单词 | 升起 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 升起—raiseExamples:(太阳或月亮)升起—come up
在升起或降 低柱塞时,应使手和手指远离柱塞 板、泵流体入口和流体容器边缘,以降低因运动 零部件而导致的严重伤害的危险。 graco.com | Keep hands and fingers away from the ram plate, pump fluid inlet, and lip of the fluid container when raising or lowering the ram to reduce risk of serious injury from moving parts. graco.com |
应始终在升起柱塞板或合上空气辅助装置之前对密 封件放气。 graco.com | Always deflate the [...] seal priorto lifting ramplate or [...]engaging air assist. graco.com |
在小镇海滩(Town [...] Beach)上野餐,观看“登月阶梯” - 这是升起的满月在雄獐湾(Roebuck Bay)潮滩上反射形成的银色奇景。 danpacplus.hk | Have a picnic dinner on Town Beach and watch the ¡¥Staircase to [...] the Moon¡¦, a spectacular, silvery [...] illusion created by a rising fullmoonreflecting [...]off the tidal flats of Roebuck Bay. danpacplus.hk |
这种标志性的 Prada 瓶的底部为墨黑色,像缈缈升起的炊烟,从灰色变为透明。 hk.eternal.hk | The base of this iconic Prada [...] bottle is ink-black,rising seductively like [...]smoke through grey to transparent. hk.eternal.hk |
目 前,研 祥 科 技 大 厦 已 成 为 其 周 边 区 域 商 务 中 心 和 标 志 性 建 筑,对 本 集 团 的 品 牌宣 传 及 集 团 形象 的提升 起到极大 的促进 作用。 evoc.com.cn | At present, the EVOC Technology Building has become a commercial center for, and a landmark in, its peripheral areas which definitely help to promote the brand name and the corporate image of the Group. evoc.cn |
这条路後来还经过限行区,骑士必须等守卫 升起栅栏後,才能继续前行。 thisbigcity.net | This shared road [...] then takes a turn into agated area, [...]where cyclists have to wait for an attendant to raise a barrier before [...]they can continue with their journey. thisbigcity.net |
将手伸至 BeoSound 4 的前方,黑色的玻璃门片便会自动缓缓 升起,展露出操作面板的按键与控制转轮。 bang-olufsen.com | Reach out towards BeoSound 4’s operation panel and watch as the dark glass door moves gently up to reveal the buttons and wheels of the operation panel. bang-olufsen.com |
2006 年 5 月在俄罗斯联邦举行的“沿着大伏尔加河之路 探险:青年人升起风帆 探索世界遗产、可持续发展、信息和传播技术”国际论坛上,选拔了学生制 作的有关可持续发展与世界遗产的材料。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Materials produced by students on sustainable development and world heritage were selected at the international forum “Along the Great Volga River Route: Young People Set Sail to Explore World Heritage, Sustainable Development, Information and Communication Technologies” in the Russian Federation in May 2006. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在长1.6 公里、宽180 米的工厂里,世界最先进的机器人在装配由气垫悬停升降机 升起的车厢,这就无需使用屋顶悬挂吊架,同时还能节约工厂空间。 australiachina.com.au | Inside a factory 180m wide and 1.6km long, world-best robotics assemble train [...] carriages elevated on [...] air-cushioned hover lifts, reducing the need for roof-hanging cranesand freeing [...]up workshop space. australiachina.com.au |
阿巴斯主席指出,巴勒斯坦国旗 在巴黎教科文组织大楼前升起,成为一个历史性的 感人时刻,标志着巴勒斯坦国旗首次在联合国大楼 前飘扬。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the words of President Abbas, the raising of the Palestinian flag before the UNESCO building in Paris had been a historic and moving event, marking the first time the Palestinian flag had been flown in front of a United Nations building. daccess-ods.un.org |
去年夏天,新的旗帜在 朱巴升起,昔日的士兵放下武器,民众喜极而泣,孩 子们最终知道他们有希望期待自己将塑造的未来。 daccess-ods.un.org | Last summer, as a new flag went up in Juba, formersoldiers laid down their arms, men and women wept with joy and children finally knew the promise of looking to a future that they will shape. daccess-ods.un.org |
创新的升级选件允许用户自定义 OpenPrint 静音机柜式打印机来满足专业的打印需要,包括:动力叠纸器有助于井然有序地堆叠难以处理的纸张;后端滑出式纸张抽屉具有符合人体工程学的功能,例如,可以在整盒装入时让用户可以更轻松和更好地抓紧的 升起把手;前端纸张存取适用于支持狭小空间的操作,以及扩展门盖来容纳较大纸张。 printronix.cn | Innovative upgraded options allow users to customize the OpenPrint Quiet Cabinet for specialized printing needs, including: SureStak Power stacker which facilitates orderly stacking of hard to handle forms; Rear Slide Out Paper Drawer with ergonomic features such as lifting handles that provide the user easier handling and better grip on fullbox loads; Front Paper Access which is ideal for supporting operations in confined spaces and Expanded Doors to accommodate larger forms. printronix.com |
其它功能包括奶爪下降、成组奶爪升起、舒 适启动 Comfort Start(选配)、真空开启延时、最长套杯时间、奶杯内套减压以使挤奶杯组更顺畅地脱杯、脱杯后脉动停止、牛奶清扫等。 delaval.cn | Other features include the claw [...] drop, groupclaw-lift, Comfort Start [...](optional), vacuum-on delay, max. cluster-on time, [...]liner decompression for smoother cluster removal, pulsation stop after take-off, milk sweep and much more. delaval.com.br |
飞艇库的结构从土地里升起来, 仿佛是自然地质演进过程中地表层被两边水平力挤压而后隆起,形成的空腔皆为容纳飞艇机库的空间。 chinese-architects.com | The structure arises from layers of [...] earth that are thrust upward by a [...] geological process of uplift exposing a spatial [...]pocket in the earth for airship operations. chinese-architects.com |
如果装的是彩色色带盒,相机内的色带供应卷轴会 升起。 codonics.com | If color ribbon is loaded, the ribbon supply spool [...] inside theimager rises. codonics.com |
由于总高度低,因此可以最大限度利用移位高度,并且在完成使用后,担架——如果与天轨式移位机一起使用——可以留在 升起的天轨式移位机中,根本不占居室空间。 liko.com | The low overall height enables maximum utilisation of the lifting height and the stretcher – if it is used together with an overhead lift–can simply be left in the hoisted-up overhead lift after completed use, taking no floor space at all. liko.com |
期望着日本早日迎来新的黎明,我们在这里 升起一面象征“现实”的白旗,期待核电站解除封锁的那一天。 shanghaibiennale.org | Longing for the dawning of Japan, we sprayed on a white flag and hoisted it there as the “Reality”, until the day comes where the blockage of the plant is released. shanghaibiennale.org |
看台下面支撑体的关节轴承在被升起的情况下,可以使体育场被滚入和滚出体育馆。 schaeffler.cn | The spherical plan bearings in the supports under the stand, when raised, permit the playing field to be rolled into and out of the stadium. schaeffler.cn |
其宗旨是缩短经济回升 起步与 再创体面工作机会之间相隔的时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its aim is to reduce the time [...] lag betweenthe start ofeconomic recovery [...]and the recovery of decent work opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
然后,四个月之后,在 [...] 萨米尔·谢哈比先生阁下担任大会主席的第一天,大 韩民国和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的国旗就在这里 第一次升起。daccess-ods.un.org | Then, four months later, on His Excellency Mr. Samir Shihabi’s first day as President of the General [...] Assembly, the flags of the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of [...] Korea were raised herefor the first time. daccess-ods.un.org |
约11:00AM大家齐唱国歌声中,与台湾同步, 升起了青天百日满地红的国旗。 hwahsia.org.nz | At around 11:00am, guests and members took part in singing the New Zealand National Anthem and Taiwan National Anthem while waving the Taiwan flag around proudly. hwahsia.org.nz |
您可以进行设置,让您的操作员控制面板 升起并在任务栏中闪烁、在系统托盘中接收通知或在有游客与您聊天、进入您的网站、向您发送文件及在聊天会话中有其他事件时收到声音警报。 providesupport.cn | You can set your Operator Consoleraising and blinking in Task Bar, get notifications in your System Tray or receive audible alerts when visitors call to your chat, enter your website, send you files and on other events during your chat sessions. providesupport.com |
我们期望确保与联 合国有关部门达成必要安排,在联合国总部 升起独立的旗帜——利比亚人民革命的旗帜。 daccess-ods.un.org | We look forward to ensuring the necessary arrangements with the concerned departments at [...] the United Nations to [...] raise the flagof independence — the flag of the Libyan people’s revolution — at the Headquarters of this Organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
从鸟居方向升起的朝日是大年初一时,供人们朝拜和看日出的名胜景点。 ibarakiguide.jp | In the morning,the sunrises through it, making [...] it an ideal place to view the first sunrise of the year. ibarakiguide.jp |
巨大钢门将自地底升起,阻挡洪水涌来,河口防洪坝緜延数公里,将预防海水倒灌;自动充气包将封住隧道及地下铁路,避免水灾淹没。 thisbigcity.net | River-mouth barrages, manykilometres long, will hold back storm surges, while giant self-inflating bags, that mould themselves to contours, will seal off tunnels and underground railways from encroaching water. thisbigcity.net |
2002年,瑞士加入联合国的时候,联合国官员面临一个不同寻常的问题:瑞士的国旗是正方形的,但联合国规定所有在联合国总部 升起的国 旗必须是矩形的。 swissworld.org | When Switzerland joined the UN in 2002, UN protocol officials faced an unusual problem: the Swiss flag is square, but UN rules say that all flags flying at its headquarters must be oblong. swissworld.org |