

单词 1-jahres-libor-raten





rat (on debts)
各机构为评级低提出了若干可能的原因,主要原因包括:国家臭氧机构的变动;如 提出的与前几年相关的问题,对评估时限存在误解;由于国家提供的数据不一致,导致机 构出现延误;针对牵头机构提出的评论意见所涉及的机构并不是牵头机构;对机构与执行 委员会为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划提供资金相关的绩效表示不满意;评级被撤销;在未雇用或 未准备雇用国内顾问时针对雇用国内顾问的评论;以及因国家政府的变动,机构出现延 误。
Agencies indicated several possible reasons for the low ratings largely due to changes in NOUs, misunderstandings about the evaluation timeframe as issues raised related to previous years, delays assigned to the agency but which were a result of data inconsistencies by the country, comments on the lead agency when the agency concerned was not the lead agency, dissatisfaction expressed on the agency’s performance that related to the funding received from the Executive Committee for the HPMP, ratings were withdrawn, comments on the hiring of national consultants when no consultants were hired or were to be hired, and delays assigned to the agency but which were the result of changes in the Government.
等级可为您节省很多时间,否 则搜寻备份存档中的多个档案时,您要花费很多时间试着猜测哪一个过期备份可以删除,但又 不会遗失重要资料。
Ratings might save you a lot of time you will otherwise spend on exploring multiple files in your backup archives, trying to guess which of the outdated backups can be deleted without losing important data.
(iv) 流动资金的信贷风险有限,皆因对手方均为获国际信贷评级机构颁予高信贷评级之银行。
(iv) The credit risk on liquid funds is limited because the counterparties are banks with high credit ratings assigned by international credit-rating agencies.
在回应内部审计办公室给执行局的 2009 年度报告时,儿童基金会 管理部门探讨了以下问题:(a) 作为紧急事项解决审计建议、尤其是高风险领 域审计建议的贯彻落实问题的要求;(b) 解决系统性弱点尤其是财务控制、方 案管理、现金转移、采购和资产管理方面系统性弱点的要求,这方面有相当多 的不满意评级;(c) 对根据 2008 年完成的总部、系统和专题审计结果在治理、 问责、监督、指导、支助和业绩方面加强风险管理和控制的改善进度作出报告 的要求。
The following issues were addressed by UNICEF management in its response to the annual report of the Office of Internal Audit to the Executive Board for 2009: (a) the request to address, as a matter of urgency, the follow-up and implementation of audit recommendations, especially in high-risk areas; (b) the request to address systemic weaknesses, particularly in the areas of financial controls, programme management, cash transfers, and procurement and asset management, where there is a significant number of unsatisfactory ratings; and (c) the request to report on progress in improvements to strengthen risk management and controls in governance, accountabilities, oversight, guidance, support and performance in response to the results from the headquarters, systems and thematic audits completed in 2008.
When quoting these figures, journalists can state "sampling error of various ratings not more than +/-1.2 and sampling error of percentages not more than +/-3% at 95% confidence level".
2007 年,在其关于联合国系统发展方面的业务活动三年期全面政策审查的第 62/208 号决议中,大会明确鼓励:继续制定统一办法,如采用《国际公共部门会 计准则》,实现审计定义和评级的标准化,采取统一的现金转账办法,吁请各基 金、方案机构和专门机构进一步协调和简化其业务做法,认识到统一人力资源管 理、企业资源规划系统、财务、行政、采购、安保、信息技术、电信、差旅和银 行业务的重要性。
In 2007, in its resolution 62/208 on the triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system, the General Assembly explicitly encouraged: the continuing development of harmonized approaches such as the adoption of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards, the standardization of audit definitions and ratings, and the harmonized approach to cash transfers, called upon the United Nations funds, programmes and specialized agencies to further harmonize and simplify their business practices, and recognized the importance of harmonizing human resources management, enterprise resource planning systems, finance, administration, procurement, security, information technology, telecommunications, travel and banking.
因调查问卷得出的员工满意度很高,VAA 在2009年为瓦克颁发了科隆化工奖。
In recognition of the high satisfaction ratings in this survey, the VAA awarded WACKER the Cologne Chemical-Industry Prize in 2009.
(b) 基金经理经考虑到市场情况、其他具有可比拟财务信誉的实体的信贷评级及有关 基础证券发行人的控股公司之信贷评级(如适用)等因素後,可厘定基础证券 发行人须具有的最低信贷评级,然而,作为一般要求,有关基础证券发行人应最 低具有投资级信贷评级。
(b) the Manager may determine the minimum credit rating that a Base Securities Issuer shall have, taking into account factors such as the prevailing market conditions, the credit ratings of other entities with comparable financial standing and the credit ratings of the holding company (if any) of the relevant Base Securities Issue, provided that, as a general requirement, a Base Securities Issuer must have a minimum credit rating of investment grade.
需要特别注意的其他问题,包括发展国家办事处在国家供应和采购方 面的能力,以及改进审计定义、评级以及财务细则和条例。
Other issues requiring special attention were developing the capacities of country offices in national supply and procurement, and improving audit definitions and ratings and financial rules and regulations.
功能、材料兼容性、充分的额定值、正确的安装、使 用和维护是系统设计师和用户的责任。
Function, material compatibility, adequate ratings, proper installation, operation, and maintenance are the responsibilities of the system designer and user.
评级不佳的主要原因是:在电子布告板寻找信息遇到困难;有些文件 并非同时以所有正式语文提供;会议服务人员提供的服务。
Poor ratings were mainly attributed to difficulties experienced in finding information on the electronic board, the unavailability of documents in all official languages simultaneously, and the services provided by the meeting servicing staff.
2002 年期间,在“婴幼儿与家庭”栏目下完成的工作有:(i)在简化系统内开 发了一个新的“目录”和不同的子专题栏目。(ii)为分入口和它的三个部分: “教育工作者和职业工作者”、“家长与家庭”和“儿童”的投入运行,编撰了 一份建议方案;(iii)开发了适宜于家庭、家长和儿童从外部网站纳入/连接入教 科文组织网站的选择标准和比率;(iv)对 MINEDAF VIII 网站“婴幼儿”栏目 做出贡献;(v)筹备将与 CINDE (哥伦比亚)合作开发的一份教材翻译成法文的 工作,CINDE (哥伦比亚)是教科文组织“婴幼儿”网络栏目的拉美地区合作伙 伴。
In 2002 the following activities were carried out in the section on early childhood and the family: (i) development in Simplify of the new table of contents and the different subdivisions; (ii) preparation of a proposal for the implementation of the portal and its three parts (“educators and professionals”, “parents and families” and “children”); (iii) development of selection criteria and ratings for including/linking to websites external to UNESCO which are suitable for families, parents and children; (iv) contribution to the early childhood section on the MINEDAF VIII site; and (v) preparation of a French version of a handbook prepared in cooperation with CINDE (Colombia), UNESCO’s regional partner for Latin America, for websites concerned with early childhood.
这些执行器可用于标准和食 品级涂层滚珠丝杠配置中,将最大进给力额定值和系统连续堵转力额定值 分别增大到了 14,679 N (3300 lb) 和 13,122 N (2950 lb)。
Available in standard and food-grade paint ball-screw configurations, these new actuators extend the maximum feed force ratings up to 14,679 N (3300 lb) and system continuous stall force ratings up to 13,122 N (2950 lb).
除了所提到的之外, 可允许的压力额定值是从如 ASME B31.3 工艺管道中所规定的 S 值中计算得出的。
Except as noted, allowable pressure ratings are calculated from S values as specified by ASME B31.3, Process Piping.
统的影响”、“毒理机制和方法”(2008 年);“产后甲醛暴露对老鼠海马状突起和 大脑半球的锥体细胞数量、细胞层体积的影响:一个体视学研究”(2007 年);“褪 黑激素可防止甲醛诱导的老鼠前额皮层神经毒害:免疫组织化学和生物化学研 究”(2007 年);“咖啡酸苯乙酯对防止老鼠因吸入香烟烟雾造成肝损伤的保护作 用”(2007 年);“W-3 必需脂肪酸对防止甲醛诱导老鼠前额皮层神经元损伤的保 护作用”(2007 年);“W-3 脂肪酸在老鼠脑缺血再灌注模型中的保护作用”(2007 年)。
(2008); “Effects of post-natal formaldehyde exposure on pyramidal cell number, volume of cell layer in hippocampus and hemisphere in the rat: a stereological study” (2007); “Melatonin prevents formaldehyde-induced neurotoxicity in prefrontal cortex of rats: an immunohistochemical and biochemical study” (2007); “The protective effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) against liver damage induced by cigarette smoke inhalation in rats” (2007); “Protective effects of W-3 essential fatty acids against formaldehyde-induced neuronal damage in prefrontal cortex of rats” (2007); “Protective effects of W-3 fatty acids in a rat focal cerebral ischaemia-reperfusion model” (2007).
惠誉及穆迪的所有评级均是稳定的展望,而标准普尔的所有评级 均具有负面展望。
All ratings from Fitch and Moody’s are on stable outlook, and all ratings from S&P are on negative outlook.
备份等级可为您节 约大量时间,否则,您需花时间浏览备份存档中的多个文件,推测删除哪个过期备份不会丢失 重要数据。
Ratings might save you a lot of time you will otherwise spend on exploring multiple files in your backup archives, trying to guess which of the outdated backups can be deleted without losing important data.
(iv) 信贷风险 本集团现金及等值现金无重大信贷风险,盖因现金存款均存放於知名银行及信用评级良好之金融机构。
There is no significant credit risk in relation to the Group’s cash and cash equivalents as cash deposits are placed with reputable banks and financial institutions with good credit ratings.
括举办海军士兵课程(海军士兵学校、海军教 育部门)、海军士官课程(海军学院)以及高 等海军研究所的各种不同课程;在泰王国空军 部队,国会向参加专业军事教育课程、空军战 争学院、空军指挥参谋学院和空军军官学校作 战课程以及作战军官课程(中队一级)的人提 供《公约》方面的信息。
At the level of the Royal Thai Navy the Convention is taught in the Naval Ratings Course (Naval Ratings School, Naval Education Department), Naval Cadets Course (Naval Academy) and different courses at the Institute of Advanced Naval Studies; at the level of the Royal Thai Air Force participants in the courses in Professional Military Education and operational courses at the Air War College, Air Command and Staff College, Squadron Officers School and Operations Officers Course (Squadron Level) are provided with information on the Convention.
捐助国和国际金融机构可以发挥重要作用,提供担保和政治风险保险, 帮助确定金融工具的风险评级并提供咨询意见,例如汇款和其他未来流动应 收款的证券化。
Donors and international financial institutions can play an important role by furnishing guarantees, political risk insurance, help in establishing ratings and supplying advice on financial instruments, such as the securitization of remittances and other future-flow receivables.
结果表明:与对照组相比,(1)切断海马伞-穹隆通路明显延缓了大鼠运动平衡能力的恢复;(2)切断海马伞-穹隆通路后,银杏类黄酮(FGb)失去了促进脑挫伤后运动平衡能力恢复的作用;(3)原位杂交显示,脑损伤后海马DG(齿状回)和CA3区中生长相关蛋白(GAP-43)mRNA的水平明显提高;(4)FGb促进脑损伤后海马DG和CA3区中的GAP-43 mRNA水平的上调。
The results showed that: (1)the recovery of locomotive equilibrium ability was remarkably impeded after transsection of fimbria-fornix in rats following TBI; (2) after transsection of fimbria-fornix, FGb could not facilitate the recovery of locomotive equilibrium ability after TBI; (3) the results of hybridization in situ showed that the level of GAP 43 mRNA in the DG and CA3 region of hippocampus rised remarkably after TBI; (4) FGb improved the raised level of GAP-43 mRNA in DG and CA3 region of hippocampus after TBI.
针对功能安全认可元件,制造商必须提供说明,包括元件的额定值、应用限制和被设定的安全等级,如安全完整性等级(Safety Integrity Level,SIL)、汽车安全完整性等级(Automotive Safety Integrity Level,ASIL)、性能等级(Performance Level,PL)或类别(Class)。
For Functional Safety Recognized Components, manufacturers will provide instructions that include component ratings, application restrictions and intended safety level, such as Safety Integrity Level (SIL), Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL), Performance Level (PL) or Class.
种类说明页包含额定温度和 电压、导体大小和材料、绝缘层及护 套材料和厚度、屏蔽层或包覆层以及 用以评估该导线的 UL 参考标准。
The style page includes temperature and voltage ratings, conductor size and material, insulation and jacket materials and thicknesses, shields or coverings and the UL reference Standard used to evaluate the wire.
A study reports that a gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) antagonist reduces prostate size in a rat model of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a progressive, age-related proliferation of prostatic tissues characterized by prostate enlargement and lacking effective treatments.
A.合并公司从事衍生性金融商品主要系以财务避险为目的,因此汇率变动产生之 损益大致会与被避险项目之损益抵销,故市场风险并不大。
Since the Company’s derivative financial instrument agreements are entered into with financial institutions with good credit ratings, management does not believe that there is significant credit risk from these transactions.
第三,目前根据考绩制度所给过于宽松的评级程序 不可能成为对确定工作人员是否应该得到连续任用 的有效工具。
And third, the current very generous ratings given under the performance appraisal system were unlikely to prove an effective tool for deciding which staff members should be granted continuing appointments.
诸如艺术、摇滚、朋克的文化,都希望光鲜亮丽,就像沟渠中的老鼠,而被称为日本流行乐(Japan Pop)或“超级扁平”的文化,诸如日本动漫、Gals,这些文化可以、将要、应该在涉谷的十字路口碰撞相遇,于是我们坐上去涉谷的最后一班火车前往中心大街。
Cultures like art or rock or punk that wish to be beautiful like rats in the ditch and cultures like Japanimation or Gals that are called Japan Pop or “Superflat” may would should come across each other at the scramble crossing in Shibuya so we took the last train for Shibuya to the Center Street.




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