

单词 午安

See also:

7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon, 5th solar month (6th June-6th July), year of the Horse

External sources (not reviewed)

尼克松和他的工作人员相信普雷斯利是真诚的,而且认为他可以帮助打击年轻人使用毒品,于是在当天 午安一次会面。
Convinced that Presley was sincere and believing that he
could be an asset in the fight against drug use by young people, Nixon
[...] and hisstaff arranged for a meeting that afternoon.
2 月 10 日 与部队派遣国举行一次非公开会议,会议期间,与会 者听取了秘书长特别代表约翰·韦贝克关于格鲁吉亚最新动态的通报。
On themorning of 10 February, theCouncil held a private [...]
meeting with troopcontributing countries, during which participants
heard a briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Johan Verbeke, on the latest developments in Georgia.
f. 本校将有规则教导违 学生,让他们学习承担後果及作负责任的青 年人。
f. The School will instruct those students who are
[...] in breach ofthelunch arrangements rules,and let [...]
them know that they ought to bear
the consequences and become responsible youngsters.
今天事会和大会将按照《法院规约》 的有关规定分别进行选举,以填补由于国际法院法官 [...]
托马斯·比尔根塔尔先生(美利坚合众国)辞职而于 2010 年 9 月 6 日出现的空缺。
Thismorning,the Security Council and the [...]
General Assembly will proceed independently with the election, in accordance
with the relevant provisions of the Statute of the Court, for the purpose of filling the vacancy that occurred on 6 September 2010 owing to the resignation of Judge of the International Court of Justice Mr. Thomas Buergenthal of the United States of America.
不过,我们惊讶的注意 到——除非是我们看错了——提及几内亚比绍局势
[...] 涉及的合作伙伴必须进行协调的第 2 段没有出现在今 天午安面前的草案中。
Nevertheless, we were surprised to note that — barring a misreading on our part — paragraph 2, which refers to the need for coordination
among the partners concerned in the situation in Guinea-Bissau, did not figure in the
[...] draft before the Councilthis morning.
控制程度:体面失去控制的自适应策略》: 太平洋时间3月1日星期五9:00,Akamai能总监Josh Corman将发表演讲,介绍云、虚拟化、移动化和消费化等生产力如何使IT资产的拥有方式和运营方式发生巨大变化,以及信息安全团队如何出色地调整安全资产控制的级别。
Control Quotient: Adaptive Strategies for Gracefully
Losing Control: On Friday, March
[...] 1 at 9:00 a.m. PT, Akamai's Director ofSecurity Intelligence, [...]
Josh Corman, will speak on how
forces such as cloud, virtualization, mobility and consumerization have greatly changed how IT assets are owned and operated, and how infosec teams can gracefully adjust to this changing level of security asset control.
2.3 星期三配合新高中课程的推行,要求学生要「学会学习」,建立一种自学精神去面对将来的挑 战,因此近年学校已加强教导学生要做课前备课及做笔记等学习技巧,效果渐显。
To copewith the implementation of New Senior Secondary (NSS) curriculum that requires students “Learning to Learn” and to develop a mentality of self-study in order to meet the challenges of the future, our school has been, in recent years, educating the students so that they understand the need to do preparation for lessons, as well as other study skills such as taking notes etc and the positive outcomes have become quite obvious.
9 月 28 日上午召开了“全民教育(EFA)圆桌会议”,9 月 29 日 桌会 议的辩论,以便让所有已登记的发言者都有机会发言。
During the morning of 28 September, a Round Table on Education for All (EFA) was held and debates continued in the afternoon of 29September [...]
to enable all registered speakers to speak.
先知和他的同伴在第四Dhul Hijja背诵Talbiya麦加我们服从您的订单,我们响应4您的电话)。
The Prophet and his companions
[...] reached Mecca in the morning of the4th Dhul-Hijja [...]
reciting Talbiya (O Allah!
秘书长的报告 (A/64/701)和今天“人的附加价值 的小组讨论会以及由日本主持的关于“人的安全”和 健康问题的第二次讨论会再次证明了这一概念背后 [...]
The report of the Secretary-General
(A/64/701), along with the panel
[...] discussion this morning on theadded value ofhuman securityand the second [...]
seminar on human security
and health, hosted by Japan, provide us of more proof of the noble intention behind this concept.
虽然本次请求所涉的宣布独立行为在安全理事会已经讨论过,但安理 会未就此采取任何行动(安全理事会,临时逐字记录,2008 年 2 月 18 日3(S/PV.5839)事会,临时逐字记录,2008 年 3 月 11 日,下午 3 时 (S/PV.5850))。
Although the declaration of independence which is the subject of the present request was discussed by the Security Council, the Council took no
action in respect of it
[...] (Security Council, provisional verbatim record, 18 February 2008, 3 p.m. (S/PV.5839);Security Council, provisional [...]
verbatim record,
11 March 2008, 3 p.m. (S/PV.5850)).
Just because abeach wassafe to swim atin the morningdoes not mean that it will still be safe in the afternoon; and
委员会欢迎为一二年级小学时间,但仍关切没有明确要求各城市提供这类活动,从而使家长难以 兼顾工作和家庭生活。
While welcoming the
[...] provision of morningand afternoon activities for schoolchildrenin first- and second-grade [...]
elementary school,
the Committee is concerned that municipalities are not required to provide such activities, making it difficult for parents to balance work and family life.
[...] Flight)合作,将在该活动中表扬退伍军人,活动举办时间为2011年8月13日4 。当 自助舞蹈,还有Lee's Junction USO乐团现场演奏音乐。
VITAS is partnering with Honor Flight to honor veterans at this event, which will be
held on Saturday, August
[...] 13, 2011 from noonto 4p.m. It features abuffetlunch and dance, with music [...]
by Lee's Junction USO Band.
向离任总干事致意的告别仪10 月 22 日任总干事就职仪式计划在 10 月 23 日下午举行。
A ceremony to pay tribute to the
outgoing Director-General
[...] will be held onthe morningof 22 October and the ceremony for the installationof the Director-General [...]
is scheduled
for the afternoon of 23 October.
用心应对:应用心理学而非蛮力进行风险管理》: 太平洋时间2月28日星期四4:05,Akamai首Andy Ellis发表主题演讲,介绍风险心理研究如何融入他的信息安全方式,并且让他能够仅仅凭借一只精简的团队管理Akamai庞大云平台的安全。
Mind over Matter: Managing Risk with Psychology instead of
Brute Force: On Thursday, February
[...] 28 at 4:05 p.m. PT, Akamai'sChief Security Officer,Andy [...]
Ellis, will deliver a keynote presentation
about how research into the psychology of risk has informed his approach to information security and enabled him to manage the security of Akamai's vast cloud platform with a very lean team.
法国、加纳、瑞典、比利时、塞内加尔、南非、埃塞俄 比亚、瑞士,并在日了正的介绍会。
France, Ghana, Sweden, Belgium, Senegal, South Africa, Ethiopia, Switzerland and a presentation organized in Japan after the official launch.
主席指出,当天事会包括东耶 路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土局势以及政治进程 的事态发展,他说如果没有异议,他认为委员会不希 望在本届会议涉及这个事项。
, noting that theSecurity Councilhad been given a briefing that morningon the situation [...]
in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
including East Jerusalem, and developments in the political process, said that if he heard no objection, he would take it that the Committee did not wish to take up the item at the current meeting.
首脑会议结束后,2011 年 2 月 2 日清晨,他与 Abdi
[...] 和 Fekadu 一起侦察了阿克苏姆酒店 Filoha。239 然后 Omar 打电话给 Musa取炸药和雷管。
After the summit had ended, on the morning of 2 February 2011, together with Abdi and Fekadu, he reconnoitred the Axum
Hotel and Filoha.239 Then Omar
[...] called Musaand arranged a meeting inthe afternoon to pick up the explosives [...]
and detonators.
On the same day at
[...] one tenin themorning, Anqinghigh-speed traffic [...]
police battalion of the three squadron of police arrived
on the scene of accident, a Zhejiang E licence minibus collision guardrail plate rear central over the highway, vehicle rollover to slide, and side guard plate collision, guardrail board has nearly 15 meters long obvious wipe traces, and the owner of it standing beside the car at a loss.
Before midsummer, the gardens are austere in appearance, but still offer rhubarb and herbs to be used in the kitchen.
7晚的奢华旅程报价人民币234,311.00起,价格包括:主厨精心烹制的精选早餐及为非滑雪旅 的轻以及6餐配有优质葡萄酒的晚宴,更有餐前小吃和鸡尾酒,每日房间清理和夜床服务,以及最多10人的本地司机接驳服务。
Starting from RMB 234,311.00 for exclusive use over 7 nights, and include:
daily chef-prepared
[...] breakfast and afternoon tea, a lightlunch for non-skiing guests anddinner on 6 [...]
of the 7 nights, high
quality house wines with dinner, pre-dinner canapés and house cocktails, daily housekeeping and evening turndown service, and local area driver service for up to 10 adults.
在后一 事件中,从10时至1共和人员一直在清真寺周围开枪射 击并发射催泪弹,破坏财产,以阻止做礼拜者前去参加星期五祈祷活动。
In the latter case, CRS members prevented worshippers from attending Friday prayers by firing gunshots and releasing teargas in the vicinity of the mosque between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., destroying property.
Mr. Hidemasa Yamoto, Executive Director/CFO of ACE Japan and Mr. Kai Shao, President/CEO of UFIDA Software Engineering signed their names on the business cooperation agreement together.
其余纳入这套「澳洲人的生活品味」邮票的最後四强作品为维多利亚州舍韦勒‧威廉姆斯的《教父们》、南澳安‧克拉克的《小奇迹》、新南威尔士州达 登的港口》,以及维多利亚州罗纳德‧洛克曼的《要加油,问马路对面的商店去》。
The other four finalist's photographs included in this stamp issue are - "The Godfathers" by Chevelle
Williams, Victoria, "Little
[...] Wonders"by Ann Clarke, South Australia,"Lunch on the Harbour" [...]
by Damian Madden, New South Wales
and "Fuel Ask at the Store across the Road" by Ronald Rockman, Victoria.
除午膳专责工作小组外,学校还通过其他方式让教师、家长和学生參 校内 务, 例如进行家长和学生调查、參观午膳供应商厂房、进行家长教师会会议等。
After collecting all student questionnaires, school teachers also distributed the parent questionnaires, with paired barcode and serial number to the corresponding student questionnaire, to parents of all P4 and P5 students for completion at home.
本通函旨在向股东提供(i)股份拆细及更改每手买卖单位以及重选本公司董事的进一步 资料;(ii)香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则(「上市规则」)规定的说明函件;及(iii)有关 本公司将予宣派的末期股息的进一步资料,以及所有其他合理所需的资料,以便彼等就投票 赞成或反对本通函所述的决议案作出知情决定,而(其中包括)有关决议案将提呈於二零一 一年五月二十三日(星期一) 正假座香港金钟道万豪酒店三楼Queensway及Victoria 宴会厅举行的本公司股东周年大会(「股东周年大会」)处理。
This circular is to provide the shareholders with (i) further information on the Share Subdivision and the Board Lot Change and the re-election of directors of the Company; (ii) the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’); and (iii) further information of the final dividend to be declared by the Company and all other information reasonably necessary to enable them to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the resolutions as mentioned herein and which, inter alia, will be dealt with at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held at Queensway and Victoria Room, Level 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Queensway, Hong Kong on Monday, 23 May 2011 at 2 : 00 p.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’).




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