

单词 早期效应

See also:


early stage
early phase
early period

效应 n

effect n


effect (scientific phenomenon)

早期 n

beginning n

External sources (not reviewed)

在渔业和水产养殖领域,这包括对发生灾害时的 快速和效回应的准 备,以及潜在灾难性事件发生前提供信息 早期 预 警
In the fisheries and aquaculture
sector, this
[...] includes preparedness to respond rapidly and effectively if disasters occur, and early warning to provide information [...]
potentially disastrous events occur.
In addition, more effective early warning systems should be put in place.
与此同时,各国政应当制效的早期预警 系统以及灾害管理和恢复计划。
At the same time,
[...] Governments will need to develop effective early warning systems [...]
along with plans for disaster management and recovery.
(g) 促请该国政府作出更大努力,在所有层面,尤其是在保安部队内部和
[...] 在主管机关、法官和检察官中间打击腐败和默许在解散准军事集团之后出现的团 体进行默契默许的情况,并鼓励设置和执行一项包含所有方面的战略,保护居民 不遭受这些集团所实施的暴力,其中包括对国家调解 早期 预 警系统发出的警示 作出切实效的反
(g) Urges the Government to make greater efforts in fighting corruption and acquiescence with the groups that emerged after the demobilization of paramilitary organizations at all levels, especially within security forces, and among local authorities, judges and prosecutors, and encourages the design and implementation of an all-inclusive strategy to protect the population from the
violence caused by these
[...] groups, including an effective response to alerts issued by the National Ombudsperson’s Early Warning System
加强抵御能力之路涉及采用多部门参与的做法,并需要采取一项 注重整体的战略,以促进采用适宜的宏观经济和部门政策,加强国家
[...] 的防范能力,加强体制机制能力和法律基础,并建立必要的公共和私 营管理结构,包括基于社区的结构,以便建立 效 的 早期应 对 、 适应 和处理机制。
The road to resilience involves multi-sectoral approaches with a holistic strategy that promotes appropriate macroeconomic and sectoral policies, enhances national preparedness with institutional capacity and legal foundations, and puts in place the necessary public and private
governance structures, including
[...] community-based structures for efficient early response, adaptation and coping [...]
应指出 ,侧重活动而不是侧重结果 早期 的 千 年发展目标报告中所提出的问题之一(文件 CDIP/5/3)。
Here, it is important to recall that the
focus on activities as opposed to results was
[...] one of the issues raised with the earlier MDGs report (document CDIP/5/3).
经社会赞扬北亚和中亚次区域办事处主任发挥领导作用,工 效 率 高, 从而使该办事处在早期阶段 就能够全面运作,经社会并再次表示成员国支 持该办事处目前根据成员国为其规定的任务正在开展的工作。
The Commission applauded the head of the Subregional Office for North
and Central Asia for his
[...] leadership and efficient work, which had resulted in the Office becoming fully operational at an early stage, and reiterated [...]
the support of member
States for the work currently carried out by the Office in accordance with the mandates given to it by the member States.
业务干事员额(P-3)的任职者将支助负责法治问题的秘书长副特别代表整体 协调和规划法治活动,包括协调快速 应 和 早期 预 警 小组、监督负责法治问题的 秘书长副特别代表主管的办公室和单位的工作、为办公室方案活动提供投入和分 [...]
The incumbent of the post of Operations Officer (P-3) would support the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (Rule of Law) in the overall coordination and planning of rule-of-law
activities, including the coordination
[...] of the Rapid Response and Early Warning Cell, monitor [...]
the work of offices and units
under the responsibility of the Deputy Special Representative of the SecretaryGeneral (Rule of Law), provide inputs and analyses for programmatic activities of the Office, keep abreast of the latest trends and developments in the area of rule of law and draft briefing notes and minutes of meetings.
为维持 世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响问题会议的 成果应设立早期预警系统,提供更多的资源,取消 债务应是减免债务的一个选择。
In keeping with the Outcome of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic
Crisis and Its Impact on
[...] Development, an early warning system should be developed, additional resources should be made available [...]
and debt cancellation
should be an option for debt relief.
组成 Microsemi 的高可靠性“强化筛选”方案应力 测 试,其 目的就在于揭示这些缺陷,减小或消除下列曲线所示 早期失 效区域 ,这是从这些器件的客户的可靠性经验得出的,如在 MIL-PRF-19500,附录 E,表三中所确定的。
The stress tests that constitute Microsemi’s high-reliability ‘up-screening’ program are designed to uncover these defects and reduce or eliminate the region of early life failures from the [...]
customer’s reliability
experience with these parts, as defined in MIL-PRF-19500, Appendix E, Table III.
这次金融和经济危机特别是对发展中国家妇女的经济赋权产生了不利影响, 其主要传导机制是:全球出口下降,直接影响到出口部门的生产,然后通过消极倍效应对国 内市场产生不利影响(特别是出口依赖型经济国);发展中国家的资本流 入骤减;援助具有助长期性波 动的性质;危机对移徙工人产生影响,从而影响到 汇款;随之而出现的是汇率贬值,影响到国内生产和价格;全球粮价的异常波动产 [...]
The main transmission mechanisms of the financial and economic crisis that have had negative impacts on women’s economic empowerment, especially in developing countries, have been the global decline in exports, which has directly affected production in the export sector and subsequently
domestic markets through
[...] negative multiplier effects (especially in export-dependent economies); significant declines in capital flows to the developing world; the pro-cyclical nature of aid; the [...]
impact of the crisis
on migrant workers and therefore on remittances; the consequent exchange rate devaluation, which has affected domestic production and prices; the impact of extreme volatility in global food prices; and the fiscal constraints in many developing countries that have already led to cutbacks in important public expenditures and social development gains, thereby affecting access to basic services, reversing social development gains and adversely affecting their quality of life.
一些代表团表示,为了形成协效应 , 使 整个委员会受益,需要在法律小 组委员会与科学和技术小组委员会的外层空间活动 期 可 持 续性问题工作组及 其各专家组(特别是针对空间领域行动者的管理制度和指导问题专家组(D 专 家组))之间建立组织结构性更强的关系。
Some delegations expressed the view that
a more structured
[...] relationship between the Legal Subcommittee and the Working Group on the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee [...]
and its
expert groups, in particular the expert group on regulatory regimes and guidance for actors in the space arena (expert group D), was needed so as to build synergies for the benefit of the Committee as a whole.
本會促請政府早日落實可持續發展計劃,包括制訂長遠環保回收工業 政策、落實“回收園”發展計劃、考慮徵收合理的環保稅,以及成立 高層次的跨部門產業促進局,以效 率 統 籌各部門溝通合作,加強市 民對環保的認識和向他們灌輸處理廢物的正確態度, 期早 日 解 決香 港日趨嚴重的環境污染問題,並創造商機及增加就業機會。
That this Council urges the Government to implement as early as possible a sustainable development plan, which includes formulating a long-term policy on the recycling industry, implementing the development plan of the "Recovery Park", considering the imposition of a reasonable green tax, and establishing a high-level inter-departmental industries facilitation council to co-ordinate the communication and co-operation
among various
[...] departments in a highly efficient manner so as to enhance public awareness of environmental protection and instill in them the correct attitude to handling wastes, with a view to solving the aggravating environmental pollution problem in Hong Kong as early as possible, as well [...]
as creating business
opportunities and increasing job opportunities.
股份購回授 權將於下列期(以最早者為準) 效 : a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束之日;b) 按百慕達法例或本公司之公司細則規定本公司召開下屆股東週年大會之期限屆滿 [...]
The Share
[...] Repurchase Mandate will expire at the earliest of: a) the conclusion [...]
of the next annual general meeting of the
Company; b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the laws of Bermuda or the Company’s Bye-laws to be held; and c) the date on which the authority given under the ordinary resolution is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution of Shareholders.
通过全面深入地了解基础架构应用 的 运行状况、风险以 效 率 , 可以 早 检 测 出性能、容量和配置方面存在的问题。
Get a holistic view and deep insights into the
[...] health, risk and efficiency of your infrastructure and applications for early detection of performance, [...]
capacity and configuration issues.
考虑到需要效的早期预警 机制使国际社会意识到涉及少数群体 的令人关切的情况,独立专家认为,全球核心小组的建立会增强这方面的努力, [...]
[...] on the need for effective early warning mechanisms [...]
to alert the international community to situations of concern
involving minorities, the independent expert believes that the establishment of a global caucus could enhance efforts in this respect and improve timely provision of information on deteriorating situations.
安全理事会在其 2011 年 11 月 14 日的主席声明(S/PRST/2011/21)中鼓励联 合国中部非洲区域办事处(中部非洲区域办)协同联合国驻非洲联盟办事处,与联
[...] 项区域战略,以在受上帝军影响区域提供国际人道主义、发展和建设和平援助; 建立各种跨境机制,以改善平民保护 早期 预 警 能力、人道主义通行和 应 ;对 回返的流离失所者、被绑架者和前战斗人员提供适当的重返社会支助;加强受影 [...]
In its presidential statement of 14 November 2011 (S/PRST/2011/21), the Security Council encouraged the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), in coordination with the United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU), to engage with the United Nations presences in the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)-affected region and the African Union to develop a regional strategy for: providing international humanitarian, development and peacebuilding assistance in the LRA-affected areas; enhancing cross-border mechanisms
to improve the
[...] protection of civilians, early warning capacity, humanitarian access and response; and providing [...]
appropriate reintegration
support for those returning from displacement, abductees and ex-combatants; as well as strengthening the overall capacity of affected States to extend their authority throughout their respective territories.
不 过,就仲裁通知是应在仲 裁庭组成之前的仲裁程序启动 早期 阶 段 公布这一 问题,发表了各种不同的意见,尤其是考虑到,当根据《贸易法委员会仲裁规 则》诉诸临时仲裁时,透明度规则不可能依赖一个机构处理仲裁庭组成之前可 [...]
能产生的问题(A/CN.9/717,第 62 段)。
However, diverging views were expressed on
the question whether
[...] the notice of arbitration should be published at the early stage of the initiation of [...]
the arbitral proceedings,
before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, in particular taking account of the fact that, where applied to ad hoc arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, the rules on transparency could not rely on an institution to handle issues that might arise before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal (A/CN.9/717, para. 62).
管理事务应确保,在为加快新设特派团的部属而破例采用灵活适用行政规 则的措施时:(a) 进行正式的风险评估,分析有必要采用非常措施的情况,并找 出处理这种情况实际需要的具体行政措施;(b) 向所有有关办公室发出明确的准 则,并建立监测机制,以便妥善查明和监测与采用非常措施相关的风险;(c) 明 确界定可计量的期效益, 并传达给所有有关办公室,以便评估为适用非常措施 所设的目标是否达到。
The Department
[...] of Management should ensure that, when flexibility measures in the application of administrative rules are exceptionally introduced to expedite the deployment of new missions: (a) a formal risk assessment is performed to analyse the circumstances that warrant the use of extraordinary measures and to identify the specific administrative measures actually needed to address such circumstances; (b) clear guidelines are communicated to all concerned offices and monitoring mechanisms are established so that risks associated with the use of extraordinary measures are properly identified and monitored; and (c) measurable expected benefits are clearly [...]
defined and communicated
to all concerned offices to assess whether targets set for the application of extraordinary measures are met.
衡量已执行的项目质量的标准应该 是 长 期效 果 和 项目是否改变了公众对于保护臭氧层的 必要性的看法。
The criterion for the quality of an
[...] implemented project should be its long-term effects and whether it [...]
changed the public perception
of the necessity to protect the ozone layer.
基于速效项目近年来在维和行动的重要作用,特别委员会建议在审查过程 中最后考虑下列各方面的相关性:项目的实施 期 ; 应 用 速 效 项 目,以便与联合 国国家工作队和其他有关伙伴的活动发挥协同作用的可能性;特遣队适当时参与 实施速效项目,要考虑到现有的专门知识和设备;以及需要为实施项目采取快速 [...]
Based on the important role that quickimpact projects have had in peacekeeping operations in recent years, the Special Committee suggests that it would be useful to consider the relevance of addressing in the review process
the following aspects,
[...] among others: the period of implementation of projects; the possibility of applying quick-impact projects so [...]
as to create synergies
with activities carried out by the United Nations country team and other relevant partners; the advantages of possible involvement of mission contingents, where appropriate, in the implementation of quick-impact projects, taking into account their existing expertise and equipment; and the need for expedited and flexible procedures for the implementation of projects.
为预防和尽量减少新的残疾而酌情提供的医疗卫生服务早期诊断 和干预方案,重点关注儿童、妇女和老年人,包 括在农村地区 第 148-2007-TR 号部长决议现已效,该 决议批准通过了 委员会成立和运作条例,规定了劳动安全和劳动保健监督 员的职责,并发布了相关文件,如劳动安全和劳动保健管 理体系基本指南以及登记处技术指南。
Health services, early detection and intervention programmes, as appropriate, to prevent and minimize the emergence of secondary disabilities, paying attention to children, [...]
women and the elderly, including
in rural areas Ministerial Decision No. 148-2007-TR establishes the regulations governing the establishment and work of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee and the functions of the Occupational Health and Safety Supervisor, as well as approving documents such as a basic guide to occupational health and safety management systems and a technical guide on record-keeping.
虽然最初被建议用作晚期食道癌或支气管癌的缓解药物,但现在它已经成为可以 效 治 疗 早 晚 期 腔 内肿瘤的手段,PDT已进入我们的医疗实践的各个方面,包括治疗早期呼吸消化道癌症的缓解疗法、诱导治疗和明确的干预措施。
Although initially proposed as a palliative tool in the management of end-stage esophageal or bronchogenic
carcinoma, it has emerged as a
[...] modality which can effectively treat early as well as advanced [...]
endoluminal tumors, PDT has
been incorporated into all aspects of our practice, including palliation, induction therapy, and definitive intervention for early-stage cancers of the aerodigestive tract.
此外,我们坚信,使《全面禁止 核试验条约》早生效和在 香农任务的基础上立即开 始并及早完成关于裂变材料禁产条约的谈判是朝着 实现核裁军方向迈进必须采取的步骤, 应 予 大 力和 坚定地推进。
Moreover, we firmly
[...] believe that the early entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and the immediate commencement and early conclusion of negotiations on an FMCT on the basis of the Shannon mandate are essential steps towards achieving nuclear disarmament and should be pursued with vigour [...]
and determination.
近年来,人们日益关注利用替代办法 效 处 理争议的可能性,其中包括: 投资人与国家之间的直接谈判、利用申诉问题办公室或主管政府机构、调停、 正式调解、争议解决委员会早期中 立评价或事实调查(UNCTAD 2010)。
In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the possibility of using
alternative methods for
[...] managing disputes effectively including: direct negotiation between investors and States, the use of an ombuds-office or lead government agencies, mediation, formalized conciliation, dispute resolution boards, early neutral evaluation, [...]
or fact-finding (UNCTAD 2010).
特别委员会请秘书处在下一届会议说明正在采取何种步骤使维和特派团的 及早建和作用发挥更效用,包括说 早期 建 和作用如何可以帮助解决关键的社 会经济需要。
The Special Committee requests the Secretariat to brief it at its next session on
what steps are being
[...] taken to make the early peacebuilding roles of peacekeeping missions more effective, including how this [...]
role may support critical socio-economic needs.
为努力进一步厘清维和人员在建设和平中相较 于其它行为体的作用,维持和平行动部和外勤支助部 制订了它们的“核心文件”,指出维和行动有三个建 设和平作用:第一,我们通过支持国家 应 方 和 广大 国际社会之间的共识以及指导整体战略制订与落实, 帮助各国政府阐明优先事项;第二,我们通过提供安 全保护伞、后勤支助以及和解努力和经济复苏得以发 展的政治空间,使其它国家和国际行为体能够执行建 设和平任务;第三,我们自己执行某 早期 建 设和平 任务,包括通过与其它伙伴紧密合作来支持政治进 程、安全部门改革以及某些领域 早期 能 力 建设。
In an effort to further clarify the role of peacekeepers in peacebuilding vis-à-vis other actors, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support developed their “nexus paper”, which states that peacekeeping operations have three peacebuilding roles: first, we help Governments articulate priorities by supporting consensus among national counterparts and the broader international community, and
guiding overall
[...] strategy development and implementation; secondly, we enable other national and international actors to implement peacebuilding tasks by providing a security umbrella, logistical support and political space for reconciliation efforts and economic recovery to develop; and, thirdly, we implement certain early peacebuilding tasks ourselves, including through support for political processes, security sector reform and by engaging in early capacity-building in certain areas, in close collaboration with other partners.
是一个会员国根据第 1737(2006)号决议第 5 段发来的 通知,涉及提供物项供伊朗布歇赫尔核电厂使用;一 项是国际原子能机构(原子能机构)根据第 1737(2006) 号决议第 13(d)段发来的通知,该段规定为与该决议
第 3(b)㈠和㈡分段中规定的物项直接相关的活动所 必需的资产免受冻结;一项是一个会员国根据第 1737(2006)号决议第 15
[...] 段发来的通知,涉及收到和 (或)解冻资金以便支付根据在一个实体被列入名单 之前效的合同到期应付的资金事宜。
During the current reporting period, the Committee received three notifications — namely, from a Member State with reference to paragraph 5 of resolution 1737 (2006), concerning the delivery of items for use in the nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran; from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) pursuant to paragraph 13 (d) of resolution 1737 (2006), which provides for an exemption to the assets freeze for activities directly related to the items specified in paragraphs 3 (b)(i) and 3 (b)(ii) of the resolution; and from a Member State pursuant to paragraph 15 of resolution 1737 (2006), in
connection with the receipt and/or
[...] unfreezing of funds in order to make a payment due under [...]
a contract entered into prior to the listing of an entity.
在有些情况下,地方领导人把“我识字”模式看作一个获取 期效应 的 机 会,所以并 不总能考虑到项目管理、学习推广和可持续性等问题的影响和所需条件等问题。
In some instances, local leaders see in the YSP model an opportunity
[...] to make a short-term impact and do not [...]
always take into account the implications
and conditions for management, replicability and sustainability.
该系统纳入了欧盟委员 会联合研究中心自动警报和影响评估,以及人道协调厅的虚拟现场作业协调中
[...] 心(虚拟协调中心),虚拟协调中心是一个专门针对灾害管理人员 早期应对 人 员的内联网,促进获得卫星图像生成的产品、地图、地理信息系统数据和气 [...]
The system incorporates the European Commission Joint Research Centre automatic alerts and impact assessments and the virtual on-site operations coordination centre (Virtual OSOCC) of
OCHA, a dedicated intranet for
[...] disaster managers and early responders, as well as facilitating [...]
satellite imagery-derived
products, maps, GIS data and weather forecasts.




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