单词 | 地轴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 地轴 —the earth's axisSee also:轴 pl—shafts pl 轴 n—axes pl 轴—axle
美国国家航空暨太空总署(NASA)的研究人 员发现,由于今年二月份智利发生的地震,地球 的地轴已经发生移位。 barthhaasgroup.com | Event with far-reaching consequences Researchers at NASA have [...] discovered that the earth’s axis has shifted as a result [...]of the earthquake in Chile in February of this year. barthhaasgroup.com |
滚针轴承必须更宽的内圈组合以协助与轴承座相关 的 轴地轴 向 移位 schaeffler.cn | needle roller bearings must be combined with wider inner rings in order to facilitate axial displacement of the shaft in relation to the housing schaeffler.us |
使用螺丝刀,小心地将轴承 (16 或 25)和 U 形圈 (17 或 26)从出口罩 [...] (7) 挑出。 graco.com | Use screwdriver and [...] carefully press bearing (16 or 25) and [...]u-cup (17 or 26) out of outlet housing (7). graco.com |
高精密轴加工的其他有用的选项包括液压稳定支撑装置(可以最大限 度 地 减 少 轴 的 颤动和弯曲)和曲轴 加工规格。 moriseiki.com | Other useful options for high-precision shaft machining include the hydraulic steady rest, which minimizes chatter and bending of shafts, and specifications for crankshaft machining. moriseiki.com |
这样一来,不仅大幅提高了接近主轴的便利性,即使 是 50 号锥度的重型刀具,也可以容易地安 装到 主 轴 或 从 主 轴 上 卸 下。 moriseiki.com | This refinement contributes to significant improvement [...] in accessibility to [...] the spindle, allowing users to easily attach or remove a heavy No. 50 taper tool to or from the spindle. moriseiki.com |
7、主轴下轴承密封采用新的设计方案,有 效 地 解 决 了 轴 承 进 灰尘和润滑油漏油两项重大问题,切实有 效 地 延 长了 下 轴 承 使 用寿命。 mayastar.com.cn | The spindle bearing seal adopts new design scheme, which [...] effectively solve the two major problems of the bearing into dust and oil leakage, and it prolongs the service life of the bearing effectively. mayastar.com.cn |
根据输入的工程直径,用户可以很方 便 地 选 择孔 和 轴 的 公 差等级。 tss.trelleborg.com | Upon entering a nominal diameter, users simply select the tolerance classes for bore and shaft. tss.trelleborg.com |
另一方面,因为地球不仅围绕轴心自 转,同时围绕太阳弧形转动,所以恒星日较平均太阳日短约四分钟。 iwc.com | And because the earth not [...] only turns around its own axis but also describes an [...]arc around the sun, a sidereal day is about [...]four minutes shorter than an average solar day. iwc.com |
恒星日的基准则是一个无限遥远的星体,与观察期间开始和终结时的观察点呈垂直状态,量度 出 地 球 围绕 其 轴 心 转动所需的时间。 iwc.com | The reference for a sidereal day is an infinitely distant star, which is exactly perpendicular to the observation point at the beginning and the end of the period during which it is observed. iwc.com |
海卓泰特 [...] Sweeney 品牌的推进器搬运工具用于松开和正 确 地 设 定 推进 器 轴 固 定 螺母和发动机止推轴承螺母的扭矩。 hydratight.com | Hydratight's Sweeney brand of Propeller [...] Handling Tools are used for loosening and correctly torquing propeller [...] shaft retaining nuts and engine thrust bearing nuts. hydratight.com |
为使牙科诊疗椅无障碍地准确到位, 轴 引 导系统在垂直方向的调整上必须既平滑又有刚性。 schaeffler.cn | In order to move dentists’ chairs without stick-slip into the correct position, the shaft guidance systems in the vertical adjustment mechanism must be both smooth and robust. schaeffler.us |
新型的 MS-JTL 将荣获专利的 Midsize (MS) 抓斗与经过现场验证的和荣获专利的轴颈车床 (JTL) 的最佳功能相结合,从而提供能够准确、一 致 地 加 工 轴 顶 和其它圆形表面的精密加工工具。 hydratight.com | The MS-JTL combines the best features from our patented Midsize (MS) Clamshell and the field-proven and patented journal [...] turning lathe (JTL) to give [...] a precision machining tool that performs accurate and consistent machining of bearing journals and other [...]round surfaces. hydratight.com |
如果每个轴承都被准确地组合,这种 轴 承 配 置可以实现很高的精 度。 schaeffler.com | If the individual bearings are correctly combined, this bearing arrangement [...] allows the very highest accuracy to be achieved. schaeffler.com |
轴承材料与轴相接触,为保证满足使用寿命要求的轴承材料必须具有低摩擦特性,从而最大程 度 地 降 低 对 轴 和 轴 衬 套 的磨损。 tss.trelleborg.com | The bearing material is in contact with the shaft and to ensure acceptable bearing life materials must exhibit low friction properties to minimize wear on the shaft and its liner. tss.trelleborg.com |
3例 如,Ushahidi平台技术最初主要是由几名肯尼亚人在他们的国家 2007-2008 年选 举后发生暴力行为时开发的,可以让用户使用短信、智能电话应用、Twitter、 电邮或网络提交关于侵犯人权事件的报告,诸如某个侵犯人权事件的时间、地点、 性质等信息,以及图片和视频片段,然后可 以 地 理 标 签方式 在 地 图 上 或时 间 轴上 标出。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ushahidi platform, for example, originally developed largely by Kenyans during their country’s 2007-2008 post-election violence, allows users to submit reports of human rights abuses by text message (SMS), smart phone application, Twitter, e-mail or the Web. daccess-ods.un.org |
本项目是为清华大学深圳研究生院设计的深海研究创新 基 地 , 位 于校园 主 轴 线 的 最东侧, 用 地 面 积2439平方米,毗邻清华大学研究生院主校门和大学城图书馆。 chinese-architects.com | The site is [...] located on the eastern end of the main axis of the campus with an area of 2439 [...]square meters. chinese-architects.com |
上图垂直坐标轴表示不同 地区人 均排放,而人口随水平坐标轴逐渐累加。 undpcc.org | The upper graph shows the emissions per capita for different [...] regions on the vertical axis, with the population [...]added along the horizontal axis. undpcc.org |
Graco VFD 软件模仿凸轮轴的效果,不断地调整发动机速度使流体 流量保持稳定并取得最小压力变化。 graco.com | The Graco VFD software [...] mimics the effect of a camshaft, constantly adjusting [...]motor speed to keep steady fluid flow and achieve minimal pressure variation. graco.com |
该区域安置了 600 名在建设“杜阿拉-雅温得重轴”以及 地 区 消防 安全学校(ERSI)后被驱逐的受害者。 daccess-ods.un.org | This zone accommodated 600 evictees subsequent to the construction of the Douala-Yaoundé main highway and the Regional Fire-Safety School (ERSI). daccess-ods.un.org |
该系列连接器在电缆接口处设计有同 轴 接 地 弹 簧 和六角压接套管保证屏蔽到外壳间完整可靠的信号传输。 neutrik.com.cn | This XLR features a coaxial ground spring and a coaxial hex crimp ferrule at the cable entrance for proper and reliable transition of the shield to the shell. neutrik.com |
可选件:油量控制阀,水或风冷却器,快速释放阀,输出皮带轮, 柔性和弹性联轴器,万向接轴,就地 控 制 柜。 transfluid.eu | Optionals: oil flow control valve water or air [...] heat exchanger, quick release valves, output pulley, flexible and elastic [...] couplings, cardan shafts, electric control board. transfluid.eu |
此外, 该国政府特别请求联刚特派团工程部队(一支工程部队已被作为新增能力部署) [...] 继续支助在东部——尤其是沿着该国政府“摆脱武装冲突地区稳定和重建计划” 确定的关键轴线地带— —扩大国家权力覆盖范围。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the Government has specifically requested that MONUC engineer units, one of which has been deployed as part of the additional capabilities, continue to support the [...] extension of State authority in the east, [...] particularly along key axes identified in the [...]Government’s Stabilization and Reconstruction Plan. daccess-ods.un.org |
论坛将着重探讨该地区这一作为古老文化和经济联 系 轴 心 的 独特文化走 廊,这其中包含了该地区各 个国家和人民的物质与非物质文化及历史遗产,可以作为地区协 议和合作的框架。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The forum will focus [...] attention on the unique cultural corridors in the region, which are axes of age-old cultural and economic links that include the tangible [...]and intangible [...]cultural and historical heritage of the countries and peoples and may serve as a framework for regional accords and cooperation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在安装传动轴时必须注意待连接的轴 端 应准 确 地 排 成 一条直线。 highvolt.de | When mounting the drive shaft make sure that the shaft ends to be connected are aligned exactly. highvolt.de |
由于费用上升和延误是大型项目 [...] 的常见问题,因此还必须确定关键的途径和审查点,以更新费用和时 间 轴 , 从而 务实地评估 各种备选办法,然后再做出重要决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since cost escalation and delays are common in major projects, it is also important to identify critical paths [...] and review points for updating costs [...] and timelines so that options can be assessed on a [...]realistic basis before key decisions are taken. daccess-ods.un.org |
来自缅甸和泰国的上述第一个记录等等基于基南 3918(E)和马克斯韦尔90-149(钼), [...] respectively.Cardamine flexuosa是Brassicaceae的最易变的种之一, [...] 特别是茎方向,植株高度,毛被,花尺寸,总状花 序 轴 的 曲 折 地 前 进 的度的密度, 最戏剧性,数目,形状,尺寸,基部(无梗与),以及边缘的侧叶裂片。 flora.ac.cn | Cardamine flexuosa is one of the most variable species of Brassicaceae, especially in stem direction, plant height, density [...] of indumentum, flower size, degree of [...] zigzagging of the raceme rachis, orientation of fruiting [...]pedicels and, most dramatically, [...]number, shape, size, base (sessile vs. petiolulate), and margin of lateral leaf lobes. flora.ac.cn |
他们将托拉卷轴 扔在地上, 盗走教堂的电脑,据称他们还在墙上喷涂反犹太涂鸦,例如“犹太人 该死”、“犹太人滚出去”、“全都该死”和“以色列杀手”等字样。 daccess-ods.un.org | They threw [...] Torah scrolls on the floor, stole the synagogue’s computers and allegedly spray-painted the walls with anti-Semitic [...]graffiti, such as [...]“Damn the Jews”, “Jews out of here”, “Death to all” and “Israel assassins”. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的方案是在西夏人贺兰石上,用汉人制作砚台的手法,雕刻上伊斯兰的图案,这展示着历史的传承与多元文化的融合,切合规划展示馆在中阿 之 轴 起 点 的 地 理 位 置,以及银川作为中国通往阿拉伯世界桥梁的历史使命。 chinese-architects.com | It will become a landmark of the history as [...] evidence and will be the starting point of [...] the China and Arab Axis; furthermore, Yinchuan [...]as the historical mission of China's bridge to the Arab world. chinese-architects.com |
规格:发动机类型:四冲程,单缸,4气门SOCH,冷却:液体容积:493sm3发动机:32马力燃料系统:化油器三国- [...] Ctarter:电动/手动尺寸:2120h1170h1230mm 轴 距 12 90毫米, 离 地 间 隙 275毫米干重337千克,型前悬挂:独立制动器:前双/后单盘驻车制动:机械磁盘的传输:自动(CVT无级变速器),4种模式,H [...] [...]/ L / N / R,手动选择,+“停车”。 chinatrader.ru | Specifications:-Engine type: 4-stroke, single cylinder, 4 valve SOCH-Cooling: Liquid-Volume: 493sm3-Engine: 32 hp -Fuel system: Carburetor [...] Mikuni-Ctarter: electric / [...] manual-Dimensions: 2120h1170h1230mm-wheelbase 1290mm, Ground Clearance [...]275 mm Dry weight 337kg,-type [...]front suspension: independent-Brakes: front dual-/ rear-single-disk parking brake: mechanical , disk-Transmission: Automatic (CVT CVT), 4 modes, H / L / N / R, with manual selection, + "parking". chinatrader.ru |