

单词 凶神恶煞

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死刑的适用仅限于罪恶 极的行凶者,并已暂停执行死刑。
Application of the death penalty was restricted to perpetrators of the most heinous crimes, and there was a moratorium on capital punishment by stoning.
下一步将按照之间的良好和恶的精 神 , 其 中后者将亡的最后战斗中,所有的除外阿里曼和蛇Azhi,其破坏是保留给阿胡拉马自达和Scraosha,牧师,神。
Next will follow the final combat between
[...] the good and the evil spirits, in which [...]
the latter will perish, all except Ahriman
and the serpent Azhi, whose destruction is reserved to Ahura Mazda and Scraosha, the priest-god.
它以一個細小的技術問題,把議事的神 抹煞。
By making use of a small technicality, the Administration tried to obliterate the spirit of our conduct of parliamentory business. I think it is most regrettable that the Administration is so narrow-minded!
汗衫上骇人听闻的说明文字,例如印在 一个巴勒斯坦孕妇图象的汗衫上“1 开枪 2 打死”的 文字以及另一个印在一个儿童图象的汗衫上“越小越 难”的令人震惊的文字都显示出以色列政权在侵犯这 个地区巴勒斯坦人民以及其他阿拉伯人民所采用的 政策和做法上的残暴凶恶。
Appalling captions, such as “1 shot, 2 kills” printed on a tee shirt depicting a pregnant Palestinian, or the shocking caption of “The smaller, the harder” on another tee shirt depicting a child, are indicative of the atrocious and criminal nature of the Israeli regime’s policies and practices in its aggression against the Palestinians and other Arab peoples in the region.
主席,我很希望我們的特區政府經過今次辯論之後,能仔細考慮一 下是否可以跟隨我剛才提出的例子,如英國、歐洲等地,設立一些真正 讓青年人有機會表達意見的地方,不要讓傳媒或其他人 煞 了 他 們的意 見,指所有青年人都是非常激進,只懂得破壞及罵人。
President, I eagerly hope that after this debate, the SAR Government will carefully consider the possibility of developing platforms that provide genuine opportunities for young people to express views, as in the examples of the United Kingdom or Europe which I cited earlier on, so as not to allow the media or anyone else to rubbish their views by saying that young people are all very radical, who do nothing but causing destruction and scolding others.
[...] 存在,則它並不會因為《行政長官選舉條例草案》這一項本地立法或其他本 地所定立法律的規定而有所增加或減少;正如本地立法會不能憑空製造出 《基本法》中不存在的權力一樣,它也無法 煞 《 基 本法》中原有規定的權 力。
If this power is actually provided in the Basic Law, it will neither be increased nor reduced because of a local legislation like the Chief Executive Election Bill or other laws enacted in Hong Kong, just as the Legislative Council in Hong Kong cannot
make up any power which does not
[...] exist in the Basic Law, nor can it ignore the original powers provided for in Basic Law.
我们也强烈谴责以色列占领军,包括在占领国监 督下的凶极恶的定 居者极端分子,对阿克萨清真寺 和圣城“尊贵禁地”的巴勒斯坦平民和崇拜者发动的 袭击。
We also strongly condemn the attacks by the Israeli occupying forces, including extremist aggressive settlers under the supervision of the occupying Power, perpetrated against Palestinian civilians and worshippers at Al-Aqsa mosque and the Al-Haram Al-Sharif compound in Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
三天善良与恶的精神争夺 的灵魂附体,在这之后采取清算和刚刚男人是欢欣鼓舞的幽灵,在美丽少女的形式,他的善行,文字,思想,以及安全地越过一个幸福的天堂,而邪恶的人是面临着一个可怕的幽灵他的劣迹,并拖累了地狱。
For three
[...] days good and evil spirits contend for the possession [...]
of the soul, after which the reckoning is taken and the
just men is rejoiced by the apparition, in the form of a fair maiden, of his good deeds, words, and thoughts, and passes over safely to a paradise of bliss, while the wicked man is confronted by a hideous apparition of his evil deeds, and is dragged down to hell.
他们继续强迫招募并采取 欺骗或经济手段利用妇女和儿童从事贩毒 凶 杀 或 情报等工作。
They continue to forcibly recruit and use children and youth, through deceit or economic incentives, inter alia, for drug trafficking, killings or intelligence work.
恰恰相反,此类诽 谤行为造成的真正后果包括诽谤伊斯兰教或其他宗
[...] 教教义和信徒个人与集体的各种赤裸裸的仇恨言论 和负面成见运动,将其描绘成野 凶恶 的 恐 怖分子。
Rather, on the contrary, the real consequences of such defamation include outright campaigns of hate speech and negative stereotyping, targeting all the tenets and
adherents of Islam or other religions, individually and collectively,
[...] depicting the latter as vicious, uncivilized terrorists.
如何为孩子们准备生动有趣而印象深刻的化学知识,瓦克的两位化学 家Christian Finger博士和Guido Kallinger博士为煞费苦心。
A favorite project of WACKER chemists Dr. Christian Finger and Dr. Guido Kallinger is to present chemistry in an exciting and inspiring way.
有些成员反对这种改动,因为《联合国示范公约》主要 关系到处于不同发展水平国家之间的条约,因此,删除与此相关的措辞等于煞 了公约的作用。
Some members objected to such a change on the grounds that the United Nations Model Convention was relevant mainly to treaties between countries at different levels of development, and therefore to remove that reference would do a disservice to the Convention.
她的家人的恐怖,床垫藏着一个恶 的 精 神 , 进 行具有穆里尔,因为她睡了。
To her family's horror, the
[...] mattress harbors an evil spirit, which proceeds [...]
to possess Muriel as she sleeps.
虽然各国在安理会改革的其余三个关键问题上 意见各不相同,但印度尼西亚坚信,通过加强合作、 协作和对话,我们可以缩小分歧,并在推进我们各煞费苦 心投入其中的改革进程方面达成一致意见。
While opinion also varies on the remaining three key Council reform issues, Indonesia is certain that, through increased cooperation, collaboration and dialogue, differences can be narrowed and agreements reached on advancing the reform process we are all so painstakingly invested in.
脑肿瘤的症状包括:有脑部肿瘤家族史、从睡眠状态唤醒病人的逐步的局灶性头痛、晨起时头痛并伴 恶 心 和 呕吐、 神 异 常
Symptoms of brain tumor include: negative family history; focal, progressive headaches
that awaken the patient from sleep; early morning headaches
[...] associated with nausea and vomiting; mental status changes.
拉斯普京愤怒的阿纳斯塔西娅听到躲过了诅咒, 恶 魔 般的 精 神 圣 物 杀了她,尽管两次尝试后,三人管理(不知不觉)箔他,迫使Rasputin和巴托克旅行的表面。
Enraged to hear that Anastasia escaped the curse,
[...] Rasputin sends demonic spirits from the reliquary to kill her; [...]
despite two attempts, the trio
manage to (unwittingly) foil him, forcing Rasputin and Bartok to travel back to the surface.
以色列的神人的特点总是崇高的,而他们的邻居近 神 共 享 男人 恶 习。
The human characteristics
[...] of Israel's God were always exalted, while the gods of their Near Eastern neighbors shared the vices of men.
两个背后的故事涉及到一个恶的神 奇 宝 贝训练师使用Kabutops和Aerodactyl恐吓公民,直到原来的Latios来到了这个城市,使用他的力量淹没 恶 的 神 奇 宝 贝,将进入运河的街道。
The story behind the
[...] two involves an evil Pokémon Trainer using a Kabutops and an Aerodactyl to terrorize the citizens, until the original Latios came to the city, using his powers to drown the evil Pokémon and turning [...]
the streets into canals.
霍夫曼认为,在不久的inbreaking上帝的王国走向世界,与 恶 的 神 圣 复 仇后。
Hofmann believed in the near
[...] inbreaking of God's kingdom into the world, with divine vengeance [...]
upon the wicked.
里什琴斯基先生(加拿大)(以英语发言):加拿大 重申我国总理和外交部长的一再表态,今天再次就阿 萨德政权对叙利亚人民实施凶极恶 的 暴 力表示愤 慨。
At the same time, our country categorically rejects foreign intervention, be it direct or through support for irregular armed groups and the promotion of violent attacks that only sow destruction and escalate the death toll.
居住在老宅里的13岁女孩梅和她的奶奶给他讲述了有关1860年法国士兵在老宅里强取豪夺的故事,其中最重要的是,当时一位名叫徐浩的恶毒邻居煽动 凶 极 恶 的 杜 蒙特上校夺走了老宅中古老而贵重的装饰品:七条龙。
Residents Mei, a 13 YO girl and her grandmother Nai Nai, tell him about the looting of the house by French soldiers in
1860 and most
[...] importantly, about the evil neighbor Xu Hao who had driven the ferocious Colonel Dumont [...]
to strip the house’s
of its ancient and precious ornaments: the 7 dragons.
相反,罪过全在于凶极恶的阿 萨德政权和那 些拒绝与国际社会和安理会成员一起对该政权采取 坚定行动的国家。
Rather the fault lies squarely with the heinous Al-Assad regime and those Member States that refuse to join the international community and their fellow Council members in taking firm action against the regime.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
(i) 註冊醫生在下述情況下 須承擔的法律責 任:因 病 人 患有疾病或 正 處神智不 清 的 狀態,或因 病 人 是未成年人、神上無行為能力的人而 在 未取得病人 同 意下進行器官移植;病 人的親屬 能否代沒有能力作出同 意的病 人作出同 意;若 病 人的親屬 無法就是否同意進行器官移植手術 達 成 共識,將如何處理。
(i) Legal liability of the registered medical practitioner for performing an organ transplant on a patient without first obtaining the latter's consent because of his illness or impaired state of consciousness or his being a minor, a mentally incapacitated person; whether relatives of a patient who could not give consent might give consent on behalf of the patient; and what would happen if the relatives had no consensus on whether to give consent.
2. 伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表团感到遗憾的是,阿根廷当局一意孤行走上偏离正义 之路,对外国公民横加毫无根据的指控,而不是抱着查 恶 行 真 正 凶 手 的 政治意 愿,来进行有效调查。
The delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran expresses its regret that some Argentine authorities persist in treading down the wrong path of distancing themselves from justice by levelling baseless allegations against foreign citizens instead of launching a meaningful investigation coupled with political will to identify the real perpetrators of that heinous crime.




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