单词 | 新篇章 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 新篇章 noun —new chapter nSee also:篇章 n—chapter n • writing n 篇章—sections and chapters 篇—sheet • piece of writing • bound set of bamboo slips used for record keeping (old) 章 n—chapter n • section n • order n • regulation n • seal n • badge n
我们希望,通过我们的集体努力,索马里人民将 能于 8 月份翻开其历史的新篇章,在 该国实现可持续 和平与持久稳定。 daccess-ods.un.org | We hope that, with our collective efforts, the people of Somalia will [...] be able to turn a new page in their history [...]in August and achieve sustainable peace [...]and enduring stability in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
藝術臻品Gouverneur系列腕錶,憑藉其空前創意,細說伯爵的超薄傳奇,書寫伯爵製錶歷史的 創 新篇章。 piaget.com.hk | The state-of-the-art Gouverneur collection, on the other hand, illustrates the legendary and trail-blazing history of the Maison. piaget.com |
1995年FRED公司加盟LVMH 集团,掀开了它的历史新篇章。 lvmh.cn | In 1995 the FRED House joined the LVMH Group and [...] started the second chapter of its history. lvmh.com |
張學明議員所 提的議案 , 內 裏 包 含多項積極進取的 保 育 建 議,當 局 宜 虛 心 考慮, 予 以 落 實 , 投 放更大的心 力 與 資 源 , 與 社 會 各 界 , 並 肩 攜 手 , 譜寫自然保育 的 新 篇 章 。 legco.gov.hk | The motion proposed by Mr CHEUNG Hok-ming includes many proactive and aggressive conservation proposals which merit modest consideration and implementation by the authorities. legco.gov.hk |
(l) 加入一個新篇章,內 容關於在學校進行或有學生參與的競選 活動 legco.gov.hk | (l) adding a new chapter on electioneering [...] activities conducted in schools or participated by school pupils legco.gov.hk |
两年前,正是从这个讲台上,我表示有两种方法 可以摆脱共产主义并翻开历史的 新篇章 — —瓦奇拉 夫·哈韦尔的方法和斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇的方法, 一种是开明的民主和容忍的方法,而另一种是极权主 义和族裔民族主义的方法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two years ago, from this very podium, I suggested that there were two ways to leave communism behind and to re-enter history — the way of Vaclav Havel and the way of Slobodan Milošević, the way of liberal democracy and tolerance, on one side, and the way of authoritarianism and ethnic nationalism, on the other. daccess-ods.un.org |
安理会成员祝贺秘书长对利比亚进行了及时访问,同意国际社会和安全理事 会应继续承诺支持利比亚人民谱写历 史 新篇章。 daccess-ods.un.org | Council members congratulated the Secretary-General on his timely visit to Libya and concurred on the need for the international [...] community and the Security Council to remain committed to supporting the [...] Libyan people in this new chapter of their history. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在是翻开新的一页,开启阿富汗历 史新 篇章的时 候了;是秉持我们崇高的宗教——伊斯 兰教的真正精神,按照阿富汗人的光荣传统,团 结阿富汗人民的力量,建设和平,实现阿富汗繁 荣的时候了。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is time to now combine the strengths of the Afghan people, in the true spirit of our noble religion, Islam, and in accordance with the glorious traditions of the Afghans to build peace and bring prosperity to Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这个未来中,所有的澳大利亚人,不论其族 [...] 裔,都将是真正平等的伙伴,在为澳大利亚这一 伟大国度书写历史新篇章时, 具有平等的机会并 承担平等的责任。 australia-unsc.gov.au | A future where all Australians, whatever their origins, are truly equal partners, with [...] equal opportunities and with an equal stake in [...] shaping the next chapter in the history of this great [...]country, Australia. australia-unsc.gov.au |
伦敦会议决定在阿富汗政府与国际社会的伙伴关系上开启一 个 新篇章 , 让 阿富汗 人民在管理自己的安全和发展方面承担更多的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council took note of the decision of the [...] Conference to open a new chapter in the partnership [...]between the Government of Afghanistan [...]and the international community in order to increase the responsibility of the Afghans for managing their security and development. daccess-ods.un.org |
现代时尚、配备精良、色调明快 Crystal 厨房门采用铝制或钢化玻璃,开创了厨房设计中功能与个性完美融合的 崭 新篇章 , 不仅能彰显高贵典雅中的个性生活,同时呈现了享受美食和休闲娱乐的绝佳场所。 scavolini.cn | With its aluminium and tempered glass doors, [...] Crystal opens out new horizons for functionality and personalisation in kitchen design, ready to provide a classy backdrop for the individual lifestyle, [...]and an outstanding context [...]for fine food and entertaining. scavolini.us |
他的太空飞行是 20 世纪最引人注目和最重 要的事件之一,翻开了人类历史的 新篇章。 daccess-ods.un.org | His flight became one of the most striking and significant events of the twentieth [...] century, starting a new chapter in the history of [...]mankind. daccess-ods.un.org |
2月底,太平洋造船集团在其旗下扬州大洋船厂举行了隆重的CROWN63命名交船仪式,将首艘CROWN63成功交付于欧洲买家,拉开了其布局大灵便型散货船市场 的 新篇章。 sinopacificshipbuilding.com | In the end of February, SINOPACIFIC Shipbuilding Group held a grand naming and delivery ceremony at its Yangzhou Dayang Shipyard to deliver the first CROWN63 Ultra-max bulk carrier to the European ship owner. sinopacificshipbuilding.com |
Continuum主导了概念设计和产品构架,Pentagram(五芒星设计)与Red Hat(红帽子,全球最大的开源技术厂家)合作主导产品用户界面设计,Fuse Project 工作室负责最终设计和产品品牌,而Quanta Computer(广达电脑公司)将这些设计从纸上搬到现实中,生产出数百万XO型笔记本电脑,让孩子们的生活迈 入 新篇章。 continuuminnovation.com | Continuum led the conceptual design and product architecture, Pentagram led the product UI in collaboration with Redhat, Fuse Project completed the final design embodiment and product branding, and Quanta Computer made it all real, manufacturing millions of XO laptops – dramatically changing the lives of children around the world. continuuminnovation.com |
中国第一条自行设计和施工的铁路在国内投入使用,揭开了中国铁路发展史 的 新篇章 life.bosch.com.cn | The first Chinese-designed and built railway in the country [...] turns over a brand-new page in the history [...]of China railway development life.bosch.com.cn |
總括而言,本集團對二零一一年全年之發展前景仍持謹慎樂觀態度,堅信公司已為二 零一二年之全新篇章奠定了穩固根基。 excel.com.hk | Overall, we are still conservatively optimistic about [...] the outlook for the whole of 2011, and remain confident that we have laid a strong [...] foundation for a new beginning in 2012. excel.com.hk |
2月5日本周日,随着斯米诺夜生活交流项目舞蹈大赛获胜者Lil Buck的出场,麦当娜与斯米诺的合作将翻 开 新篇章 , Li l Buck将加入物质女郎伴舞团队,在普利司通超级碗中场秀演出时进行表演。 tipschina.gov.cn | The second chapter of the ongoing Madonna and Smirnoff partnership begins this Sunday, February 5 with the appearance of Lil Buck, the winner of the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project Dance Competition, as he joins The Material Girl's dance ensemble at the Bridgestone Super Bowl Halftime Show. tipschina.gov.cn |
这些系列会议的初衷是把哲学家、神 [...] 学家、管理学者、商业领袖聚集起来,对话交流,启迪思考,揭开 人类文明发展的新篇章。 ceibs.edu | They are designed to bring together [...] philosophers, theologians, management scholars and business leaders to engage in reflection and [...] dialogue and to find new grounding. ceibs.edu.cn |
凭借 TIA 博途,西门子翻开了工程组态平台的 新篇章 , 提 供各种完美的自动化解决方案,涵盖全球各行业各领域。 industry.siemens.com | TIA Portal is the key to unlocking the full potential of Totally Integrated Automation. The software optimizes all planning, machine and process procedures. industry.siemens.com |
2013年,拥有24,000名专业人才的文思海辉翻开了振奋人心 的 新篇章 ! 全体文思海辉人众志成城,将一如既往地用我们的远见卓识、专业技术以及科学的流程,继续为客户创造更大的商业价值,推动文思海辉建立全球伙伴关系的使命。 pactera.com | 2013 starts an exciting new chapter for 24,000 talented [...] professionals who share Pactera’s mission to forge global partnership [...]by bringing insight, technology and processes that propel creation of business value. pactera.com |
有了您们的参与,奥林匹克停战将在 [...] 2012 年和平日有史以来首次迎来全 球停战—— 您将为谱写历史新篇章贡献力量... peaceoneday.org | With your involvement, the Olympic Truce will have [...] brought about the first ever Global Truce on Peace Day 2012 - you will be [...] helping to write the next chapter of the story... peaceoneday.org |
随着设备及带宽密集型多媒体应用的数量不断增长,对无线网络提出了更高的需求,802.11ac作为Wi-Fi技术演进的 最 新篇章 , 扩 大了性能和覆盖范围,在日益拥挤的网络中实现了高清视频级连接。 qualcomm.cn | With the growing number of devices and bandwidth-intensive multimedia applications placing [...] greater demands on wireless networks, [...] 802.11ac—the newest chapter in the Wi-Fi technology [...]evolution—expands performance and [...]coverage to enable HD video-grade connectivity across increasingly crowded networks. qualcomm.eu |
艺术臻品Gouverneur系列腕表,凭借其空前创意,细说伯爵的超薄传奇,书写伯爵制表历史的 创 新篇章。 piaget.com.cn | The state-of-the-art Gouverneur collection, on the other hand, illustrates the legendary and trail-blazing history of the Maison. piaget.com |
我们精益求精,以求续写柯达辉煌的历史,成为其动人 的 新篇章。 graphics.kodak.com | We’re looking for the best of the best to be part [...] of the next exciting chapter in Kodak’s rich history. graphics.kodak.com |
雙方相信,憑藉 Redevco 在國際零售市場的經驗及其零售發展與管理的專長, 結合瑞安房地產卓越的開發理念及對本地市場和客戶的理解,雙方的合作將引入 先進及具有國際水準的零售地產行業的經營理念、管理水準,為武漢乃至整個中 國市場的消費者創造精彩的購物、餐飲、娛樂體驗,開拓中國零售地產行業 的新 篇章。 shuion.com | By combining Redevco’s experience in international retail markets and expertise in retail development and management,, with Shui On Land’s renowned development concepts and understanding of local market and customers, both companies are confident that this strategic partnership will lead to a modern, well managed international standard shopping centre, and thereby creating an exciting shopping, F&B, and entertainment experience for customers in Wuhan and throughout China. shuion.com |
在迎接保時捷中國輝煌未來新篇章的 重 要時刻,我們帶來了一系列完美體現‘創新•未來’理念的最新汽車技術。 pap.porsche.com | As we stand at the beginnings of an exciting future for Porsche in China, we present an array of technology that truly exhibits ‘Innovation for Tomorrow’. pap.porsche.com |
全亞洲最頂級的迴轉壽司店Ginza Sushi銀座壽司,已於澳門金沙城中心正式開業,豪華型格裝潢,配合日本大師主理的正宗日本料理,為「迴轉壽司」寫 下 新篇章。 hk.sandscotaicentral.com | As the premier revolving sushi [...] barin Asia, Ginza Sushi will [...] enthrall food lovers as the restaurant opens its first Macau outlet in Sands Cotai [...]Central. sandscotaicentral.com |
随着 2012 年第一期电子报,我们又揭开了一年 的 新篇章 : 格 罗茨-贝克特最近又荣获了一项重要的环保奖,同时,推出了 myGrozBeckert 应用程序及程序的中文版。 news.groz-beckert.com | With our first Newsletter for 2012, we're off to a flying start: We were awarded a further important environment prize, and the myGrozBeckert app is now available for the iPhone and also in Chinese. news.groz-beckert.com |
特技飞行员Don Vito Wyprächtiger是至今第一位参与此盛世的瑞士籍选手,他将驾驶性能强劲的“Scarlet Screamer”飞机参与“Formula One”等级比赛,这将为飞行世界最受欢迎的盛世写 下 新篇章。 oris.ch | Aerobatic pilot Don Vito Wyprächtiger will make history as he competes in the 'Formula One' category in his trusty "Scarlet Screamer": he will become the first ever Swiss to feature at Reno. oris.ch |
105 欧盟同时也开 始加强与缅甸的外交关系,外交事务高级代表凯瑟 琳·阿什顿 2012 年 4 月对缅甸的访问“开启了与缅 甸关系的新篇章”; 她还在缅甸开设了一个新的欧 盟办事处。 crisisgroup.org | The European Union (EU) suspended all its sanctions on the country in April 2012, with the exception of the arms embargo.103 The EU plans to lift trade barriers for Myanmar goods by restoring access to the generalised system of preferences.104 This is expected to be a formality but as it is being done through the legislative process, it still could take twelve to eighteen months, although with retroactive effect.105 The EU has also moved to bolster diplomatic ties, with High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton [...] visiting Myanmar in April [...] 2012 “to open a new chapter in the relationship”; she also opened a new EU office in the country.106 [...]In September, [...]European Council President Herman Van Rompuy met the president at the UN General Assembly in New York, together with Ashton. crisisgroup.org |