单词 | 闲置 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 闲置 —set asideless common: lying idle • leave sth forgotten Examples:(机器)闲置的 adj—idle adj See also:闲—free time • be unoccupied • enclosure • unoccupied • stay idle • not busy
项目厅在其报告 A/63/5/Add.10 第 278 段中同意审计委员会重申的关于考 虑把闲置资产 转让给另一个可以使用这些资产的办事处或将其处置的建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 278 of its report A/63/5/Add.10, UNOPS agreed with the Board’s reiterated recommendation to [...] consider alternative [...] arrangements for idle assets, by either transferring assets to another office where they can be [...]utilized or disposing of them. daccess-ods.un.org |
土地部还在解决历史遗留 的沿海地区房客租期不定和擅自占用空房等问题,盘点 了 闲置 土 地 ,擅自占用严 重的土地,以及房客租期不定的土地。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministry of Lands is also currently addressing the historical coastal land issues of tenants-at-will and squatters, by [...] taking an inventory of land that [...] is either idle, heavily squatted on or where members of the [...]public are tenants-at-will. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果是 “DISABLE”状态,该通道将保持闲置, 不 管 对该通道输入任何值,同时,该通道的输出被 锁定,与之相连的输入信号也不显示。 jetline.com | If disabled, the outputs for that channel are not activated and associated input signals are not monitored. jetline.com |
外勤特派团的闲置纪录 储存在新泽西的一个商业记录设施内,因此请求继 续保留 P-2 职等的一般临时职位。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is therefore requested that the general temporary assistance position be continued at the P-2 level. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告中可能还会提及相关信息,如房 间 闲置 的 时 间长短,当 前的市场租金,和以往获得的租金。 remminternational.com | This report may provide the following information regarding the unit: number of days vacant, current market rent, and historical rent obtained. remminternational.com |
2010 年下半年的 情况不再那么令人乐观,原因是闲置 生 产 力已经用完,公共开支削减和该区域一 [...] 些国家的货币大幅升值。 daccess-ods.un.org | The scenario in the second half of [...] 2010 was less optimistic, brought about by [...] exhaustion of idle production capacity, [...]public spending cuts and strong appreciation [...]of the currencies of some countries of the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是长期闲置后重 新启用时,要对动作状况进行检查确认。 kosmek.co.jp | In particular, if the equipment is not used for a long period of time, when it is used again for the first time make sure that it operates properly. kosmek.co.jp |
8在发 展中国家,基础设施不足是个重要的问题,可能意味着即使是低价药品也 被 闲置 或 误 用,并 导致对药品有抵抗力的病原体或病毒产生。 iprcommission.org | Even so the cost of drugs is a controversial political issue in developed countries, for governments and for patients not covered by effective state or insurance schemes.8 In developing countries, inadequacy of the infrastructure is an important problem, and may mean that even inexpensive medicines are not used, or that they may be misused and contribute to the emergence of drug resistant pathogens or a virus. iprcommission.org |
在正常操作中,如 [...] 果扫描站在使用过后保持一分钟的 闲置 时 间 ,警告画面将会显示并询问用 [...] 户是否要将所有的扫描站设置恢复为默认状态。 graphics.kodak.com | In normal operation, after a Scan Station has been used [...] and has remained idle for one minute, [...]a warning screen will be displayed asking [...]the user if they want to reset all Scan Station settings to the default state. graphics.kodak.com |
处理闲置 土 地的措 施:迄今,柬埔寨王国政府重视 用来 [...] 转售的 土 地和有 权 势 官员占 有 土 地的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Measures taken to [...] deal with unused lands: So [...]far the Royal Government of Cambodia has paid attention to land bought for [...]resold and land grasp by some powerful officials. daccess-ods.un.org |
天主教末世的优势在于一个事实,即没有自称回答每个问题 , 闲置 的 好奇心可能表明,它给一个明确的,一贯的,所有需要,目前已知,或能在赢利的理解,对于满足声明的永恒生死问题对于我们每个个人,以及宇宙的一部分,我们是最后的圆满。 mb-soft.com | The superiority of Catholic eschatology consists in the [...] fact that, without professing to answer every [...] question that idle curiosity may [...]suggest, it gives a clear, consistent, satisfying [...]statement of all that need at present be known, or can profitably be understood, regarding the eternal issues of life and death for each of us personally, and the final consummation of the cosmos of which we are a part. mb-soft.com |
“耕地管理”是指在种植农作物的土地上以及 在 闲置 和 暂 时未用于 作物生产的土地上使用的一套做法 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) “Cropland management” is the system of practices on land on which agricultural crops are grown and on land that is set aside or temporarily not being used for crop production daccess-ods.un.org |
如果喷枪闲置的时 间将超过四周,请冲洗喷枪。 graco.com | If the gun will not be used for [...] longer than four weeks, flush the gun. graco.com |
只要将这项提议限制在仅 用“闲置”特 别提款权作为杠杆则风险是有限的,这与相当多国家现行的做法相 [...] 似:把多余的外汇储备金移入主权基金,而主权基金内具体资产的流动性和风险 将决定这些资产是否仍然归类为储备金。 daccess-ods.un.org | The risks may be limited as long as the proposal is restricted [...] to leveraging “idle” SDRs, which is [...]similar to the existing practice of a fair [...]number of countries of moving excess foreign currency reserves into sovereign wealth funds, where the liquidity and risk characteristics of specific assets in the fund determine whether or not those assets still qualify as reserve holdings. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果喷码机闲置了一段时间,例如 闲置 了 一 个周 末,就特别容易发生这种情况。 uptime.videojet.com | This is especially true if the printer has been idle for a period of time – for example, over the weekend. uptime.videojet.com |
除了级联效应,艾默生网络能源也量化了“反向”级联效应——由 “ 闲置 而 无 法使用的”容量所浪费的总体能源。 emerson.com | In addition to the cascade effect, Emerson Network Power has quantified the “reverse” cascade effect: the total energy wasted by stranded capacity. emerson.com |
特别是长期闲置后重 新启用时,更应对动作状况进行检查 确认。 kosmek.co.jp | Especially when it is restarted after left unused for a long period, make sure it can be operated correctly. kosmek.co.jp |
商业和生产上的困难令公司的经营复杂化,兰博基尼的管理层必须向外寻求合作,以更好地利用设备——由于销量下降,大量设备处 于 闲置 状 态。 lamborghini.com | The commercial and production difficulties were complicating the life of the company, leading the head of Lamborghini to [...] seek outside collaboration in order to make better use of the equipment that, due to dropping [...] sales, largely remained idle. lamborghini.com |
结果,在批准之时还具有可行性 [...] 的项目突然失去了可行性,核准资金也在危机中 被 闲置 起 来 ,有的最终变得不再充足,因 为一些项目的采购必须重新开始。 multilateralfund.org | Thus projects that were viable at time of [...] approval suddenly lost their viability and [...] approved funds became idle in the midst of [...]the economic crises and eventually sometimes [...]becoming inadequate as procurement of some items had to restart. multilateralfund.org |
(b) 供资及回收和再循环设备的采购活动远远超过了可回收和可再循环制冷剂的 数量,从而导致装置闲置 multilateralfund.org | (b) Funding and procurement of R&R equipment far exceeding the quantities of recoverable and recyclable refrigerants [...] which resulted in idle units multilateralfund.org |
同时还需有一个与 SATA 电源连接口相连的闲置电源引线。 seagate.com | You'll also need a free power lead fitted with [...] a SATA power connector. seagate.com |
闲置时关 闭,节省能源成本,防止材料碳化 graco.com | Inactivity shutoff saves energy costs and prevents material charring graco.com |
如果您的电脑被闲置超过 20分钟,系统即会自动退出,以防止被未经授权人士擅自使用。 hangseng.com.cn | If your computer is left idle for more than [...] 20 minutes, the system will automatically log off to prevent any unauthorized access. hangseng.com.cn |
中国20 - 40% [...] 风电装机容量由于无法接入电网和产能过剩而出 现 闲置( 据上海电力集团公司统计)。 australiachina.com.au | Some 20–40 per cent of China’s installed wind [...] capacity sits idle due to failure [...]to connect to the grid and over capacity (according [...]to Shanghai Electric Group Corporation). australiachina.com.au |
其他引 发冲突的问题包括:对成本和收费方面的争议;在无供水时支付与基础设施相关的费 用;水交易造成基础设施闲置;拒 绝缴纳灌溉公司征收的费用;影响区域内社区健康 发展的水交易;可以从灌溉者手中购买环境水量的条件;从农村向城市调水;跨州界 发电用水等。 wrdmap.org | Other issues creating conflict include: disputes over costing and pricing; paying for infrastructure when no water is delivered; effects of trading on stranded infrastructure; exit fees imposed by irrigation corporations; effects of trading on health of regional communities; conditions under which environmental water might be purchased from irrigators; rural to urban transfers; and use of water for electricity generation across state borders. wrdmap.org |
这些部门也是非技术性就业的来源, 因此能够利用否则可能被海盗头子利用 的 闲置 人 口。 daccess-ods.un.org | These sectors are also sources [...] of unskilled employment and, therefore able to [...] harness the idle population that [...]could otherwise be exploited by the pirate leaders. daccess-ods.un.org |
税 率 为 每 平方米 地 价 的 2%,该值每年由闲置土地 评估委员会确定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The tax computation is 2 per cent of the land price/square meter as [...] determined annually by unused land evaluation [...]committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
那些在不同制度、不同时代或者不同规划理念之间牵扯挣扎而无法整合之地,那些与城市转型过程相关的被遗弃、 被 闲置 或 正 处于变迁之中的地方,都是柏林空间实验室的实验现场。 shanghaibiennale.org | Places torn between different systems, time periods or planning ideologies, that cannot adapt. shanghaibiennale.org |
在执行土地法律与政策方面,政府集中精力巩固土地管理、分配和使用制 [...] 度,加强土地所有权和土地权安全,根除非法侵占土地,防止集 中 闲置 土 地 与非 生产性的土地。 daccess-ods.un.org | In implementing the land law and policies, the Government was focusing on strengthening the system of land management, distribution and use, land ownership, land [...] rights security and eradication of illegal encroachment, and preventing the [...] concentration of unused and unproductive lands. daccess-ods.un.org |