

单词 早前


较早前 adv

earlier on adv

See also:


early adj

Good morning!

External sources (not reviewed)

大会第 65/269 号决议重 申其早前提出 的要求,即要求开展深入评估,向大会第六十八届会议提交相关 [...]
In its resolution 65/269 the Assembly
[...] reiterated its earlier request for an [...]
in-depth assessment, to be submitted for consideration at its sixty-eighth session.
这项工作支持执行弱势移徙人口人权的政策,也 早前 教 科文 组织关于移徙和人权工作的后续工作。
The work is in support of the development of policies to implement
human rights of vulnerable migrant populations,
[...] and follows up on earlier work of UNESCO [...]
on migration and human rights.
(ee) 較早前已就 有關分銷迷你債券的申索與分銷銀行達成和解的客戶 (見問題 5 的答案)。
(ee) customers who have previously settled their claims [...]
in relation to the distribution of Minibonds with the Distributing
Bank (see the answer to Question 5 below).
这是按照早前的讨论进行的,即在渔委会和渔委会水产品 贸易分委会讨论了粮农组织是否可以或应当,核实特定生态标签计划是否符合海 [...]
This followed earlier discussions in both [...]
COFI and the COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade regarding whether FAO could, or
should, verify the correctness of claims being made by ecolabelling schemes that they complied with the Marine Guidelines.
咨询委员会指出,秘书长的提议符合咨询委员 早前提 出 的应尽可能广泛使用专业人员职等和一般事务人员职等的本国工作人员的建 [...]
议(见 A/60/7,第 70 和 71 段)。
The Advisory Committee notes that the
Secretary-General’s proposal is also in
[...] line with its own earlier recommendation [...]
that national staff should be used as widely
as possible at both the Professional and General Service levels (see A/60/7, paras. 70 and 71).
我們留意到早前的報道, 有記者曾透過電話測試寬頻網絡商的服務,發現網絡商的營業員並沒有在雙 方的談話中清楚交代實際上對消費者不公平的條款,包括“過期不交月費可 逐月被罰利息”,或說明“如果寬頻有故障,電訊公司無須負上任何責任或 作出任何賠償”等條文。
It was found that the sales person did not clearly explain the terms which are in effect unfair to consumers during the conversation, including the term that an interest may be charged on a monthly basis as a penalty for failure to make payment of the monthly subscription fee, or the term stating that the service operator does not have any responsibility and is not liable to make any compensation, and so on.
(e) 早前有意 見引用例子,指在某些情況下用遞補順位名單填 補空缺可能引致一些不合理的情況,例如可能由其他獲票 [...]
(e) Some earlier submissions have [...]
used examples to illustrate how the use of the precedence list of candidates to fill casual
vacancies may give rise to unreasonable situations in certain circumstances, for example, the vacancy may be filled by candidates from another list which may have obtained only a small number of votes.
一項早前進行 的研究顯示,香港海產和珠江 三角洲水生環境的多溴聯苯醚含量較其他國家為高。
One earlier research indicated [...]
that the level of PBDEs in seafood of Hong Kong and in the water environment of Pearl Delta
was relatively higher than other countries.
早前所述,法援署署長行使在刑事案件規則第15(2)條之 下的酌情權,以決定是否豁免法律援助申請人的經濟資格限額時,會按照 [...]
As mentioned earlier, in exercising his [...]
discretion on whether to waive the financial eligibility limit of a legal aid applicant
under Rule 15(2) of the LACCR, the DLA would assess “interests of justice” against the Widgery Criteria, which has a long history in the English practice.
本集團於這段期間 經歷了多項重要的企業大事
[...] ,包括一名主要股東的變動 、進行了一項早前公布之私有化建議 ,以及 隨後之強制性全面收購要約 。
This was also a period of significant corporate activity for the Group that
included a change in a major shareholder,
[...] the launch of a previously announced privatisation [...]
proposal, and the subsequent mandatory general offers (“MGO”).
早前的公 布,Allen股東每持有一股Allen普通股,便可換取1.775股新發行之安德魯股票,不足一股的餘額將以現金支付。
As previously announced, based [...]
on the exchange ratio for the merger, Allen Telecom Inc stockholders will receive 1.775 shares
of Andrew Corporation common stock for each share of Allen Telecom Inc common stock, with cash paid in lieu of any fractional share.
[...] 并表示相关承诺应参照过去十年的经验,致力完 早前 的 处 理办法和重新平衡优 先事项。
Many speakers characterized the initiatives to be undertaken under the Istanbul Programme of Action as reflecting new priorities, and
stated that the commitments should be
[...] directed to refining earlier approaches and [...]
rebalancing priorities in the light of the
experience of the last 10 years.
[...] 1860(2009)号决 议仍然至关重要,以避早前导致最新暴力的行为模 式。
Croatia remains convinced that the full implementation of
resolution 1860 (2009) remains essential in
[...] order to avoid earlier patterns of behaviour [...]
that led to the latest violence.
於2011年8月,為滿足本集團不斷增長的資金需求, 支持於本集團實施進一步的發展規劃,母公司 早前借 予本集團的8.5億港元借款全部轉為了股份,進一步提升 [...]
了公司的資本實力,為今後本集團的業務發展奠定了良 好的資本基礎。
In August 2011, in order to satisfy the growing capital requirement of the Group and provide support for the Group to implement its development plan, our
parent company capitalized the whole
[...] sum of HK$850 million previously advanced to the Group [...]
for shares, which further enhanced
the capital strength of the Company and laid a solid capital base for the future business development of the Group.
凡根據本章程細則第46條有權登記為股東的人士均可以相 同方式在任何股東大會上就有關股份投票,猶如彼為該等股 份的登記持有人,惟於其擬投票的大會或續會(視乎情況而
[...] 定)舉行時間前最少48小時,彼須令董事會信納其有權登記 為該等股份的持有人,或董事早前 已 接納其於有關大會上 就有關股份投票。
Any person entitled under Article 46 to be registered as the holder of any shares may vote at any general meeting in respect thereof in the same manner as if he were the registered holder of such shares, provided that at least 48 hours before the time of the holding of the meeting or adjourned meeting (as the case may be) at which he proposes to vote, he shall satisfy the Board of his right to be
registered as the holder of such shares or
[...] the Board shall have previously admitted his right [...]
to vote at such meeting in respect thereof.
(D) 倘於本細則(A)段所述之12年限期內,或符合在本細則(A)段中第(i)
[...] 至(iv)分段所述之全部規定之日為止之期間內,就該期間開始時所持有之股份或於該 期間早前所發行之股份,曾額外發行股份,而該等額外股份已符合本細則(A)段中 [...]
Article, or during any period ending on the date when all the requirements of sub-paragraphs (i) to (iv) of paragraph (A) of this Article have been satisfied, any additional shares have been
issued in respect of those held at the
[...] beginning of, or previously so issued during, [...]
any such period and all the requirements
of sub-paragraphs (ii) to (iv) of paragraph (A) of this Article have been satisfied in regard to such additional shares, the Company shall also be entitled to sell the additional shares.
早前分銷銀行與 客戶達成的和解協議內容複雜繁多,某些個案的回購函件將於上述限期過後不久才可 [...]
Given the variety and complexity of the terms in the
[...] settlement agreements previously made between the Distributing [...]
Bank and its customers,
there are, however, a few cases in which the offer letters can only be issued to the eligible customers shortly after the above timeframe.
缔约早前已承 认,确保履约的主要责任由各缔约国承担,《公约》第9 条也相应地规定,每一缔约国应采取一切适当的法律、行政和其他措施,包括实 [...]
施刑事制裁,以防止和制止任何人在其管辖或控制下或者在受其管辖或控制的领 土上从事本公约禁止缔约国进行的任何活动。
The States Parties had previously acknowledged that [...]
the primary responsibility for ensuring compliance rests with each individual
State Party and that article 9 of the Convention accordingly requires each State Party to take all appropriate legal, administrative and other measures, including the imposition of penal sanctions, to prevent and suppress prohibited activities by persons or on territory under its jurisdiction or control.
即 使 當 事早 前 身 故 或 精 神 失 常 或 撤 銷 代 [...]
表 委 任 文 件 或 就 簽 立 此 撤 銷 作 出 的 授 權 , 惟 並 無 於 代 表 委 任 文 件 適 用 的 大 會 或 續 會 或 按 股 數 投 票
表 決 開 始 至 少 兩 (2)小 時 前,書 面 通 知 本 公 司 辦 事 處 或 過 戶 登 記 處( 或 獲 送 交 召 開 大 會 通 告 內 所 載 委 任 代 表 文 件 或 隨 附 寄 發 的 其 他 文 件 指 明 的 有 關 其 他 地 點 ) 有 關 身 故 、 精 神 失 常 或 撤 銷 , 則 根 據 代 表 委 任 文 件 的 條 款 作 出 的 投 票 屬 有 效 。
A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of
[...] proxy shall be valid notwithstanding [...]
the previous death or insanity of the principal,
or revocation of the instrument of proxy or of the authority under which it was executed, provided that no intimation in writing of such death, insanity or revocation shall have been received by the Company at the Office or the Registration Office (or such other place as may be specified for the delivery of instruments of proxy in the notice convening the meeting or other document sent therewith) two (2) hours at least before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting, or the taking of the poll, at which the instrument of proxy is used.
早前的一些评估表明,索马里需要建立适当的法律框架,以解决在其领海内 海事执法的各方面问题,同时考虑到相关的安全和经济实力问题。
As a number of earlier assessments have [...]
shown, Somalia needs the appropriate legal frameworks to address all aspects of
maritime law enforcement within its waters, taking into account relevant security and economic capacity concerns.
至於民研計劃早前提及 會設計一份比較完整的政改模擬問卷一事,由於民間對政改的討論未見熱烈,而民研計劃又要突然需要啟動立法會補選研究,因此有所延遲,特此致歉。
As for our earlier forecast that we [...]
would design a comprehensive model questionnaire on political reform, we apologize that
our plan has been delayed, partly because of the lack of public debate on the matter, and partly because of the sudden need to turn on our Legco by-election studies.
(d) 就每項持續關連交易的總金額而言,他並無注意到任何事項令他相信該等持續關連交易的金額超出本公司就 每項已披露的持續關連交易早前二 零 一零年三月十六日及二零一零年六月二十一日公告的年度上限總額。
(d) with respect to the aggregate amount of each of the continuing connected transactions, nothing has come to his attention that causes him to believe that the disclosed continuing connected transactions have
exceeded the maximum aggregate annual
[...] value disclosed in the previous announcements dated [...]
16th March 2010 and 21st June 2010
made by the Company in respect of each of the continuing connected transactions.
终审 法早前在一 宗案件的判词中指出,香港的法定通知机制在世界各地的司法管辖 区极为普遍,并确认这个法定通知机制合宪,对让警方履行其职责,即采取合理 和适当措施,有助合法的集会和示威以和平方式进行来说是有需要的。
It has also affirmed that the statutory requirement for notification is constitutional, and is required to enable the Police to fulfil their duty of taking reasonable and appropriate measures to enable lawful assemblies and demonstrations to take place peacefully.
(a) 在不影響現有股份持有早前獲賦予的任何特別權利情況下,任何股 份可附有不論是在股息、投票、資本退還或其他方面的有關優先權、遞 [...]
延權或其他特別權利或特權或有關限制,而有關權利或限制可由本公 司通過普通決議案不時決定(或倘並無任何有關決定,則由董事會決定),
而經特別決議案批准後,任何優先股可按本身的條款發行,或由本公司 選擇予以贖回。
(a) Without prejudice to
[...] any special rights previously conferred on the [...]
holders of existing shares, any share may be issued
with such preferred, deferred, or other special rights or privileges, or such restrictions, whether in regard to dividend, voting, return of share capital, or otherwise, as the Company may from time to time by ordinary resolution determine (or, in the absence of any such determination, as the Board may determine), and any preference share may, with the sanction of a special resolution, be issued on the terms that it is, or at the option of the Company is liable, to be redeemed.
[...] Auspicious Colour 之牌照連同早前獲批 之固定傳送者牌照 ,將用於經營多路單載波平台 [...]
, 為客戶提供轉發器容量及上行鏈路服務之捆綁式增值服務 。
This is in addition to the Non-domestic [...]
Television Programme Service Licence held by Skywave. This licence granted to Auspicious
Colour, together with the Fixed Carrier Licence that was approved previously, will be used to operate MCPC platforms to provide customers with bundled value-added services for space segment and uplink services.
第一任特區行政長官的推選工作已進入白熱化階段,社會輿論此起彼落,對民意數據的渴求亦驟然增加,形形種種的民意收集方法開始在坊間流行,其中包括極低成本的音頻互動錄音電話訪問方法 早前 常 見的觀眾讀者來電投票方法,國際網頁傳送問卷方法,及隨意街頭或電話訪問方法。
The selection process for the First SAR Chief Executive has reached a critical stage, the crave for public opinion data was never greater. With this unprecedented demand for
opinion data, a number of cheap but
[...] unscientific methods of data collection has [...]
become popular, including the so-called interactive
tone-dial recorded telephone interviews, phone-in polls, electronic interviews using the World Wide Web, and casual street and telephone polls.
回归法》(第1/1999 号法律) ,为了再确保法律制度的连续性 早前 在澳 门生效的所有葡萄牙法律停止生效,并规范本地法律抵触《基本法》的三种情 况。
The Reunification Law (Law 1/1999), reaffirming the continuity of the
legal system, revoked all Portuguese
[...] enacted legislation previously in force in Macao [...]
and established three types of situations
regarding local legislation that contravenes the BL.
[...] 款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议前尽早提 交 这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作 [...]
组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或采取 其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also
requested the Secretary-General to submit that
[...] material well in advance of its sixty-fifth [...]
session; and decided to further examine,
within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).
然而,该国在政变前早已存在问题,如政府在利用媒体空间进行公共宣传方面 缺乏透明度被视为言论自由的主要障碍之一。
However, long-standing problems such as the lack of transparency in the Government’s use of media space to broadcast official publicity were considered one of the main obstacles to freedom of expression in the country well before the coup.




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