单词 | 秘诀 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 秘诀 noun —secret nrecipe nless common: trick n 秘诀 noun, plural —tips pl • secrets pl 秘诀 —trade secretSee also:秘 n—secretary n 诀—farewell • secrets (of an art)
用 Craig 自己的话说,他的成功没有秘诀 - 只有始终如一的刻苦训练。 jabra.cn | In Craig’s own [...] words, there is no secret to his success [...]– just consistent hard work. jabra.com |
保持健康的秘诀就在 您的筷子和叉子上。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | One simple secret to health is at [...] the end of your fork or chopsticks. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
既能探索健康烹饪的秘诀,又能同主厨一起定制自己的膳食,最终享受用餐的快乐。 sunislandclub.com | Discover healthy cooking tips and skills, plan your own meal with Chef then enjoy the end-result at a sit down dinner. sunislandclub.com |
他注意到, 委员会处理放弃对裁决提出追诉的方式,也就是将 [...] 该问题移至示范仲裁条款下,实际上提供了此类弃 权的一个秘诀;但是,这只会对少数国家造成影响, [...]收效甚微。 daccess-ods.un.org | He noted that the Committee’s approach to the waiver of recourse against an award, by displacing the [...] problem to the model arbitration clause, [...] actually provided a recipe for such a waiver; [...]as, however, it would affect only a limited [...]number of countries, it was of little consequence. daccess-ods.un.org |
我真的相信我们成功的秘诀在于我们人民和我们不同文化的多样性。 embassyusa.cn | I really [...] believe that the secret to our success is [...]the diversity of our people and of our different cultures. eng.embassyusa.cn |
有什么学习秘诀或技 巧要传授给正在修读IB课程的学弟学妹? ycis-bj.com | Do you have any tips for students who are working towards the IB Diploma Programme now? ycis-bj.com |
独家Crème [...] Ancienne面霜的抗衰老配方灵感来自公元200年第一瓶美容乳霜;还有Sake清酒沐浴露,传说中日本艺伎的美 容 秘诀 便 是用清酒沐浴,已达到为肌肤排毒和修护的功效。 lvmh.cn | They also discovered the exclusive anti-aging formula of Crème Ancienne, inspired by the world's first emulsion-based [...] cream of the 2nd century A.D., and Sake, a [...] legendary beauty secret of Japanese Geisha [...]who were known to bathe in it to detoxify and restore their skin. lvmh.com |
我要对参加本 次辩论会表示极为满意,并祝贺安理会法国主席选择 [...] 一个对非洲大陆如此重要的议题,这是我们必须应对 的挑战之一,但是它的成功秘诀仍有 待明确界定。 daccess-ods.un.org | I wish to express my great satisfaction at participating in this debate and to congratulate the French presidency of the Council for having chosen a topic so important to the African continent, one [...] which constitutes one of the challenges that we must [...] meet but whose recipes for success remain [...]to be clearly determined. daccess-ods.un.org |
她的秘诀在于 她是丈夫有能力的支持,照顾并 料理他的家,使家成为一个和谐兴盛并为自己的丈夫带来很多益处的地方。 sallee.info | Her secret is that she is an [...] able support for her husband, caring for and managing his household, making it a harmonious [...]and profitable place that produces much good for him. sallee.info |
在面谈的过程中,医生还能为您提供一些与孩子相处 的 秘诀 , 包 括讨论什么是“正常”的青少年成长和发展,以及根据检查期间收集到的信息,为您指出需要特别关注的一些方面。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | These visits are also a time for your [...] adolescent’s doctor to offer you tips on [...] dealing with your adolescent, including [...]discussing what is “normal” adolescent growth [...]and development, and areas for concern based on information gathered during the check-up. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
Sok Leng的成功秘诀:良 好的时间管理、模拟真正考试的严格练习与研读考官报告是对我有极大帮助的3个方面。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | Sok Leng’s recipe for success: Good [...] time management, rigorous practice under exam conditions and reading examiner’s reports [...]are 3 critical areas helped me tremendously. lsbf.edu.sg |
我们的成功秘诀十分 简单:融合不同形 式的运输系统、投资于教育、利用由经验丰富的公司和新兴行业组成的私营部门提供的新技 [...] 术,以便从协作中获益。 ebuilder.com | The secret in our success is quite [...] simple: Combine different modes of transport systems, invest in education, use new technology [...]that is offered by the private sector consisting of experienced companies and new emerging businesses in order to benefit from the synergies. ebuilder.com |
TADASHI SHOJI 成功的秘诀在于 他结合了缜密的管理、独到的设计和对于顾客的需求的高度重视。 parkviewgreen.com | In 2007, Tadashi launched the Tadashi Shoji Runway collection for Fall 2007 during New York Fashion Week to rave reviews. parkviewgreen.com |
坚持优化和发展生产线,坚持有系统地加大对员工的培训”是这个不同凡响的集团成功 的 秘诀 , 企业的所有行动和决策都朝着最高目标前进,那就是:客户满意。 news.groz-beckert.com | The steady further development of our production plants [...] and well trained personnel who work [...] systematically" is the recipe for success of [...]this unusual group of companies, whose aim [...]is to achieve the highest of all objectives: customer satisfaction. news.groz-beckert.com |
当打造世界上最大的摩天轮与技术性挑战并驾齐驱时,当创新性和专有技术成为实现此独特方案的成 功 秘诀 时 , British Airways公司被旋转观景舱的创造性及其性能所吸引,选择了POMA集团的方案。 poma.net | When creating the largest wheel in the world is linked to a technological challenge, [...] where innovation and know-how are key factors [...] for the success of this exceptional [...]achievement, the company British Airways seduced [...]by the inventiveness and the performance of the concept of rotating capsules, they chose the solution designed by the POMA Group. poma.net |
收入的一个重要来源,一定程度上甚至是其成功的 “ 秘诀 ” (下面还要讨论)。 lishiyushehui.cn | That has been a key factor in the local governments’ ability to attract investment, and also a [...] key source of local governments’ revenue and, to a considerable [...] degree, the very secret of their “success” [...](more below). lishiyushehui.cn |
贯穿始终的Mastersizer技术秘诀,得 出值得您信赖的测量结果。 malvern.com.cn | Mastersizer know-how throughout, for results you can rely on. malvern.com |
与当时的同类车相比,GTO汽车的尺寸只能算是中等,但是较轻的总质量使它克服了其他大型肌肉车加速度较慢的缺点,这也是它在市场上取得巨大成功 的 秘诀 之 一。 shautomuseum.gov.cn | And the same kind of car at that time, compared to the size of the GTO car can only be regarded as medium, but lighter total quality make it overcome the other large muscle car acceleration slower faults, this also is it on the market in great one of the keys to success. shautomuseum.gov.cn |
秘诀就在 于由发动机中央控制系统控制的两个电控气动阀门。 maserati.com.cn | The secret is the two pneumatic [...] valves that are electronically controlled by the engine’s central command system. web.maserati.com |
为了窥探究竟这面包的成功秘诀,我 来到了Telaga Harbour, Langkawi。 4tern.com | To try the great taste of the bread, I crashed into Telaga Harbour, Langkawi. 4tern.com |
人们之所以愿意在Denny’s的连锁店门口排长队等候,正是因为公司故意给活动的截止日期“卖关子”,“短暂、突然、惊喜”,这大概就是企业成功运用免费派送战略 的 秘诀。 labbrand.com | The only reason people are lining up at Denny’s is that promotion may end immediately as the company deliberately kept the [...] campaign end date a secret. labbrand.com |
另外,顾客(绘画者)获得员工和艺术家的鼓励和一 些 秘诀。 labbrand.com | In addition, the customers/ painters receive encouragement and tips from staff members and resident artists. labbrand.com |
以上是中国之所以能够招引比任何其它发展中国家要多的外来投资的重 要 秘诀。 lishiyushehui.cn | That has been part of the secret of China’s ability [...] to attract more inflow capital than any other developing nation. lishiyushehui.cn |
成功的秘诀是: RME是唯一一家不使用第三方USB或火线技术的厂商,而是使用自己研发的具有出色性能和毋庸置疑的专业音频特性的Hammerfall音频核心。 synthaxcn.64channels.com | The secret of success: RME is [...] the only manufacturer not to use a third party USB or FireWire audio technology, but an own, [...]self-developed Hammerfall Audio Core with an outstanding performance and uncompromised pro audio features. synthaxcn.64channels.com |
每个人都拥有自己的独门秘诀,但真正的赢家只有一位!只要答对所有问题,就有机会成为Oris ProDiver 计时码表的大奖赢家。 oris.ch | Whoever answers all the questions correctly will take part in the draw for an Oris ProDiver Chronograph. oris.ch |
在Splatter, 我们热衷于研读另辟蹊径取得成功的品牌案例,因此,在本期的THE SOUND中,我们要探讨的是斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心这个项目,以期从中找到关键的成功因素,到在这个复杂的国家里取得成功 的 秘诀 , 而 不仅仅是从他人的失败中汲取教训。 spla-t.com | At Splatter we LOVE hearing about successful brands who have followed the road less traveled so in this edition of THE SOUND we are exploring the Swatch Art Peace Hotel project with the aim of finding the Key Success Factors so that we might all learn from other brands success in this complicated country, rather than just learning from others mistakes spla-t.com |
为了加入 SIHH (国际高级钟表沙龙) ,GP芝柏表推出了采用著名的三金桥陀飞轮技术的自动上弦表款, 其 秘诀 在 于发条盒下方精巧的铂金微转子装置 (于 1999 年获得专利) 。 girard-perregaux.com | For its entry to SIHH (Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie), Girard-Perregaux presented an automatic winding version of its famous Tourbillon with three gold Bridges, thanks to the introduction of an ingenious platinum micro-rotor system (patented in 1999) positioned under the barrel. girard-perregaux.com |
Tri Vantage 项目总监 Spooky Apple [...] 就是 活生生的例证 — 通过改变生活方式实现的渐进式减肥是长期 控制体重的秘诀。 glenraven.com | Spooky Apple, projects director with [...] Tri Vantage, is living proof that gradual loss along with [...] lifestyle change is the secret to long-term weight [...]management. glenraven.com |
在好奇心和求知欲的驱动下,他前往 罗杰杜彼工坊继续学习,后者将之收纳旗下,传授钟表修复和复杂功能 的 秘诀。 christopheclaret.com | Insatiably curious and thirsty for knowledge, he trained for an additional year with the master-watchmaker Roger Dubuis who, [...] in taking him under his wing, [...] passed on the secrets of restoration and the mysteries of complex horological [...]mechanisms. christopheclaret.com |