单词 | 近端胞浆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 近端胞浆 —proximal cytoplasmSee also:近端 adj—proximal adj 胞浆—cytoplasm
胞 质中分泌颗粒分为四种,细胞基部的颗粒电子密度很高,中部有巨大颗粒 , 近 细 胞 游 离 端 的 大、中、小分泌颗粒可连同胞质一起排放入腺管腔。 actazool.org | There were four kinds of secretory granules in the cytoplasma granules high electron density in the base of cell, macro granules in the middle, large and small granules which could release [...] into glandulous tube together [...] with cytoplasma near by the free end; skein cells were simillar [...]to triangle and there are [...]blood cells and capillary cave seen in the hepatical interstice. actazool.org |
核前端几乎无细胞质存在,核膜紧密 靠 近 细 胞 质 膜 ,而在核的 后 端 有 少量细胞质存在。 actazool.org | At the caudal-lateral end of the nucleus there is a shallow nuclear fossa, which partly holds the centriolar complex. actazool.org |
BeoLab 12 的低音單體配置於揚聲器後方,利用 貼 近 的 牆面提供令人激賞的低頻強化效果。 bang-olufsen.com | The woofers of BeoLab 12 are placed at the back of the speakers, using the wall to increase the already impressive bass performance. bang-olufsen.com |
在西九文化區東端接近廣東 道的地方則容許有若干彈 性,以便興建樓宇進行商業、辦公室和酒店發展,作為西九文 [...] 化區的入口門廊。 legco.gov.hk | Flexibility was allowed [...] at the eastern end close to Canton Road [...]which was for commercial, office and hotel development serving as the gateway entrance. legco.gov.hk |
將網路 纜線另一端插入牆上的網路連接埠。 lifesize.com | Insert the opposite end of the network [...] cable into a network port on the wall. lifesize.com |
(iii) 生物样本:任何含有核酸并包含个人特有基因构成的生物物质(如血液、皮肤和 骨细胞或血浆)的样本。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (iii) Biological samples: Any sample of biological material (for example blood, skin and bone cells or blood plasma) in which nucleic acids are present and which contains the characteristic genetic make-up of an individual. unesdoc.unesco.org |
抗体是由浆细胞产生 的,对保护身体不受细菌,病毒等的侵入起着重要的作用。 tohoku.ac.jp | Antibodies [...] are secreted from plasma cells and play [...]an important role to protect the body against bacteria and viruses. tohoku.ac.jp |
請委員注意,根據原訂的工地範圍,工程計劃中的大樓的外牆與 朗景臺的圍牆只有在地面的中央部分長約 1 米的位置相距最為接近, 但大樓的外牆與最接近的朗 景臺住宅大樓會相距 11 米至 18 米不等, 而有關距離會於大樓的南北兩端逐漸 增加( 附錄 2)。 legco.gov.hk | Members may wish to note that, based on the original site boundary, the closest distance between the external wall of the project building and the fence wall of Crystal Park in the middle portion of the ground level has a length of about one metre only, while the distance between the external wall of the project building and the nearest residential blocks of Crystal Park will be 11 to 18 metres. legco.gov.hk |
注:为减少天花板可能发出的嗡嗡或嘎啦声响, 可在扬声器开孔邻近的板 牆筋和石膏水泥板间使 用些泥胶。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Note: To reduce the possibility of the ceiling [...] buzzing or rattling, adhesive mastic can be applied between the studs and [...] sheetrock in the vicinity of the speaker [...]aperture. bowers-wilkins.eu |
常规的抗体或者是完整大小的抗体是被称为免疫球蛋白的糖蛋白,其 是 浆 细 胞 对 外来分子或者抗原反应后产生的。 labome.cn | Conventional or full size antibodies are glycoproteins called immunoglobulins that are produced by plasma cells in response to a foreign molecule or immunogen. labome.com |
世界各国领导人保证不遗余力地把我 们的男、女和儿童同胞,从极端贫困的悲惨和非人化 条件下解放出来。 daccess-ods.un.org | The world’s leaders promised to [...] spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and [...] dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
本校医学院细胞生物学讲座生物化学专攻的武藤哲彦讲师、五十岚和彦教授的研究小组,与本校国际高等研究教育机构、广岛大学原子弹放射线医学研究所等小组合作,把转录因子Bach2和Blimp-1基因结合,发现通过控制这一结合能抑 制 浆 细 胞 的 分化和抗体的产生。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by Professor Kazuhiko Igarashi and Senior Assistant Professor Akihiko Muto at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine discovered that Bach2, a transcription factor, represses Blimp-1gene to inhibit plasma cell differentiation and to promote antibody class switch. tohoku.ac.jp |
荷李活道及城皇街沿路有很多石牆樹, 而 近 鴨巴 甸街入口亦有一棵成年大樹。 legco.gov.hk | There are a number of wall trees at the site along Hollywood Road and Shing Wong Street. legco.gov.hk |
堅尼地城站會設於堅尼地城游泳池現址,而非原來的建議選址,即科 士街附近有珍貴樹牆的地點。 legco.gov.hk | Kennedy Town Station will be located at the existing KTSP, instead of the [...] original proposal near Forbes Street where [...]there are precious tree walls. legco.gov.hk |
在考察期間,我們看到有些焚化爐根本是非常受歡迎的旅遊 點,而居民的房屋非常接近焚化 爐的圍牆。 legco.gov.hk | During the visit, we noticed that some incinerators were [...] actually highly popular tourist spots, and residential buildings were [...] located quite close to the walls [...]of the incinerators. legco.gov.hk |
浆细胞由B淋 巴细胞分化形成,转录因子Blimp-1促 进 浆 细 胞 的 分 化。 tohoku.ac.jp | Plasma cells differentiate from B-lymphocytes promoted by Blimp-1, a master regulatory factor. tohoku.ac.jp |
本研究应用透射电子显微镜研究了扩张莫尼茨绦虫原肾管的细胞学特征,莫尼茨绦虫原肾管的焰茎球为一个过滤器结构,类似于“挡河坝”样构造,此构造 由 端 细 胞 和 近 管 细胞外突形成的肋条(或称杆)相互交错排列而成。 actazool.org | The flame bulb of M. expansa has a filtration apparatus constructed [...] as a “weir”and consisting of ribs (rods) which are outgrowths of the [...] terminal cell as well as the proximal canal cells. actazool.org |
由于附近的制浆厂可 以为纸厂输送蒸汽和电力,因此也无需投资建立发电厂。 voith.com | Due to the nearby pulp mill supplying [...] the paper machine with steam and power, it was not necessary to invest in a power plant. voith.com |
建築署工程策劃總監3回覆 [...] 時表示,該圖則只顯示工程計劃的大樓外牆 附 近的 範 圍,而不是工程計劃的大樓與朗景臺住宅大樓之 [...]間的實際距離。 legco.gov.hk | PD3, Arch SD replied that the drawing only [...] showed the area near the external [...]wall of the project building, and not the exact [...]distance between the project building and the residential blocks of Crystal Park. legco.gov.hk |
CALU-3细胞,来自一个人支气管腺癌,是研 究 近端 呼 吸 道上皮 细 胞 的 响应呼吸侮辱1,药理化合物2-6,和7-9的细菌和病毒病原体的,包括流感病毒,鼻病毒的替代模式与严重急性呼吸系统综合症-相关的冠状10-14。 jove.com | Calu-3 cells, derived from a human bronchial adenocarcinoma, [...] are an alternative model for [...] examining the response of proximal airway epithelial cells [...]to respiratory insult1, pharmacological [...]compounds2-6, and bacterial7-9 and viral pathogens, including influenza virus, rhinovirus and severe acute respiratory syndrome - associated coronavirus10-14. jove.com |
LED 綠燈閃爍 > 從牆上取下終端機 > 鬆開防拆開關 > 這可能觸動關聯警報 > 等 候 30 秒 > 按下並鬆開防拆開關,連做 3 次 > 終端機將“嗶嗶嗶”響 3 聲 > 終 端機即重設為原廠設定 。 fingertec.com | Green LED light blinks [...] > Detach the terminal from the wall > Release tamper switch > This might trigger a connected alarm > Wait 30 sec > press and release the tamper switch 3 times > The terminal will emit 3 beep sounds > the terminal will then [...]reset to its default factory settings FingerTec terminals offer several connections for power and communications. fingertec.com |
与单腔扩 [...] 张器的功能相同,它还可以用于动脉切开术中的导管鞘插入以及解剖过程中的导管鞘 远 端 与 近端 重 置。 endologix.com | It may also be used for purposes of repositioning the introducer [...] sheath distally or proximally within the anatomy. endologix.com |
他請委員參閱FCR(2009-10)51 附錄2,以及他帶來會議的一幅圖則,他解釋,工 程計劃的大樓最接近朗景 臺地面圍牆的該部分長 約 1米,而大樓外牆與最接近的朗 景臺住宅大樓則 分別實際相距11米和18米。 legco.gov.hk | Referring members to Annex 2 of FCR(2009-10)51 and a drawing he brought to the meeting, he explained that [...] the portion of the [...] project building closest to the fence wall of Crystal Park at ground level was about one metre in length while the distance between the external wall of the project building and the nearest residential [...]blocks of Crystal Park [...]was actually 11 and 18 metres respectively. legco.gov.hk |
(一 ) 就曾灶財先生在公共地方留下的墨蹟,我們現已發現的地點包 括位於翠屏邨佳廉道的外牆、觀塘道( 近 坪 石邨)兩個電箱、 尖沙咀天星碼頭石屎柱及坪石邨附近 燈 柱。 legco.gov.hk | (a) We have found Mr TSANG Tsou-choi's ink writing in the following public places: a fencing wall at Kai Lim Road in Tsui Ping Estate, [...] two electricity boxes [...] at Kwun Tong Road (near Ping Shek Estate), a concrete pillar at Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier and a lamp post near Ping Shek Estate. legco.gov.hk |
考虑到及早开始抗逆转录病毒治疗的临床效益,2009 年,世卫组织公布了新的治疗准则,建议在患者 CD4 细胞数降到低于 [...] 350 个/mm3 时即开始治疗,而不是等到 CD4 细胞数接近或低于 200 个/mm3 时才开始治疗。 daccess-ods.un.org | Taking into account evidence regarding the clinical benefits of the earlier initiation of antiretroviral therapy, WHO in 2009 announced new treatment guidelines that recommend starting therapy once a [...] patient’s CD4 count falls below 350 cells/mm3, rather than waiting until [...] the CD4 count approaches or drops below 200 cells/mm3. daccess-ods.un.org |