单词 | 利欲 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 利欲 —cupidityExamples:欲善其事,必先利其器—To do a good job, an artisan needs the best tools (idiom). Good tools are prerequisite the successful execution of a job 利欲薰心—blinded by greed [idiom.] 利欲心—cupidity 工欲善其事,必先利其器—To do a good job, an artisan needs the best tools (idiom). Good tools are prerequisite the successful execution of a job See also:欲—appetite • wish for • lust • greed
競爭與淘 汰固然為社會進步㆒大原動力,但唯有愛和關懷,才使㆟類更有希望而不致迷失在永 無止境的利欲追逐之㆗。 legco.gov.hk | Competition and elimination are the driving forces condition for the disadvantaged. Competition and elimination are the driving forces behind social progress. legco.gov.hk |
不過,很可惜,市場運作是會失效的,而且市場可以很冷酷無情, 沒有是非之心,亦沒有惻隱之心,甚至可以說市場是弱肉強食 , 利欲熏 心的代名詞,與我們作為一個人,一個有血、有肉、有感情、有良知的 人所作出的決定有不同。 legco.gov.hk | Regrettably, there are times that market operation fails to function and the market can be cruel and apathetic, with no sense of right and wrong, and no feelings of compassion. legco.gov.hk |
自由黨和旅遊業界一直促請政府加大力度,放寬台灣旅客入境的政策, 政府亦確實努力改善,例如延長許可證的有效期、縮短申請時間和推出快速 簽證服務等,於 2002 年亦推出了網上快證服務,以進一步 便 利欲 訪 港 的台 灣人士,惟這些措施還須旅客前往指定地點,排隊輪候遞交申請,怎麼及得 上台灣旅客可以在機場即時辦理入境簽證的方便和快捷? legco.gov.hk | The Liberal Party and the tourism industry have all along been urging the Government to put additional efforts in relaxing the immigration policy on Taiwanese visitors. The Government has actually made improvements, for example, it has extended the validity period of the permit, shortened the processing time for application, implemented the fast-track visa service and so on. legco.gov.hk |
進行票站調查的人員必須尊重選民不願受到打擾的 權 利和 意欲,又 應在進行票站調查前,告知接受調查的選民參與 票站調查,純屬自願。 legco.gov.hk | The interviewers should inform the electors being interviewed that their participation in the exit poll is voluntary prior to the conduct of exit poll. legco.gov.hk |
對 香港僱 主 作出有利投資的 意 欲 造 成 影響的 另 一個因 素,便是在香港的 經濟體 系 內 , 絕 大 部分都是中小 型企業 。 legco.gov.hk | Small and medium enterprises make up the bulk of our economic structure, which is another factor affecting Hong Kong employers' investment inclination. legco.gov.hk |
至於意大利餐廳 「Messina」,則以令人垂 涎 欲 滴 的 南意 大 利 西 西 里菜為本,融入經典法式烹調方法。 ipress.com.hk | As for Messina, it is marked by an [...] enticing offering of the finest of southern Italian cooking prepared with classic French techniques. ipress.com.hk |
主席先生,今㆝,有關《西區海底隧道條例草案》,港同盟陳偉業議員將會提出㆔項重 [...] 要的修訂,包括:西隧的起點收費過於昂貴,內部回報率過高,自動加價機制踢開立 法局的監察,讓有關財團牟取暴利, 為 所 欲 為 , 30 年不變。 legco.gov.hk | The amendment will seek changes in the tunnel's opening toll and in the consortium's internal rate of return (IRR), both of which are too high; and in the mechanism of automatic toll increases, which will give the boot to this Council and do away with the monitoring [...] of this Council so that the consortium [...] may make excessive profits and do whatever it [...]wants for 30 years, during which this condition is not to change. legco.gov.hk |
注:您通过定期存款计算器能试算存期为3个月、6个月、12个月的人民币定期存款到 期 利 息 , 如 欲 试 算 其它期限的人民币定期存款,请联系我行各分/支行。 hangseng.com.cn | Note: You may calculate the RMB Time Deposit interest due with 3 months, 6 months and 12 months via Time Deposit Interest Return Calculator. hangseng.com.cn |
作为智利的技术代表、联络人或主管人,参加各种国际会议,其中包括:智 [...] 利圣地亚哥“酒精和社会健康的决定因素:政策制定路线”国际研讨会(2009 年)、 [...] 加拿大多伦多“加强在初级保健中整合成瘾问题和心理健康的努力 ”国际论坛 (2008 年)、智利圣地亚哥“食欲抑制 剂的使用和干预策略”次区域会议(1998 年)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participant in a variety of international congresses and conferences as Chilean technical representative, focal point or manager, including: International Seminar on “Alcohol and Social Determinants of Health: policy development routes”, Santiago, Chile (2009); “International Forum to Strengthen Efforts to Integrate Addiction and Mental Health in Primary [...] Care”, Toronto, Canada (2008); “Subregional [...] Meeting on Anorectics Use and Intervention Strategies”, Santiago, Chile (1998). daccess-ods.un.org |
提案 2 文化产品与服务指个人或集体创造的产品,不管是过去还是目前的产品,它们可以受到版权 或邻接权利的保护并意欲向公 众披露,或指此种产品的披露。 unesdoc.unesco.org | PROPOSAL 2 Cultural goods and services refer to the product of individual or collective creativity, past or present, that may be protected under copyright or neighbouring rights and is intended for public disclosure, or to the disclosure of such a product. unesdoc.unesco.org |
股東如欲利用此 項服務安排,請於正常辦公時間內聯繫Mabel Leung女士,電話號碼為(852) 3944-8084。 equitynet.com.hk | Shareholders who wish to take advantage of this facility should contact Ms. Mabel Leung at telephone number (852) 3944-8084 during normal office hours. equitynet.com.hk |
这份报告引用的一个例子,就是南非科学和工业研究理事会根据一种叫做Hoodia仙人掌研发并取得 专 利 的 一种 食 欲 抑 制剂,San族人在传统上把Hoodia仙人掌用作相同的用途。 scidev.net | The report cites the example of an [...] appetite suppressant [...] developed and patented by the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research from the Hoodia cactus, used traditionally by the indigenous San people for the same purpose. scidev.net |
2011年,他的画展和多媒体艺术作品在伦敦的London’s Scream举办,展览拥有肖像照和画作,以他的童年为灵感,覆盖了 权 利 , 灵 感,恐惧 和 欲 望 几 大元素。 catwalkyourself.com | An exhibition of his paintings and mixed media works was held at London’s Scream, opening in October 2011 presenting portraits and paintings inspired by his childhood, influences, inspiration, fears and desires. catwalkyourself.com |
不過,議員向 立法會申請並獲 發 還開支, 或 會 涉 及 他 們 不 欲披露的利益 衝突, 從 而 構 成 他 們 不按《議事規 則》第 83 條 行 事的誘 因。 legco.gov.hk | However, obtaining reimbursement of expenses by Members through applications made to the Legislative [...] Council might involve [...] conflict of interests which they did not wish to disclose, thereby constituting an incentive to not register the interests in accordance [...]with Rule 83 of the Rules of Procedure. legco.gov.hk |
換 句 話 說 , 我 仍然認為 , 請 不 要 把 所有專 業 的工作交 予 法 團 處 理,專 業 的 問題應 交 予 專 業人士來 處 理,法團 所應該做 的 , 只是根 據本身的利 益 、 見 解和意 欲 ( 即想大 廈 變 成 怎 樣 的 意見) , 交 管 理 公 司 辦 妥 。 legco.gov.hk | Professional issues should be handled by professionals, and the job of OCs should be to hire property management companies to take care of such matters basing on their respective interests, views and objectives (that is, the way in which they wish their buildings are to be managed). legco.gov.hk |
工欲善其事,必先利其器 ,若前線人員沒有所需工具,便不能做到職責分清和權力下放。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Clarification of responsibilities and downward delegation will not work if the staff in the front line do not have the tools for the job. housingauthority.gov.hk |
他们参加了一系列由VEM(奥地利福拉尔贝格州电气和金属行业)和一些大公司(如Hilti、Bachmann和S.I.E)联合举办的系列活动,活动主题为“闲话工作”。锐高公司也是联合主办单位之一 , 欲利 用 此机会与未来的这些技术型人才在早期建立联系。 tridonic.cn | They are taking part in a series of events under the heading of "Vision at Work-Café", organised by VEM (Vorarlberg Electrical and Metal Industry) and a group of leading companies such as [...] Hilti, Bachmann and S.I.E. Tridonic is [...] also part of this group and intends to [...]use this opportunity to build up contacts [...]at an early stage to the specialists of the future. tridonic.com |
意大利人民亦憤起反抗﹐因為維也納會議粉碎了他們建立統一國家的 欲望﹐亦使意大利臣服於奧地利的統 治。 hkahe.com | The Italians also revolted for the [...] Congress of Vienna frustrated their desire to establish [...] a united country and made subject them to the domination of Austria. hkahe.com |
这一新 技术将减少四氯化碳的联产,但不是完全消除四氯化碳,因此如果该 国 欲 遵 守 《蒙 特 利尔 议 定书》关于淘汰四氯化碳的要求的话,该厂仍需要焚化炉以销毁四氯化碳。 multilateralfund.org | This new technology will reduce the co-production of CTC but not completely eliminate it, and as a result the plant will still need the incinerator to destroy the CTC if the country is to comply with the requirement of the Montreal Protocol on CTC phase out. multilateralfund.org |
置安心計劃的租戶如欲購買單位,可 利 用 置 業資助繳付部 分首期。 legco.gov.hk | MHPP tenants who wished to buy flats could use the Purchase Subsidy for part of the down payment. legco.gov.hk |
(2) (a) 凡欲行使此权利的局应在所适用的法律规定的期限内并最迟于国际局通知 其第(1)款规定的延伸之日起一年期限届满前,将其驳回通知国际局,并说明全部理 由,第(b)和(c)段另有规定的除外。 wipo.int | (2) (a) Any Office wishing to exercise such right shall notify its refusal to the International Bureau, together with a statement of all grounds, within the period prescribed by the law applicable to that Office and at the latest, subject to subparagraphs (b) and (c), before the expiry of one year from the date on which the notification of the extension referred to in paragraph (1) has been sent to that Office by the International Bureau. wipo.int |
如欲使用或利用TRW Automotive网站的任何内容,用户须依照与TRW Automotive达成的书面协议以书面形式联系TRW [...] Automotive公司方可使用本网站内容。 trw.cn | If you wish to use or exploit any TRW Automotive [...] Web Site Content, you agree to contact TRW Automotive in writing and to [...]use such Content only in accordance with a written agreement with TRW Automotive. trw.com |
到如今,在本局辯論專利權協議的前夕,當 局竟與㆗華電力有限公司達成了 15 年長的新約,甚至完全未有徵詢本局的意見!當局 與㆗電在這時刻達成新約,使本局意 欲 就 專 利 權 事 宜提出意見顯得多餘,亦說明了當 局完全無視本局的意見,從而再確定劉千石議員原動議指出公開諮詢的需切。 legco.gov.hk | Yet, now, on the very eve of this debate about the franchise agreements, the Administration has seen fit to conclude a remarkable new 15-year agreement with China Light and Power, -- without even bothering to consult this Council! legco.gov.hk |
花旗銀行欲利用在香港的所有需要的資源,以確保花旗(香港)和銀 行的客戶可得到此等潛在的利益。 legco.gov.hk | Citibank [...] intends to deploy all necessary resources in Hong Kong to ensure that both Citibank (Hong [...]Kong) and the bank’s [...]customers are able to benefit from these potential advantages. legco.gov.hk |
陳家洛議員強調,他之所以提出這項 建議,並不是因為他對有關事宜有興趣 , 欲利 用《 議事規則》第16(4)條在辯論時段的輪候制 度中"插隊",而是考慮到公眾廣泛關注嬰兒奶 粉供應不穩定對嬰兒及家長造成的影響,亦關 注政府當局為處理嬰兒奶粉水貨活動及捆綁式 銷售嬰兒奶粉等問題而提出的措施是否足夠。 legco.gov.hk | Rather, his proposal was made having regard to the wide public concerns about the impact of the unstable supply of infant formula on infants and their parents, as well as the adequacy of the measures put forward by the Administration to deal with problems such as parallel trading and bundled sales of infant formula. legco.gov.hk |
與 政 府 當 局 的 意 見 恰 好 相 反 , 在 這 建 議 下 , 資 料 使 用 者 如 欲 援 引 公 眾 利 益 豁 免 , 須 向 公 署 申 請 公 眾 利 益 的 裁 決 , 在 情 況 需 要 適 時 披 露 資 料 時 , 可 更 大 的 提 高 資 料 使 用 者 在 沒 有 違 反 保 障 [...] 資 料 3 原 則 下 為 公 眾 利 益 而 發 放 相 關 資 料 的 肯 定 性 。 legco.gov.hk | Many overseas jurisdictions have provisions in their [...] data privacy [...] legislations the public interest exemption.55 Contrary to the Administration’s view, the proposal, under which a data user who wishes to invoke public interest exemption [...]shall apply to the PCPD [...]for public interest determination, will provide for greater certainty by enabling a data user to release the relevant data in the public interest without contravening DPP3 where the circumstances require a timely disclosure. legco.gov.hk |
如果您意欲前往澳大利亚美 丽的公园或森林 studyinaustralia.gov.au | If you are visiting any of Australia’s beautiful [...] parks or forests studyinaustralia.gov.au |
订购商品的联络方法> 会员欲利用转 送服务时,请于订购商品后,应立即按照JSHOPPERS规定的方式,告知寄送商品所需之正确情报。 jshoppers.com | < Notification of Purchase > A registered member, when using this Forwarding Service, should use the JSHOPPERS Forwarding Service form immediately after making his/her purchase to communicate the necessary information for the shipment of the registered memberfs item(s) to the registered member. jshoppers.com |
赛后曜越太阳神星海战将【人皇-软球】表示,本次的选手皆大幅提升,当然最重要的还是这是第一次参与IeSF国际知名电竞联邦邀请赛,能获得第四名的席位也感到欣慰与珍惜;接下来,会更加倍努力来提升自我的实力,不过, 功 欲 善 其 事必 先 利 其 器 ,因为Tt eSPORTS职业电竞级的配备,絶对是在星海战场上的一把利器,原因无它,只有量身打造的电竞配备并搭配不断的练习并参加国际的大型赛事,才能将自我的能力大幅提升,即而挤进国际级的星海名人堂。 ttesports.com.cn | While Softball takes an exciting 4th place in one of his first international tournaments, he is excited to continue practicing at the Tt eSPORTS and Tt Apollos professional practice facilities and improve his standings in the international scene. ttesports.fr |
引进本策略的宗旨 本策略的宗旨是,明确大规模收购本公司股份的行为人应该遵守的规则,为方便各位股东及 投资者对是否同意收购提案作出正确判断,确保必要且充分的信息和时间;确保在本公司董事会 上和大规模收购行为人的交涉机会;以及通过事先明确披露对被认定会损害本公司企业价值和股 东共同利益的大规模收购行为而采取的对抗措施,来 对 欲 进 行 不 利 于 本 公司企业价值和股东共同 利益的大规模收购本公司股份的行为人进行警告。 tachi-s.co.jp | It will do this by (i) making clear the rules with which those who attempt to conduct a large-scale acquisition of the Company’s shares or such like should comply, (ii) ensuring necessary and sufficient information and time for making a proper judgment as to whether shareholders and investors accede to an acquisition offer or such like, (iii) ensuring opportunities in its Board of Directors’ meetings to discuss with those who attempt to conduct a large-scale acquisition, and (iv) making clear in advance countermeasures against a large-scale acquisition that is deemed to undermine the Company’s corporate value and the common Shareholder interest. tachi-s.co.jp |