

单词 买原料

See also:


purchase n

External sources (not reviewed)

的确,评论家称,在全球能源 安全竞赛和买原料以满足中国经济发展需要的 过程中,中国对非洲的新态度是重商主义的。
Indeed, critics have commented that China’s newfound attitude toward Africa is mercantilist, in the
global race for energy security and the
[...] procurement of raw materials to fuel China’s [...]
burgeoning economy.5 Nevertheless, it
is worth noting Africa’s eternal irony: it is often the most resource-rich states that are in dire need of infrastructure development and support.
如果能够在美国市场以较低的价格 买原 材 料 和 其 他部件,生产上述产品的成本 为 22 [...]
307 380 美元,可以从中节约 5 468 600 美元。
Had it had access
[...] to lower-cost raw materials and other components [...]
on the United States market, the same production quantities
would have cost US$ 22,307,380 in total, for a savings of US$ 5,468,600.
Yangi zamon 合资企业的10 家面包厂产 品的销售收入转移到不同银行账户,用于 买原 材 料 , 原 材 料 后来被出售, A. 利用假造文件侵吞了这笔资金。
4.5 During 1998-2000, A. had also transferred the income from the sales of the products of ten
bakeries belonging
[...] to “Yangi zamon” joint-venture, the funds were transferred to different bank accounts and were used to acquire raw materials which were later [...]
sold and the money was
misappropriated using false documents.
成本和效益也包括非环境因素;重建用以防洪 的湿地成本包括工人的工资和买原 材 料 的 费 用。
Costs and benefits also include
non-environmental factors; re-establishing a wetland for flood protection involves
[...] paying laborers, and buying raw materials.
审计的重点是核查自审查买、 原材料的消费和销售的过程中获得的氟氯化碳生产量。
The focus of the audit is the verification of CFC production obtained from the examination of financial records on the procurement, consumption of raw materials and sales.
然后,该公司使用的认缴资本,开始他们的活动( 买原 材 料 , 支 付员工和设施等)。
The company then uses the subscribed capital to start
[...] their activities (buy raw materials, pay employees [...]
and facilities etc).
这些银行 为买原材料提供 资金,保证众多交易的无缝化处理,并为经营 和信贷风险提供保护。
They finance the purchase of raw materials, guarantee the [...]
seamless processing of transactions and offer protection against operational and credit risks.
采取的行动 在发现专利改进及有关的采购行为后,A公司请 求法院强制执行生产合同并禁止B公司继续进行 专利改进并从其他供应商处买原材 料。
Include unfair terms for the exchange of improvements made to the licensed technology, such as requiring a licensee to provide or transfer an improvement that he or she has made to the licensed technology, back to the licensor for free or without any non-monetary compensation (i.e. technical assistance).
八)为申报增值税而在税务机关备档的月度增值税纳税申报单,它会显示每 月买的原材料和销售的成品。
(viii) Monthly value added tax (VAT) returns filed
with revenue authority for claim of VAT, which gives the
[...] monthly purchase of raw materials and sales of finished goods.
签订合同后即进行生产,B公司改进了A公 司的专利,并在没有通知A公司的情况下从其他 供应商处买了原材料。
Waive the provision of warranty, which states that the licensed technology is complete, free from error, effective and capable of achieving the prescribed goals.
The price to purchase any raw materials will be your [...]
actual cost.
那些缺乏大 品牌那种买力或原料采购 能力的加工商也面临着越来越多的国内原材料短缺问 题,从而被迫靠进口来解决问题。
Processors that operate without the purchasing or sourcing power of strong brands are also experiencing increasing problems linked to the scarcity of domestic raw material, and they are being forced to import fish for their business.
拟编列经费 205 000 美元,用于支付档案和记录管理科档案编目和数字化
[...] 服务的所需经费(200 000 美元)以及培训用品和买储存材料(5 000 美元)。
The amount of $205,000 would cover requirements in the Archives and Records Management Section for archival
cataloguing and digitization services ($200,000), as well as for training supplies and
[...] the purchase of storage materials ($5,000).
购买工艺品最好是从有艺术工艺中心的社区直接 买 , 或 从 原 住 民 社区所有、经营或支持的艺术馆和商店购买。
The best way to buy artefacts is either directly [...]
from the communities that have art-and-craft centres or from galleries
and outlets that are owned, operated or supported by Aboriginal communities.
没有能力买或寻求强势品牌的加工商 也正在经历与稀缺的国原料有关 的越来越多问题,为了生意,他们正被迫进 口鱼。
Processors that
[...] operate without the purchasing or sourcing power of strong brands are also experiencing increasing problems linked to the scarcity of domestic raw material, and they are being [...]
forced to import fish for their business.
办事处 官员基本上不上班,留守的官员则抱怨说,他们拿不到工资,对整个行业进行有 效监督必不可缺的摩托车无法上路 原 因 是 零配件不足,或者没钱 买 燃 料。
Regional Officers were largely absent, and those who were there complained that they were unpaid and that their motorcycles — vital for the effective monitoring of
the sector — were not
[...] roadworthy either because they were short of spare parts or lacked the financial resources to purchase fuel.
买真品,这是原住民 文化的支持,并有助于确保传统和当代的专长与设计能继续为原住民个人及其社 区带来经济和文化收益。
By buying authentic items you are supporting Aboriginal culture and [...]
helping to ensure that traditional and contemporary
expertise and designs continue to be of economic and cultural benefit for Aboriginal individuals and their communities.
(o) 如私穩專員本可就第㆒太平銀行違反或被指稱違反《個㆟資料(私 隱)條例》(第 486 章)或保障料原則㆒事而在緊接指定日期之前 根據該條例就第㆒太平銀行行使任何權力,則自指定日期起,他可就 東亞銀行行使該權力;但根據本條例將第㆒太平銀行的業務移轉及轉 歸東亞銀行,以及因預期或由於進行㆖述移轉及轉歸而向東亞銀行所 作出的任何信息披露,並不屬違反第㆒太平銀行在緊接該指定日期前 所負有的保密責任,而東亞銀行或第㆒太平銀行亦不屬違反《個㆟資 料(私隱)條例》(第 486 章)或保障料原則。
(l) The Privacy Commissioner may, on and from the appointed day, exercise in respect of Bank of East Asia any power under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) which he could have immediately before the appointed day exercised in respect of First Pacific Bank in respect of a
breach or alleged
[...] breach by First Pacific Bank of that Ordinance or the data protection principles; but the transfer to, and vesting in, Bank of East Asia by this Ordinance of the undertaking of First Pacific Bank and any disclosure to Bank of East Asia of any information in contemplation or as a result thereof shall not amount to a breach of any duty of confidentiality to which First Pacific Bank is subject immediately before the appointed day or to a contravention by Bank of East Asia or First Pacific Bank of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) or the data protection principles.
造成这一结果原因是,预买受人 或有担保债权人在除非 取消既有登记并在既有登记取消以前并不愿意与设保人订立任何交易。
This result is due to the fact that a prospective buyer or secured creditor will be reluctant to enter into any dealings with the grantor unless and until the existing registration is cancelled.
瓦克,以有机硅为基础的整体解决方案的领先供应商,将在2013年中国国际化妆品、个人及家庭护理用 原料 展 览 会(PCHi 2013)上展示其最新产品和创新性有机硅解决方案。
WACKER, a leading supplier of complete silicone-based solutions, will present its
latest products and innovative solutions at the upcoming Personal Care
[...] and Homecare Ingredients (PCHi) 2013 [...]
trade show.
这一项也同样适用于由于其原因应买 方要求延迟交货的情况。
This is also true for any delay in acceptance of the
[...] goods by the buyer due to other reasons.
鑒於政府當局未有採取有效行動,對15條約束政府的有關條 例作出修訂使其亦約束中央政府駐香港特區機構,以及仍未 完成就《個人料(私隱)條例》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 政府當局又遲遲未將明文規定對" 官方" 具約束力或適用的35 條有關條例作適應化修改,本會表示高度關注,並促請政府 當局解釋此方面工作進展緩慢原因 , 以及加快對有關條例 作出修訂和適應化修改的工作。
That, in view of the Administration's failure to take effective action to amend the 15 relevant Ordinances which bind the Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to complete the review
of the applicability
[...] of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices in the HKSAR, resulting in these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed to bind, or apply to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the reasons for the slow [...]
progress of the work and
to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances.
中国对缅甸主要 的出口商品包括纺织品,化原料, 机 械和医药,主要的进口 商品包括农产品,如大米和水果,海产品,木材,宝石,矿物 [...]
China’s main exports to Myanmar include
[...] textiles, chemical raw materials, machinery and medicines, [...]
while the main imports from
Myanmar include agricultural products such as rice and fruits, seafood, timber, gems, minerals and livestock products.
核查的目的是:比较核原料最终用户提供的甲基溴贸易数据和甲 基溴生产者提供的数据;通过检查生产过程、应用技术、生产设备、库存和泄漏,分析并 核实将甲基溴作原料的实 际使用数量;确认甲基溴生产和消费企业严格遵守相关的法律 规定 。
The objective of the
[...] verification was to: crosscheck the trade data of MB provided by feedstock end-users with data from MB producers; analyze and verify the actual application of MB as feedstock by checking the production process, technologies applied, production [...]
and stocks as well as leakage; and confirm that MB producing and consuming enterprises strictly follow relevant laws and regulations.
[...] 措施包括支持这些国家的产品增值,而不是永久保 持其作原料供给 者的角色,同时要取消对与其利 害攸关产品的限制。
Other crucial measures included supporting value addition in those countries
rather than perpetuating their role as
[...] providers of raw materials, and eliminating [...]
restrictions on products of interest to them.
4.31 预算外资源 810 800 美元将用于为《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此 种地雷的公约》缔约国第十二届和第十三届年度会议和(或)审议大会提供经费,并用于促进实
[...] 现本组织的目标,即为现有多边军备限制和裁军协定缔约国提供支助,包括为此为裁军研究和料处购买专业 书籍和出版物,以便提供最新信息,供会员国在多边军备限制和裁军协定谈判 [...]
4.31 The amount of $810,800 from extrabudgetary resources will be utilized to fund the twelfth and thirteenth annual meetings and/or review conferences of the States parties to the Convention of the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction, and to contribute to the Organization’s objective of providing support to States parties to existing multilateral arms limitation and
disarmament agreements,
[...] including through the purchase of specialized [...]
books and publications for the disarmament research and reference collection in order to provide up-to-date information
for use by Member States in their negotiations on multilateral arms limitation and disarmament agreements, as well as by the substantive secretariat, research institutions and the general public.
买方卖方想知道他们的电脑上放置一个cookie来记录网站上的导航和买方通过在线表格, 料 由 买 方 提 供的信息资料拟保存完好。
The Purchaser is aware that Seller wishes to place a cookie on their computer to record information about the navigation of the Buyer on the Website and the information provided by Buyer through the online form, information intended to be well preserved.
[...] 进现代科学技术应该考虑到这些特点,并且立足于农作知识网、比较完善的基础 设施以及一种将作物轮作、综合作物 原料 生 产 结合起来的系统途径。
Introductions of modern science and technology to smallholder farming should take into account these characteristics and be based on farmer knowledge
networks, better infrastructure, and a system approach involving crop rotation and
[...] integrated crop and feedstock production.
它涉及四氯化碳的年度生产总量、进口总量 和出口总量,及用原料和非原料四 氯化碳生产量的详细情况,并包括核对和确认记录, 例如生产日志、产品和原料的生 产比率、名称、进口配额和数量、货物税记录和其他相 关文件。
It covers the total annual CTC production and imports, exports, and the
breakdown of CTC production for
[...] feedstock and non-feedstock applications, and includes, the checking and validation of records such as production logs, production ratios between product and its feedstock, names, quotas [...]
and quantity of imports,
excise records and other related documents.
原料到货 盘上DTY丝饼采用连续的产品跟踪,为POY生产和下游流程的 工厂提供了全新的自动化和质量控制概念。
This offers a completely new concept of automation and quality control for plants with POY production and downstream processes, using the advantage of non-stop product tracking starting from the raw material up to the DTY bobbin onto the pallet.




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