

单词 地裂



heaven falls and earth rends (idiom); rocked by a major disaster
fig. violent revolution
major social upheaval

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

3 在悬崖或河边等地时 因为悬崖和河边附近容易发地裂, 所以请立刻去较远的地方。
3 If you are on a cliff or riverbank Get away as quickly as possible because the ground in these areas is particularly unstable during an earthquake.
裁军审议委员会必须发出强烈的信息,支持裁军 谈判会议毫不拖地就裂变材料禁产条约展开谈判。
The Disarmament Commission must send a strong message of support to the Conference on Disarmament to commence negotiations on an FMCT without delay.
[...] 用来招募、集结、资助、训练和转运雇佣军,使其不能阴谋策划,阻碍人民行使 自决权,动摇或推翻某国政府,或全部或部 地 割 裂 或 损 害遵循人民自决权利的 独立主权国家的领土完整或政治统一
Urges once again all States to take the steps necessary and to exercise the utmost vigilance against the menace posed by the activities of mercenaries and to take legislative measures to ensure that their territories and other territories under their control, as well as their nationals, are not used for the recruitment, assembl y, financing, training and transit of mercenaries for the planning of activities designed to impede the right of peoples to self-determination, to destabilize or overthrow the Government of
any State or to dismember or
[...] impair, totally or in part, the territorial integrity or political [...]
unity of sovereign and independent
States conducting themselves in compliance with the right of peoples to self-determination
在这方面,他呼吁立即停 止定居点建设,并采取行动防止巴勒斯坦居民的社 会、经济地理分裂。
In that connection, he called for an immediate end to
settlement building and action to prevent the social, economic and
[...] geographical fragmentation of the Palestinian [...]
在这方面,我国代表团谨重申《全 面禁止核试验条约》早日生效和毫不拖 地 尽 早 就裂 变材料禁产条约开始谈判非常重要。
In this regard, my delegation would like
to reiterate the
[...] importance of an entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and the early commencement of negotiations on a fissile material cut-off [...]
treaty without further delay.
用于修复使用博纳 R400 和 R405 粘结的砂地板上的裂缝。
For crack renovation in the screed [...]
in connection with Bona R400 and R405.
国民大会党(NCP)还没有解决苏丹长年冲突的根源,却已然加剧了民族 地 区 分 裂。
The National Congress Party (NCP) has not addressed the root causes of Sudan’s chronic conflicts and has exacerbated ethnic and regional divisions.
在耶路撒冷城,“尊贵禁地”下面的挖掘活动仍在 进行,现有的定居点正在扩大,并且正在建设更多 的定居点,尽管国际法院提出了咨询意见,但种族 主义隔离墙已延伸到 200 多公里,穿过西岸城镇和 村庄及耶路撒冷周围,把巴勒斯坦 地 区 分 裂 为一个个孤立的小行政区,使得有望建立的有生存能力 的巴勒斯坦国变得不可能。
In the City of Jerusalem, excavations were still continuing under Al-Haram Al-Sharif, existing settlements were being extended and more were being constructed and, despite the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, the racist separation wall had been extended by over 200 kilometres, passing through West Bank towns and villages and around Jerusalem, turning parts of Palestine into small isolated cantons which made it impossible for a viable Palestinian State to be established.
纱的结构,地及抗撕裂性:这些及其他更多的特性 都经过综合分析—其重要性与日俱增。
The structure of the yarn, its texture and tear-resistance: these and many more properties are comprehensively analysed – with sustainable value added.
( 例如咨询委员会的随后参与)可
[...] 有助于实现裁谈会的变革――在我们看来,这种变革是势在必行的。裁谈会在实 质地处理裂变材 料和其议程上的其他主要国际问题方面的持续性失能,不仅仅 [...]
也损害了像我国这样的小国的利益,对于这些国家而言,多边解决办法,特别是 关于裁军、不扩散和军备控制问题的多边解决办法,是与国家安全高度相关的问 题。
The continuing failure of this Conference to deal in a
[...] substantive way with fissile material and other [...]
major international issues on its agenda
is not simply a wasteful use of resources in times of financial stringency and competing economic needs; far more significantly, it also compromises the interests of small countries like my own, for whom multilateral solutions, especially on issues of disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control, are matters of high national security.
[...] 似局面,世界那时候将很快发现,科索沃片面宣布独 立所引发的急流已经失控,变为在世界 地 泛 滥裂洪流
But we also know that, tomorrow, some other country might find itself in a similar situation, and that the world would then rapidly
discover that the rushing river let loose by Kosovo’s UDI had become an
[...] uncontrolled cascade of secession across the world.
[...] 面,支持在原子能机构范围内制订具有法律约束力的适当核查安排,确保在 核武器和其他核爆炸装置中不可逆 地 消 除 核 裂 变 材 料。
To support, consistent with the principles of irreversibility and verification and in furthering the establishment of safeguarded worldwide nuclear disarmament, the development of appropriate legally binding verification arrangements,
within the context of IAEA, to ensure the
[...] irreversible removal of fissile material from [...]
nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
如果箱子从某个特定的高度掉落(例如吊具 裂 ) 或失 控 地 直 接 落下,无论重 量为多少,都应考虑损坏程度。
If a crate falls from a particular
[...] height (e.g. when slings tear) or experiences an unbroken [...]
fall, damage must be expected regardless of the weight.
行动20:鼓励所有国家在原子能机构范围内制订具有法律约束力的适当 核查安排,确保在全球的核武器和其他核爆炸装置中不可逆 地 消 除核 裂变材料。
Action 20: All States are encouraged to support the development of appropriate legally binding verification arrangements,
within the context of IAEA, to ensure the
[...] irreversible removal of fissile material from [...]
nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices worldwide.
APEXPE、APEXHP和HiPoint被公认为是各自领域的领导者,将三者的技术实力与SIGMA3目前在地球建模、油藏地球物理学 地 质 灾害 / 地 压 及 连续 裂 建 模 方面的实力相结合,形成完善的路线图计划,能够为客户提供独一无二的价值主张。
APEXPE, APEXHP, and HiPoint are recognized leaders in their respective fields, and the combination of their technology and capabilities with the Earth Modeling,
Reservoir Geophysics, Geohazards/
[...] Geopressure, and Continuous Fracture Modeling capabilities of today's [...]
SIGMA3, creates an integrated
roadmap to drive a unique value proposition for its clients.
Tiraspol 政权迫害的人提供援助。上世纪90 年代初以违反宪法方 式在摩尔多瓦共和国德涅斯地区出 现的 裂 主 义政权为在全国 地 落 实人权造 成了严重障碍和困难,其中包括执行摩尔多瓦共和国为缔约国的各项国际公约。
The existence of the secessionist regime established in the early 90s of the last century by unconstitutional means in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova creates serious obstacles and difficulties in the enforcement of human rights throughout the country, including international conventions to which the Republic of Moldova is party.
虽然包括联合国主要机关在内的国际社会一直承认,是亚美尼亚发动了战 争,攻击并占领阿塞拜疆领土,包括 Daghlyq Garabagh(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)地 区,开展大规模的种族清洗,在战争期间犯下其他骇人听闻的罪行,在被占领的 阿塞拜疆境内成立了同族裔人组成的附庸 裂 实 体 ;奇怪的是,亚美尼亚的宣传 机器继续把对阿塞拜疆的侵略说成是“纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民和平要求行使其 自决权,是符合宪法的要求”。
Whereas it has been internationally recognized, including by the principal organs of the United Nations, that Armenia unleashed the war, attacked Azerbaijan and occupied its territories, including the Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) region, carried out ethnic cleansing on a massive scale,
perpetrated other
[...] heinous crimes in the course of the war and established the ethnically constructed subordinate separatist entity on the captured Azerbaijani territory, it is curious that Armenian propaganda continues [...]
to qualify the aggression
against Azerbaijan as “a peaceful and constitutional demand of the Nagorno Karabakh people to exercise its right to self-determination”.
其中 若干团体及其裂派别同基地组织 及阿富汗和巴基斯坦的塔利班建立了联系。
Several of
[...] these groups and their splinters have established links [...]
with Al-Qaida and the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban.
尽管非洲联盟-联合国联合调解支助小组 自 2006
[...] 支持通过谈判实现和平的努力仍然令人沮丧,因为达尔富尔各武装运动四分裂,而且实地军事 行动持续不断,使得更多平民流离失所和遭受痛苦,进一步削 [...]
In spite of the best efforts of the African Union-United Nations Joint Mediation, since the Darfur Peace Agreement of 2006, attempts to generate broader buy-in
for a negotiated peace have remained
[...] frustrated by the fragmentation of Darfur’s armed [...]
movements and by ongoing military
operations on the ground, which have caused additional displacement and suffering among the civilian population and further undermined trust between the parties and exacerbated their intransigence with regard to the peace negotiations.
Pumbedita是同样的那解释和批评形成的巴比伦犹太法典的特点halakic通道诡辩和头发 裂 法 出生 的 地 方 , 虽然这个学院的学者潜心也给了tannaitic传统的收藏研究;并在第四世纪初的两个运动的代表,“西奈”约瑟夫和拉巴,有“山uprooter,”犹大成功自己的主人,成为学校的董事。
Pumbedita was likewise the birth-place of that casuistic and hair-splitting method of interpreting and criticizing halakic passages which forms
the special
[...] characteristic of the Babylonian Talmud, although [...]
the scholars of this academy devoted themselves also to the
study of the collections of tannaitic traditions; and at the beginning of the fourth century the representatives of the two movements, "Sinai" Joseph and Rabbah, the "uprooter of mountains," succeeded their master Judah and became the directors of the school.
学校的宗教气氛需要全校教职员工的参与和塑造,不能 裂地 由 单 一学科的教师负责。
There is a need for all the teaching and [...]
non-teaching staff of a school to join in to create a religious atmosphere.
在最近于本会议厅就中东问题举行的辩论会期 间(见 S/PV.6484),我们多数人对巴以直接谈判裂 及其对该地区和平的影响表示了痛心。
During the most recent debate on the Middle East in this Chamber (see S/PV.6484), most of us lamented the breakdown of Palestine-Israel direct negotiations and its implications for peace in the region.
[...] 量、和谐和理想的来源,文化多样性是民族凝聚的基础,不得用以制造 裂 ,苏 丹的所地方语 言都是需要得到发展和促进的民族语言。
The Constitution makes no provision for an official State religion, asserting that the Sudan is an all-embracing homeland where religions and cultures are sources of strength, harmony and inspiration, that cultural diversity is the basis of national cohesion and may
not be used to create division,
[...] and that all the indigenous languages of the Sudan are national [...]
languages that must be developed and promoted.
所以,待條例草案落實後,當局執法時如能令受影響的業主(特別 是多層大廈的業主)可以在合理時間內,一併處理所有相關問題,而 不是裂地今天處理A問題,3個月後處理B問題,半年後再處理C問 題,對居民來說,可能會是一項德政。
In enforcing the legislation after the implementation of the Bill, if the authorities can allow the affected owners (especially owners of multi-storey buildings) to address all the problems within a reasonable time, instead of asking the residents to deal with problem A today, problem B three months later and problem C half a year later, the residents may be thankful for this benevolent act.
[...] 其中之一是,我们正在实施一个项目,以通过综合防 治害虫的方案,消灭来自埃塞俄比亚南部 裂 谷 地区 的舌蝇。
Among the various areas where we have technical cooperation with the Agency is an
ongoing project to eradicate the tsetse fly
[...] from the Southern Rift Valley region of [...]
Ethiopia through an integrated pest management approach.
[...] 感染这一流行病的主要因素包括:贫穷、边缘化、缺乏政治或社会权力、家庭和 社区关系裂、地域偏 远、识字率低、总体健康状况不良、获得保健服务的机会 有限和使用毒品。
There are key factors that render indigenous peoples acutely vulnerable to this epidemic: poverty,
marginalization, lack of political
[...] or social power, fragmentation of family and community relationships, [...]
geographical isolation,
low literacy rates, poor general health, limited access to health care and drug use.
巴勒斯坦重申,这些非法行动裂巴 勒 斯坦 地 和 社会,严重损害两国解决 方案的可行性,国际社会必须继续谴责这些行动,必须继续不接受产生的任何变 化。
We reiterate that these illegal
[...] actions are fragmenting Palestinian land and society and [...]
gravely impairing the viability
of the two-State solution, that they must continue to be condemned by the international community, and that any changes effected must continue to be rejected by the international community.
政教合一的政治裂,导致许地方 的 法院和权力中心,这也鼓励科学和哲学的发展,以及诗歌,散文,艺术,和建筑的出现。
The political fragmentation of the caliphate led to the emergence of many local courts and centers of power, which also encouraged the development of science and philosophy as well as poetry and prose, art, and architecture.
我見過司長後 , 又 再 收 到市民 的 意見, 他 們表示一 定要告知 曾蔭權司長,他一定要清清楚楚交代他 收 到 香港人 的 甚麼意見, 如 果特區政 府當時 有自己 的 立 場便更 要 交代,
[...] [...] 全部要一清二 楚 的 , 而 不可就這 樣 在 12 項 問 題 裏 , 每 處 撮錄一 句 , 有 些 斷 章 取 義 , 有 些 很裂地 接 收 , 我 覺得這是不可取 的 做 法,更 甚 的是, 如果你 說的是這 12 項 範 圍 以外的, 可 能 會 完 全 跌 [...]
落 地 上 。
Here is something worse still. If what one says is beyond the scope of the 12 items, it is likely for it to drop to the ground entirely.
儘 管 本 集 團 已 於 武 漢 陽 邏 港 項 目 開 始 時 獲 中 國 合 營 夥 伴( 為 武 漢 市 政 府 機 關 )授 予 發 展 武 漢 陽 邏 港 第 二 期 的 優先權 , 且 於 二 零零五 年 訂 立 一份綱 要 性 協 議( 連 同 於 二 零零七 年 四 月 簽 署 的 補 充 協 議 )並 獲 中 央 政 府 於 隨 後 批 准 相 關 發 展 計 劃 , 令 本 集 團 持 有 第 二 期 發 展 項 目的 44 % 股 權 及 由 武 漢 陽 邏 港 兩 間 中 國 合 營 夥 伴 持 有 其 餘 權 益 , 惟 就 合 資 合同條 款 的 磋 商 最 終裂 , 導 致 本 集 團 未 能 如 願 參 與 該 項 目的開 發 。
Despite the Group having been granted the right of first refusal for the development of Phase II of the WIT Port by the PRC joint venture partners who are Wuhan government agencies at inception of the WIT project, the signing of the Heads of Agreement in 2005 (together with a supplemental agreement in April 2007) and the subsequent approval of the development plan by the Central Government for the Group to take a 44% equity interest in the Phase II development with the rest of the interest to be taken up by the two PRC Joint Venture partners of WIT, negotiations of the terms of the joint venture agreement have grinded to a halt resulting in the Group not being able to participate in the development of the project as intended.




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