

单词 向量积

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民间社会方面的量积极参 与以及在会议之后继续长时间就各类问题共同开展 工作的承诺,显示他们有兴趣也有能力影响变革。
The remarkable amount of active participation [...]
on the part of Civil Society, and their commitment to continue working together
for various issues long after the Conference, demonstrates their interest and ability to influence change.
人力厅还重点清理了量积压的 违纪案件和申诉案件,并代表行政当局出 席新的内部司法制度的联合国争议法庭听证会。
The Office of Human Resources Management is also focused on clearing
[...] the significant backlog of disciplinary [...]
cases and appeals, and on representing
the Administration in hearings before the United Nations Dispute Tribunal in the new administration of justice system.
目前需要同时努力使经济增长与矿物开采活动脱钩,在生产国增加矿业对经 济的正面影响,并量减少 在社会和环境方面对受害社区的不良影响,还必须朝 着四个大向采取积极的政府行动。
Simultaneous efforts to decouple economic growth from mineral extraction, increase the positive economic impacts of mining in producing countries, and
minimize the negative social
[...] and environmental impacts on affected communities are needed and have to rely on aggressive government actions in four broad directions.
在美 国受过教育的一些研究生学位获得者回到他们的祖国以后 常常会取得领导职位,而且在诸多方面都 向 于 积 极 地跟 美国合作。
Graduate degree holders trained in the US who return to their home
countries often achieve leadership
[...] positions and have a positive orientation toward collaborating [...]
with the US on a variety of fronts.
这一组织成立于八年前,是一项早期干预机制,主要工作 积 极 防 止冲突 升级为暴力,以及加强公民组织的 量 , 向 城 市内部的社区提供稳定、可持续发 展、安全和成就感。
The eight year-old organization, is an early
intervention mechanism,
[...] which works proactively to prevent conflicts from rising to the level of violence, and aims to strengthen civic organizations that provide stability, sustainable development, security and pride within inner-city communities.
我们已开始朝这个向积极努 力,所依据的是这 方面业已明确界定的国家政策原则、对自身资源基础 的现实评估以及资源长期开发的可能性。
We have started working actively in that direction, based on clearly [...]
defined principles of State policy in this sphere,
a realistic evaluation of our own resource base and the possibilities for its long-term exploitation.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作积极贡 献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 [...]
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal
framework; the lack of
[...] recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative [...]
disaggregated data by
racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
此外,现在存在能源效益好的全球变暖潜能值低的替代品,有成员认 为积极地转向采用 新技术胜于消极的改造。
Furthermore, there were energy-efficient low-GWP alternatives available and it was suggested that active conversion to new technology would be preferable to passive retrofitting.
虽然代表性总体水平受到消极影响,但在各类别中显现出了明显 积 极 趋 向 , 符 合限 额国家数目持续增长,而超过限额国家数目有所下降。
While the overall level of representation is impacted negatively, positive trends are noted within the categories, with a continuing increase in the number of normally represented countries and a decrease in level of over-representation.
改革 人力资源管理政策与流程有助于打造一支管理良好、组成多样 积 极 向 上 和具备相应技能的 员工队伍,也有助于改善工作环境。
The reform of human resource management policies and processes will contribute to the creation of a well managed, diversified, motivated and appropriately skilled workforce and an improved working environment.
为发展和提高中等教育量,向拉丁美洲及加勒比和亚洲的教育部提供 了技术援助。
Technical assistance has been provided to Ministries of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean and in Asia to expand and improve the quality of secondary education.
[...] 在确保用关键绩效指标和项目里程碑建立一个多层次程序,以 量向 外 地特派团 综合提供空运服务产生的影响,其中总部负责监督空运方案,包括业务做法和业 [...]
务程序标准化、专门培训、质量保证及履行合同等职能;战略空中行动中心负责 制定具有成本效益的空中任务;而运输和调度综合控制中心负责向所支助的特派
The framework would aim to ensure an iterative process,
with key performance indicators and project
[...] milestones to measure the impact of [...]
the integrated delivery of air transportation
services in field missions, under which Headquarters is responsible for the oversight of the air transportation programme, including the standardization of operating practices and procedures, specialist training, quality assurance and contract compliance functions; the Strategic Air Operations Centre is responsible for cost-effective operational air tasking; and, the Transportation and Movements Integrated Control Centre is responsible for providing integrated multi-modal transportation services to supported missions.
美国将尽自己的一份力量,但我们都必 须尽一切量,向那些 戴着漂亮蓝色钢盔的勇敢的男 男女女——每当看到他们,我们就为他们感到自豪— —提供支持,而不只是把他们派去从事一项从一开始 就不可能完成的任务。
The United States will do its part, but we must all do everything we can so that we are supporting those brave men and women wearing those wonderfullooking blue berets — when we see them we are proud of them — and not just sending them to do a mission that from the very beginning is impossible.
每一個動機因素都可以表示一個動 向量 對 其 他動 向量 所 擁 有的影 響,還有對我們整體以及心理狀態的影響。
Each of these motivational factors could be
[...] represented as a vector having some influence on other motivational vectors and on your [...]
overall behavior and state of mind.
我們只會按照大會的指示,量向應 邀 巿民講解有關規矩。
We would only follow the guidelines of the debate, and explain to
[...] the invited citizens as possible.
未 来几年,这种情况将进一步恶化,其原因是全球正在逐渐淘汰单体油轮,而且由 于运费高涨,估计有量积压旧 船仍在运营,以及过去几年造船业整体繁荣,未 来将有大量船只报废。
This situation will be aggravated by the number of ships going out of service in the next few years following the global phase-out of
single-hull oil tankers; the
[...] large estimated backlog of old vessels still operating because of high freight rates; and [...]
the general boom in shipbuilding over the last few years.
必须尽快找到解决总部外办事处交易 量积 压 的办 法。
A solution to
[...] the significant backlog of field office [...]
transactions must be found soon.
我们将依靠自己的量积极努 力,包括集中力量促进经济增长和可持续发展。
We will strive to do much on our own, including focusing on economic growth and sustainable development.
此外,缔约国应提供必要的人力和资金资源,专门用 于处理量积压的庇护决定上诉案件。
In addition, the State party should dedicate
the necessary human and financial resources to
[...] address the considerable backlog of cases of appeal [...]
of decisions on asylum.
虽然对倡导民族、种族或宗教仇恨的言 论,尤其是这种言论煽动暴力时极为担忧,但美国代
[...] 表团相信,最好的解药就是坚决反对歧视和仇恨犯罪 的法律保护积极向种族和宗教团体展开宣传以及大 力提倡言论自由,而不是禁止和处罚。
While greatly concerned about speech advocating national, racial or religious hatred, especially when it included incitement to violence, his delegation believed that the best antidotes were robust
legal protections against discrimination and
[...] hate crimes, proactive government outreach [...]
to racial and religious groups and
vigorous freedom of expression, rather than bans and punishments.
這樣,我們可按照有關整體撥款的一貫做法,每 年根據來年預計進行加裝工程的性質、規模及 量 , 向 財 委 會申請一 筆過撥款,以支付預期在下個財政年度內進行的丁級工程項目的費用。
As such, we will follow the established practice of respective block allocation and apply to the FC every year a block allocation on a lump-sum basis according to the forecast on the nature, scale and number of the retrofitting works for the coming year, so as to finance the Category D works expected to be carried out in the next financial year.
與 此同時, 港進聯
[...] 亦希望政 府責成 各間電力公司,量 向 工程承建 商提 供 最新、 最完備、最準確的 [...]
電 纜 準 資料, 以 便 工程承建 商 有 效 地 避免有關 意 外 的發生。
The HKPA also hopes the Government can take this opportunity to advise the
electricity companies to supply the latest and most
[...] complete and accurate information to [...]
contractors as far as possible on the alignment
of electricity supply lines to help contractors avoid accidents.
(c) 供给采购和库房管理:对 4 个办事处提出的 6 项建议涉及供给和方案部 门之间沟通不充分,造成供给规划不力;分配单不准确,导致库房的供给长期量积压; 与第三方关于办事处库房管理的协议不明确,以及库房的供给承保范围 不适当
(c) Supply procurement and warehouse management: Six recommendations in four offices were related to inadequate communication between supply and programme sections, resulting in poor supply planning, lack of inaccurate distribution lists leading to high levels of long-standing supplies in the warehouse, unclear agreements with third parties for the management of office warehouses and inadequate insurance coverage for warehouse supplies
在域名安全性上,我们努力以稳定运行域名系统和IP地址为支撑,联合多 方量积极参 与下一代可信互联网域名技术的全球研发;在域名注册管理上,我们持续进行域名 注册服务体系的梳理,开展以域名注册信息准确性为核心的专项治理工作,创造健康、可持续的 域名发展环境。
With respect to domain name safety, we strire to, with persistent running of domain name system and IP address as support, unite various strengths to be actively involved in global research and development of internet domain name technology of the next generation.
[...] 服务而促进行使各项基本权利;包 向积 极 参与该方案所涉活动的母亲和教辅 [...]
人员发放货币津贴(35 美元)。
In addition, financial incentives (US$ 35) are offered to mothers or guardians on the condition that they
[...] participate actively in the programme.
该项目的目标是消除 Laboratorio Pablo Cassará 用于生产沙丁胺醇氟氯化碳-计量吸 入器的各类氟氯化碳的消费量;消除 Laboratorio Denver Farma 用于生产沙丁胺醇和布地纳 德氟氯化碳-计量吸入器的各类氟氯化碳的消 量 ; 向 通 过 第三方提供其计量吸入器的四家 地方所有实验室提供替代制剂方面的技术支助;并支助计量吸入器过渡战略。
The objectives of the project are: to eliminate the use of CFCs at Laboratorio Pablo Cassará for the production of salbutamol CFC-MDIs; to eliminate the use of CFCs at Laboratorio Denver Farma for the production of salbutamol and budesonide CFC-MDIs; to provide technical support for alternative formulations for four locally-owned laboratories filling their own MDIs through third parties; and to support the MDI transition strategy.
[...] 务是确保联合国发展援助框架/“一个计划”的 量 , 向 驻 地 协调员/联合国国家工作队 (RCs/UNCTs)提供一贯的技术援助,对驻地协调员进行评估,解决复杂国家局势中的难 题。
At the regional level, UNESCO is now fully and systematically engaged in the
Regional Directors Teams (RDTs), mandated
[...] with quality assurance of UNDAFs/One [...]
Plans, the provision of coherent technical
support to RCs/UNCTs, performance assessment of RCs, and with trouble shooting in difficult country situations.
WIPO 仲裁与调解中 心需要继积极向互联网域名和数字地址分配公司(ICANN)提出解决方案,以减少这些变化给知 [...]
The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center needs to
[...] continue to play a proactive role in proposing [...]
solutions to the Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to reduce any adverse impact of the changes on IP or on the effectiveness of the UDRP as an instrument for combating cyber-squatting.




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