

单词 利欲心



blinded by greed [idiom.]

See also:

wish for

External sources (not reviewed)

不過,很可惜,市場運作是會失效的,而且市場可以很冷酷無情, 沒有是非之心,亦沒有惻隱之心,甚至可以說市場是弱肉強食 利欲熏 心的代名詞,與我們作為一個人,一個有血、有肉、有感情、有良知的 人所作出的決定有不同。
Regrettably, there are times that market operation fails to function and the market can be cruel and apathetic, with no sense of right and wrong, and no feelings of compassion.
心計劃的租戶欲購買單位, 利 用 置 業資助繳付部 分首期。
MHPP tenants who wished to buy flats could use the Purchase Subsidy for part of the down payment.
后一种说法,Merliah决定,而不是去澳 利 亚 的 仪式,她离开了她的母亲 心欲 绝。
After an argument, Merliah decided to go to
[...] Australia instead of the ceremony and she left her mother who was heartbroken.
新闻报道自相矛盾,无端 夸张,为强权中心心所欲地加以利 用。
The news is contradictory, inflated and used
[...] at the whim of the great centres of power.
進行票站調查的人員必須尊重選民不願受到打擾的 利和 意欲,又 應在進行票站調查前,告知接受調查的選民參與 票站調查,純屬自願。
The interviewers should inform the electors being interviewed that their participation in the exit poll is voluntary prior to the conduct of exit poll.
作为智利的技术代表、联络人或主管人,参加各种国际会议,其中包括:智 利圣地亚哥“酒精和社会健康的决定因素:政策制定路线”国际研讨会(2009 年)、 加拿大多伦多“加强在初级保健中整合成瘾问题 心 理 健 康的努力 ”国际论坛 (2008 年)、利圣地亚哥“欲抑制 剂的使用和干预策略”次区域会议(1998 年)。
Participant in a variety of international congresses and conferences as Chilean technical representative, focal point or manager, including: International Seminar on “Alcohol and Social Determinants of Health: policy development routes”, Santiago, Chile (2009); “International Forum to
Strengthen Efforts to
[...] Integrate Addiction and Mental Health in Primary Care”, Toronto, Canada (2008); “Subregional Meeting on Anorectics Use and Intervention Strategies”, Santiago, Chile (1998).
對 香港僱 主 作出利投資欲 造 成 影響的 另 一個因 素,便是在香港的 經濟體 系 內 , 絕 大 部分都是中小 型企業 。
Small and medium enterprises make up the bulk of our economic structure, which is another factor affecting Hong Kong employers' investment inclination.
正如我们在上个月安理会关于非法跨界贩运问 题的会议上讨论指出的那样(见 S/PV.6760),联合国 也必须提高自身的能力,更好地帮助会员国保障那些 因管理松懈、无人看守而使恐怖分子得以 心 所 欲地 自由进出的边界的安全。
As we discussed in last month’s Security Council meeting on illicit cross-border trafficking (see S/PV.6760), the United Nations must also improve its ability to help Member States to secure porous or unguarded borders that allow terrorists to travel with impunity.
尼加拉瓜将始终尊重人民的愿望——他们是自 己未来的唯一的导师,是他们想要在不受任何强权的心所欲的霸权的影响下,为自己选择的政治、社会 和经济模式的唯一主人。
Nicaragua will always respect the will of the peoples — the only teachers of their future, the only sovereigns of the political, social and economic model that they wish to choose for themselves, free from any hegemonic caprice of any Power.
位于约旦的中心本身 将作为该地区的一个妇女心,利用 艺 术和文化遗产作为表达和自由的手段。
Located in
[...] Jordan, the Centre itself will serve as a centre for women [...]
in the region, using art and cultural heritage as
a means of expression and freedom.
(d) 教科文组织将为该心利用其 研究机构和地区办事处的技能和服务,特别是 利用教科文组织国际教育规划研究所、教科文组织统计研究所、教科文组织 [...]
教育信息技术研究所、教科文组织教育研究所、教科文组织阿拉伯国家地区 教育办事处(贝鲁特)和教科文组织多哈办事处的技能和服务提供便利。
(d) The Organization shall facilitate access of the Centre to the relevant know-how [...]
and the services of its own institutes
and Regional Offices, in particular the know-how and the services of the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, the UNESCO Institute for Education, the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States Region (Beirut), and the UNESCO Office in Doha.
气,腹胀,嗳气,丧失欲或食欲不 振, 恶 心 等 不适,都可能预示一个更严重的情况,或消化不良,或消化能力差。
Gas, bloating,
[...] belching, loss of appetite, nausea and discomfort may [...]
indicate a more serious condition, or dyspepsia, which
is a generalized term for poor digestion.
最初确定长岛市的联合国联邦信贷 协会(联信会)大楼是一个有吸引力二级数据中心选择地点,因其得以:合并各个 数据心;利用租 金较低的地区,同时为联合国业务需要腾出现有的办公场地; 与设在纽约市的各个基金和方案作出合作安排;提高至第 [...]
1 级灾后恢复和业务连 续性能力以及可扩缩性。
The United Nations Federal Credit Union (UNFCU) Building in Long Island City was initially identified as an
attractive option for a
[...] secondary data centre as it would allow for: the consolidation of data centres; access to a lower-rent [...]
area along with the
freeing up of existing office spaces for United Nations business needs; cooperative arrangements with New York-based funds and programmes; and improvements to tier 1 disaster recovery and business continuity capability and scalability.
心利用由 內部研發名為攝入量評估系統的網絡電腦系統,評估膳 食攝入量,當中涉及食物對應處理和數據加權的工作。
Dietary exposure estimation were performed by an in-house developed web-based computer system, Exposure Assessment System, named as EASY, which involved food mapping and weighting of data.
这一新 技术将减少四氯化碳的联产,但不是完全消除四氯化碳,因此如果该 欲 遵 守 《蒙 利尔 议 定书》关于淘汰四氯化碳的要求的话,该厂仍需要焚化炉以销毁四氯化碳。
This new technology will reduce the co-production of CTC but not completely eliminate it, and as a result the plant will still need the incinerator to destroy the CTC if the country is to comply with the requirement of the Montreal Protocol on CTC phase out.
花旗銀欲利用在香港的所有需要的資源,以確保花旗(香港)和銀 行的客戶可得到此等潛在的利益。
[...] intends to deploy all necessary resources in Hong Kong to ensure that both Citibank (Hong [...]
Kong) and the bank’s
customers are able to benefit from these potential advantages.
(2) (a) 凡欲行使此权利的局应在所适用的法律规定的期限内并最迟于国际局通知 其第(1)款规定的延伸之日起一年期限届满前,将其驳回通知国际局,并说明全部理 由,第(b)和(c)段另有规定的除外。
(2) (a) Any Office wishing to exercise such right shall notify its refusal to the International Bureau, together with a statement of all grounds, within the period prescribed by the law applicable to that Office and at the latest, subject to subparagraphs (b) and (c), before the expiry of one year from the date on which the notification of the extension referred to in paragraph (1) has been sent to that Office by the International Bureau.
獨 立 股 東 如 認 為 貴 集 團 及 ╱ 或 收 購 人 或 其 他之未 來 前 景 有 吸 引 力 及 充 滿心 , 或 如 欲 保 留 其 於 貴 公 司 之 權 益 , 則 應 審 慎 考 慮 收 購 人 對 貴 集 團 之 未 來 意 向 , 並 評 估 貴 集 團 於 股 份 收 購 建 議 結 [...]
束 後 在 收 購 人 控 制 下之前 景 。
For those Independent Shareholders who
are attracted by and
[...] confident in the future prospect of the Group and/or the Offeror or otherwise and wish to retain their interest in the Company, they should carefully consider [...]
the future intention
of the Offeror regarding the Group and evaluate the prospects of the Group under the control of the Offeror after the close of the Share Offer.
This in turn emboldens the perpetrators and gives them carte blanche to commit such acts.
因此,列入第 39 条(g)项,是为了允许此种部分投标,并使投标书评审阶段尽量做到更加客观、 透明和高效,因为不应允许采购实体在投标书提交之后 心 所 欲 地 将 采购整体 分割为若干单项合同。
Article 39(g) is therefore included to allow such partial tenders and make the tender evaluation stage as objective, transparent and efficient as possible, since the procuring entity should not be permitted to divide the entirety of the procurement into separate contracts merely as it sees fit after tenders are submitted.
作为一个非洲国家,根据 9 月 14 日在比勒陀利 亚举行的非洲联盟利比亚问题高级别特设委员会国 家元首和政府首脑级会议的结论,铭记委员会同利比 亚全国过渡委员会和利比亚所有利益攸关方一起努
力争取建立一个包容性民族团结政府并鼓励非洲联 盟委员会也这样做的承诺,并考虑到委员会准备与联 合国、阿拉伯联盟、伊斯兰合作组织、欧洲联盟和北 约合作以确保协调支持利比亚,加蓬不支持安哥拉提
[...] 出的推迟行动的动议,并呼吁所有 心利 比 亚 及其人 民未来的代表团也反对这项动议。
As an African State; on the basis of the conclusions reached by the African Union High-level Ad Hoc Committee on Libya, meeting on 14 September in Pretoria at the level of Head of State and Government; bearing in mind the commitment of the Committee to working with the National Transitional Council and all stakeholders in Libya towards the establishment of an inclusive national Government of unity, and its encouragement of the African Union Commission to do so; and taking into account the readiness of the Committee to work with the United Nations, the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the European Union and NATO to ensure coordinated support to Libya, Gabon does not support the motion of adjournment put
forward by Angola and calls on all delegations concerned for
[...] the future of Libya and its people [...]
to also oppose this motion.
这样做并没有让受影响的人们参与和征得他们知情的同意,这又是一个权力 基础往往心所欲,横行霸道的实例。
This was done without the participation and informed consent of the people affected, and was another example of the overbearing nature of the power base which often acts at its own whim and arbitrarily.
换句话说,把人权标准放在考 虑移民问题的心,利用现 有人权机制保护移民妇女、男人及儿童遭受他们在移 徙过程的不同阶段遭受的人权侵犯。
He also highlighted the importance
[...] of a human rights approach to migration, in other words, placing human rights standards at the centre of migration considerations [...]
and making use
of existing human rights mechanisms to protect migrant women, men and children from the human rights violations they suffer at the different stages of the migratory process.
如果您欲前往澳大利亚美 丽的公园或森林
If you are visiting any of Australia’s beautiful [...]
parks or forests
到如今,在本局辯論專利權協議的前夕,當 局竟與㆗華電力有限公司達成了 15 年長的新約,甚至完全未有徵詢本局的意見!當局 與㆗電在這時刻達成新約,使本局 欲 就 專 利 權 事 宜提出意見顯得多餘,亦說明了當 局完全無視本局的意見,從而再確定劉千石議員原動議指出公開諮詢的需切。
Yet, now, on the very eve of this debate about the franchise agreements, the Administration has seen fit to conclude a remarkable new 15-year agreement with China Light and Power, -- without even bothering to consult this Council!
这款小工具名为 PDF Download,属于 Firefox 扩展之一,能够让你心所欲的将 当前正在浏览的页面处理成PDF文档,并且可以完整的保留层,图片,链接等等素材,这样你就可以和朋友分享,或者打印出这些网页。
The gadget, called PDF Download, belonging to one of Firefox extensions to arbitrary will let you browse the page currently being processed into PDF documents, and can keep a complete layer, pictures, links, and so material, so you can to share, or print out these pages.
国际社会已意识到巴勒斯坦被占领土最近事态 发展的严重性以及由此给国际和平与安全造成的后 果,因而应该采取更坚定和更有效的立场,确保建立
[...] 起码的必要条件,以重启真正的谈判,维护该地区所 有人民的共同心利益, 使他们能够生活在一个和 平、安全与合作的环境中。
The international community’s awareness of the gravity of the recent developments in the occupied Palestinian territories and the resulting consequences for international peace and security should be accompanied by firmer and more effective positions that guarantee the minimum necessary for a relaunch
of genuine negotiations that preserve the
[...] vital mutual interest of all peoples [...]
of the region to live in an environment
of peace, security and cooperation.
自由黨和旅遊業界一直促請政府加大力度,放寬台灣旅客入境的政策, 政府亦確實努力改善,例如延長許可證的有效期、縮短申請時間和推出快速 簽證服務等,於 2002 年亦推出了網上快證服務,以進一步 便 利欲 訪 港 的台 灣人士,惟這些措施還須旅客前往指定地點,排隊輪候遞交申請,怎麼及得 上台灣旅客可以在機場即時辦理入境簽證的方便和快捷?
The Liberal Party and the tourism industry have all along been urging the Government to put additional efforts in relaxing the immigration policy on Taiwanese visitors. The Government has actually made improvements, for example, it has extended the validity period of the permit, shortened the processing time for application, implemented the fast-track visa service and so on.
继Moon Sand之后,该公司又先后推出其他多款可捏塑的橡皮泥产品(如Bubber,这款如丝般柔软且轻薄如纱的橡皮泥料可让您 心 所 欲 地 造 型、切割和雕刻)。
The company has since followed up Moon Sand with other kneadable and
moldable products, such as Bubber, a silky-soft, fluffy-light kneadable compound that can
[...] be molded, cut or carved as desired.
他们参加了一系列由VEM(奥地利福拉尔贝格州电气和金属行业)和一些大公司(如Hilti、Bachmann和S.I.E)联合举办的系列活动,活动主题为“闲话工作”。锐高公司也是联合主办单位之一 欲利 用 此机会与未来的这些技术型人才在早期建立联系。
They are taking part in a series of events under the heading of "Vision at Work-Café", organised by VEM (Vorarlberg Electrical and Metal Industry) and a group of leading companies such as
Hilti, Bachmann and S.I.E. Tridonic is
[...] also part of this group and intends to [...]
use this opportunity to build up contacts
at an early stage to the specialists of the future.




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