

单词 陷于


使 ... 陷于混乱 v

disrupt sth. v


be paralyzed
at a standstill

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

会议还指出,气候变化正在对本 区域农业领域产生影响,并认识到那些最容 陷于 粮 食 不安全状况的人群所面临的 风险最大。
The Conference also noted the impacts that climate change were having on the agricultural sector in the region, and recognized that those already vulnerable to food insecurity were most at risk.
在有些情 况下,这可能导致严重的心理创伤与疾病或者重 陷于 绝 望 ,低沉或者甚至产生 自杀倾向。
In some cases, it may result in grave psychological trauma and illness or renewal of despair, depression or even suicidal tendencies.
这不 仅使学生和学校的财政来陷于枯竭 的境地,也使这个国家丧失 了大量的机会。
This not only drains financial resources of students and institutions—it also is a significant opportunity cost for this country.
( 第十条)
[...] 委员会建议缔约国修订《能力和监护法》,使六岁以下子女的监护权不一定判给 母亲,并确保子女抚养负担不致使父亲的生 陷于 困 窘
The Committee recommends that the State party amend the Capacity and Guardianship Law so that custody of children up to the age of six is not
always given to mothers, and ensure that child support awards do
[...] not lead to an inadequate standard of living for the father.
2006 年中期的危急局势使该国的经济活 陷于 瘫 痪,包括那些有关农业行业的经 济活动,导致甲基溴淘汰活动实施的延误。
The critical situation
[...] in mid 2006 in Lebanon paralyzed economic [...]
activities in the country, including those related to the
agricultural sector, and caused a delay in the implementation of MB phase-out activities.
行预咨委会在其关于维持和平行动支助账户的报告 (A/49/904)第 21 段中,就定义“核心”和“非核心” 要求的尝试提出了评论意见,并“认识到,继续试图 为核心和非核心员额和活动编成随意而定最后免不陷于僵化 的人为的标准的做法可能不再有用。
In paragraph 21 of its report on the support account for peacekeeping operations (A/49/904), the Advisory Committee commented on the attempt to define “core” and “non-core” requirements and “recognized that it may no longer be useful to continue to try to compose arbitrary and, in the end, inevitably rigid and artificial criteria for core and non-core posts and activities.
扩大定居点活动不仅严重威 胁到巴勒斯坦人的权利,也使全面恢复和平进程的 所有希陷于危险
Settlement expansion posed a grave danger, not only to Palestinian rights, but also to any hope of a resumption of the peace process as a whole.
最近一期的《Bal Swaraj》揭示了其他一些严重问题,包括一个女孩 陷于 患 有 脊髓灰质炎的困境、咀嚼烟草的危险性、非法雇佣儿童做木工和旅店服务员的问题、以及儿童由于贫困无法上学的问题。
A recent issue of ‘Bal Swaraj’ highlighted other serious issues, as well, including the plight of a girl suffering from polio, the perils of chewing tobacco, the problems of children working illegally as carpenters and in hotels, and the poverty that prevents them from attending classes.
[...] 对维持治安的需求将继续增多,因为警察在消除安全差距、防 陷于 崩 溃 的国家 成为破坏和平与稳定的温床方面的作用,已成为当今维和行动的关键特点。
The demands on policing will continue to grow in the upcoming years, as the
role of police in bridging security gaps
[...] and preventing failed States from becoming [...]
breeding grounds for spoilers of peace
and stability has become a key feature of peacekeeping operations today.
有此信心,他们才可以与其代表及行政管理部门一道来面对可能出现的困难,开 展富有成果的对话,而不陷于人人相互猜疑的窘境。
Armed with this confidence, they will therefore be able, alongside their representatives and the Administration, to meet
potential difficulties and benefit from a meaningful dialogue, to prevent each
[...] party from being deadlocked in mutual distrust.
委员会虽 注意到发放了儿童津贴并为有子女家庭发放了其它福利金,然而,对三、四名子 女的家庭或单亲家庭陷于颇为 严重的贫困窘境感到关切。
While noting the provision of child allowances and other benefits to families with
children, the Committee is
[...] concerned about the situation of families with three or more children and single-parent households, who continue to be disproportionately [...]
affected by poverty.
秘书长关于非洲冲突根源的报告强调 陷于 武装 冲突的非洲国家的数量大幅减少,从 1990 年代末的 14 个国家,减少到今天仅有的 4 个国家,这突出了非 洲国家政府和人民对和平、稳定与发展事业的坚定承 诺;尽管如此,许多非洲国家仍然无法实现其人民的 发展愿望,包括实现国际商定的发展目标,特别是千 [...]
年发展目标,非洲在这方面的进展速度,仍然落在其 他地区的后面。
In spite of what is highlighted in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflicts in Africa with regard to the significant [...]
reduction in
the number of African countries engaged in armed conflicts — from 14 countries in the late 1990s to only just four countries today, which underlines the deep commitment of African Governments and peoples to the cause of peace, stability and development — many African countries are still unable to fulfil the developmental aspirations of their peoples, including the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, particularly the Millennium Development Goals, where Africa still lags behind other regions in terms of rates of progress.
双方因进陷于 停顿 而受益,因为这样双方都可以谋求自己的利益:或无视国家的分裂,或积极 防止国家分裂。
Parties benefit from a stalled process, which allows each of them to follow its own interests: either ignoring the division of the country or working actively to prevent it.
该项目 处理的是迫切需要将农村地区教育作为目标的问题,因为农村地区的穷人占 世界穷人的 70%,他陷于无法 获得可能使他们脱贫的服务和机会的恶性循 环。
The project addresses the urgent need to target education in rural areas, where over 70 per cent of the world’s poor are caught in the vicious cycle of being unable to access the services and opportunities that might take them out of poverty.
预计 2012
[...] 年亚太区域的增长速度将大幅放缓,世界各发达经济体将继 陷于 2008 年爆发的经济危机泥淖中。
A substantial slowdown in growth in the region is
expected in 2012, with the developed economies of the
[...] world remaining mired in the economic [...]
crisis which erupted in 2008.
因此, 今天的辩论为我们提供了又一次机会,以便思考已有 的进展、我们面临的挑战以及我们需要采取的步骤,
[...] 以解决这个一再出现的问题,并重申我们的政治意愿 和决心,呼吁支持对这些经陷于冲 突 局势中的无助 平民提供保护。
Therefore, today’s debate provides us with yet another opportunity to reflect on the progress made, the challenges we face and the steps we need to take to address this recurring problem while renewing our political will and resolve to
rally support for the protection of those helpless civilians who so often
[...] find themselves trapped in conflict situations.
在以冲突、内部动荡和大量难民进而导致经济滑坡和最广泛阶层的人 陷于 贫困为特征的南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国解体之后,于 1992 年创建了南斯拉 夫联邦共和国,由塞尔维亚共和国和黑山共和国两个联邦单位组成。
Following the dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which was marked by conflicts, internal instability and a large inflow of refugees that led to an economic downfall and impoverishment of the widest classes of the population, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was created in 1992 comprising two federal units – the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro.
部分是由于世界贸易组织(世贸组 织)多哈发展回合的谈陷于僵局 ,一些国 家越来越通过许多双边优惠贸易协定来寻 求推进自己的经济利益。
Partly as a
[...] result of the stalemate of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha Development Round of negotiations, some countries [...]
have increasingly sought
to advance their own economic interests through numerous bilateral preferential trade agreements (PTAs).
(h) 继续对巴勒斯坦被占领土及其境内的区域实行封锁,限制人员和货物 的流动自由,包括一再关闭被占领的加沙地带的过境点,使平 陷于 极 度 危险的 人道主义境地,也损害了巴勒斯坦人民的经济和社会权利
(h) The continued closures of and within the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the restriction of the freedom of movement of people and goods, including the repeated closure of the crossing points of the
Gaza Strip, which
[...] have created an extremely precarious humanitarian situation for the civilian population as well as [...]
impaired the economic
and social rights of the Palestinian people
它们妨碍了避免经济震荡造成累积通货紧缩效应的努 力,使社会更容易长陷于脆弱和危难状态,尤其是在多种震荡接踵而至的情况 下,粮食、燃料和金融危机正是这种情况。
This hinders efforts to avoid the cumulative deflationary effects of economic shocks and contributes to perpetuate a situation of vulnerability and social distress, particularly when multiple shocks come each on top of the other as was the case with the food, fuel and financial crises.
尽管在 12 月间恢复了各方会谈,令 人欢迎,签署了一项行动计划,遣散不合格的毛派军人,以及结束了尼泊尔联合
[...] 共产党-毛主义对立法议会的封锁,但在本报告编写时,使和平进 陷于 停 顿 的 主要分歧仍然没有解决,正在增加和平进程垮掉的危险。
Despite the welcome revival of the inter-party talks in December, the signing of an action plan to discharge the disqualified Maoist army personnel and the ending of the UCPN-M blockade of the Legislature-Parliament, at the time of writing, the
major disagreements that have brought the
[...] peace process close to a standstill [...]
remain unresolved, increasing the risk of its collapse.
目前,它为整个地区的妇女提供信息,说明以这种方式 与人结婚的风险,以及如果发现自 陷于 危 险时所拥有的权利。
It currently provides information to women throughout the region about the risks of marrying someone in this manner and their rights if they find themselves in danger.
她呼吁广大捐 助者、人道主义机构、国际社会大幅增加对难民的
[...] 援助,以解难民的燃眉之急,同时解决让如此之多 的人陷于危险的长期根本性问题。
She called on donors, humanitarian agencies and the international community at large to scale up their assistance both to meet
the immediate needs of refugees and to tackle the long term, underlying problems that
[...] had left so many people in danger.
这一中心思想与巴勒斯坦问题直接相关,而且也关系到达成公正和持久的解 决方案的需要以及国际社会促进和平会谈并防止这一会谈在占领国以色列顽固 不化和逍遥法外的压力陷于崩溃 的现行努力。
This central message was of direct relevance to the question of Palestine and the references to the need for achieving a just and lasting solution and the ongoing efforts by the international community to promote the peace talks and to prevent their collapse under the weight of the intransigence and impunity of Israel, the occupying Power.
经过五年的集体惩 罚,贫穷和失业蔓延;大部分儿童普遍营养不良;包括医院、发电厂、道路、供 水和环境卫生系统在内的重要民用基础设施逐渐磨损失修,或者因 2008 年 12 月 至 2009 年 1 月以色列的军事侵略而受到损坏或毁坏;重建工作几乎没有进展; 而且,由于持续施加的限制阻碍了可持续经济发展,经济和正常商 陷于 瘫 痪
After half a decade of this collective punishment, poverty and unemployment are rampant; malnutrition is prevalent in the majority of children; vital civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, electric power plants, roads, and water and sanitation systems, is deteriorating into disrepair or remains damaged or destroyed as a result of the December 2008-January 2009 Israeli military aggression; reconstruction has barely progressed; and the economy and normal commerce are in tatters, with ongoing restrictions preventing sustainable economic growth.
与此同时, 前所未有的季风暴雨导致了空前的洪灾,使泰国全陷于瘫痪 ,而无暇应对各种国际问题。
As the new administration of Yingluck Shinawatra was finding its way on this policy issue and others, the country was inundated by record monsoonal rains that caused unprecedented floods and put all international issues to the side.
与会者要求陷于冲突 和冲突后境况中的 国家予以特殊关注,为此他们建议应努力支持巴勒斯坦地区的教育系统。
Participants requested that particular attention be paid to countries in conflict and post-conflict situations and, in this context, recommended the pursuit of efforts to support the Part I (A) – page 8
虽然预 期成绩(d)的目标是提高效率,但绩效指标(d)㈣却只注重秘书处的议程而不是国 际议程;预期成绩(c)不够充分,因为只限于预防重陷暴力冲突,而秘书处应该 通过各种预防方式,做好防止冲突的准备;不应该仅仅关注已 陷于 冲 突的国家, 还应该关注可能发生冲突的那些发展不足的弱国;秘书处应该加强对冲突后国家 的支助。
For subprogramme 8, the following views were expressed: that indicator of achievement (a) (i) was not under the control of the Secretariat; that while the objective of expected accomplishment (d) is to increase efficiency, the indicator of achievement (d) (iv) concentrates specifically on the Secretariat agenda rather than an international agenda; that expected accomplishment (c) falls short, as it stops at relapse into conflict, while the Secretariat should be prepared to prevent conflict through various prevention methods; that attention should be not only on the countries already in conflict but also on those weak and underdeveloped countries that could become countries in conflict; and that the work of the Secretariat should enhance support for post-conflict countries.
为了有效地执行最低初步成套服务,人口基金提供生殖健康包,内含医疗用品、 药品和设备,可在 72 小时内运往世界任何地方,以满 陷于 紧 急 情况中人口的 需要。
To effectively implement the Service Package, UNFPA provides reproductive health kits containing medical supplies, drugs and equipment that can be shipped within 72 hours anywhere in the world to respond to the needs of populations caught in emergencies.
社署亦为贫困及无家可归的成年残疾人士提供临时住宿照顾,以确保他 们的安全,同时免他们因缺乏及时照顾及容身之所 陷于 困 境
11.13 SWD has also put in place measures for ensuring the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in situations of risk by providing temporary residential care for the destitute and homeless adults with disabilities to prevent them from exposure to risks owing to the lack of immediate care and shelter.




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