

单词 升温

升温 ()

become hot
hot up
(fig.) intensify
get a boost



global warming

External sources (not reviewed)

全球变化—— 例如人口增长、城市化、土地使用的变化和全 升温 —— 正在对这一有限的资源施加日益增长的压力。
Global changes — such as population growth, urbanization, changes in land use and global warming — are putting increasing pressure on that limited resource.
当时, 它提出一个附件一缔约方之间分担 责任的科学方法, 计算了升温的贡献, 并由此确 定减排责任。
At the time, it took a scientific approach to
burden-sharing among Annex I Parties, calculating
[...] the contribution to temperature increase and hence [...]
responsibility for mitigation.
这些因素包括:因氟氯烃淘汰战略及南部非洲邻国政府的行动计划出现非法贸易的风险; 可广泛获得且廉价的
[...] HCFC-22,以及获得替代制冷剂的途径有限且其全 升温 潜 能值很 高;改造将在 2015 年之后仍有较长使用年限的使用氟氯烃的制冷设备的成本和效力;可 [...]
These factors included the risk of illegal trade depending on the HCFC phase-out strategy and action plan of the Government of neighbouring South Africa; the wide availability and low price of
HCFC-22, coupled with limited availability and
[...] high-global-warming-potential (GWP) [...]
of alternative refrigerants; the cost and
effectiveness of retrofitting the HCFC-based refrigeration equipment that would still have a significant useful life past 2015; the small number of HCFC-based equipment that could be retired; and the market availability of new cost-effective and possibly energy-efficient alternative technologies in the refrigeration sector.
在要求进一步阐明第一阶段氟氯烃淘汰管理计划中采用替代性非氟氯烃低全 升温 潜能 值发泡剂的迫切性、可能为多边基金带来的费用节省以及外资配方厂家如何采用这些 技术之后,开发计划署解释说,虽然无法将削减 HCFC-141b 与这个技术援助部分联系起 来,但印度政府和业界认为它将有利于减少对 HCFC-141b 的需求,特别是减少中小型企 业对 HCFC-141b 的需求。
Upon a request to further elaborate on the urgency of introducing alternative non-HCFC low-GWP blowing agents in stage I of the HPMP, the potential savings for the Multilateral Fund, and how these technologies would be introduced in foreign-owned systems houses, UNDP explained that although it is not possible to associate a reduction in HCFC-141b to this technical assistance component, the Government and the industry consider that it will be instrumental in reducing the demand for HCFC-141b, particularly by SMEs.
(c) 以100 年时间跨度为依据采用全升温潜能 值评估短寿命温室气体排 放对气候变化的影响存在的限制。
(c) The limitations in the use of GWPs based on the 100-year time horizon in evaluating the contribution to climate change of emissions of GHGs with short lifetimes.
由于启动电路的部分电阻来自于启动设备,因此,在启 动装置不完善的情况下进行启动将不利于启动力矩的形成,而且会导致压缩机启动绕 升温 过 快 ,导致损 坏。
Since part of the starting circuit resistance lies in the starting device, start without the complete starting device does not provide good starting torque and may result in a very quick heating of the compressor start winding, causing it to be damaged.
自 2009 年地区紧张局势开升温以来 ,尤其是 2011 年初 夏,几位解放军军官公开发表激烈言论,从而加深 [...]
Amid the rise in regional tensions [...]
since 2009 and especially in the early summer of 2011, several PLA officers made strong
public statements that reinforced regional concern about China’s intentions.
对此,要求对决定草案内容做出澄清的代表对该提案的时机和公平性提出 了质疑,并指出提出该提案时,非按第 5 条第 1 款行事的缔约方正欲开始逐步 淘汰氟氯烃,且之前在此方面并未考虑过此类提案,大多数的上述缔约方确已 采用了全升温潜能值较高的替代品。
In response, the representative who had sought clarification questioned the timing and equity of the proposal, noting that it came as the HCFC phase-out by parties not operating under paragraph 1 of article 5 of the Montreal Protocol was set to begin and saying that no such proposal had been contemplated for the phase-out by parties not so operating, many of whom had indeed adopted high-GWP alternatives.
资本项目减速:利润空间的收缩,持 升温 的 股 东红利支付压力已经迫使矿业公司暂缓其新的资本支出。
Capital project deceleration: Tightened margins and on-going press to pay shareholder dividends have prompted mining companies to defer new capital expenditure.
Data show that Annex I parties to the Convention have
fallen short in meeting their
[...] commitments, global temperatures are still rising and GHG emissions [...]
are still increasing.
人、灭绝种族、灭绝族裔和灭绝种族等行动,犯下了 侵犯人类和星球生态系统的严重罪行,造成荒漠化、 干旱、水灾、极地冰盖和冰川溶化、岛屿国家和其他 脆弱地区下陷、传染病、更加猛烈的飓风、粮食危机、
[...] 饥荒、经济危机、对我们土壤肥力和生物多样性的破 坏,以及最具象征意义的全升温。
This is essential because modern individuals and international corporations have resorted to acts of homicide, genocide, ethnocide and genocide, committed serious crimes that violate the human and planetary ecologies, and are responsible for desertification, droughts, floods, the melting of the polar ice caps and glaciers, the sinking of island States and other vulnerable regions, epidemics, the increased fury of hurricanes, food crises, famine,
economic crises, the destruction of the fertility of our soils and biodiversity, and, most
[...] emblematically, global warming.
不管我们是检查过去 50 年的线性变暖趋势—— 平均每十升温 0.13℃,将近我们在过去 100 年中看 到温度上升的两 倍;还是检查风暴和旋风等极端天 气事件;还是检查海洋的热膨胀;或是检查夏季北极 [...]
冰的融化,这些都不是关于今天实际发生的气候变化 的投机性数据。
Whether we look at the linear warming trend over the past 50 years —
on average, 0.13°C
[...] warming per decade, which is nearly twice the temperature increase we have seen over the past 100 years; [...]
whether we look at
the increase in terms of extreme weather events, such as storms and cyclones; whether we look at the thermal expansion of oceans; or whether we look at the melting of the Arctic summer ice, none of these are speculative data about the fact that a changing climate is a reality today.
联合国政府间气候变化 专门委员会2007年第四次评估报告(AR4)明确指 出,累积的历史排放量已让地球“注定”有某种程 度升温,而且升温造成 的影响已经发生。
The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) in 2007 made it clear that accumulated historical emissions have already “committed” the Earth to some level of warming and that the impacts of this warming are already being felt.
缔约方进一步商定在议程项目 17“其它事项”下讨论以下事宜:
请求介绍有关现行的及计划出台的、对逐步淘汰臭氧消耗物质产生影响的各项 政策的信息;招聘一名“执行《蒙特利尔议定书》多边基金”新主任的流程;
[...] 《蒙特利尔议定书北京修正》的批准情况;以及《关于向全 升温 潜 能值较低 的臭氧消耗物质替代品过渡的巴厘宣言》的状况。
The parties further agreed to discuss under agenda item 17, “Other matters”, a request for information on existing and planned policies that influenced the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances; the process of recruiting a new Chief Officer of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol; the status of ratification of the Beijing Amendment to the Montreal Protocol; and the
status of the Bali Declaration on Transitioning
[...] to Low Global Warming Potential Alternatives [...]
to Ozone-Depleting Substances.
包括海平面升、温度上升、海 洋酸化、冰川退缩和相关影响、盐化、土地和森林退化、生 物多样性损失以及荒漠化。
[...] sea level rise, increasing temperatures, ocean acidification, [...]
glacial retreat and related impacts, salinization,
land and forest degradation, loss of biodiversity and desertification.
以煤为原料的煤化工行业在短短几年内迅 升温 , 全 国各地拟上和新上的煤化 工项目不断增多,项目规模大小不一。
Coal-liquefaction rush headlong into mass action in every place, which perhaps will create a new term of resource wasting.
此外,缔 约方还需要在工作方案中决定如何考虑《公约》之下其他进程关于全 升温 潜能 值、气体范围和其他相关问题的谈判结果,并随后将它们纳入经修订的《气候公 约》附件一报告指南。
In addition, Parties will need to identify in the work programme a process to consider negotiated outcomes from other processes under the Convention on GWPs, the coverage of gases and other related issues and their subsequent incorporation into the revised UNFCCC Annex I reporting guidelines.
分接开关在正常气压的空气中,每小 升温约 20℃ , 直到最高 110°C 的最终温度。
Heating up: the tap changer in air of atmospheric
[...] pressure with a temperature rise of approx. 20 °C/hour to a final temperature of at most 110 °C.
此外,他们还面临着前所 未有的环境压力,包括全升温引起 的海平面上升以及空气和水质污染。
Furthermore, they are subject to unprecedented environmental stresses, such as sea-level rise due to global warming and air and water pollution.
随着成本压力持升温,加 之人才短缺问题挥之不去,企业必须评估一系列更复杂选择的可行性。
Companies are deferring their expansion [...]
projects in the face of waning Chinese demand, yet world demand promise to increase
dramatically in the coming years," said Mr. Philip Hopwood, Global Mining Lead, Energy & Resources, DTTL, "With cost pressure mounting and talent shortages on-going, companies must assess the viability of a more complex series of options.
[...] 持发展中国家缔约方、尤其是特别脆弱的缔约方提高抗御能力;对与气候有关的 缓发事件――包括海平面升、温度 上 升 和 海洋酸化所造成的损失和损害予以补 偿和恢复。
The purpose of the international mechanism shall be to support developing country Parties, especially the particularly vulnerable developing countries, to build resilience through addressing the risks associated with climate-related extreme weather events; and compensation and rehabilitation for loss and damage
resulting from climate-related slow onset events, including sea
[...] level rise, increasing temperatures and ocean acidification.
然而,石油勘探启动仅一年之后,2004年,乍得总统代比为了稳固自己的统治而收紧政治空间,从而激怒了参政的反对派,全国范围内紧张局势骤 升温。
In 2004, less than a year after the exploitation of oil began, the closing of the nation’s political space for the benefit of President Déby aggravated dissension within the Chadian power structure and increased tension throughout the country.
精神开升温至拉 科塔和跌倒在爱的母马。
Spirit begins to warm to the Lakota [...]
and falls in love with the mare.
首 先,大会必须确保《坎昆协定》所有体制因素全面运 作,包括绿色气候基金;适应委员会;2013-2015 年 审查升温幅度控制在 2℃内的全球长期目标;一揽 子缓解措施,包括衡量、报告和核实发达国家和发展 中国家各自的缓解承诺和行动。
First, the Conference must ensure the full operationalization of all institutional elements of the Cancun Agreements, including the Green Climate Fund; the Adaptation Committee; the 2013-2015 review of the long-term global goal of limiting warming to 2° C; and the mitigation package, including measuring, reporting and verification of the mitigation commitments and actions of developed and developing countries, respectively.
当环温度上升至动 作温度时,内部热敏元件融化,使得弹簧伸长从而断开触点。此类温度保险丝可防止因电路或其它发热电气产品异 升温 导 致 的火灾。
These cut-offs are used to prevent fires caused by abnormal heat generation from circuits and other heat producing electrical products.
强调 强调 强调 强调必须有效地应对继续阻碍非洲大陆实现和平、稳定和可持续发展的
[...] 各种挑战,包括粮食、燃料和金融危机,艾滋病毒/艾滋病等传染病感染率增加, 全升温和气 候变化的影响,青年失业率极高,社会排斥,腐败,贩卖人口,快 [...]
括贩运毒品在内的有组织跨国犯罪活动的增加,并为此鼓励联合国系统和会员国 协助非洲国家有效地应对这些挑战
Stresses the importance of effectively addressing challenges that continue to hamper the achievement of peace, stability and sustainable development on the continent, inter alia, the food, fuel and financial crises, the increased prevalence of
infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, the
[...] effects of global warming and climate change, [...]
the extremely high rates of youth unemployment,
social exclusion, corruption, human trafficking, rapid urbanization and city slums, massive displacements of people, the emergence of terrorist networks, maritime security and the increased activity of transnational organized crime, including drug trafficking, and in this regard encourages the United Nations system and Member States to assist African countries in effectively addressing these challenges
中非共和国目睹穆斯林社区、特别是乍得裔穆斯林社区与当地社区之间的紧 张局升温,2012 年 1 月中非共和国和乍得联手打击复兴人民阵线之后尤其如 此。
The Central African Republic witnessed increased tension between the Muslim community, especially of Chadian descent, and local communities, in particular following the joint Central African/Chadian offensive against the Front populaire pour le redressement (FPR) in January 2012.
食物通过时间在26-34 °C范围内随温升高而缩短,在更高的体温下则延长。
Food passage time decreased with
[...] increase in body temperature within the range from 26 °C to 34 °C, and then increased at higher body temperatures.
在25-33 °C范围内,食物通过时间随温升高 而 缩短;体温超过33 °C后,食物通过时间随温升高延长。
Food passage time decreased with
[...] increase in body temperature within the range from 25 °C to 33 °C, and then increased at higher body temperatures.
地球正义指出,在科摩罗,气候变化使沿岸社区人民的人身安 全和公共 卫生受到 威胁, 因 为 海 平 面 上 升 , 越来越严重的风暴和 旋风导致海潮激浪、 低地 洪水和 海滩侵蚀;气候变化危及科摩罗的文化 , 因 为人民被迫到 环境更为
安 全的 国家寻求庇护,传 统 习俗和 做 法
[...] 从此失传;气候变化将 威胁科摩罗人民可用的淡 水 资 源 , 因 为温升高、 降水减少以及咸水侵入地下水;粮食保 障也受到 [...]
威胁, 因 为 气候变化阻碍岛屿的 农业能 力 、 破坏了科摩罗人主要食物来源的
海洋生态系 统,如珊瑚礁渔业。
EJ indicated that in the Comoros, climate change will threaten the physical security and public health of coastal communities with rising sea levels and increasingly severe storms and cyclones, resulting in tidal surges, lowland flooding, and beach erosion; endanger Comorian culture by forcing people to seek refuge in more environmentally secure nations, where they will no longer be able to continue traditional customs and practices;
threaten Comorians’ access to
[...] freshwater by warming air temperatures, decreasing precipitation, [...]
and salt-water intrusion into
groundwater; and jeopardize food security by impeding the agricultural capacity of the islands and damaging ocean ecosystems such as coral reef fisheries on which Comorians rely for food.




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