire EB-5 Regional [...]
Center and is an EB-5 approved investment.
该公司致力于为美国空调 及制冷业、原始设备制造商和水暖管分销商生产各类铜管材。及 时向客户交付产品是一项高科技作业,我们在俄亥俄州、新泽西 州、伊利诺伊州、佐治亚州、田纳西州、北卡罗来纳州、密西西州、新罕布什尔州、得 克萨斯州和密苏里州都设有配送中心。
Wieland Copper Products manufactures various types of copper tubing for the air conditioning and refrigeration industries, original equipment manufacturers, and plumbing tube distributors in the U.S. It’s a high-tech operation that provides just-in-time product
availability to customers with
[...] distribution centers in Ohio, New Jersey, Illinois, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Texas and [...]
第二次世界大战中的1944年,同盟国的代表汇集在美国西北新罕布什尔州 的 布 雷顿森林这个偏僻的乡村,就如何构建战后的世界经济进行商谈,这是最早的开始。
They began in 1944 during the Second World War, when representatives of the
allied nations met in the rural area
[...] of Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in the northeastern [...]
United States to talk about how
to form a framework for the global economy following the war.
新罕布什尔州最著 名的是她是美国总统竞选预选的第二站,每次总统竞选时民主党和共和党都要在这个州选举党的参选候选人。
Concord is the state capital, while Manchester is the largest city in the state. It has no general sales tax, nor is personal income (other than interest and dividends) taxed at either the state or local level.
我们的最终目标自始至终都是帮助他们打造高效的能源系统,使其从竞争对手中脱颖而出,”办公地点位于美新罕布什尔州 哈 得 逊市的斯维奇公司副总裁Anders Troedson说道。
Since day one, we have worked closely with Tecogen and our ultimate goal has always been to help distinguish them from their competitors with
high-efficiency energy systems,” said Anders Troedson, Vice President of
[...] The Switch, based in Hudson, New Hampshire, USA.
他毕业于哈佛大学,拥有宗教研究和教育学高级学位,并从华盛顿乔治城大学外交学院获得荣誉学士学位。他整个职业生涯都是在诸新罕布什尔州 P h i ll ips Exeter Academy和华盛顿西雅图Lakeside School这样的精英学校工作,在这些学校担任过历史系主任和资深教师辅导员。
He was graduated from Harvard University with advanced degrees in the study of Religion and in Education, and earned his undergraduate degree with Honors from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.  He has
spent his entire career at
[...] schools such as Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire and Lakeside School [...]
in Seattle, Washington,
where he was head of the History Department and a senior mentor to teachers.
这些设计服务可能作为产品解决方案的一部分提供,也可能通过位 新罕布什 维 尔州 、 加利福尼亚州和印度的专业工程和设计咨询机构以合同方式履行。
These design services may be offered as part of a product solution or
carried out on contract through specialized engineering and design
[...] consulting offices in New Hampshire, California and India.
我在研究事业刚刚起步时,曾有 幸参加新罕布什尔的一 个滑雪屋里举行的一个只有不到 20 [...]
人参 加的小会议。
Early in my research career I was fortunate enough to be invited to attend a conference of less
[...] than 20 people in a New Hampshire ski chalet.
[...] J.列文森,母亲是玛利亚 赫兹 列文森,马克列文森成长与波士顿一带,后来又搬去 新罕布什尔 , 康 奈提 州。
Born in Oakland, California in 1946, to
Daniel J. Levinson and Maria Hertz Levinson, Mark Levinson grew up in
[...] the Boston area and later moved to New Haven, CT.
例 如,在初選期間排名第三、第四或第五的候選
[...] 人會在每天的日程中塞進更多活動,特別是在 艾奧瓦(全國最早舉行黨內預選州) 和 新罕布 什爾(全國最早舉行初選的州)這樣的關鍵性小 州;在這裡,「零售政治」,即與選民進行面 [...]
對面的接觸,不僅十分關鍵,而且也是人們所 期待的。
A candidate who is running third or fourth or fifth in the primaries, for instance, will try to cram more events into the day, particularly
in the small but crucial
[...] states of Iowa (first caucus in the nation) and New Hampshire (first primary), [...]
where “retail politics”
— face-to-face contact with the voters — is not only essential but expected.
[...] 從目前的情況看,將在2月5日一系 列預選之前舉行的艾奧瓦州黨內預選 新罕布什 爾州初選 ,仍會是美國人民看好那位參選人的重 [...]
Hagstrom: So far, it looks like the
[...] Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, which [...]
will be held before these February 5
primaries, will still be important in giving a signal of whom the American people like.
圖一新罕布什爾州Newin gton週五遭大雪襲擊,交通遇到嚴重阻礙,圖為車輛在覆蓋冰雪的公路上緩慢前行。
Cars are stuck in traffic as a winter storm arrives , Friday, Feb. 8, 2013 in Newington, N.H. Snow began to fall around the Northeast on Friday at the start of what’s predicted to be a massive, possibly historic blizzard, and residents scurried to stock up on food and supplies ahead of the storm.
一个附近地区的管理员罕默德.阿 什尔 拉 耶 (Mohammed Asheraye)承诺跟随阿米巴拉区和阿瓦什-分泰利区的脚步,并在不远的将来 布 废 止 割礼习俗。
Mohammed Asheraye, administrator of a neighbouring district, promised to follow in the footsteps of Amibara and Awash-Fentale and declare abandonment of cutting in his district in the near future.
报告覆盖范围包括亚太地区、曼 谷、巴塞罗那、柏林、北京、布里斯班、布里斯 尔、 布鲁塞尔、布达佩 斯、伦敦中心区、成都、重庆、大连、 爱丁堡、欧洲地区、法兰克福、格拉斯哥、 广 州 、 杭 州、 胡志明市、雅加达、香港、印度、日本、吉隆坡、卢森 堡、马德里、曼彻斯特、墨尔本、米兰、南京、纽卡尔、巴黎、波兰布拉格 、青岛、罗马、 尔 、 上 海、 沉阳、深圳新加坡 、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼、台北、天津、 乌克兰、华沙、武汉、西安。
Coverage includes Asia Pacific, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin,
[...] Brisbane, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Central London, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Edinburgh, Europe, Frankfurt, Glasgow, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, India, Jakarta, Japan, Kuala Lumpur, Luxembourg, Madrid, Manchester, Melbourne, Milan, Nanjing, Newcastle, Paris, Poland, Prague, Qingdao, Rome, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Taipei, Tianjin, Ukraine, Warsaw, Wuhan, Xian.
代表团成员组成情况如下: 阿格申·梅赫迪耶夫大使(阿塞拜疆) 田林参赞(中国)
[...] 热拉尔·阿罗大使(法国) 格特·罗森塔尔大使(危地马拉) 彼得·维蒂希大使(德国) 哈迪普·辛格·普里大使(印度) 穆罕默德·卢什基大使(摩洛哥) 拉扎·巴尔·塔拉尔大使(巴基斯坦) 若奥·卡布拉尔大使(葡萄牙) 尼基塔·朱可夫大使(俄罗斯联邦) 巴索·桑库大使(南非) 科乔·梅南大使(多哥) [...]
马克·莱尔·格兰特大使(联合王国) 苏珊·赖斯大使(美国)
Ambassador Agshin Mehdiyev (Azerbaijan) Counsellor Lin Tian (China) Ambassador Néstor Osorio (Colombia) Ambassador Gérard Araud (France) Ambassador Peter Wittig (Germany) Ambassador Gert Rosenthal (Guatemala)
Ambassador Hardeep Singh
[...] Puri (India) Ambassador Mohammed Loulichki (Morocco) Ambassador Raza Bashir Tarar (Pakistan) Ambassador João Cabral (Portugal) Ambassador Nikita [...]
Zhukov (Russian
Federation) Ambassador Baso Sangqu (South Africa) Ambassador Kodjo Menan (Togo) Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant (United Kingdom) Ambassador Susan Rice (United States)
缅因州(//)是美国东北部新英格蘭的一个州,位於美國東北角,北鄰加拿大的魁北克省,東鄰加拿大的新不倫瑞克省以及大西洋,西靠美國 新罕布什 爾 州。
Maine is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and
south, New Hampshire to the west, and the Canadian provinces of Quebec to
[...] the northwest and New Brunswick to the [...]
2007年10月,加拿大最重要的「私人商標瓶裝水公司」冰河泉水(Ice River Springs)宣布,他們將會在美國開設兩家瓶裝水廠,其中一間會建 新罕布什 爾 州 、 接 近佛蒙特州邊界的克萊蒙(Claremont)。
In October of 2007, Ice River Springs (aka Aquafarms and Aquafarms 93) one of Canada’s paramount “private label bottled-water companies”
announced that it would be
[...] opening two new bottling plants in the U.S., one of those plants being constructed on the New Hampshire/Vermont border in Claremont, New Hampshire.
各位部长欢迎布提和 平进程中取得的积极的政治发展与进步,包括任命罕默德·阿卜杜拉希·穆罕默德 阁下为索马里过渡政府总理和组 新 的 技术 官僚内阁,并保证获得其承诺和支持。
The Ministers welcomed the positive political
developments and
[...] progress made in the Djibouti peace process, including the appointment of H.E. Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed as the Prime Minister of the TFG of Somalia and the formation of the new technocratic cabinet [...]
and assured their commitment and support.
主张自由邦的人民民主党和主张独立的波多黎各独立党的 领袖都说,此举表布什总统 没有认真打算在不久的未来就波多黎各的政治地位 采取行动,而主张州的新进步党则予以欢迎,认为这项宣告表示在哥伦比亚特 区华盛顿的美国政府有意在波多黎各和美国 2004 年 11 月大选后处理这个问题。
Leaders of both the pro-Commonwealth PPD and the pro-independence
PIP have said that the
[...] move did not indicate any serious intention on the part of President Bush to take action on the political status of Puerto Rico in the near future, [...]
while the pro-statehood
PNP welcomed the announcement as a sign that Washington, D.C., was interested in dealing with the issue after the Puerto Rico and United States elections in November 2004.
Pramerica 总部设于新泽西州麦迪 逊,在亚特兰大、芝加哥、纽约、旧金山、迈阿密、伦敦、里斯本卢森堡、慕尼黑、巴黎、伊斯 布尔 、 阿 布 扎 比 、墨西哥城、圣保罗、北京、香港、 尔 、 新 加 坡 和东京均设有办事处。
Headquartered in Madison, New Jersey, Pramerica has other offices in Atlanta, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Miami, London, Lisbon Luxembourg, Munich, Paris, Istanbul, Abu Dhabi, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore and Tokyo.
延长羁押候审期的申请书由犯罪实施地点或预审所在地的区(市)刑事法院、 州、地区军事法院的法官单独审查,如果上述法院的法官缺席或者因故不能参与 审查延长羁押候审期申请书时,申请书应根据卡拉 尔 帕 克 斯坦共和国最高刑事 案件法院州刑事法院、什干市 刑事法院、乌兹别克斯坦共和国军事法院的院 长令由相关法院的法官审查。
The application to extend the period of remand in custody is considered by a singlejudge court in a district or municipal criminal court or a district or territorial military court in the place where the offence was committed or where the pretrial investigation is being conducted; in the absence of the judge of that court or under circumstances which prevent him or her from participating in the examination of the case file, the application is considered by a judge from another appropriate court, designated by the President of the Supreme Criminal Court of the Republic of Qoraqalpog’iston, a criminal court of the city of Tashkent or a province or the Military Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
德事商务中心 (The
[...] Executive Centre) 于1994年创建,是亚洲顶尖服务式办公室供应商,共有50个商务中心,覆盖18个亚太区一线城市,包括香港、北京、成都、上海、天津、深圳、 广 州 、 澳 门、台北、东京、 尔 、 新 加 坡 、雅加达、孟买、古尔冈 布 里 斯班、珀斯和悉尼。
Founded in 1994, The Executive Centre is Asia's leading premium serviced office provider, with 50 centres across 18 major cities including Hong
Kong, Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai,
[...] Tianjin, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Macau, Taipei, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Jakarta, Mumbai, Gurgaon, Brisbane, Perth and Sydney .
例如,设在乌兹别克斯坦撒尔罕的 国 际中亚问题研究所 (IICAS) 和设在蒙古的国际游牧民族文化研究所(IISNC)在中亚文化间对话项目框架内与教 科文组织什干办 事处和北京办事处进行了密切合作,以实施有关推动中亚内外智力合作的 计划,提高在整个地区的知名度和宣传知识,特别是宣传游牧民族研究方面的知识。
For example, the International Institute
for Central Asian
[...] Studies (IICAS) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan and the International Institute for the Study of Nomadic Civilizations (IISNC) in Mongolia are working in close cooperation with the Tashkent and Beijing UNESCO [...]
Offices within the framework
of the Project on Intercultural Dialogue in Central Asia to implement programmes which foster intellectual cooperation in Central Asia and abroad in order to improve visibility and promote knowledge of the region in general and nomadic studies in particular.




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