单词 | 早晚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 早晚 —morning and eveningless common: sooner or later Examples:多早晚—when? 这早晚儿 adv—now adv 这早晚儿—this late • at this time 早出晚归—leave early and return late [idiom.] See also:早 adj—early adj 早—Good morning! 晚 n—evening n • night n 晚 adj—late adj
使用方法﹕每天早晚於潔 面及爽膚後用於所需部位,然後再按正常護理程式做護理.適用於乾燥的,有黑眼圈及有眼紋的眼睛。 bonjourhk.com | Usage: Morning and evening gently pat around [...] the eye area, starting at the inner corner of the upper lid and following the natural eye contour. bonjourhk.com |
第二天,据说报告员就召集办公室全体人员到他房间开会,向他们 通报说情报总局正在开展一项调查,传递情报 者 早晚 会 被 发现。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the next day, the rapporteur allegedly summoned all the members of his staff to his office and informed [...] them that the Intelligence Agency was conducting an investigation and that the informer [...] would be found out sooner or later. daccess-ods.un.org |
一般至混合性膚質或夏天季節,可單獨 於 早晚 潔 面 及爽膚後使用於全臉及頸。 cosme-de.com | Normal to combination skin or in summer: application [...] alone morning and evening all over the face [...]and neck. cosme-de.com |
评议PAYOT: 早晚洁肤后,在用面霜前使用4 滴 CONCENTRÉ ANTI-SOIF CLARTÉ在面部,轻轻按摩。 payot.com | Tipp von PAYOT: Apply 4 drops of Concentré Anti-Soif Clarté morning and all over the face, ending with a gentle massage. payot.com |
就以港同盟和匯點數月前在港島就㆗巴服務 所作出的㆒項調查為例,我們觀察到每 逢 早 、 晚 的 繁忙時間,隧道巴士和冷氣巴士, 這兩種必然賺錢的巴士路線,會出現班次過剩,即班次比法例所要求的多出很多的 情況,而普通巴士的班次不足和誤點的情況是非常嚴重,尤以東區、灣仔、西環這 些區域為甚,因為這些路線或許沒有錢賺,甚至有虧蝕的情況。 legco.gov.hk | The problem of inadequate frequency and unpunctuality of ordinary buses is very serious, particuarly in districts such as the Eastern District, Wanchai and the Western District because perhaps the routes concerned are non-profitable or are even suffering losses. legco.gov.hk |
早晚外出 妆前必备,5-10分钟密集水疗眼膜,消除疲劳痕迹,恢复眼部活力。 clarinsusa.com | Intensive 5-10 minute mask energizes tired eyes—minimizing signs of fatigue and stress. clarinsusa.com |
在此,我希望大家明白,就我們所看到的數字,有部分內地孕婦的丈夫 [...] 其實是本地人,所以日後不論是經由單程配額證或任何行政措施也好,她們 早晚也可能會成為香港的一分子。 legco.gov.hk | Here, I hope Members will understand that according to the figures that we have seen, the husbands of some of these pregnant women from the Mainland are in fact local residents, therefore, these [...] women will become a member of the Hong [...] Kong community sooner or later, be it by [...]obtaining a one-way permit or through any [...]other administrative measures. legco.gov.hk |
这款眼部精华液具有显著和持续紧肤效果, 是 早晚 出 门 前理想产品,极易附着化妆品,瞬间提亮眼部神采。 clarinsusa.com | Anti-aging serum instantly lifts, firms, and smoothes expression lines. clarinsusa.com |
还将安 排每日早晚接送 下榻于其他各饭店的与会人员到离会议中心的往返班车。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Shuttle transfers will also be arranged to transport participants accommodated in other hotels to and from the conference centre each morning and each evening. unesdoc.unesco.org |
虽然最初被建议用作晚期食道癌或支气管癌的缓解药物,但现在它已经成为可以有效治 疗 早晚 期 腔 内肿瘤的手段,PDT已进入我们的医疗实践的各个方面,包括治疗早期呼吸消化道癌症的缓解疗法、诱导治疗和明确的干预措施。 tipschina.gov.cn | Although initially proposed as a palliative tool in the management of end-stage esophageal or bronchogenic carcinoma, [...] it has emerged as a modality which can [...] effectively treat early as well as advanced [...]endoluminal tumors, PDT has been incorporated [...]into all aspects of our practice, including palliation, induction therapy, and definitive intervention for early-stage cancers of the aerodigestive tract. tipschina.gov.cn |
每个人每天应该用含氟牙膏早晚刷牙两次,分别在早餐后和入睡前。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Brushing twice a [...] day – after breakfast in the morning and before bed at night – with fluoride [...]toothpaste is recommended for everyone. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
早晚潔面後,取適量均勻塗抹於面部及頸部,輕輕打圈按摩至完全吸收 bonjourhk.com | Use day and night after cleanser and [...] toner, smooth evenly onto your face and neck and massage gently into the skin until thoroughly absorbed. bonjourhk.com |
結果顯示,海隧日間由上午七時半至 [...] 午夜的交通流量已達至飽和程度,即使海隧的收費水平在 繁忙時間增加,在非繁忙時間減少,由於海隧在上午七時 [...] 半前只餘少量容車量,而在繁忙時間之間的時段( 即 早晚 繁忙 時間之間)幾乎毫無剩餘容車量,因此,仍無法吸納 [...] 繁忙時間重新分配的流量或從其他隧道重新分配的流量。 devb.gov.hk | It is noted that hourly traffic volume through the Cross Harbour Tunnel has already reached the saturation level throughout the day time from 7:30am to midnight. There is very little spare capacity at the tunnel before 7:30am and virtually no spare capacity at the [...] tunnel at the inter-peak period (ie [...] between the morning and evening peak periods) to absorb [...]traffic redistributed from the peak [...]periods or from other tunnels if the toll levels of the tunnel were to be increased in the peak periods and decreased in other periods. devb.gov.hk |
如果SEO內容未能如實講述網站的內容,G oo g l e 早晚 會 發 現然後對網站評分作出修整。 e-marketingchili.com | If the SEO content is not truthful to the [...] website, Google will find it and make [...]adjustment of the value. e-marketingchili.com |
在一个国家,一位受访的前警 [...] 察提请注意缺乏设备的问题,例如缺乏致命性较低的武器:“如果警察携带实 弹,而且他们只有实弹,在面对敌对人群时,他 们 早晚 是 要用上这些实弹的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In one country, a former policeman who was interviewed drew attention to the lack of equipment, such as less-than-lethal weapons: “If policemen are [...] carrying live rounds, and that is all they have, they are [...] going to use it sooner or later when they face [...]hostile crowds. daccess-ods.un.org |
您可以在德国家庭搭伙,预订早 餐或早晚餐。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | In a host family you can also book just breakfast or half [...] board (breakfast and an evening meal). carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
如果你在工作日早晚的交 通高峰身处河内街头, 就会明白省出的每一分钟都对越南人异常宝贵。 tetrapak.com | If you’ve experienced rush hour in Hanoi you know how precious every minute is at the beginning and the end of the working day,” said Le. tetrapak.com |
沿著走廊 的交通擠塞並不僅在早晚的繁 忙時段才發生,每個工作日 的早上八時至晚上八時亦會常常出現。 devb.gov.hk | Congestion along the Corridor is not limited to the [...] typical morning and evening peak hours. devb.gov.hk |
但是我覺得這樣也不錯,至少早晚刷 牙 和洗臉可以在房間裡進行。 4tern.com | I think it is great to have a sink, you can brush teeth and wash your face, without having to go out of the room. 4tern.com |
基本護理期 : 早晚於塗面霜前取適量均勻塗於面頸,配合按摩可有助吸收及滲透;保養護理期 : 建議嚴重缺水及肌膚乾燥肌膚,於晚上厚厚塗搽至翌日早上,每週一至二次,視情況而定。 aster.com.hk | For Basic Care: Before applying lotion, take appropriate amount over face and neck with gentle massage until absorbed. aster.com.hk |
使用方法:早晚入浴 後,取適量“潤膚露”輕按全身至吸收即可。 aster.com.hk | Method To Use : After the bath, take adequate quantity to nourish the whole body skin. aster.com.hk |
每天早、晚各刷 一次牙,同时每天使用一次牙线。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Brush your teeth twice a [...] day, morning and evening, and floss once a day beijing.ufh.com.cn |
无论如何,组织机关早晚要 对 接纳希望在加入组成文书时附加保留的新成员的问题表明立场;没有这个决 定,国家不能被视为组织成员。 daccess-ods.un.org | In any case, an organ of the organization must at some time or another take a position on the admission of a new member that wishes to accompany its accession to the constituent instrument with a reservation; without such a decision, the State cannot be considered a member of the organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
早晚使用 First Care Serum後,取适量於掌心,均匀涂於整脸。 priceless.com.hk | After applying First Care Serum [...] in the morning and evening, dispense an appropriate [...]amount of the product onto your palm and smooth it over face. priceless.com.hk |
一般至乾性的膚質或冬天季節,可於塗用「骨膠原彈力再生緊緻日霜」前先用於全臉及頸 , 早晚 使 用。 cosme-de.com | Normal skin to dry skin or in the winter: application under COLLAGENIST with pro-Xfill [...] cream morning and evening all over the face [...]and neck. cosme-de.com |
现在,不论是早晚还是 白天,都已是适合慢跑的气候了。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | In the mornings and evenings, even during daytime, [...] the weather is getting better for running. en.tohokukanko.jp |
Essonce 角鯊烷透氧再生精華: 每天早晚於化 妝水後,取適量均勻的在臉上輕柔按摩至完全吸收。 glamabox.com | Essonce Squalane Oxygen Regenerating Essence: Spread the proper amount and massage gently on the face till completely be absorbed in morning and evening of each day. glamabox.com |
男士的肌膚毛孔較粗大,油脂分泌較旺盛,更易因壓力或外在環境的污染而導致肌膚衰老,因此更需要有效呵護,男士專用的精華液針對男士常見的肌膚問題,而添加特殊的草本精華配方 添加獨特水溶性胎盤素、維生素ACE及複合草本配方,可有效抵擋外界的污染傷害,並提供足夠的滋潤養分,質地清爽不油膩,適 合 早晚 使 用。 healthkool.com | The most advanced formulation containing placenta extracts and vitamins A-C-E. A blend of three concentrated antioxidants helps to detox the skin. healthkool.com |
IBM公司去年公布「通勤族痛苦指數」,由北京和墨西哥市並列冠軍,在0至100的痛苦指數中,兩地均高居99分;這項指數涵蓋多項內容,包括通勤時間、交通時間、交通惡化情況、壓力、憤怒,以及交通影響民眾出 門 早晚 的 程 度,墨西哥市通勤民眾何以如此痛苦? thisbigcity.net | The index comprises several issues, [...] including commuting time, time in traffic, [...]worsening of traffic, stress, anger, and [...]how traffic affects decisions to leave home. thisbigcity.net |