单词 | 早播 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 早播 —early sowingless common: sow seeds in early spring • plant early See also:早 adj—early adj 早—Good morning! 播 v—broadcast v • spread v • scatter v
可以而且应该尽可能 早日播种持久恢复法治的种子。 daccess-ods.un.org | Seeds for the long-term recovery of the rule of law can and [...] should be sown as early as possible. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府會根據今次的電視(修訂)條例草案向收費電視台發出牌照,使收費電視台得 以及早啟播,為市民提供更多不同類型的節目,令觀眾有更多選擇去選取自身喜愛的 [...] 節目,以充實生活。 legco.gov.hk | The Government is going to issue licence to the subscription television broadcaster under the [...] Television (Amendment) Bill [...] to facilitate the early commencement of broadcast of subscription television, [...]which will offer [...]to the public an even greater variety of programmes from which the audience can choose the ones they like in order to enrich their lives. legco.gov.hk |
這些建議在當年的立法局內其實已有很大的共識,即使是當年的民建 聯,也曾在議案辯論中公開表示支持設立公眾使用頻道,而當時自由黨的楊 [...] 孝華議員和周梁淑怡議員亦曾發言認為,社會對開放公眾使用頻道已有共 識,大家也支持多元社會的民間創作,希望公眾頻道能 夠 早 日 啟 播。 legco.gov.hk | A major consensus was actually reached on these proposals in the Legislative Council at that time and even the then Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong openly expressed support for setting up channels for public use in the motion debate, while Mr Howard YOUNG and Mrs Selina CHOW of the Liberal Party also said in their speeches that the community had reached a consensus on the opening up of channels for use by the public, and we [...] all supported community creativity in a pluralistic society and hoped that public [...] channels could start broadcasting early. legco.gov.hk |
另 外,政府應盡早完成處理申請的程序,以確保服務 能 早日 啟播。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, the Government should complete processing of the applications as soon as possible [...] so as to enable early launch of services. legco.gov.hk |
通訊辦亦邀請DBC就其早前的停 播可能 違反牌照的規定,向通訊局作出申述。 legco.gov.hk | OFCA also invited DBC to make representations to CA to address the possible breach of licence conditions arising [...] from the cessation of broadcasting service by DBC. legco.gov.hk |
屆時可釋放早前模擬廣播所佔用的頻譜,用以提供其 他廣播及電訊服務。 legco.gov.hk | It is a necessary transitional arrangement in the [...] migration from analogue to digital broadcasting. legco.gov.hk |
我們希望香港兩間免費電視台能夠及 早 選 定 數碼 廣 播 制 式 ,好讓香港為 數碼廣播作出準備。 legco.gov.hk | We hope that the two free television service providers in [...] Hong Kong can decide on the digital [...] broadcasting standard early, so that Hong Kong can prepare for digital broadcasting. legco.gov.hk |
為促進院友提高個人及群體之清潔意識以預防傳染病之散播,社工部在二零零三年十二月至二零零四年一月期間舉行了「衛生新文化運動」,其中包括房間清潔比賽,每 天 早 上 播 放 具 趣味性之衛生歌曲及口號等,並頒發獎項給最具衛生習慣之房友以茲鼓勵。 hksb.org.hk | To promote residents' awareness towards prevention of contagious diseases, the social work team launched a campaign named "New Culture of Hygiene" from December 2003 to January 2004, which included "Competition of Room Cleanliness", writing up of amusing songs and slogans to promote the importance of hygiene. hksb.org.hk |
拟设的 6 名广播技术技术员有 2 名将分 8 小时一班在 演播室值班,确保早上 6 时至晚上 9 时的直播节目 顺利播出;2 名技术员将设在 制作室,以便为新闻和时事节目、杂志节目以及讨论节目的记者、嘉宾和国家语 言节目主持人进行录制;2 名技术员将组成维护小组的一部分,他们与工程及通 [...] 信和信息技术科协作,负责维护该地区的 [...]25 个发射机,并根据部队重新部署计 划在新的地点进行安装。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two of the six proposed Broadcast Technology Technicians would staff the studio desk on eight-hour shifts, ensuring the smooth transmission [...] of live programming [...]from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.; two Technicians would be based in the production studio to record the files of correspondents, guests for the news and current affairs programmes, magazines and discussion programmes and national language presenters; and two Technicians would be part of the maintenance team, which maintains the 25 transmitters in the regions in collaboration with the Engineering and Communications and Information Technology Sections and installs the new sites according to the force redeployment plan. daccess-ods.un.org |
經考慮安裝工程的規模,並為使政府行車隧道 可及早接收 DAB 廣播,我們建議分兩個階段推行工程, 詳情如下 legco.gov.hk | Having regard to the scale of the [...] project, and to facilitate early reception of DAB service [...]in government road tunnels, we propose [...]to implement the project in two phases outlined as follows legco.gov.hk |
避免饥荒,及早行动”通过演播室辩 论和书面评论的方式,将领先的思想家们聚集在一起,讨论饥荒和营养危机是否可以预防,如果可以,该如何预防,如果有人该承担责任,应由谁来承担。 unicef.org | Averting Famine, Acting Early brings leading thinkers [...] together in a studio Debate and through written commentaries, asking [...]whether famine and nutrition crises are preventable, if so, how, and who, if anyone, is responsible. unicef.org |
不過,主席,剛才你也聽到司長和行政長官的說話,原來行政長 官 早已 錄音以供播放, 他也不親身到立法會來說說,你認為這是否“可怒也”呢? legco.gov.hk | However, President, as you have also heard from the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Chief [...] Executive ― the Chief Executive even [...] had his speech recorded earlier, rather than coming to [...]the Legislative Council in person to deliver it. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 2003年 [...] 7月,在考慮與香港商業廣播有限公司牌照續期有關的 事宜時,部分委員認為及早推行數碼 廣 播 可 帶來好處,例如 可騰出多些無線電頻譜以開放更多頻道,從而提供更多選擇 [...]及促進節目多元化。 legco.gov.hk | (c) When considering issues related to the licence renewal of Commercial Radio Hong Kong in [...] July 2003, some members [...] saw merits in the early implementation of digital broadcasting in order that more [...]radio frequency spectrum [...]could be released for additional channels, thereby widening choice and enhancing programme diversity. legco.gov.hk |
管理局早前已按照《廣播條例 》及既定程序,就有關的 免費電視牌照申請完成評核工作,並向行政長官會同行政會議 [...] 作出建議。 legco.gov.hk | Earlier on, the Authority completed the assessment [...] in accordance with the BO and established procedures, and made recommendations [...]to the CE in Council on the free TV licence applications. legco.gov.hk |
劉慧卿議員也促請政府及早落實數碼 廣 播, 為對廣播業有興趣的投資者提供更多電台頻道,而公眾 人士亦有更多電台頻道可以使用,從而促進資訊流通和 節目多元化。 legco.gov.hk | Ms Emily [...] LAU also urged for early implementation of digital broadcasting so that more radio channels could be made available for investors interested in the broadcasting industry; as well [...]as for the use of [...]the public so that information flow and programme diversity could be enhanced. legco.gov.hk |
MT094 Online [...] 广播服务支持每日快速查阅(SWIFT 和往来行发布的)任何广 播报文,同时提供了强大的搜索工具,使您可回溯 最早 2009 年 1 月的广播。 swift.com | MT094 Online Broadcast service offers fast and daily access to any broadcasts (from SWIFT and [...] correspondents), as well as a powerful research tool allowing [...] you to trace back broadcasts from as early as January 2009. swift.com |
英國的有線電視系統並不如美國設 立得那麼早,但英國廣播公司 成立了㆒個社區節目組,深入探討社區受㆟關注的問 [...] 題,並不時加入個別市民提供的資料,製作以紀錄片為主的節目,每星期在某㆒特 定時段內播放㆒次。 legco.gov.hk | Instead, what happened [...] was that the British Broadcasting Corporation established [...]a Community Programme Unit which researched [...]into stories of local concern, and often with input from individual members of the public, produced programmes mainly of a documentary type that were broadcast weekly at a particular time slot. legco.gov.hk |
控制疟疾传播包括及早诊断 、进行有效医治和通过使用长效灭蚊剂处理过的蚊帐 和用灭蚊剂喷洒房屋内墙来防止传播。 daccess-ods.un.org | Controlling the spread [...] of malaria involves early diagnosis, effective [...]treatment and prevention of transmission by using [...]long-lasting insecticide-treated bednets and indoor residual insecticide spraying. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府會繼續關注事態的發展,並 希望各廣播機構能早日達成協議,以便廣大市民能夠收看奧運賽事。 legco.gov.hk | The Government will continue to keep watch on the [...] development of the matter, with the [...] hope that various broadcasters can reach an agreement [...]as soon as possible to facilitate public viewing of the Games. legco.gov.hk |
今天早上,電台的廣播也說 到,一個只有 17 歲的人被要求簽署合約, 他說自己不足 18 歲,對方卻說簽吧,是不要緊的,17 歲和 18 歲只相差 1 年 而已 ─ 可見他們連這種話也說得出來的。 legco.gov.hk | This morning, I learned from the radio that someone who was just 17 years of age was asked to sign a contract. legco.gov.hk |
我很希望公眾頻道能夠早些可以啟播 , 但 最重要的 是我希望公眾頻道能發揮它應有的作用,那我們㆒定要給那些好節目多些機會,使 [...] 其得以推動和廣播。 legco.gov.hk | I hope that public access [...] channels can start broadcasting as soon as possible. legco.gov.hk |
我想 指出,奧運會的轉播權其實早已在此之前由有線透過競投方式奪得。 legco.gov.hk | I would like to point out that Cable TV has in fact won [...] the bidding for the broadcasting rights of the Games [...]long before that. legco.gov.hk |
至 於在家 禽 市場抽樣進行的 病 毒 培養測試,據瞭 解 , 要 完 成 整 項 病 毒 培 養測試, 一般須用 3 至 5 天 的 時間;要 那 麼 長的時間才能證 明 雞 隻 是 否出現 禽 流 感 病 毒 , 屆 時 若 證實有問題, 病 毒 也 早 已 經 傳 播 開 去了。 legco.gov.hk | For the virus cultivation test used in retail poultry markets, I understand that the whole process will take three to five days to complete. Since it takes such a long time to ascertain whether a chicken is infected by the avian flu virus, the virus will have spread around long before the results are available. legco.gov.hk |
呼吁联合国系统和其他人道主义行动者将早期复原活动纳入其所有部门和 专题领域的工作,并改进传播和运用 早 期 复 原活动工具和服务的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations system and other humanitarian actors are called upon to integrate early recovery into their work across all sectors [...] and thematic areas and to [...] improve the dissemination and application of tools and services for early recovery activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
港台本來是會進行網上直播的,直 播早 已安 排妥當,與治喪委員會是談妥的了。 legco.gov.hk | The RTHK originally intended [...] to hold a live webcast of the funeral [...]service and necessary arrangements have been made with [...]the funeral organizer long ago. legco.gov.hk |
柏力早年曾在ABC广播公司和CBS广播公 司 工作,在1989年报道过美国前总统布什和前苏联总统戈尔巴乔夫的对中国的国事访问。 taishancapital.com | Mitch interned in Beijing for both ABC News and CBS News, covering the 1989 state visit of U.S. President George Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and spend several years in Hong Kong as an analyst with American Airlines. taishancapital.com |
新闻部提议,如联合 国传播组自己早先建 议的那样,应在负责人一级将其并入联合国系统行政首长协 调理事会(行政首长理事会)方案问题高级别委员会半年度会议的筹备工作中去, 作为将联合国的政策和传播工作更紧密联系起来的一个手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Department proposes that the United Nations Communications Group, at the principal level, be integrated into the preparation of the semi-annual meetings of the High-Level Committee on Programmes of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) as a means to linking United Nations policy and communications more closely, as recommended earlier by the Communications Group. daccess-ods.un.org |
有關港台公司化或成為一個獨立廣播 公 司 的討論 , 早 於 八十年代初期已 開始了,後來因為九七回歸而擱置,1997 [...] 年後大家也知道發生了甚麼事,事 情也因而耽擱了。 legco.gov.hk | Discussions on the corporatization of [...] RTHK or transforming it into [...] an independent broadcaster began as early as the early [...]'80s, but were suspended due to the reunification of Hong Kong in 1997. legco.gov.hk |