单词 | 新秀 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 新秀 noun —rookie nSee also:秀—performance • graceful • refined • handsome • show (loanword) • ear of grain
ix) 推 出「 香 港 梨 園 新 秀 粵 劇 團 」三 年 資 助 計 劃,資 助 [...] 期 由 2008 年 2 月 至 2011 年 1 月,藉 以 有 系 統 地 培 育 本 地 年 青 專 業 粵 劇 接 班 人 , 並 凝 聚 粵 [...]劇 台 前 及 幕 後 人 才,提 供 培 訓 及 演 出 機 會 以 提 升 水 平、延 續 粵 劇 發 展。 legco.gov.hk | ix) Implementing the "Hong Kong [...] Cantonese Opera Troupe for New Talent" three-year [...]grant scheme from February 2008 to January [...]2011 to nurture local budding artists in Cantonese opera in a systematic manner through providing training and performance opportunities to raise the professional standards of new talents, thereby sustaining the development of Cantonese opera. legco.gov.hk |
外汇交易大赛是新秀交易者使用模拟账户测试交易的一个极好机会,没有任何失去自己的钱的风险,是专业交易者测试和改善交易策略的极好机会。 roboforex.cn | The forex traders contest is a great [...] opportunity for rookie traders to test [...]trading using demo accounts without any risk [...]of losing their own money, and a chance for professional ones to test and improve their trading strategies. roboforex.com |
3.17 表演藝術及旅遊小組就興建劇院的建議全部獲諮詢 委員會接納,因為諮詢委員會認為,把大型與小型的表演場地 組合起來,可達致提升相關藝術表演形式的藝術素質、滿足既 定需求、彌補市場不足、應付觀眾人數不斷增加的需要,以及 培養年青的藝術新秀等目標。 legco.gov.hk | 3.17 PATAG's recommendations on the provision of theatres are fully accepted by the Consultative Committee, which considers that the combination of large and small performance venues could fulfill the purposes of enhancing artistic quality of performances for the relevant art forms, meeting established demand, filling market gaps, addressing the needs of expanding audience, and nurturing young and budding artists. legco.gov.hk |
正是源于这一“探索”精神,江诗丹顿已经为众多才华横溢 的 新秀 提 供 了赞助,其中包括西班牙年轻指挥家英玛•莎拉(Inma [...] Shara)。 vacheron-constantin.com | It is in this spirit of “discovery” that Vacheron Constantin has already [...] patronised such new talents as the [...]young Spanish conductor Inma Shara, one of the [...]most talented women of her generation, who last October conducted a concert organised by Vacheron Constantin in Madrid in aid of Alzheimer’s and in the presence of Queen Sophie. vacheron-constantin.com |
通过了解关于透明度与公民参与做法的实例,可以学习如何协调相关管理形 [...] 式和各种联盟,形成行动者网络,并在领 导 新秀 更 积 极的活动下推动制订以千年 发展目标为优先事项的公共纲领。 daccess-ods.un.org | The knowledge of good practices in transparency and citizens’ engagement can be used as a model for the development of joint management and multi-stakeholder [...] partnerships that create a network of [...] stakeholders in which new leaders play an increasing [...]role and have an impact on the [...]drafting of a public agenda that gives priority to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). daccess-ods.un.org |
闪电麦昆(欧文·威尔逊),一个炙手可热 的 新秀 赛 成功驱动的汽车,发现生命的旅程,而不是终点,当他发现自己意外绕道在昏昏欲睡的的路线66镇的散热器弹簧。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Lightning McQueen (Owen [...] Wilson), a hotshot rookie race car driven [...]to succeed, discovers that life is about the journey, [...]not the finish line, when he finds himself unexpectedly detoured in the sleepy Route 66 town of Radiator Springs. seekcartoon.com |
來自密歇根州,畢業於密歇根州大的 Draymond Green ,向日落區的范士丹小學以及來自West [...] [...] Portal小學的家長和學生,呼籲教育的重要性,並鼓勵學童提早為上大學做好準備,從心態上要嚴肅看待上學,還有開始為大學學費存錢等,今年22歲的Green,在2012年 N B A 新秀 選 拔 中被勇士隊相中,剛展開他的NBA職業生涯,擔任菜鳥前鋒,今天的活動中,金州勇士隊也宣布,將贊助兩個500元的獎學金名額,鼓勵范士丹小學的學生上大學。 ktsf.com | The Warriors also announced to work with the school to give two students $500 college scholarships. ktsf.com |
研发、规划、建筑、景观、营销每一部分都以具有多年房产开发经验的老将和具有敏锐市场洞察力的房产 界 新秀 相 结合,引入深圳、上海等地的房产界专业人士,同时不间断地对国内国际现有的楼盘进行考察、调研,力创做出最适合区域人群、超前性的居住氛围,同时以拓普的品牌、精神为根本,积极与国内国际房产界配套企业相互协商合作----新加坡雅克景观设计、戴德梁行、建工集团、……等等,目前已组建出一个过硬过强的产业配套联合,以雄厚的资金实力,正式进入宁波地产行业。 tuopu.com | The research and development, the plan, the construction, the landscape, the marketing each part all by the veteran [...] general which has many years real estate [...] development experience and has the keen market [...]insight the real estate beautiful to unify, [...]introduces places the such as Shenzhen, Shanghai real estate professional, simultaneously uninterrupted carries on the inspection, the investigation and study to domestic and international existing building, the strength creates makes most suits the region crowd, in advance the housing atmosphere, simultaneously take develops Pu's brand, the spirit as a basis, is positive and the domestic international real estate necessary enterprise mutually consults the cooperation ---- Singapore elegant gram landscape design, Daide Liang Xing, the construction work group...Has at present set up to stand up to the most rigorous test the strong industrial necessary union, by the abundant fund strength, officially enters the Ningbo real estate profession. tuopu.com |
尽管 Chronoswiss 手表还是手表界的新秀,但 其首次推出的不少产品引起了巨大反响,赞美之词不绝于耳,将业内奖项独揽囊中。 hk.ashford.com | Although fairly new to the watch world, [...] Chronoswiss Watches have made a huge impact by introducing quite a few watch making [...]‘firsts’ , garnering many accolades and industry wide awards along the way. ashford.com |
此外,Vito还经常参与许多国际比赛,很早以前就以其精湛的飞行技巧在特技飞行领域拥有了自己的一片天,同时也是飞行领域中知名度最高,最受关注的飞 行 新秀 之 一。 oris.ch | Vito’s technical knowledge of aircraft helped him to plan and oversee the modifications. oris.ch |
如今,Swatch與藝術和藝術家的關係比以前任何時候都更加密切,Swatch也繼續保留知名藝術家 和 新秀 的 作 品。 swatch.com | Today the brand’s relationship with art and artists is stronger than ever, and Swatch continues to retain work from both established and emerging artists. swatch.com |
在个人第一季度的美巡赛中,布拉德利一举勇夺双料冠军,其中2011年的PGA锦标赛更让他成为史上第三位首次参加大满贯赛就抱回冠军 的 新秀 球 员。 audemarspiguet.com | In his first season on the PGA Tour he won twice, including the 2011 PGA Championship, marking just the third time in the history of the game that a player won a major championship in his first attempt. audemarspiguet.com |
保時捷台灣總代理 [...] 永業與保時捷亞太分公司誠摯邀請設 計 新秀 為 保 時捷全新 Cayman 設計車身貼紙。 pap.porsche.com | (UMT), the official importer of [...] Porsche in Taiwan, together with Porsche Asia Pacific invites all aspiring designers to [...] design a car decal for the new Cayman. pap.porsche.com |
在贝尔约翰王”是一个故事,HW朗费罗,出生在波特兰,缅因州,在1807年和死在剑桥,马萨诸塞州,在1882年,“在西西里岛的第二个故事”,44°故事包含的集合“的故事,路旁的客栈“街对面的一家小酒馆的故事 - [...] 1863/1874年,这反过来又依赖于第52届的故事的集合,题为”ciento antike的故事“或”短篇小说集和尼斯交谈“更好地称为最 佳 新秀 , (S)匿名,日期大约在1280和1300之间。 tv-atri.it | The Bell of King John" is a tale of HW Longfellow-born in Portland, Maine, in 1807 and died in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1882, "The Sicilian's second Tale", 44 ° story included in the collection "Tales of a Wayside Inn "(Tales of a tavern across the street) - 1863/1874, which in turn relies on the 52nd story of a collection entitled" The ciento antike stories "or" Book of short [...] stories and talk nice nice " better [...] known as THE ROOKIE, the author (s) anonymous, dated roughly between 1280 and 1300. tv-atri.it |
她並從《全美超級模特兒新秀大賽 》獲得靈感,在香港製作了首個充滿趣味及挑戰的變裝大賽,掀起全城熱話。 yp.mo | She has also been making waves with her “America’s Next Top Model”-type show for wannabe drag queens, filmed in Hong Kong and pitting contestants against each other in a series of fun, outrageous challenges. yp.mo |
阿维亚解决方案集团是华沙证交所上市公司, 2011年被公认为是华沙证交所的最佳 新秀 之 一。 aviasg.com | Avia Solutions Group, a WSE listed company, [...] was recognised as one of the best debutants on WSE in 2011 aviasg.com |
是新秀麗旗下的國際著名行李箱品牌。 sogo.com.hk | It is the 2nd most important international [...] luggage brand under Samsonite Corporations. sogo.com.hk |
NBA金州勇士隊的新秀球員 ,擔任前鋒的 Draymond Green,到日落區一家小學,跟學生說上大學的重要性,Draymond Green 表示 : ” 為了讓我達到職籃的這種水平,教育是非常重要的,我人生中曾經有過不認真上學的階段,當時我的母親不准我打籃球,用這樣來告訴我學校的重要性。 ktsf.com | Warriors Forward Draymond Green spoke to the families of students at Feinstein Elementary about the importance of education and preparing early for college. ktsf.com |
專業攝影新秀 Lao Perez 初次造訪就愛上了新加坡。 hk.marinabaysands.com | An aspiring professional photographer, Lao Perez fell in love with Singapore the first time he visited. marinabaysands.com |
澳大利亚多位新秀和著 名作家将于2011年3月7日至13日参加澳大利亚驻华使馆主办的内容紧凑而丰富的第四届年度澳大利亚文学周活动。 china.embassy.gov.au | A fascinating line-up of emerging and established Australian authors will be kept busy with a packed program of events for the Australian Embassy Beijing’s fourth annual Australian Writers’ Week, 7-13 March 2011. china.embassy.gov.au |
於香港城市大學的新媒體及互動藝術設計畢業的Chris,憑著出色的藝術和音樂演出,曾贏得香港藝術發展局頒發「藝 術 新秀 獎 」 ,以及被韓國DESIGNNET設計雜誌選為亞洲「36位設計師」,其新媒體作品亦於第13至15屆香港獨立短片及錄像比賽單螢幕互動媒體組別中取得獎項。 ydta.hk | A graduate of New Media and Interactive Art and Design of City University of Hong Kong, Chris has been nominated and awarded on his outstanding performances on arts and music including Award for Young Artist in Hong Kong Arts Development Awards, 36 Asian Designers in Designnet Magazine, and his interactive works were awarded in the 13th – 15th The Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards (IFVA) interactive media category. ydta.hk |
Four Stories”是 Intel 針對 Ultrabook [...] 體驗所帶領的首輪品牌合作,旨在透過以與具備創新精神的品牌、潛 力 新秀 與 資深藝人、設計師及娛樂圈人士進行合作,以展示 [...]Ultrabook 的驚人潛力。 tipschina.gov.cn | Four Stories" is the first collaboration from The Ultrabook [...] Experience, a new initiative from [...]Intel that features collaborations with innovative [...]brands, emerging and established artists, and designers and entertainers that use the Intel-inspired Ultrabook devices to do extraordinary things. tipschina.gov.cn |
在这方面,NFL.com准备了多档视频节目,为球迷提供参与体育赛季的机会:如NFL.com Fantasy Football的独家视频集锦、NFL新秀考察训练营和NFL选秀等活动的直播,以及评点NFL Network八场比赛的NFL.com Live: Thursday Night Football。由于球迷经常依靠NFL.com观看及时、优质的视频,向NFL球迷分发高质量视频一直对联赛具有重要意义。由于NFL.com视频平台的视频消费量在2009赛季到2010赛季期间增加了超过80%,这使得与可靠的合作伙伴携手分发最优体验成为重中之重。 akamai.cn | To that end, NFL.com offers fans a way to engage with the sport year round, through video-rich features such as exclusive video highlights within NFL.com Fantasy Football, live broadcasts of events like the NFL Scouting Combine and the NFL Draft, as well as NFL.com Live: Thursday Night Football offering live look-ins to NFL Network’s eight-game package of games during the season. akamai.com |
經過十年的磨礪和發展,憑藉強大的車手陣容以及匠心獨具的賽程設置, 亞洲保時捷PCCA已經成為代表亞洲賽車運動發展巔峰水平的旗艦賽事,不斷推動賽車運動的前進,協助亞洲車 壇 新秀 的 成 長。 pap.porsche.com | Unveiling an outstanding entry and impressive, seven-stop international calendar, the Porsche Carrera Cup Asia is set to further strengthen its position at the forefront of motorsport development in the world’s most dynamic region. pap.porsche.com |
世界经济论坛和BCG还采访了200名地区、行业和议题专家以及50余家 优 秀新 兴 市场企业的首席行政官和董事长。 bcg.com.cn | They also interviewed 200 regional, industry, and topic experts and directly engaged chief executives and chairpersons of some 50 top-performing emerging-market enterprises. bcg.com.cn |
在今天的竞争格局,杂货零售商需要"WOW"与辉煌,彩色显示器和 优 秀新 鲜 的 购物者。 promolux.com | In today's competitive landscape, grocery retailers need to "WOW" shoppers with brilliant, colorful displays and outstanding freshness. promolux.com |
就此采取 的一项主要战略,是提高传媒培训机构培训 优 秀新 闻 记 者的能力,并交流这方面的有效做法和专门 知识。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In this context, the comprehensive mapping exercise of media training institutions in Africa completed by Part I – page 29 unesdoc.unesco.org |
不过秘书长指出,需要开展下述工作:制定全面的人员流动政策,将维持和 [...] 平行动的负担在整个全球秘书处工作人员队伍中公平分配;加强在外地工作的优 秀工作 人员的职业保障并提高其公平性; 重 新 审 议秘书处目前使用相同过程甄选 平调工作人员、提拔工作人员以及征聘合格的外部候选人的做法(A/66/679,第 [...]69 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General states, however, that there is need for a comprehensive mobility policy that distributes the burden of peacekeeping equitably across the entire global Secretariat [...] workforce; greater and [...] more equitable job security for highperforming field staff; and a reconsideration of the current [...]practice of the [...]Secretariat to use the same process to select staff members for lateral reassignment, movement to a higher grade level and the recruitment qualified external candidates (A/66/679, para. 69). daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 推行學生為本活動及發展計劃-為學生舉辦交換生計劃及交 流活動,以擴闊他們的視野和推動院校國際化;把社區及社 會服務列為常規課程的一部分、發展全人教育、提供結合實 習機會的教育活動,以及提升學生的領袖才能及關鍵能力, 藉以促進學生的發展;設立獎學金表揚 優 秀 學 生 ;以及提高 香港在國際教育界的地位。 legco.gov.hk | (c) Student-oriented activities and development programmes - to conduct student exchange programmes and activities for students to widen their exposure and to promote internationalisation; to further student development by including community and social services as part of the regular curriculum, developing whole-person education, providing work-integrated education activities, and enhancing students’ leadership skill and core competence; to provide scholarships for outstanding students; and to strengthen Hong Kong’s position in the international education arena. legco.gov.hk |